예제 #1
파일: welcome.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
function welcome()
    global $chkMe, $userid;
    $return = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n               <!--\n                 date = new Date();\n                 hour = date.getHours();\n                 if(hour>=18)      document.write('" . _welcome_18 . "');\n                 else if(hour>=13) document.write('" . _welcome_13 . "');\n                 else if(hour>=11) document.write('" . _welcome_11 . "');\n                 else if(hour>=5)  document.write('" . _welcome_5 . "');\n                 else if(hour>=0)  document.write('" . _welcome_0 . "');\n               //-->\n             </script>";
    if ($chkMe == 'unlogged') {
        return $return . ' ' . _welcome_guest;
    } else {
        return $return . ' ' . autor($userid, "welcome");
예제 #2
파일: shout.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
function shout($ajax = 0)
    global $db, $maxshout, $lshouttext, $lshoutnick, $shout_max_zeichen, $userid, $chkMe;
    $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['shout'] . "\n               ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $maxshout . "");
    $i = 1;
    while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
        $class = $color % 2 ? "navShoutContentFirst" : "navShoutContentSecond";
        if (permission("shoutbox")) {
            $delete = '<a href="../shout/?action=admin&amp;do=delete&amp;id=' . $get['id'] . '" onclick="return(DZCP.del(\'' . _confirm_del_shout . '\'))"><img src="../inc/images/delete_small.gif" title="' . _button_title_del . '" alt="' . _button_title_del . '" /></a>';
        } else {
            $delete = "";
        $is_num = preg_match("#\\d#", $get['email']);
        if ($is_num && !check_email($get['email'])) {
            $nick = autor($get['email'], "navShout");
        } else {
            $nick = '<a class="navShout" href="mailto:' . eMailAddr($get['email']) . '" title="' . $get['nick'] . '">' . cut($get['nick'], $lshoutnick) . '</a>';
        $show .= show("menu/shout_part", array("nick" => $nick, "datum" => date("j.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr, "text" => bbcode(wrap(re($get['text']), $lshouttext)), "class" => $class, "del" => $delete));
    if (settings('reg_shout') == 1 && $chkMe == 'unlogged') {
        $dis = ' style="text-align:center;cursor:wait" disabled="disabled"';
        $dis1 = ' style="cursor:wait;color:#888" disabled="disabled"';
        $only4reg = _shout_must_reg;
    } else {
        if ($chkMe == "unlogged") {
            $form = show("menu/shout_form", array("dis" => $dis));
            $sec = show("menu/shout_antispam", array("help" => _login_secure_help, "dis" => $dis));
        } else {
            $form = autor($userid, "navShout");
    $add = show("menu/shout_add", array("form" => $form, "t_zeichen" => _zeichen, "noch" => _noch, "dis1" => $dis1, "dis" => $dis, "only4reg" => $only4reg, "security" => $sec, "zeichen" => $shout_max_zeichen));
    $shout = show("menu/shout", array("shout" => $show, "shoutbox" => _shoutbox_head, "archiv" => _shoutbox_archiv, "add" => $add));
    return empty($ajax) ? '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $shout . '</table>' : $show;
예제 #3
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
 case 'archiv':
     $where = _site_shoutbox;
     $title = $pagetitle . " - " . $where . "";
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $page = $_GET['page'];
     } else {
         $page = 1;
     $entrys = cnt($db['shout']);
     $i = $entrys - ($page - 1) * $maxshoutarchiv;
     $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['shout'] . "\n             ORDER BY datum DESC\n             LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $maxshoutarchiv . "," . $maxshoutarchiv . "");
     while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
         $is_num = preg_match("#\\d#", $get['email']);
         if ($is_num && !check_email($get['email'])) {
             $nick = autor($get['email']);
         } else {
             $nick = '<a href="mailto:' . $get['email'] . '" title="' . $get['nick'] . '">' . cut($get['nick'], $lshoutnick) . '</a>';
         $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainTop" : "contentMainFirst";
         if (permission("shoutbox")) {
             $del = "<a href='../shout/?action=admin&amp;do=delete&amp;id=" . $get['id'] . "'>\n              <img src='../inc/images/delete_small.gif' border='0' alt=''></a>";
         } else {
             $del = "";
         if ($chkMe == "4") {
             $posted_ip = $get['ip'];
         } else {
             $posted_ip = _logged;
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
         $class = $color2 % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
         $show .= show($dir . "/votes_show", array("datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get['datum']), "titel" => $titel, "vid" => $get['id'], "display" => $display, "result_head" => $result_head, "results" => $results, "show" => $showVoted, "closed" => $closed, "autor" => autor($get['von']), "menu" => $menu, "class" => $class, "votebutton" => $votebutton, "stimmen" => $stimmen));
     $index = show($dir . "/votes", array("head" => _votes_head, "show" => $show, "titel" => _titel, "autor" => _autor, "datum" => _datum, "stimmen" => _votes_stimmen));
 case 'showvote':
     $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . "\n             WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
     $get = _fetch($qry);
     if ($get['intern'] == 1) {
         $qryv = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['ipcheck'] . "\n                WHERE what = 'vid_" . $get['id'] . "'\n                ORDER BY time DESC");
         while ($getv = _fetch($qryv)) {
             $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
             $show .= show($dir . "/voted_show", array("user" => autor($getv['ip']), "date" => date("d.m.y H:i", $getv['time']) . _uhr, "class" => $class));
         $index = show($dir . "/voted", array("head" => _voted_head, "user" => _user, "date" => _datum, "show" => $show));
     } else {
         $index = error(_error_vote_show, 1);
 case 'do':
     if ($_GET['what'] == "vote") {
         if (empty($_POST['vote'])) {
             $index = error(_vote_no_answer);
         } else {
             $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . "\n                 WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
             $get = _fetch($qry);
             if ($get['intern'] == 1) {
                 $vid = "vid_" . $_GET['id'];
예제 #5
		<a href="?admin=jokes&status=all">' . _all . '</a>';
        $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "jokes " . $wheresql . "\n                   ORDER BY `status` ASC,`date` ASC");
        while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
            $edit = show("page/button_edit_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=jokes&amp;do=edit", "title" => _button_title_edit));
            $delete = show("page/button_delete_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=jokes&amp;do=delete", "title" => _button_title_del, "del" => convSpace(_confirm_del_joke)));
            $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
            $public = $get['status'] != 0 ? '<a href="?admin=jokes&amp;status=' . $_GET['status'] . '&amp;do=public&amp;id=' . $get['id'] . '&amp;what=unset"><img src="../inc/images/public.gif" alt="" title="' . _non_public . '" /></a>' : '<a href="?admin=jokes&amp;status=' . $_GET['status'] . '&amp;do=public&amp;id=' . $get['id'] . '&amp;what=set"><img src="../inc/images/nonpublic.gif" alt="" title="' . _public . '" /></a>';
            $votee = db("SELECT avg(pkt) AS rating FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'], true, true);
            $rating = round($votee[0], 1) . '/5';
            $heute = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
            if ($get['status'] == '0' or $get['date'] == 0) {
                $status = "--.--.-- " . _jokes_unbearbeitet;
            } elseif ($get['status'] == '1' and $get['date'] >= $heute) {
