<?php include 'includes/includes.php'; $show = $_GET['show']; $epnumber = $_GET['epnumber']; $season = $_GET['season']; $query = "select subID from files where is_episode=1 and showID={$show} and season={$season} and season_number={$epnumber}"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { $sID = mysql_result($result, 0); $showName = bd_getShowTitle($show); $title = bd_getTitle($sID); $url = bd_getUrl($sID); echo '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a> '; echo "{$wikilang_ep_already_exists}"; } else { echo '' . $wikilang_ep_not_exists . ''; } bbdd_close();
$comment = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST["comment"])); $version = $_POST['version']; $size = $_POST['fsize']; $lang = $_POST['lang']; $query = "update fversions set versionDesc='{$version}',size='{$size}',comment='{$comment}' where subID={$id} and fversion={$rversion}"; mysql_query($query); $prev_lang = bd_getOriginalLang($id, $rversion); if ($lang != $prev_lang) { $query = "update subs set lang_id={$lang} where subID={$id} and fversion={$rversion} and lang_id={$prev_lang}"; mysql_query($query); $query = "update flangs set lang_id={$lang} where subID={$id} and fversion={$rversion} and lang_id={$prev_lang}"; mysql_query($query); } if (!isset($fversion)) { if ($is_episode) { $showname = bd_getShowTitle($showID); if (strlen($season) < 2) { $season = '0' . $season; } if (strlen($epnumber) < 2) { $epnumber = '0' . $epnumber; } $title = $showname . ' - ' . $season . 'x' . $epnumber . ' - ' . $eptitle; $title = addslashes($title); $query = "update files set is_episode=1,title='{$title}',season={$season},season_number={$epnumber} where subID={$id}"; mysql_query($query); } else { $title = $movietitle . " ({$year})"; $tile = addslashes($title); $query = "update files set is_episode=0,title='{$title}' where subID={$id}"; mysql_query($query);
<?php include 'includes/includes.php'; $id = $_GET['showID']; $_SESSION['quicksearch'] = true; $_SESSION['quicksearch_show'] = $id; echo '<a href="/show/' . $_SESSION['quicksearch_show'] . '"><b>' . bd_getShowTitle($_SESSION['quicksearch_show']) . '</b></a>'; echo ' <select name="qsiSeason" id="qsiSeason" onchange="seasonChange(' . $id . ',-1);">'; if (!isset($_SESSION['quicksearch_season'])) { echo '<option value="0">' . $wikilang_season . '</option>'; } $query = "select distinct(season) from files where showID={$id} order by season"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!isset($_SESSION['quicksearch']) || isset($_SESSION['quicksearch']) && $_SESSION['quicksearch_season'] != $row['season']) { echo '<option>' . $row['season'] . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option selected>' . $row['season'] . '</option>'; } } echo '</select>'; bbdd_close();
?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> Admin shows </title> <link href="/css/wikisubtitles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <span class="titulo">Admin shows</span><br/> <?php foreach ($_POST as $nombre => $valor) { if ($nombre != "Delete") { $sid = substr($nombre, 1); $sname = bd_getShowTitle($sid); $query = "delete from shows where showID={$sid}"; mysql_query($query); echo $sname . ' deleted<br />'; } } include 'footer.php'; bbdd_close(); ?> </body>
function bd_getUrl($id) { $query = "select is_episode,showID,season,season_number,title from files where subID={$id}"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $isep = $row['is_episode']; $title = stripslashes($row['title']); if ($isep) { $season = $row['season']; $season_number = $row['season_number']; $showID = $row['showID']; $titlearray = split(' - ', $title); $eptitle = $titlearray[2]; $sName = bd_getShowTitle($showID); $sName = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $sName); $sName = str_ireplace('&', '@', $sName); $sName = urlencode($sName); $eptitle = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $eptitle); $url = "serie/{$sName}/{$season}/{$season_number}/{$eptitle}"; } else { $title = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $title); $title = str_ireplace('&', '@', $title); $title = urlencode($title); $url = "film/{$title}"; } return $SCRIPT_PATH . $url; }
$showID = $row['showID']; $season = $row['season']; $epnumber = $row['season_number']; $finished = $row['finished']; $duration = $row['duration']; $comment = stripslashes($row['comment']); $authorID = $row['author']; $downloads = $row['downloads']; $_SESSION['quicksearch'] = true; $_SESSION['quicksearch_show'] = $showID; $_SESSION['quicksearch_season'] = $season; $valor = $showID . '-' . $season . 'x' . $epnumber; $_SESSION['quicksearch_epID'] = $valor; $author = bd_getUsername($authorID); if ($is_episode) { $show = bd_getShowTitle($showID); } else { unset($_SESSION['quicksearch']); unset($_SESSION['quicksearch_show']); unset($_SESSION['quicksearch_season']); unset($_SESSION['quicksearch_epID']); } //versions $query = "select distinct fversion from fversions where subID={$myID}"; $vresult = mysql_query($query); $nversions = mysql_affected_rows(); $contav = 0; if ($nversions > 0) { while ($vrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($vresult)) { $v = $vrow['fversion']; $query = "select versionDesc,size,author,comment,indate from fversions where subID={$myID} and fversion={$v}";