예제 #1
$fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLHeader2('Forms'));
$form = new AnewtXHTMLForm(null, array('method' => 'GET'));
$input_fragment = new AnewtXHTMLFragment();
$input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLLabel('Label: ', array('for' => 'test')));
$input_fragment->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('name' => 'test', 'id' => 'test', 'type' => 'text')));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($input_fragment));
$select = new AnewtXHTMLSelect(null, array('name' => 'select'));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('First', array('value' => 'first')));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Second', array('value' => 'second')));
$select->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLOption('Third', array('value' => 'third')));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph($select));
$form->append_child(new AnewtXHTMLParagraph(new AnewtXHTMLInput(null, array('type' => 'submit'))));
/* Convenience API */
$r = array();
$r[] = ax_h2('Convenience API');
$r[] = ax_p('Test with some <& special characters.', array('style' => 'color: #ccc;'));
$r[] = ax_p_class(ax_raw('This is <strong>strong</strong>'), 'someclass');
$r[] = ax_p(ax_abbr('ICE', 'InterCity Express'));
$r[] = ax_p(array('Test', ax_br(), 'after the break'));
$p = ax_p(array('testje', array('1', '2'), ax_strong('blablabla')));
$p->set_attribute('id', 'paragraph-id');
$p->set_class('foo bar baz');
$p->append_child(ax_a_href('name', '/url/'));
$r[] = $p;
$r[] = ax_p(ax_sprintf('%s & %s', ax_span_class('Sugar', 'sweet'), 'Spice'));
$fragment->append_child(ax_fragment($r, ax_p('final paragraph')));
/* Final output */
echo to_string($fragment), NL;

// Results in <p class="foo">Paragraph text</p> when rendered
$p = ax_p_class('Paragraph text', 'foo');
// The same can be achieved like this:
$p = ax_p('Paragraph text');
// Results in <div id="bar">Text here</div> when rendered
$p = ax_div_id('Text here', 'bar');
// The same can be achieved like this:
$div = ax_div('Text here');
$div->set_attribute('id', 'bar');
// Hyperlinks can be built like this:
$link = ax_a_href('Hyperlink text', 'http://anewt.net');
$link = ax_a_href_title('Hyperlink text', 'http://anewt.net', 'This will be a tooltip');
// Images can be built like this:
$img = ax_img_src_alt('example.png', 'An example image');