                $status = date("d.m.y", $get['date']) . " " . _jokes_geplant;
            } elseif ($get['status'] == '1' and $get['date'] <= $heute) {
                $status = date("d.m.y", $get['date']) . " " . _jokes_archiv;
            if ($allowHover == 1) {
                $hover = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . jsconvert(re($get['title'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . $get['content'] . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"';
            $titel = show(_jokes_show_link, array("titel" => re(cut($get['title'], $lnewsadmin)), "hover" => $hover, "id" => $get['id']));
            $show_ .= show($dir . "/jokes_row", array("status" => $status, "titel" => $titel, "rating" => " Vote: " . $rating, "class" => $class, "autor" => autor($get['uid']), "public" => $public, "edit" => $edit, "delete" => $delete));
        $show = show($dir . "/jokes_show", array("head" => $head, "nav" => $nav, "autor" => _autor, "titel" => _titel, "date" => _status, "show" => $show_, "val" => "jokes", "monate" => $monat, "jahr" => $jahr, "what" => _button_value_show, "edit" => _editicon_blank, "delete" => _deleteicon_blank, "add" => _joke_add));
} else {
    $show = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1);
예제 #6
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
    $qry = db("SELECT email,reg,nick,datum FROM " . $db['gb'] . "\n               ORDER BY datum DESC\n               LIMIT 1");
    $get = _fetch($qry);
    if ($get['reg'] != "0") {
        $last = date("d.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . "h " . _from . " " . autor($get['reg']);
    } else {
        $last = date("d.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . "h " . _from . " " . autor($get['reg'], '', $get['nick'], $get['email']);
    $stats = show($dir . "/gb", array("head" => _site_gb, "all" => _stats_gb_all, "poster" => _stats_gb_poster, "nposter" => cnt($db['gb'], " WHERE reg = 0") . "/" . cnt($db['gb'], " WHERE reg != 0"), "nall" => cnt($db['gb']), "first" => _stats_gb_first, "nfirst" => $first, "last" => _stats_gb_last, "nlast" => $last));
} elseif ($_GET['action'] == "forum") {
    $allthreads = cnt($db['f_threads']);
    $allposts = cnt($db['f_posts']);
    if ($allthreads && $allposts) {
        $ppert = round($allposts / $allthreads, 2);
        $qry = db("SELECT id,forumposts FROM " . $db['userstats'] . "\n                 ORDER BY forumposts DESC");
        $get = _fetch($qry);
        $topposter = autor($get['id']) . " (" . $get['forumposts'] . " Posts)";
        $qry = db("SELECT t_date FROM " . $db['f_threads'] . "\n                 ORDER BY t_date ASC");
        $get = _fetch($qry);
        $time = time() - $get['t_date'];
        $days = @round($time / 86400);
        $ges = $allposts + $allthreads;
        $pperd = @round($ges / $days, 2);
    $stats = show($dir . "/forum", array("head" => _site_forum, "threads" => _forum_threads, "nthreads" => $allthreads, "posts" => _forum_posts, "nposts" => $allposts, "ppert" => _stats_forum_ppert, "nppert" => $ppert, "pperd" => _stats_forum_pperd, "npperd" => $pperd, "topposter" => _stats_forum_top, "ntopposter" => $topposter));
} elseif ($_GET['action'] == "user") {
    $stats = show($dir . "/user", array("head" => _site_user, "users" => _stats_users_regged, "member" => _stats_users_regged_member, "nmember" => cnt($db['users'], " WHERE level != 1"), "logins" => _stats_users_logins, "nlogins" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "logins"), "msg" => _stats_users_msg, "nmsg" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "writtenmsg"), "votes" => _stats_users_votes, "nvotes" => sum($db['userstats'], "", "votes"), "aktmsg" => _stats_users_aktmsg, "naktmsg" => cnt($db['msg'], " WHERE `von` != '0'"), "buddys" => _stats_users_buddys, "nbuddys" => cnt($db['buddys']), "nusers" => cnt($db['users'])));
} elseif ($_GET['action'] == "cw") {
    if (cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE datum < " . time() . "") != "0") {
        $won = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE punkte > gpunkte");
        $lost = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE punkte < gpunkte");
        $draw = cnt($db['cw'], " WHERE datum < " . time() . " && punkte = gpunkte");
예제 #7
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
        $get_hp = $_POST['hp'];
        $get_email = $_POST['email'];
        $get_nick = $_POST['nick'];
        if ($get_hp) {
            $gbhp = show(_hpicon, array("hp" => links($get_hp)));
        } else {
            $gbhp = "";
        if ($get_email) {
            $gbemail = show(_emailicon, array("email" => eMailAddr($get_email)));
        } else {
            $gbemail = "";
        if ($regCheck) {
            $gbtitel = show(_gb_titel_noreg, array("postid" => $get_id, "nick" => re($get_nick), "edit" => "", "delete" => "", "comment" => "", "public" => "", "uhr" => _uhr, "email" => $gb_email, "datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get_date), "zeit" => date("H:i", $get_date), "hp" => $gbhp));
        } else {
            $gbtitel = show(_gb_titel, array("postid" => $get_id, "nick" => autor($get_userid), "edit" => "", "uhr" => _uhr, "delete" => "", "comment" => "", "public" => "", "id" => $get_userid, "email" => $gb_email, "datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get_date), "zeit" => date("H:i", $get_date), "hp" => $gbhp));
        $index = show($dir . "/gb_show", array("gbtitel" => $gbtitel, "nachricht" => bbcode($_POST['eintrag'], 1), "editby" => bbcode($editby, 1), "ip" => $userip . _only_for_admins));
        echo '<table class="mainContent" cellspacing="1">' . $index . '</table>';
$time_end = generatetime();
$time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4);
page($index, $title, $where, $time);
예제 #8
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
                } else {
                    $qry = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['taktik'] . "\n                   SET `datum`      = '" . (int) time() . "',\n                       `map`        = '" . up($_POST['map']) . "',\n                       `spart`      = '" . up($_POST['spart'], 1) . "',\n                       `sparct`     = '" . up($_POST['sparct'], 1) . "',\n                       `standardt`  = '" . up($_POST['standardt'], 1) . "',\n                       `standardct` = '" . up($_POST['standardct'], 1) . "',\n                       `autor`      = '" . (int) $userid . "'");
                    $index = info(_taktik_added, "../taktik/");
            } elseif ($_GET['what'] == "delete" && $_GET['id']) {
                $qry = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['taktik'] . "\n                 WHERE id = " . intval($_GET['id']));
                $index = info(_taktik_deleted, "../taktik/");
            } elseif ($_GET['what'] == "edit" && $_GET['id']) {
                $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['taktik'] . "\n                 WHERE id = " . intval($_GET['id']));
                $get = _fetch($qry);
                $files = get_files("../inc/images/uploads/taktiken/");
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
                    $screen .= show(_member_admin_select_icons, array("iconimg" => $files[$i]));
                    $icons = $files[$i];
                $index = show($dir . "/edit", array("id" => $_GET['id'], "map" => re($get['map']), "autor" => autor($get['autor']), "value" => _button_value_edit, "tautor" => _autor, "tmap" => _map, "choose" => _taktik_choose, "select" => $select, "screen" => $screen, "spar_tct" => _taktik_tspar_ct, "spar_tt" => _taktik_tspar_t, "standard_tt" => _taktik_tstandard_t, "standard_tct" => _taktik_tstandard_ct, "edit_head" => _taktik_edit_head, "standard_t" => re($get['standardt']), "standard_ct" => re($get['standardct']), "spar_ct" => re($get['sparct']), "spar_t" => re($get['spart'])));
            } elseif ($_GET['what'] == "update" && $_POST['id']) {
                if (!$_POST['map']) {
                    $index = error(_error_taktik_empty_map, 1);
                } else {
