예제 #1
// $tweet_fg
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// $tweet_shell_bg
// $tweet_shell_fg
// $tweet_link_fg
// Pull any parameters
$tweet_fg = block_getParameter('tweet_fg', "#000000");
$tweet_bg = block_getParameter('tweet_bg', "#FFFFFF");
$tweet_shell_bg = block_getParameter('tweet_shell_bg', $tweet_bg);
$tweet_shell_fg = block_getParameter('tweet_shell_fg', $tweet_fg);
$tweet_link_fg = block_getParameter('tweet_link_fg', $tweet_fg);
$tweet_width = block_getParameter('tweet_width', 200);
$tweet_height = block_getParameter('tweet_height', 300);
<div id="block-twitter-widget">
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
new TWTR.Widget({
  version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 4, interval: 6000, 
print 'width: ' . $tweet_width . ', height: ' . $tweet_height . ',';
  theme: {
print '  shell: { background: \'' . $tweet_shell_bg . '\', color: \'' . $tweet_shell_fg . '\' },' . "\n";
print '  tweets: { background: \'' . $tweet_bg . '\', color: \'' . $tweet_fg . '\', links: \'' . $tweet_link_fg . '\' }' . "\n";
예제 #2
<div class="block-announcements">
global $auth_user;
// <none>
// 'max_count' -- Max # of entries to load
// 'max_chars' -- Max # of characters from text to load
/* Step 1: Get parameters */
$max_count = block_getParameter('max_count', 5);
$max_chars = block_getParameter('max_chars', 150);
/* Step 2: Get list of announcements */
$list = db_announcementList($max_count);
/* Step 3: Start the story */
$st = new akStory();
/* Step 3: Build the HTML output */
if ($list == null) {
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_META, "(no current announcements)");
} else {
    foreach ($list as $a) {
        $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_TEXT, "<br/>");
        $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_SUBGROUP, $a->title);
        $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_FILE, $a->text);
        $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_META, "Posted: " . $auth_user->format_date($a->edit_time));
예제 #3
// sermon_end_date -- Latest sermon to list
// Step 1: Pull parameters
// Get current time in seconds
$timenow = time();
// Start is about 5 weeks ago (5 * 7 * 24 * 3600 secs ago)
$timestart = $timenow - 3024000;
// End is 2 weeks from now (2 * 7 * 24 * 3600 secs into the future)
$timeend = $timenow + 1209600;
$default_start = date('Y-m-d', $timestart);
$default_end = date('Y-m-d', $timeend);
$default_book = 103;
// Default sermon book...
$start_date = block_getParameter('sermon_start_date', $default_start);
$end_date = block_getParameter('sermon_end_date', $default_end);
$bookid = block_getParameter('sermon_book', $default_book);
// Step 2: Generate list from DB
$sermonList = db_sermonsByDateRange($bookid, $start_date, $end_date);
// Step 3: Build a story, with a series header whenever it changes...
$lastSeries = '';
$st = new akStory();
foreach (array_reverse($sermonList, true) as $sermon) {
    // Step 3.1: Emit a series header if it changes....
    if ($lastSeries != $sermon->series) {
        $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_SUBGROUP, $sermon->series);
        $st->lastSimpleChunk->url = "/sermon.php?date=" . $sermon->deliver_date;
        $lastSeries = $sermon->series;
    // Step 3.2: Emit the sermon header
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_TEXT, substr($sermon->deliver_date, 5) . ": " . $sermon->title);
    $st->lastSimpleChunk->url = "/sermon.php?date=" . $sermon->deliver_date;
예제 #4

// Sermon app block (center app area)
// Required parameters:
// ---------------------
// sermon-date Date of delivery of the sermon to display
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// Step 1: Get target date from parameters
$sermon_date = block_getParameter('sermon-date', date('Y-m-d'));
// Step 2: Generate entry(-ies) from DB
$sermonList = db_sermonsByDateRange(103, $sermon_date, $sermon_date);
// Step 3: Check for failure
if (null == $sermonList) {
    $st = new akStory();
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_ERROR, "No sermon found for " . $sermon_date);
function file_size($size)
    $filesizename = array(" Bytes", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB");
    return $size ? round($size / pow(1024, $i = floor(log($size, 1024))), 2) . $filesizename[$i] : '0 Bytes';
// Step 4: Got (at least) one
$sermon = $sermonList[$sermon_date];
$st = new akStory();
$st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_HEADLINE, "Sermon: " . $sermon_date);
예제 #5
// Random image block; whoever includes this block
// Required parameters:
// ---------------------
// $random_image_path
// $random_image_width;
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// $random_image_caption
// Be careful not to use large images in the random pool,
// as the download and scaling costs may cause resource
// issues.
