} else { if (isset($_POST['start_date']) && isset($_POST['end_date']) && $_POST['start_date'] != $_POST['end_date'] && $_POST['start_date'] != "" && $_POST['end_date'] != "") { $title .= " from " . $_POST['start_date'] . " to " . $_POST['end_date']; } else { if (isset($_POST['start_date']) && $_POST['start_date'] != "") { $title .= " after " . $_POST['start_date']; } else { if (isset($_POST['end_date']) && $_POST['end_date'] != "") { $title .= " before " . $_POST['end_date']; } } } } } page_header($title); begin_form("jobstats.php"); virtual_system_chooser(); date_fields(); // by month jobstats_input_header(); jobstats_input_metric("Job Count by Month", "jobcount_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("CPU Time by Month", "cpuhours_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Job Length by Month", "walltime_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Queue Time by Month", "qtime_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Backlog by Month", "backlog_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Expansion Factor by Month", "xfactor_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Active Users by Month", "users_vs_month"); jobstats_input_metric("Active Groups/Projects by Month", "groups_vs_month"); jobstats_input_footer(); end_form(); page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) GROUP BY month;"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>month</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH><TH>users</TH><TH>groups</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-month.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) GROUP BY week;"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>week</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH><TH>users</TH><TH>groups</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-week.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
$keys = array_keys($_POST); if (isset($_POST['system'])) { $db = db_connect(); $sql = "SELECT username, groupname, COUNT(jobid) AS jobcount, SUM(nproc*TIME_TO_SEC(walltime))/3600 AS cpuhrs FROM Jobs WHERE system LIKE '" . $_POST['system'] . "' AND ( " . dateselect("submit", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) GROUP BY username ORDER BY " . $_POST['order'] . " DESC LIMIT " . $_POST['limit']; # echo "<PRE>".$sql."</PRE>\n"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; echo "<TR><TH>user</TH><TH>group</TH><TH>job count</TH><TH>CPU-hours</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { echo "<TR>"; $rkeys = array_keys($row); foreach ($rkeys as $key) { $data[$key] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . htmlspecialchars($data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("active-users.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); $choices = array("cpuhrs", "jobcount"); $defaultchoice = "cpuhrs"; pulldown("order", "Order by", $choices, $defaultchoice); textfield("limit", "Max shown", "10", 4); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " )"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>username</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-user.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) GROUP BY quarter;"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>quarter</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH><TH>users</TH><TH>groups</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-quarter.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
} else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " )"; } #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>system</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH><TH>users</TH><TH>groups</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
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$keys = array_keys($_POST); if (isset($_POST['system'])) { $db = db_connect(); $sql = "SELECT groupname, COUNT(DISTINCT(username)) AS users, COUNT(jobid) AS jobcount, SUM(nproc*TIME_TO_SEC(walltime))/3600 AS cpuhrs FROM Jobs WHERE system LIKE '" . $_POST['system'] . "' AND ( " . dateselect("submit", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) GROUP BY groupname ORDER BY " . $_POST['order'] . " DESC LIMIT " . $_POST['limit']; # echo "<PRE>".$sql."</PRE>\n"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; echo "<TR><TH>group</TH><TH>users</TH><TH>job count</TH><TH>CPU-hours</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { echo "<TR>"; $rkeys = array_keys($row); foreach ($rkeys as $key) { $data[$key] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . htmlspecialchars($data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("active-groups.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); $choices = array("cpuhrs", "jobcount", "users"); $defaultchoice = "cpuhrs"; pulldown("order", "Order by", $choices, $defaultchoice); textfield("limit", "Max shown", "10", 4); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " )"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>groupname</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-group.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