                    $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['taktik'] . "\n                   SET `map`        = '" . up($_POST['map']) . "',\n                       `sparct`     = '" . up($_POST['sparct'], 1) . "',\n                       `spart`      = '" . up($_POST['spart'], 1) . "',\n                       `standardct` = '" . up($_POST['standardct'], 1) . "',\n                       `standardt`  = '" . up($_POST['standardt'], 1) . "'\n                   WHERE id = " . intval($_POST['id']));
                    $index = info(_error_taktik_edited, "../taktik/");
$time_end = generatetime();
$time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4);
page($index, $title, $where, $time, $wysiwyg);
예제 #9
#Page title
$view->title = $bug['name'];
#Does not exist
if (!$bug) {
#Not approved
if ($bug['status'] == 5 && $bug['who'] != UID && !$rights) {
    header('Location: ' . URL . url('bugs'));
if (isset($cfg['bbcode'])) {
    require 'lib/bbcode.php';
    $bug['text'] = BBCode($bug['text']);
#Date, author
$bug['date'] = genDate($bug['date'], 1);
$bug['who'] = $bug['UID'] ? autor($bug['UID']) : $bug['who'];
$bug['text'] = nl2br(emots($bug['text']));
$bug['level'] = $lang['L' . $bug['level']];
$bug['status'] = $lang['S' . $bug['status']];
if ($bug['rate'] == 2) {
    $bug['mark'] = $bug['pos'] ? $bug['pos'] : $lang['lack'];
    $bug['marks'] = $bug['neg'] ? $bug['neg'] : 0;
    $view->css(SKIN_DIR . 'rate.css');
$view->add('view', array('bug' => &$bug, 'edit' => $rights || $bug['poster'] == UID && isset($cfg['bugsEdit']) ? url('bugs/post/' . $id) : false, 'hands' => $bug['rate'] == 1, 'stars' => $bug['rate'] == 2, 'catURL' => url('bugs/list/' . $bug['cat']), 'mainURL' => url('bugs'), 'canVote' => $bug['rate'] && (UID || isset($cfg['bugsVote'])), 'editStatus' => $rights));
예제 #10
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
$time_start = generatetime();
$where = _site_online;
$title = $pagetitle . " - " . $where . "";
$dir = "online";
$qry = db("SELECT id,nick,whereami FROM " . $db['users'] . "\n             WHERE time+'" . $useronline . "'>'" . time() . "'\n             AND online = 1\n             ORDER BY nick");
while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
    if (!preg_match("#autor_#is", $get['whereami'])) {
        $whereami = re($get['whereami']);
    } else {
        $whereami = preg_replace_callback("#autor_(.*?)\$#", create_function('$id', 'return autor("$id[1]");'), $get['whereami']);
    $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
    $show .= show($dir . "/online_show", array("nick" => autor($get['id']), "whereami" => $whereami, "class" => $class));
$qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['c_who'] . "\n             WHERE online+'" . $useronline . "'>'" . time() . "'\n             AND login = 0\n             ORDER BY whereami");
while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
    if (!preg_match("#autor_#is", $get['whereami'])) {
        $whereami = re($get['whereami']);
    } else {
        $whereami = preg_replace_callback("#autor_(.*?)\$#", create_function('$id', 'return autor("$id[1]");'), $get['whereami']);
    $online_ip = preg_replace("#^(.*)\\.(.*)#", "\$1", $get['ip']);
    $online_host = preg_replace("#^(.*?)\\.(.*)#", "\$2", gethostbyaddr($get['ip']));
    $online_ip = $online_ip . '.XX (*.' . $online_host . ')';
    $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
    $show .= show($dir . "/online_show", array("nick" => $online_ip, "whereami" => $whereami, "class" => $class));
예제 #11
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
                    $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['clankasse'] . "\n                   SET `datum`        = '" . (int) $datum . "',\n                       `member`       = '" . up($_POST['member']) . "',\n                       `transaktion`  = '" . up($_POST['transaktion']) . "',\n                       `pm`           = '" . (int) $_POST['pm'] . "',\n                       `betrag`       = '" . up($betrag) . "'\n                   WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
                    $index = info(_clankasse_edited, "../clankasse/");
            } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "paycheck") {
                $qry = db("SELECT payed FROM " . $db['c_payed'] . "\n                 WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'");
                $get = _fetch($qry);
                if (_rows($qry)) {
                    $tag = date("d", $get['payed']);
                    $monat = date("m", $get['payed']);
                    $jahr = date("Y", $get['payed']);
                } else {
                    $tag = date("d", time());
                    $monat = date("m", time());
                    $jahr = date("Y", time());
                $index = show($dir . "/paycheck", array("id" => $_GET['id'], "head" => _clankasse_edit_paycheck, "user" => _user, "value" => _button_value_edit, "payed_till" => _clankasse_payed_till, "puser" => autor($_GET['id']), "t" => $tag, "m" => $monat, "j" => $jahr));
            } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "editpaycheck") {
                $qry = db("SELECT payed FROM " . $db['c_payed'] . "\n                 WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'");
                $datum = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['m'], $_POST['t'], $_POST['j']);
                if (_rows($qry)) {
                    $update = db("UPDATE " . $db['c_payed'] . "\n                      SET `payed` = '" . (int) $datum . "'\n                      WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'");
                } else {
                    $insert = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['c_payed'] . "\n                      SET `user`  = '" . (int) $_GET['id'] . "',\n                          `payed` = '" . (int) $datum . "'");
                $index = info(_info_clankass_status_edited, "../clankasse/");
        } else {
            $index = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1);
예제 #12
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
         $links2 = show(_artikel_link, array("link" => re($_POST['link2']), "url" => links($_POST['url2'])));
     } else {
         $links2 = "";
     if ($_POST['url3']) {
         $rel = _related_links;
         $links3 = show(_artikel_link, array("link" => re($_POST['link3']), "url" => links($_POST['url3'])));
     } else {
         $links3 = "";
     if (!empty($links1) || !empty($links2) || !empty($links3)) {
         $links = show(_artikel_links, array("link1" => $links1, "link2" => $links2, "link3" => $links3, "rel" => $rel));
     } else {
         $links = "";
     $index = show($dir . "/show_more", array("titel" => re($_POST['titel']), "id" => $get['id'], "comments" => "", "display" => "inline", "nautor" => _autor, "dir" => $designpath, "kat" => re($getkat['katimg']), "ndatum" => _datum, "showmore" => $showmore, "icq" => "", "text" => bbcode($_POST['artikel'], 1), "datum" => date("j.m.y H:i") . _uhr, "links" => $links, "autor" => autor($userid)));
     echo '<table class="mainContent" cellspacing="1">' . $index . '</table>';
 case 'compreview':
     if ($_GET['do'] == 'edit') {
         $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['acomments'] . "\n               WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'");
         $get = _fetch($qry);
         $get_id = '?';
         $get_userid = $get['reg'];
         $get_date = $get['datum'];
         if ($get['reg'] == 0) {
             $regCheck = false;
         } else {
             $regCheck = true;
             $pUId = $get['reg'];
예제 #13
$view->title = $art['name'];
#Art description - clean [temporary]
if ($art['dsc']) {
    $view->desc = clean($art['dsc']);
if ($art['opt'] & 2) {
    $art['text'] = emots($art['text']);
if ($art['opt'] & 1) {
    $art['text'] = nl2br($art['text']);
#Date, author
$art['date'] = genDate($art['date'], true);
$art['author'] = autor($art['author']);
if (isset($cfg['arate']) && $art['catOpt'] & 4) {
    $view->css(SKIN_DIR . 'rate.css');
    $rates = 'vote.php?type=1&amp;id=' . $id;
} else {
    $rates = 0;
#Count popularity
if (isset($cfg['adisp'])) {