// CLEAN: Pull from DB instead of globbing the path
// Step 1: Pull parameters
$path = block_getParameter('random_image_path', "/");
$width = block_getParameter('random_image_width', "200");
$caption = block_getParameter('random_image_caption', "");
// Step 2: Choose the image from the path
$imageset = glob($path . "/*.{png,jpg}", GLOB_BRACE);
$r = mt_rand(0, count($imageset) - 1);
$image = $imageset[$r];
echo '<div id="block-random-image">';
echo '<a href="viewer-photo.php?gallery=random&amp;image_path=' . $image . '" class="frameless">';
echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="Random Image" width="' . $width . '" class="block-image frameless"/>';
echo '</a>';
echo '<span class="block-text">' . $caption . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
예제 #6
// Event list block (sidebar/multibar)
// Required parameters:
// ---------------------
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// event_list_size Max # of events to retrieve/display
// Step 1: Pull parameters
$default_book = BOOK_ID_CALENDAR;
// Default events book...
$default_count = 8;
// Default # to list
$bookid = block_getParameter('event_book', $default_book);
$count = block_getParameter('event_count', $default_count);
// Step 2: Generate list from DB
$eventList = db_eventsUpcoming($bookid, $count);
// Step 3: Build a story, with a date header whenever it changes...
$lastDate = '';
$st = new akStory();
if (null == $eventList) {
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_TEXT, "No upcoming events posted.");
} else {
    foreach ($eventList as $event) {
        // Step 3.1: Emit a series header if it changes....
        $eventDate = new DateTime($event->startdate);
        if ($lastDate != $eventDate->format("F")) {
            $lastDate = $eventDate->format("F");
            $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_SUBGROUP, $lastDate);
            //$st->lastSimpleChunk->url = "/event.php?date=".$eventDate->format("Y-m");
예제 #7
<div id="block-upper-room" class="block-content-addmargin">
// Upper Room (R) daily devotional
// Required parameters:
// ---------------------
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// Step 1: Setup parameters
$devo_maxlen = block_getParameter('devo_maxlen', 300);
$text_width = block_getParameter('text_width', 200);
$today = time();
$upperurl = "http://devotional.upperroom.org/devotionals/" . date('Y-m-d', $today);
// Step 2: Import via URL file open into a DOM object
$upperHTML = file_get_contents($upperurl);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// Step 3: Parse out the bits we care about
$scripsnip = $dom->getElementById('scripture_snippet');
$scripkids = $scripsnip->childNodes;
$scripref = preg_replace("/\\(.*\\)/", "", $scripsnip->childNodes->item(3)->textContent);
$scripref = str_replace("- ", "", $scripref);
$devo = ltrim(rtrim($scripsnip->nextSibling->textContent));
// Step 4: Truncate to a reasonable size, but only on a word boundary...
if (strlen($devo) > $devo_maxlen) {
    $devo = substr($devo, 0, $devo_maxlen);
    $devo = substr($devo, 0, strrpos($devo, " ")) . "...";
// Step 3: Create
$st = new akStory();
예제 #8
require_once "library/core/class-form.php";
// BLOCK: Edit a server-side HTML file.
// Required parameters:
// -------------------
// @param $editor_filename The relative path to the file to edit.
// Optional parameters:
// -------------------
// @param $editor_option_preview Add a preview button.
$editor_filename = block_getParameter('editor-filename');
$editor_hostpage = block_getParameter('editor-hostpage');
$editor_processor = block_getParameter('editor-processor');
$editor_block_width = block_getParameter('block-width');
$editor_width = '' . 0.95 * $editor_block_width . 'px';
if (null == $editor_filename) {
    print 'Something is wrong.';
// Step 1: Create the base form
$editor = new akForm("edit-html-form", $editor_processor, FORM_METHOD_POST);
// Step 2: Generate items for the form */
// Hidden reference to the file and host page
$editor->createSimpleItem("hidden-filename-item", FORM_ITEM_HIDDEN, "file", $editor_filename);
$editor->createSimpleItem("hidden-hostpage-item", FORM_ITEM_HIDDEN, "hostpage", $editor_hostpage);
// Main text area
$textarea = new akFormItem("file-text", FORM_ITEM_TEXTAREA, "edit-html-contents", file_get_contents($editor_filename));
$textarea->addStyle('width', $editor_width);
$textarea->vsize = 15;
예제 #9

// Event app block (center app area)
// Required parameters:
// ---------------------
// event-id DB ID of event to display
// Optional parameters:
// ---------------------
// Step 1: Get target date from parameters
$event_id = block_getParameter('event-id', '1');
// Step 2: Generate entry from DB
/* Lookup */
$ev = db_getEventById($event_id);
/* Failure check */
if (null == $ev) {
    $st = new akStory();
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_ERROR, "No event found for id=" . $event_id);
// Step 3: Get event details
/* Lookup */
$ev_story = db_getStoryById($ev->story);
/* Failure check */
if (null == $ev_story) {
    $st = new akStory();
    $st->createSimpleChunk(STORY_CHUNK_ERROR, "No details found for event id=" . $event_id);
예제 #10
<div class="block-video block-video-div block-video-youtube">
// @param $youtube_video_id YouTube video identifier
$video_id = block_getParameter('youtube_video_id', '');
$video_width = floor(0.95 * config_getParameter('skin_width_app', 400));
$video_height = floor($video_width * 0.8);
$youtube_prefix = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/";
print '<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="' . $video_width . '" height="' . $video_height . '" src="' . $youtube_prefix . $video_id . '" frameborder="0"></iframe>';