<?php $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); ini_set("include_path", "{$root}/www:{$root}/www/include"); set_time_limit(0); # include "include/init.php"; loadlib("backfill"); loadlib("flickr_photos"); loadlib("flickr_photos_search"); if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_solr']) { echo "search indexing is disabled, exiting"; exit; } function index_photo($row, $more = array()) { $photo = flickr_photos_get_by_id($row['id']); $rsp = flickr_photos_search_index_photo($photo); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrPhotos"; backfill_db_users($sql, 'index_photo'); exit;
return; } $method = 'flickr.people.getInfo'; $args = array('user_id' => $flickr_user['nsid']); $ret = flickr_api_call($method, $args); if (!$ret['ok']) { dumper($args); dumper($ret); return; } $rsp = $ret['rsp']['person']; $path_alias = $rsp['path_alias']; $username = $rsp['username']['_content']; echo "[{$user['id']}] path alias: {$path_alias} screen name: {$username}\n"; if ($path_alias != $flickr_user['path_alias']) { $update = array('path_alias' => $path_alias); $rsp = flickr_users_update_user($flickr_user, $update); echo "[{$user['id']}] update path alias: {$rsp['ok']}\n"; # just let this fail silently if there's a duplicate flickr_users_path_aliases_create($user, $path_alias); } if ($username != $user['username']) { $update = array('username' => $username); $rsp = users_update_user($user, $update); echo "[{$user['id']}] update username: {$rsp['ok']}\n"; } } # TO DO: a flag/option to only fetch users w/out a path_alias $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrUsers"; backfill_db_users($sql, '_get_nsid'); exit;
<?php $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); ini_set("include_path", "{$root}/www:{$root}/www/include"); set_time_limit(0); # include "include/init.php"; loadlib("backfill"); loadlib("flickr_users_path_aliases"); function set_path_alias($flickr_user, $more = array()) { if ($flickr_user['path_alias'] == '') { return; } $user = users_get_by_id($flickr_user['user_id']); flickr_users_path_aliases_create($user, $flickr_user['path_alias']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrUsers"; backfill_db_users($sql, 'set_path_alias'); exit;
<?php $root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); ini_set("include_path", "{$root}/www:{$root}/www/include"); set_time_limit(0); # include "include/init.php"; loadlib("backfill"); loadlib("flickr_photos"); loadlib("flickr_photos_exif"); function check_photo($row, $more = array()) { $photo = flickr_photos_get_by_id($row['id']); $more = array('force' => 1); $hasexif = flickr_photos_exif_has_exif($photo, $more); # echo "photo {$photo['id']} has exif: {$hasexif}\n"; if ($hasexif) { $update = array('hasexif' => 1); $rsp = flickr_photos_update_photo($photo, $update); if (!$rsp['ok']) { echo "ack! failed to update {$photo['id']}: {$rsp['error']}\n"; } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM FlickrPhotos"; backfill_db_users($sql, 'check_photo'); exit;
} $checkin = array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'checkin_id' => $fsq_checkin['id'], 'venue_id' => $fsq_checkin['venue']['id'], 'created' => $fsq_checkin['createdAt'], 'status_id' => $status_map['i am here'], 'latitude' => $fsq_checkin['location']['lat'], 'longitude' => $fsq_checkin['location']['lng']); $venue = foursquare_venues_get_by_venue_id($checkin['venue_id']); if (!$venue) { $rsp = foursquare_venues_archive_venue($checkin['venue_id']); if (!$rsp['ok']) { echo "failed to archive venue '{$checkin['venue_id']}' : {$rsp['error']}\n"; echo "skipping...\n"; continue; } $venue = $rsp['venue']; } if ($venue) { $checkin['locality'] = $venue['locality']; $checkin['latitude'] = $venue['latitude']; $checkin['longitude'] = $venue['longitude']; } $rsp = privatesquare_checkins_create($checkin); if (!$rsp['ok']) { echo "failed to archive checkin: {$rsp['error']}\n"; continue; } echo "archived 4sq checkin {$checkin['checkin_id']} with privatesquare ID: {$rsp['checkin']['id']}\n"; } # do stuff here... $offset += $limit; } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM FoursquareUsers"; backfill_db_users($sql, "sync_user"); exit;
$root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); ini_set("include_path", "{$root}/www:{$root}/www/include"); set_time_limit(0); include "include/init.php"; loadlib("backfill"); loadlib("foursquare_venues"); function _set_latlon($row, $more = array()) { $user = users_get_by_id($row['user_id']); $venue_id = $row['venue_id']; $venue = foursquare_venues_get_by_venue_id($venue_id); if (!$venue) { $venue = foursquare_venues_archive_venue($venue_id); } if (!$venue) { echo "can not sort out venue data for '{$venue_id}'\n"; return; } $lat = $venue['latitude']; $lon = $venue['longitude']; $update = array('latitude' => AddSlashes($lat), 'longitude' => AddSlashes($lon)); $enc_id = $row['id']; $where = "id='{$enc_id}'"; $cluster_id = $user['cluster_id']; $rsp = db_update_users($cluster_id, 'PrivatesquareCheckins', $update, $where); echo "{$venue_id} : {$lat}, {$lon} {$where}: {$rsp['ok']}\n"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM PrivatesquareCheckins"; backfill_db_users($sql, "_set_latlon"); exit;