    register_shutdown_function(array($db, 'exec'), 'UPDATE ' . PRE . 'arts SET views=views+1 WHERE ID=' . $id);
} else {
    $art['ent'] = 0;
예제 #14
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
                 } else {
                     $pagenr = ceil($cntpage / $maxfposts);
                 $qrylp = db("SELECT date,nick,reg,email FROM " . $db['f_posts'] . "\n                         WHERE sid = '" . $get['id'] . "'\n                         ORDER BY date DESC");
                 if (_rows($qrylp)) {
                     $getlp = _fetch($qrylp);
                     $lpost = show(_forum_thread_lpost, array("nick" => autor($getlp['reg'], '', $getlp['nick'], $getlp['email']), "date" => date("d.m.y H:i", $getlp['date']) . _uhr));
                     $lpdate = $getlp['date'];
                 } else {
                     $lpost = "-";
                     $lpdate = "";
                 $threadlink = show(_forum_thread_search_link, array("topic" => cut(re($get['topic']), $lforumtopic), "id" => $get['id'], "sticky" => $sticky, "hl" => $_GET['search'], "closed" => $closed, "lpid" => $cntpage + 1, "page" => $pagenr));
                 $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
                 $results .= show($dir . "/forum_search_results", array("new" => check_new($get['lp']), "topic" => $threadlink, "subtopic" => cut(re($get['subtopic']), $lforumsubtopic), "hits" => $get['hits'], "replys" => cnt($db['f_posts'], " WHERE sid = '" . $get['id'] . "'"), "class" => $class, "lpost" => $lpost, "autor" => autor($get['t_reg'], '', $get['t_nick'], $get['t_email'])));
         $nav = nav($entrys, $maxfsearch, $getstr);
         $show = show($dir . "/forum_search_show", array("head" => _forum_search_results, "autor" => _autor, "thread" => _forum_thread, "lpost" => _forum_lpost, "nav" => $nav, "results" => $results, "replys" => _forum_replys, "hits" => _hits));
 //Diverse Abfragen
 if ($_GET['searchplugin'] == true) {
     $onclick = 'onclick="more(1)" style="cursor:pointer"';
     $img = '<img id="img1" src="../inc/images/expand.gif" alt="" />';
     $style = 'style="display:none"';
     if ($_GET['si_board'] == true) {
         $si_board = "checked=\"checked\"";
     if (empty($strkat)) {
예제 #15
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
     $from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $pmonth, 1, $pyear);
     $til = mktime(0, 0, 0, $pmonth + 1, 1, $pyear);
     $qry = db("SELECT id,titel,autor,datum,kat,text\n               FROM " . $db['news'] . "\n               WHERE datum BETWEEN " . $from . " AND " . $til . "\n               " . $intern . "\n               ORDER BY datum DESC\n               LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $maxarchivnews . "," . $maxarchivnews . "");
     $entrys = cnt($db['news'], " WHERE datum BETWEEN " . $from . " AND " . $til . " " . $intern . "");
 } else {
     $qry = db("SELECT id,titel,autor,datum,kat,text\n               FROM " . $db['news'] . "\n               " . $intern2 . "\n               " . $n_kat . "\n               ORDER BY datum DESC\n               LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $maxarchivnews . "," . $maxarchivnews . "");
     $entrys = cnt($db['news'], " " . $intern2 . " " . $n_kat);
 while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
     $qryk = db("SELECT kategorie FROM " . $db['newskat'] . "\n                WHERE id = '" . $get['kat'] . "'");
     $getk = _fetch($qryk);
     $comments = cnt($db['newscomments'], " WHERE news = " . $get['id'] . "");
     $titel = show(_news_show_link, array("titel" => cut(re($get['titel']), $lnewsarchiv), "id" => $get['id']));
     $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
     $show .= show($dir . "/archiv_show", array("autor" => autor($get['autor']), "date" => date("d.m.y", $get['datum']), "titel" => $titel, "class" => $class, "kat" => re($getk['kategorie']), "comments" => $comments));
 $y = db("SELECT datum FROM " . $db['news'] . "\n           " . $intern2 . "\n           ORDER BY datum\n           LIMIT 1");
 $sy = _fetch($y);
 $min = date("Y", $sy['datum']);
 $ty = date("Y", time());
 for ($x = $min; $x <= $ty - 1; $x++) {
     if ($x == date("Y", time())) {
         $sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
     } else {
         $sel = "";
     $years .= show(_select_field, array("value" => $x, "sel" => $sel, "what" => $x));
 if ($language == "deutsch") {
     $endc = "n";
     } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "editcom") {
         $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['cw_comments'] . "\n               WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'");
         $get = _fetch($qry);
         if ($get['reg'] == $userid || permission('clanwars')) {
             $editedby = show(_edited_by, array("autor" => autor($userid), "time" => date("d.m.Y H:i", time()) . _uhr));
             $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['cw_comments'] . "\n                   SET `nick`     = '" . up($_POST['nick']) . "',\n                       `email`    = '" . up($_POST['email']) . "',\n                       `hp`       = '" . links($_POST['hp']) . "',\n                       `comment`  = '" . up($_POST['comment'], 1) . "',\n                       `editby`   = '" . addslashes($editedby) . "'\n                   WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'");
             $index = info(_comment_edited, "?action=details&amp;id=" . $_GET['id'] . "");
         } else {
             $index = error(_error_edit_post, 1);
     } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "edit") {
         $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['cw_comments'] . "\n                 WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'");
         $get = _fetch($qry);
         if ($get['reg'] == $userid || permission('clanwars')) {
             if ($get['reg'] != 0) {
                 $form = show("page/editor_regged", array("nick" => autor($get['reg']), "von" => _autor));
             } else {
                 $form = show("page/editor_notregged", array("nickhead" => _nick, "emailhead" => _email, "hphead" => _hp, "postemail" => $get['email'], "posthp" => links($get['hp']), "postnick" => re($get['nick'])));
             $index = show("page/comments_add", array("titel" => _comments_edit, "nickhead" => _nick, "bbcodehead" => _bbcode, "emailhead" => _email, "hphead" => _hp, "b1" => $u_b1, "b2" => $u_b2, "security" => _register_confirm, "sec" => $dir, "form" => $form, "preview" => _preview, "prevurl" => '../clanwars/?action=compreview&do=edit&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&amp;cid=' . $_GET['cid'], "action" => '?action=details&amp;do=editcom&amp;id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&amp;cid=' . $_GET['cid'], "ip" => _iplog_info, "lang" => $language, "id" => $_GET['id'], "what" => _button_value_edit, "show" => "", "posteintrag" => re_bbcode($get['comment']), "error" => "", "eintraghead" => _eintrag));
         } else {
             $index = error(_error_edit_post, 1);
 case 'compreview':
     header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
     if ($_GET['do'] == 'edit') {
         $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['cw_comments'] . "\n               WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['cid']) . "'");
         $get = _fetch($qry);
         $get_id = '?';
예제 #17
파일: artikel.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
            $upd = db("UPDATE " . $db['artikel'] . "\n                     SET `public` = '0'\n                     WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
        header("Location: ?admin=artikel");
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
            $page = $_GET['page'];
        } else {
            $page = 1;
        $entrys = cnt($db['artikel']);
        $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['artikel'] . "\n                   ORDER BY `public` ASC, `datum` DESC \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $maxadminartikel . "," . $maxadminartikel . "");
        while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