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$col[$ncols] = $key; $ncols++; } } echo "</TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $key) { $data[$key] = array_shift($row); if ($col[$key] == "submit_ts" || $col[$key] == "start_ts" || $col[$key] == "end_ts") { echo "<TD><PRE>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>\n"; } else { echo "<TD><PRE>" . htmlspecialchars($data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>"; } } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("jobs-by-group.php"); text_field("Group", "groupname", 16); system_chooser(); date_fields(); $props = array("jobname", "nproc", "mppe", "mppssp", "nodes", "queue", "submit_ts", "start_ts", "end_ts", "cput_req", "cput", "walltime_req", "walltime", "mem_req", "mem_kb", "vmem_req", "vmem_kb", "software", "hostlist", "exit_status", "script"); checkboxes_from_array("Properties", $props); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " )"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-institution.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); $orders = array("jobcount", "cpuhours", "users", "groups"); $defaultorder = "cpuhours"; pulldown("order", "Order by", $orders, $defaultorder); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
$sql = $sql . "," . $key; } } $sql = $sql . " FROM Jobs WHERE jobid LIKE '" . $_POST['jobid'] . ".%' AND system LIKE '" . $_POST['system'] . "';"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { echo "<TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($_POST[$key])) { $data[$key] = array_shift($row); echo "<TR><TD width=\"10%\"><PRE>" . $key . "</PRE></TD><TD width=\"90%\"><PRE>"; if ($key == "submit_ts" || $key == "start_ts" || $key == "end_ts") { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data[$key]); } else { echo htmlspecialchars($data[$key]); } echo "</PRE></TD></TR>\n"; } } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("jobinfo.php"); text_field("Job id", "jobid", 8); system_chooser(); checkboxes_from_array("Properties", $props); end_form(); } page_footer();
$col[$ncols] = $key; $ncols++; } } echo "</TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $key) { $data[$key] = array_shift($row); if ($col[$key] == "submit_ts" || $col[$key] == "start_ts" || $col[$key] == "end_ts") { echo "<TD><PRE>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>\n"; } else { echo "<TD><PRE>" . htmlspecialchars($data[$key]) . "</PRE></TD>"; } } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("jobs-by-user.php"); text_field("User", "username", 16); system_chooser(); date_fields(); $props = array("groupname", "jobname", "nproc", "mppe", "mppssp", "nodes", "queue", "submit_ts", "start_ts", "end_ts", "cput_req", "cput", "walltime_req", "walltime", "mem_req", "mem_kb", "vmem_req", "vmem_kb", "software", "hostlist", "exit_status", "script"); checkboxes_from_array("Properties", $props); end_form(); } page_footer();
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$sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " ) ORDER BY hidden;"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>walltime</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { if ($rkey != "hidden") { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-walltime.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();
$draft = mysql_result($res, 0); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE `sender` = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `location` = 'template'"); $template = mysql_result($res, 0); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?inbox">' . T_("INBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$inbox} " . P_("message", $inbox) . " ({$unread} " . T_("unread") . ")"); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?outbox">' . T_("OUTBOX") . ' </a> ', " {$outbox} " . P_("message", $outbox)); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?draft">' . T_("DRAFT") . ' </a> ', " {$draft} " . P_("message", $draft)); tr2('<a href="mailbox.php?templates">' . T_("TEMPLATES") . ' </a> ', " {$template} " . P_("message", $template)); end_table(); echo "<br /><br />"; } elseif ($type == "Mail") { $order = order("added,sender,sendto,subject", "added", true); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE {$where}"); $count = mysql_result($res, 0); list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager2(20, $count); print $pagertop; begin_form(); begin_table(0, "list"); $table[' '] = th("<input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleChecked(this.checked);this.form.remove.disabled=true;\" />", 1); $table['Sender'] = th_left("Sender", 'sender'); $table['Sent_to'] = th_left("Sent To", 'receiver'); $table['Subject'] = th_left("Subject", 'subject'); $table['Date'] = th_left("Date", 'added'); table($table, $tablefmt); $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE {$where} {$order} {$limit}"); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { unset($table); $userid = 0; $format = ''; $reading = false; if ($arr["sender"] == $CURUSER['id']) { $sender = "Yourself";
$sql .= $pkgmatch[$key]; } else { $sql .= "script LIKE '%" . $key . "%' OR software LIKE '%" . $key . "%'"; } $sql .= " ) AND ( " . dateselect("start", $_POST['start_date'], $_POST['end_date']) . " )"; #echo "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</PRE>"; $result = db_query($db, $sql); echo "<TABLE border=1>\n"; echo "<TR><TH>username</TH><TH>jobcount</TH><TH>cpuhours</TH><TH>cpuhours_alt</TH></TR>\n"; while ($result->fetchInto($row)) { $rkeys = array_keys($row); echo "<TR>"; foreach ($rkeys as $rkey) { $data[$rkey] = array_shift($row); echo "<TD align=\"right\"><PRE>" . $data[$rkey] . "</PRE></TD>"; } echo "</TR>\n"; } echo "</TABLE>\n"; } } db_disconnect($db); bookmarkable_url(); } else { begin_form("software-usage-by-queue.php"); system_chooser(); date_fields(); checkboxes_from_array("Packages", $packages); end_form(); } page_footer();