$s = $tableName . '.' . $wherecol . ' LIKE ' . MySQL_quote($wheredata); break; case 'gnuregex': $s = $tableName . '.' . $wherecol . ' REGEX ' . MySQL_quote($wheredata); break; } $newwhere .= $s; } else { $newwhere = $wherecurrent; } if ($newwhere != '') { $where = ' WHERE ' . $newwhere; } else { $where = ''; } $query = $tableData[$tableName]['_view_sql_final'] . $where . $orderby; if (dodbg(2)) { echo "Query: " . $query; } $headtmp = array_subkey($tableData[$tableName], 'longname'); $head = array(); foreach ($headtmp as $key => $value) { if ($key[0] != '_') { $head[$key] = $value; } } drawTableTopSQL($tableData[$tableName], $newwhere, $tableName); drawTableSQL($head, $query, TRUE, $tableName, $tablePerm['edit'], $tablePerm['delete']); } include './footer.inc.php'; /* vim: set ft=php expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=4: */
public function home() { global $core; // all today tomorrow week future $v = $this->__(array('f', 'p' => 0)); if (!($event_type = $core->cache_load('events_type'))) { $sql = 'SELECT type_id, type_alias FROM _events_type ORDER BY type_order'; $event_type = $core->cache_store('events_type', _rowset($sql, 'type_alias', 'type_id')); } if ($v['f'] && !isset($event_type[$v['f']])) { _fatal(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events ORDER BY event_date ASC'; $list = _rowset($sql); $events = w(); foreach ($list as $row) { $type = $this->_when($row['event_date'], $row['event_images']); $events[$type][] = $row; } unset($list); if ($v['f']) { $events = array($v['f'] => $events[$v['f']]); } foreach ($events as $k => $z) { switch ($k) { case '': break; } } // Gallery if (isset($events['gallery'])) { @krsort($events['gallery']); if (!($events['gallery'] = array_slice($events['gallery'], $v['g'], $core->v('gallery_pages')))) { _fatal(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events_images WHERE event_id IN (??) ORDER BY RAND()'; $i_random = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_subkey($events['gallery'], 'event_id'))), 'event_id', 'image'); foreach ($events['gallery'] as $i => $row) { if (!$i) { _style('gallery', _pagination(_link($this->m()), 'g:%d', count($events['gallery']), $core->v('gallery_pages'), $v['g'])); } _style('gallery.row', array('URL' => _link($this->m(), $row['event_alias']), 'TITLE' => $row['event_subject'], 'IMAGE' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' thumbnail ' . $row['event_id']), $i_random[$row['event_id']], 'jpg'), 'TIME' => _format_date($row['event_date'], _lang('DATE_FORMAT')))); } unset($events['gallery']); } if (is_ghost()) { return; } $attend_event = $attend_id = w(); foreach ($events as $row) { foreach ($row as $row2) { $attend_id = array_merge($attend_id, array_subkey($row2, 'event_id')); } } if (count($attend_id)) { if ($bio->v('auth_member')) { $sql = 'SELECT attend_event, attend_option FROM _events_attend WHERE attend_event IN (??) AND attend_uid = ?'; $attend_event = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $attend_id), $bio->v('bio_id')), 'attend_event', 'attend_option'); } $sql = 'SELECT *, COUNT(a.attend_uid) AS attendees FROM _events_attend_type t, _events_attend a WHERE a.attend_event IN (??) AND a.attend_option = t.type_id ORDER BY type_order'; $types = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $attend_id)), 'attend_event', false, true); } $i = 0; foreach ($events as $type => $type_row) { if (!$i) { _style('future'); } _style('future.type', array('L_TITLE' => _lang('EVENTS_' . $event_type[$type]))); foreach ($type_row as $row) { _style('future.type.row', array('URL' => _link($this->m(), $row['event_alias']), 'TITLE' => $row['event_subject'], 'DATE' => _format_date($row['event_date']), 'THUMBNAIL' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' preview'), $row['event_id'], 'jpg'), 'ATTEND_YES' => $row['event_attend_yes'], 'ATTEND_NO' => $row['event_attend_no'], 'U_ATTEND' => _link($this->m(), array($row['event_alias'], 'x1' => 'attend')), 'V_ATTEND' => isset($attend_event[$row['event_id']]) ? $attend_event[$row['event_id']] : -1)); } $i++; } $this->monetize(); _style('suggest', array('URL' => _link('suggest', 'event'))); return; }
protected function _account_home() { global $bio, $core; if (_button()) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _bio_fields ORDER BY field_alias'; $fields = _rowset($sql, 'field_alias'); $v = $this->__(array_merge(w('address password password_verify gender' . _implode(' ', array_subkey($fields, 'field_alias'))), array('timezone' => 0, 'birthday' => array(0)))); $field_error = array('address' => 'NO_ADDRESS', 'password' => 'NO_PASSWORD', 'password_verify' => 'NO_PASSWORD_VERIFY'); foreach ($v as $k => $vv) { if (!f($vv)) { $this->error('#'); } } if (is_ghost() && $this->errors()) { $this->e('!'); } redirect(_link('my', 'page')); } return; /* if (_button()) { if (!$this->errrors()) { $avatar_changed = (isset($this->data['old_avatar'])) ? true : false; // Update DB if something was changed if (sizeof($sql_update)) { if (isset($sql_update['bio_avatar'])) { if (f($bio->v('bio_avatar'))) { @unlink('..' . $core->v('avatar_path') . $bio->v('bio_avatar')); } @rename($this->data['old_avatar'], '..' . $core->v('avatar_path') . $sql_update['bio_avatar']); } } // Redirect to userpage } } // IF submit // Selects $this->ss_build('dateformat', 'timezone', 'gender', 'birthday', 'topic_order', 'mark_items'); // Vars $sv = array( 'AVATAR_MAXSIZE' => $core->v('avatar_filesize'), 'L_AVATAR_EXPLAIN' => sprintf(_lang('AVATAR_EXPLAIN'), $core->v('avatar_max_width'), $core->v('avatar_max_height')) ) + $this->fields_fvars(); */ }
protected function _artists_home() { // TODO: Add sorting methods by genre, country & more. $v = $this->__(w('by')); switch ($v->by) { case 'genre': // TODO: Add query $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _bio b, _bio_type t WHERE t.type_alias = ? AND b.bio_type = t.type_id ORDER BY b.bio_name'; $artists = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, 'artist')); break; default: $allow_by = array('country' => 'c.country_name'); $s_country = isset($allow_by[$v->by]) ? $allow_by[$v->by] . ',' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _bio b, _bio_type t, _countries c WHERE t.type_alias = ? AND b.bio_type = t.type_id AND b.bio_country = c.country_id ORDER BY ?? b.bio_name'; $artists = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, 'artist', $s_country)); break; } // Genres $sql = 'SELECT g.genre_alias, g.genre_name, r.relation_artist FROM _genres g, _genres_relation r WHERE g.genre_id = r.relation_genre AND r.relation_artist IN (??) ORDER BY g.genre_name'; $genres = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_subkey($artists, 'bio_id'))), 'relation_artist', false, true); $i = 0; foreach ($artists as $row) { $first_letter = $row->bio_alias[0]; if (f($v->sort) && $first_letter != $v->sort) { continue; } if (!$i) { _style('artists'); } _style('artists.row', _vs(array('URL' => _link_bio($row->bio_alias), 'NAME' => $row->bio_name, 'IMAGE' => _avatar($row), 'GENRE' => _implode(', ', $genres[$row->bio_id])), 'v')); $i++; } if (!$i) { _style('artists_none'); } return; }