            $edit = show("page/button_edit_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=artikel&amp;do=edit", "title" => _button_title_edit));
            $delete = show("page/button_delete_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=artikel&amp;do=delete", "title" => _button_title_del, "del" => convSpace(_confirm_del_artikel)));
            $titel = show(_artikel_show_link, array("titel" => re(cut($get['titel'], $lnewsadmin)), "id" => $get['id']));
            $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
            $public = $get['public'] == 1 ? '<a href="?admin=artikel&amp;do=public&amp;id=' . $get['id'] . '&amp;what=unset"><img src="../inc/images/public.gif" alt="" title="' . _non_public . '" /></a>' : '<a href="?admin=artikel&amp;do=public&amp;id=' . $get['id'] . '&amp;what=set"><img src="../inc/images/nonpublic.gif" alt="" title="' . _public . '" /></a>';
            if (empty($get['datum'])) {
                $datum = _no_public;
            } else {
                $datum = date("d.m.y H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr;
            $show_ .= show($dir . "/admin_show", array("date" => $datum, "titel" => $titel, "class" => $class, "autor" => autor($get['autor']), "intnews" => "", "sticky" => "", "public" => $public, "edit" => $edit, "delete" => $delete));
        $nav = nav($entrys, $maxadminnews, "?admin=artikel");
        $show = show($dir . "/admin_news", array("head" => _artikel, "nav" => $nav, "autor" => _autor, "titel" => _titel, "date" => _datum, "show" => $show_, "val" => "artikel", "edit" => _editicon_blank, "delete" => _deleteicon_blank, "add" => _artikel_add));
} else {
    $show = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1);
예제 #18
            if ($rating > 2.5) {
                $hover3 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover3 = "";
            if ($rating > 3.5) {
                $hover4 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover4 = "";
            if ($rating > 4.5) {
                $hover5 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover5 = "";
            $newrating = '<img src="star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover1 . '/><img src="star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover2 . '/><img src="star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover3 . '/><img src="star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover4 . '/><img src="star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover5 . '/>';
            $votee = db("SELECT avg(pkt) AS rating FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'], true, true);
            $rating = $newrating . " " . round($votee[0], 1) . '/5';
            $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst";
            $row .= show($dir . "/list_row", array("autor" => autor($get['uid']), "title" => $get['title'], "date" => date("d.m.y", $get['date']), "rating" => $rating, "id" => $get['id'], "class" => $class));
        $index = show($dir . "/archiv", array("monate" => $month, "jahr" => $year, "head" => _jokes . " - " . _jokes_archiv, "what" => _button_value_show, "foot" => "", "show" => '<tr><td class="contentMainTop">Titel</td><td class="contentMainTop">Autor</td><td class="contentMainTop">Vote</td></tr>' . $row));
$time_end = generatetime();
$time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4);
page($index, $title, $where, $time);
예제 #19
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
         $icq = "-";
         $icqnr = "&nbsp;";
     } else {
         $icq = show(_icqstatus, array("uin" => $getm['icq']));
         $icqnr = $getm['icq'];
     if (empty($getm['steamid'])) {
         $steamid = "";
         $steam = "-";
     } else {
         $steamid = $getm['steamid'];
         $steam = _steamicon_blank;
     $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainFirst" : "contentMainSecond";
     $nick = autor($getm['user'], '', '', '', '', '&amp;sq=' . $getm['squad']);
     if (!empty($getm['rlname'])) {
         $real = explode(" ", re($getm['rlname']));
         $nick = '<b>' . $real[0] . ' &#x93;</b> ' . $nick . ' <b>&#x94; ' . $real[1] . '</b>';
     $member .= show($dir . "/squads_member", array("icqs" => $icq, "icq" => $icqnr, "email" => $email, "hlsw" => $hlsw, "emails" => eMailAddr($getm['email']), "id" => $getm['user'], "steamid" => $steamid, "steam" => $steam, "class" => $class, "nick" => $nick, "onoff" => onlinecheck($getm['id']), "posi" => getrank($getm['id'], $getm['squad']), "pic" => userpic($getm['id'], 60, 80)));
 $squad = re($get['name']);
 foreach ($picformat as $end) {
     if (file_exists(basePath . '/inc/images/squads/' . intval($get['id']) . '.' . $end)) {
         $style = 'padding:0;';
         $squad = '<img src="../inc/images/squads/' . intval($get['id']) . '.' . $end . '" alt="' . re($get['name']) . '" />';
 $index = show($dir . "/squads_full", array("member" => empty($member) ? _member_squad_no_entrys : $member, "desc" => empty($get['beschreibung']) ? '' : '<tr><td class="contentMainSecond">' . bbcode($get['beschreibung']) . '</td></tr>', "squad" => $squad, "style" => $style, "back" => _error_back, "id" => intval($_GET['id'])));
예제 #20
            $file['size'] = round($size / 1048576) . ' MB';
        } else {
            $file['size'] = round($size / 1024) . ' KB';
} else {
    $file['size'] = 'File not found';
    $file['url'] = '#';
if (isset($cfg['frate']) && $file['opt'] & 4) {
    $view->css(SKIN_DIR . 'rate.css');
    $rate = 'vote.php?type=2&amp;id=' . $id;
} else {
    $rate = 0;
#Date, author
$file['date'] = genDate($file['date'], true);
$file['author'] = autor($file['author']);
$view->add('file', array('file' => &$file, 'path' => catPath($file['cat']), 'rates' => $rate, 'edit' => admit($file['cat'], 'CAT') ? url('edit/2/' . $id, 'ref') : false, 'root' => isset($cfg['allCat']) ? $lang['cats'] : $lang['files'], 'cats' => url(isset($cfg['allCat']) ? 'cats' : 'cats/files')));
if (isset($cfg['tags'])) {
    include './lib/tags.php';
    tags($id, 2);
if (isset($cfg['fcomm']) && $file['opt'] & 2) {
    require './lib/comm.php';
    comments($id, 2);
예제 #21
#Page title
$view->title = $news['name'];
if ($news['opt'] & 2) {
    $news['txt'] = emots($news['txt']);
    if ($full) {
        $full = emots($full);
#Line breaks
if ($news['opt'] & 1) {
    $news['txt'] = nl2br($news['txt']);
    if ($full) {
        $full = nl2br($full);
#Date, author
$news['date'] = genDate($news['date'], true);
$news['wrote'] = autor($news['author']);
#Assign to template
$view->add('news', array('news' => &$news, 'full' => &$full, 'path' => catPath($news['cat']), 'edit' => admit($news['cat'], 'CAT') ? url('edit/5/' . $id, 'ref') : false, 'root' => isset($cfg['allCat']) ? $lang['cats'] : $lang['news'], 'cats' => url(isset($cfg['allCat']) ? 'cats' : 'cats/news')));
if (isset($cfg['tags'])) {
    include './lib/tags.php';
    tags($id, 5);
if (isset($cfg['ncomm']) && $news['catOpt'] & 2) {
    require './lib/comm.php';
    comments($id, 5);
예제 #22
#Get data
if (!($img = $db->query('SELECT i.*,c.opt FROM ' . PRE . 'imgs i INNER JOIN ' . PRE . 'cats c ON i.cat=c.ID WHERE c.access!=3 AND i.ID=' . $id)->fetch(2))) {
if (!$img['access']) {
    if (!admit($img['cat'], 'CAT')) {
    $view->info(sprintf($lang['NVAL'], $img['name']), null, 'warning');
$size = strpos($img['size'], '|') ? explode('|', $img['size']) : null;
#Data, autor
$img['date'] = genDate($img['date'], true);
$img['author'] = autor($img['author']);
if (isset($cfg['irate']) and $img['opt'] & 4) {
    $view->css(SKIN_DIR . 'rate.css');
    $rates = 'vote.php?type=3&amp;id=' . $id;
} else {
    $rates = 0;
#Tag title and meta description - clean temporary
$view->title = $img['name'];
$view->desc = $img['dsc'] ? clean(substr($img['dsc'], 0, 150)) : $cfg['metaDesc'];
$img['dsc'] = nl2br($img['dsc']);
$view->add('img', array('img' => &$img, 'size' => &$size, 'rates' => $rates, 'image' => $img['type'] === '1' ? true : false, 'flash' => $img['type'] === '2' ? true : false, 'audio' => $img['type'] === '3' ? true : false, 'video' => $img['type'] === '4' ? true : false, 'path' => catPath($img['cat']), 'edit' => admit($img['cat'], 'CAT') ? url('edit/3/' . $id, 'ref') : false, 'root' => isset($cfg['allCat']) ? $lang['cats'] : $lang['imgs'], 'cats' => url(isset($cfg['allCat']) ? 'cats' : 'cats/images'), 'lightbox' => isset($cfg['lightbox'])));
