function amr_meta_admin_headings() { global $aopt; amr_check_for_upgrades(); // so we only do if an upgrade and will only do if admin ameta_options(); echo ausers_form_start(); if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == "save") { check_admin_referer('amr-meta', 'amr-meta'); } }
function amr_userlist($atts) { global $ausers_do_network; global $amain, $aopt; remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); // doesn't work for everyone - why not ? $ausers_do_network = false; ameta_options(); // amain will be set $criteria = array('show_csv', 'show_headings', 'show_search', 'show_perpage', 'show_pagination', 'show_refresh', 'show_randompage', 'shuffle', 'start_empty'); // if (WP_DEBUG) { // echo 'If Debug only: Attributes from shortcode: '; var_dump($atts); // } // compatibility if (!empty($atts['headings'])) { $atts['show_headings'] = $atts['headings']; unset($atts['headings']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['list'])) { /* allow admin users to test lists from the front end, by adding list=x to the url */ $num = (int) $_REQUEST['list']; if ($num > 0 and $num <= count($amain['names'])) { $list = $num; } } else { if (!empty($atts['list'])) { $list = (int) $atts['list']; } else { $list = 1; } } // else use whatever was in shortcode // $options = array(); foreach ($criteria as $i) { if (isset($amain[$i][$list])) { $options[$i] = $amain[$i][$list]; } } // override with shortcode if (!empty($atts)) { foreach ($atts as $i => $value) { $options[$i] = $atts[$i]; if ($options[$i] === 'false') { // allow for the word false to be used instead of 0 $options[$i] = false; } } } if (ausers_ok_to_show_list($list)) { $html = alist_one('user', $list, $options); // if ($options['show_search'] or $options['show_perpage']) { $html = ausers_form_start() . $html . ausers_form_end(); // } return $html; } else { return '<p><strong>' . __('Not logged in or no permission for non public user list', 'amr-users') . '</strong></p>'; } // return('<!-- '.__('Inadequate permission for non public user list','amr-users').' -->'); }
function amr_list_user_meta() { /* Echos out the paginated version of the requested list */ global $aopt; global $amain; global $amr_nicenames; global $thiscache; if (isset($_POST['info_update']) or amr_is_bulk_request('ym_update')) { amr_ym_bulk_update(); return; } ameta_options(); if (!isset($aopt['list'])) { _e("No lists Defined", 'amr-users'); return false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['ulist'])) { $l = (int) $_REQUEST['ulist']; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { /* somehow needs to be ? instead of & in wordpress admin, so we don't get as separate */ $param = 'ulist='; $l = substr(stristr($_REQUEST['page'], $param), strlen($param)); } else { //echo '<br />what is happening ?'; //var_dump($_REQUEST); } } if ($l < 1) { $l = 1; } /* just do the first list */ //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br /> List requested ='.$l; if (isset($_REQUEST['csv'])) { amr_meta_handle_export_request(); return; } $thiscache = new adb_cache(); // nlr? amr_list_user_admin_headings($l); // will only do if in_admin echo ausers_form_start(); if (empty($_REQUEST['filtering']) and empty($_REQUEST['headings'])) { ausers_bulk_actions(); } // will check capabilities echo alist_one('user', $l, array()); /* list the user list with the explanatory headings */ if (empty($_REQUEST['filtering']) and empty($_REQUEST['headings'])) { ausers_bulk_actions(); } // will check capabilities if (function_exists('amr_ym_bulk_update_form') and amr_is_ym_in_list($l)) { // only show form if we have a ym field amr_ym_bulk_update_form(); } echo ausers_form_end(); return; }