예제 #23
파일: votes.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
        if (_rows($qryv)) {
            $show = error(_vote_admin_menu_isintern, 1);
        } else {
            $qrys = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . "\n                      WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
            $get = _fetch($qrys);
            if ($get['menu'] == 1) {
                $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['votes'] . "\n                       SET menu = '0'");
                header("Location: ?admin=votes");
            } else {
                $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['votes'] . "\n                       SET menu = '0'");
                $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['votes'] . "\n                       SET menu = '1'\n                       WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
                header("Location: ?admin=votes");
    } else {
        $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . "\n\t\t           WHERE forum = 0\n                   ORDER BY datum DESC");
        while ($get = _fetch($qry)) {
            $edit = show("page/button_edit_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=votes&amp;do=edit", "title" => _button_title_edit));
            $delete = show("page/button_delete_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=votes&amp;do=delete", "title" => _button_title_del, "del" => convSpace(_confirm_del_vote)));
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        $show = show($dir . "/votes", array("head" => _votes_head, "date" => _datum, "autor" => _autor, "add" => _votes_admin_head, "stimmen" => _votes_stimmen, "titel" => _titel, "yesno" => _yesno, "legende" => _legende, "legendemenu" => _vote_legendemenu, "show" => $show_));
예제 #24
     //$inhalt = "Kommentar-Baustelle".$entrys."";
     // # # # # # # #
 } else {
     $inhalt = bbcode($get['beschreibung']);
 // # # # # # # #
 $teilnehmer = db("SELECT uid FROM " . $sql_prefix . "events_user WHERE eid = '" . $get['id'] . "'");
 $teilnehmer = _rows($teilnehmer);
 if ($get['veranstalter'] != '') {
     $veranstalter = $get['veranstalter'] . " (eingestellt von " . autor($get['autor_id']) . ")";
 } else {
     $veranstalter = autor($get['autor_id']);
 if ($get['gmaps'] == '1') {
     $ort = "<a target='_blank' href='http://maps.google.de/maps?q=" . $get['ort'] . "'>" . $get['ort'] . "</a>";
 } else {
     $ort = $get['ort'];
 // BILD
 $pfadbild = "event/img/" . $_GET['id'];
 if (file_exists(basePath . "/" . $pfadbild . ".gif")) {
     $bild = "<img src=\"../" . $pfadbild . ".gif\" style=\"max-width:350px;max-height:400px\" alt=\"\" />";
 } elseif (file_exists(basePath . "/" . $pfadbild . ".jpg")) {
     $bild = "<img src=\"../" . $pfadbild . ".jpg\" style=\"max-width:350px;max-height:400px\" alt=\"\" />";
 } elseif (file_exists(basePath . "/" . $pfadbild . ".png")) {
     $bild = "<img src=\"../" . $pfadbild . ".png\" style=\"max-width:350px;max-height:400px\" alt=\"\" />";
 } else {
예제 #25
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
     $index = info(_admin_user_edited, "?action=userlist");
 } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "updateme") {
     $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['squaduser'] . "\n                 WHERE user = '******'");
     $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['userpos'] . "\n                 WHERE user = '******'");
     $sq = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['squads'] . "");
     while ($getsq = _fetch($sq)) {
         if (isset($_POST['squad' . $getsq['id']])) {
             $qry = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['squaduser'] . "\n                     SET `user`  = '" . (int) $userid . "',\n                         `squad` = '" . (int) $_POST['squad' . $getsq['id']] . "'");
         if (isset($_POST['squad' . $getsq['id']])) {
             $qry = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['userpos'] . "\n                     SET `user`   = '" . (int) $userid . "',\n                         `posi`   = '" . (int) $_POST['sqpos' . $getsq['id']] . "',\n                         `squad`  = '" . (int) $getsq['id'] . "'");
     $index = info(_admin_user_edited, "?action=user&amp;id=" . $userid . "");
 } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "delete") {
     $index = show(_user_delete_verify, array("user" => autor($_GET['id']), "id" => $_GET['id']));
     if ($_GET['verify'] == "yes") {
         if (data($_GET['id'], "level") == 4 || data($_GET['id'], "level") == 3) {
             $index = error(_user_cant_delete_admin, 2);
         } else {
             $protocol = "deluser(" . $userid . "_" . intval($_GET['id']) . ")";
             $upd = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['ipcheck'] . "\n                     SET `ip`   = '" . $userip . "',\n                         `what` = '" . $protocol . "',\n                         `time` = '" . (int) time() . "'");
             $upd = db("UPDATE " . $db['f_posts'] . "\n                     SET `reg` = 0\n                     WHERE reg = " . intval($_GET['id']) . "");
             $upd = db("UPDATE " . $db['f_threads'] . "\n                     SET `t_reg` = 0\n                     WHERE t_reg = " . intval($_GET['id']) . "");
             $upd = db("UPDATE " . $db['gb'] . "\n                     SET `reg` = 0\n                     WHERE reg = " . intval($_GET['id']) . "");
             $upd = db("UPDATE " . $db['newscomments'] . "\n                     SET `reg` = 0\n                     WHERE reg = " . intval($_GET['id']) . "");
             $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['msg'] . "\n                     WHERE von = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'\n                     OR an = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
             $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['news'] . "\n                     WHERE autor = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
             $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['permissions'] . "\n                     WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'");
             $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['squaduser'] . "\n                     WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'");
             $del = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['taktik'] . "\n                     WHERE autor = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
예제 #26
파일: send.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
     if (empty($_POST['titel'])) {
         $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _empty_titel));
     if (!isset($userid) && !check_email($_POST['email'])) {
         $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _error_invalid_email));
     if (!isset($userid) && empty($_POST['email']) || $_POST['email'] == "E-Mail") {
         $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _empty_email));
     if (!isset($userid) && empty($_POST['nick'])) {
         $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _empty_nick));
     if ($chkMe == 'unlogged') {
         $form = show($dir . "/send_form1", array("nachricht" => _site_news, "nick" => _nick, "titel" => _titel, "note" => _news_send_note, "value" => _button_value_send, "what" => "sendnews", "security" => _register_confirm, "pflicht" => _contact_pflichtfeld, "email" => _email, "hp" => _news_send_source, "s_nick" => $_POST['nick'], "s_email" => $_POST['email'], "s_hp" => $_POST['hp'], "s_titel" => $_POST['titel'], "s_text" => $_POST['text'], "s_info" => $_POST['info']));
     } else {
         $form = show($dir . "/send_form2", array("nachricht" => _site_news, "nick" => _nick, "titel" => _titel, "note" => _news_send_note, "user" => autor($userid), "value" => _button_value_send, "what" => "sendnews", "security" => _register_confirm, "pflicht" => _contact_pflichtfeld, "hp" => _news_send_source, "s_hp" => $_POST['hp'], "s_titel" => $_POST['titel'], "s_text" => $_POST['text'], "s_info" => $_POST['info']));
     $index = show($dir . "/send", array("error" => $error, "form" => $form, "description" => _news_send_description, "head" => _news_send));
 } else {
     $hp = show(_contact_hp, array("hp" => links($_POST['hp'])));
     if (!isset($userid)) {
         $nick = $_POST['nick'];
     } else {
         $nick = blank_autor($userid);
     if (!isset($userid)) {
         $von_nick = "0";
     } else {
         $von_nick = $userid;
     if (!isset($userid)) {
        $ftopics = '';
        if (_rows($qryft) >= 1) {
            while ($getft = _fetch($qryft)) {
                if (fintern($getft['kid'])) {
                    $lp = cnt($db['f_posts'], " WHERE sid = '" . $getft['id'] . "'");
                    $pagenr = ceil($lp / config('m_ftopics'));
                    $page = $pagenr == 0 ? 1 : $pagenr;
                    $getp = db("SELECT text FROM " . $db['f_posts'] . "\n                                WHERE kid = '" . $getft['kid'] . "'\n                                AND sid = '" . $getft['id'] . "'\n                                ORDER BY date DESC\n                                LIMIT 1", false, true);
                    $text = strip_tags(!empty($getp) ? $getp['text'] : $getft['t_text']);
                    $intern = $getft['intern'] != 1 ? "" : '<span class="fontWichtig">' . _internal . ':</span>';
                    $wichtig = $getft['sticky'] != 1 ? '' : '<span class="fontWichtig">' . _sticky . ':</span> ';
                    $ftopics .= show($dir . "/userlobby_forum", array("id" => $getft['id'], "pagenr" => $page, "p" => $lp + 1, "intern" => $intern, "wichtig" => $wichtig, "lpost" => cut(re($text), 100), "kat" => re($getft['kattopic']), "titel" => re($getft['topic']), "kid" => $getft['kid']));
        // Userlevel
        if (($lvl = data("level")) == 1) {
            $mylevel = _status_user;
        } elseif ($lvl == 2) {
            $mylevel = _status_trial;
        } elseif ($lvl == 3) {
            $mylevel = _status_member;
        } elseif ($lvl == 4) {
            $mylevel = _status_admin;
        $erase = $can_erase ? _user_new_erase : '';
        $index = show($dir . "/userlobby", array("userlobbyhead" => _userlobby, "erase" => $erase, "pic" => useravatar(), "mynick" => autor($userid), "myrank" => getrank($userid), "myposts" => userstats("forumposts"), "mylogins" => userstats("logins"), "myhits" => userstats("hits"), "mymsg" => $mymsg, "mylevel" => $mylevel, "puser" => _user, "plevel" => _admin_user_level, "plogins" => _profil_logins, "phits" => _profil_pagehits, "prank" => _profil_position, "pposts" => _profil_forenposts, "nkal" => _kalender, "kal" => $nextkal, "nart" => _artikel, "art" => $artikel, "nartc" => _lobby_artikelc, "artc" => $artc, "board" => _forum, "threads" => _forum_thread, "rankings" => $rankings, "nrankings" => _lobby_rankings, "awards" => $awards, "nawards" => _lobby_awards, "nforum" => _lobby_forum, "ftopics" => $ftopics, "lastforum" => _last_forum, "forum" => $forumposts, "nvotes" => _lobby_votes, "ncwcom" => _cw_comments_head, "cwcom" => $cwcom, "ngal" => _lobby_gallery, "gal" => $gal, "votes" => $newv, "cws" => $cws, "ncws" => _lobby_cw, "nnewsc" => _lobby_newsc, "newsc" => $newsc, "ngb" => _lobby_gb, "gb" => $gb, "nuser" => _lobby_user, "user" => $user, "nmgb" => _lobby_membergb, "mgb" => $membergb, "nmsg" => _msg, "nnews" => _lobby_news, "news" => $news, "away_new" => $away_new, "away_now" => $away_now, "neuerungen" => _lobby_new));
    } else {
        $index = error(_error_have_to_be_logged, 1);
예제 #28
     $dropdown_time_ende = show(_dropdown_time_ts, array("nr" => '2', "hour" => dropdown("hour", date("H", $get['ende'])), "minute" => dropdown("minute", date("i", $get['ende'])), "uhr" => _uhr));
     $qryk = db("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "events_kat");
     while ($getk = _fetch($qryk)) {
         if ($get['kat'] == $getk['id']) {
             $sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
         } else {
             $sel = "";
         $kat .= show(_select_field, array("value" => $getk['id'], "sel" => $sel, "what" => re($getk['name'])));
     if ($get['gmaps'] == '1') {
         $checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
     } else {
         $checked = "";
     $show = show($dir . "/form_event", array("datum_start" => _ev_l_start, "datum_ende" => _ev_l_ende, "event" => _kalender_event, "dropdown_time_start" => $dropdown_time_start, "dropdown_date_start" => $dropdown_date_start, "dropdown_time_ende" => $dropdown_time_ende, "dropdown_date_ende" => $dropdown_date_ende, "beschreibung" => _beschreibung, "what" => _button_value_edit, "do" => "editevent&amp;id=" . $_GET['id'], "k_event" => re($get['name']), "k_beschreibung" => re_bbcode($get['beschreibung']), "veranstalter" => _ev_veranstalter, "k_veranstalter" => re($get['veranstalter']), "ort" => _ev_l_ort, "k_ort" => re($get['ort']), "kat" => _ev_l_kat, "k_kat" => $kat, "gmaps" => _ev_gmaps, "gmaps_info" => _ev_gmaps_info, "checked" => $checked, "autor" => _autor, "bild" => _ev_bild, "k_autor" => autor($get['autor_id']), "head" => _kalender_admin_head_edit));
 } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "editevent") {
     $start_time = mktime($_POST['h_1'], $_POST['min_1'], 0, $_POST['m_1'], $_POST['t_1'], $_POST['j_1']);
     $ende_time = mktime($_POST['h_2'], $_POST['min_2'], 0, $_POST['m_2'], $_POST['t_2'], $_POST['j_2']);
     if (empty($_POST['event'])) {
         if (empty($_POST['event'])) {
             $show = error(_kalender_error_no_title, 1);
     } elseif ($start_time >= $ende_time) {
         $show = error(_kalender_error_start_ende, 1);
     } else {
         if ($start_time != $ende_time) {
             $show = error(_kalender_error_start_ende, 1);
         $update = db("UPDATE " . $sql_prefix . "events_info\n                      SET `start` = '" . (int) $start_time . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t  \t  `ende` = '" . (int) $ende_time . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  `kat` = '" . (int) $_POST['kat'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  `gmaps` = '" . (int) $_POST['gmaps'] . "',\n                          `name` = '" . up($_POST['event']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  `ort` = '" . up($_POST['ort']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  `veranstalter` = '" . up($_POST['veranstalter']) . "',\n                          `beschreibung` = '" . up($_POST['beschreibung'], 1) . "'\n                      WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
         $tmp1 = $_FILES['bild']['tmp_name'];
예제 #29
function jokes()
    global $db, $sql_prefix, $userid;
    //###### Settings #####
    $maxl = 600;
    //### Settings Ende ###
    //rating speichern
    if (isset($_GET['jid']) and isset($_GET['jokerating']) and isset($userid) and $_GET['jokerating'] <= 5) {
        $al = mysql_num_rows(db("SELECT id FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE '" . $_get['jid'] . "' AND uid LIKE '" . $userid . "'"));
        if ($al == 0) {
            $qry = db("INSERT INTO " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating \n                       SET `jid`  = '" . (int) $_GET['jid'] . "',\n                           `uid`    = '" . (int) $userid . "',\n                           `pkt`  = '" . (int) $_GET['jokerating'] . "'");
    $min = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
    $max = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
    $qrys = db("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "jokes WHERE date >= " . $min . " AND date < " . $max . " AND status != 0 ORDER BY RAND()");
    if (mysql_num_rows($qrys) != 0) {
        $get = _fetch($qrys);
        $content = $get['content'];
        $textparts = explode("\n", wordwrap($content, 200, "\n"));
        if ($get['content'] != $textparts[0]) {
            $content = $textparts[0] . " [...]";
            $more = '<a href="../jokes/?action=show&id=' . $get['id'] . '">' . _jokes_more . '</a>';
        } else {
            $content = $textparts[0];
            $more = '<a href="../jokes/?action=show&id=' . $get['id'] . '">' . _jokes_show . '</a>';
        if (isset($userid)) {
            $bv = mysql_num_rows(db("SELECT * FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'] . " AND uid LIKE " . $userid . ""));
            if ($bv == '0') {
                /*$rating = 'Vote: 
                		<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&amp;jokerating=1&amp;jid='.$get['id'].'">1</a> 
                		<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&amp;jokerating=2&amp;jid='.$get['id'].'">2</a> 
                		<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&amp;jokerating=3&amp;jid='.$get['id'].'">3</a> 
                		<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&amp;jokerating=4&amp;jid='.$get['id'].'">4</a> 
                		<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&amp;jokerating=5&amp;jid='.$get['id'].'">5</a>';*/
                //RATING FUNKTION
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../jokes/style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jokes/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jokes/script.js"></script>
                $votee = db("SELECT avg(pkt) AS rating FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'], true, true);
                $rating = round($votee[0], 1);
                if ($rating > 0) {
                    $hover1 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover1 = "";
                if ($rating > 1.5) {
                    $hover2 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover2 = "";
                if ($rating > 2.5) {
                    $hover3 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover3 = "";
                if ($rating > 3.5) {
                    $hover4 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover4 = "";
                if ($rating > 4.5) {
                    $hover5 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover5 = "";
                $rating = '
		<div id="rating_' . $get['id'] . '">
			<span class="star_1"><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover1 . '/></span>
			<span class="star_2"><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover2 . '/></span>
			<span class="star_3"><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover3 . '/></span>
			<span class="star_4"><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover4 . '/></span>
			<span class="star_5"><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover5 . '/></span>
	<div class="clearleft">&nbsp;</div>	';
                //RATING FUNKTION ENDE
            } else {
 <style type="text/css">
.hover {
	background: url('../jokes/star.png'); 
	z-index: 1;
img {
	border: 0;
                $votee = db("SELECT avg(pkt) AS rating FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'], true, true);
                $rating = round($votee[0], 1);
                if ($rating > 0) {
                    $hover1 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover1 = "";
                if ($rating > 1.5) {
                    $hover2 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover2 = "";
                if ($rating > 2.5) {
                    $hover3 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover3 = "";
                if ($rating > 3.5) {
                    $hover4 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover4 = "";
                if ($rating > 4.5) {
                    $hover5 = 'class="hover"';
                } else {
                    $hover5 = "";
                $rating = '
		<div id="rating_' . $get['id'] . '">
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover1 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover2 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover3 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover4 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover5 . '/></span>
	<div class="clearleft">&nbsp;</div>' . _jokes_voted;
        } else {
 <style type="text/css">
.hover {
	background: url('../jokes/star.png'); 
	z-index: 1;
img {
	border: 0;
            $votee = db("SELECT avg(pkt) AS rating FROM " . $sql_prefix . "joke_rating WHERE jid LIKE " . $get['id'], true, true);
            $rating = round($votee[0], 1);
            if ($rating > 0) {
                $hover1 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover1 = "";
            if ($rating > 1.5) {
                $hover2 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover2 = "";
            if ($rating > 2.5) {
                $hover3 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover3 = "";
            if ($rating > 3.5) {
                $hover4 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover4 = "";
            if ($rating > 4.5) {
                $hover5 = 'class="hover"';
            } else {
                $hover5 = "";
            $rating = '
		<div id="rating_' . $get['id'] . '">
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover1 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover2 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover3 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover4 . '/></span>
			<span><img src="../jokes/star_blank.png" alt=""  ' . $hover5 . '/></span>
	<div class="clearleft">&nbsp;</div>' . _jokes_login;
        $index = show("menu/jokes", array("title" => "Witz von " . autor($get['uid']), "content" => bbcode($content), "more" => $more, "rating" => $rating));
    } else {
        //nichts eingetragen
        $index = show("menu/jokes", array("title" => "", "content" => _jokes_empty, "more" => "", "rating" => ""));
    return empty($index) ? '' : '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $index . '</table>';
예제 #30
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nopuls/dzcp
                        $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _away_empty_titel));
                    if (empty($_POST['reason'])) {
                        $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _away_empty_reason));
                    if ($bisdata == $abdata) {
                        $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _away_error_1));
                    if ($abdata > $bisdata) {
                        $error = show("errors/errortable", array("error" => _away_error_2));
                    $date1 = show(_dropdown_date, array("day" => dropdown("day", $_POST['t']), "month" => dropdown("month", $_POST['m']), "year" => dropdown("year", $_POST['j'])));
                    $date2 = show(_dropdown_date2, array("tag" => dropdown("day", $_POST['tag']), "monat" => dropdown("month", $_POST['monat']), "jahr" => dropdown("year", $_POST['jahr'])));
                    $index = show($dir . "/form_away", array("head" => _away_new_head, "action" => "edit&do=set&id=" . $get['id'], "error" => $error, "reason" => _away_reason, "from" => _from, "to" => _away_to, "date1" => $date1, "date2" => $date2, "comment" => _news_kommentar, "titel" => $_POST['titel'], "text" => $_POST['reason'], "submit" => _button_value_add));
                } else {
                    $time = mktime(23, 59, 59, $_POST['monat'], $_POST['tag'], $_POST['jahr']);
                    $editedby = show(_edited_by, array("autor" => autor($userid), "time" => date("d.m.Y H:i", time()) . _uhr));
                    $qry = db("UPDATE " . $db['away'] . "\n                    SET `start`= '" . (int) $abdata . "',\n              \t        `end`= '" . (int) $time . "',\n                        `titel`= '" . up($_POST['titel']) . "',\n                        `reason`= '" . up($_POST['reason'], 1) . "',\n                        `lastedit`= '" . addslashes($editedby) . "'\n                        WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'");
                    $index = info(_away_successful_edit, "../away/");
$title = $pagetitle . " - " . $where . "";
$time_end = generatetime();
$time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4);
page($index, $title, $where, $time);