예제 #1
function domainTable()
    $args = array('post_type' => 'domain', 'orderby' => 'ASC');
    $domains = get_posts($args);
    $sortedDomains = [];
    $key = 0;
    foreach ($domains as $domain) {
        $sortedDomains[$key]['post_title'] = $domain->post_title;
        $sortedDomains[$key]['post_content'] = $domain->post_content;
        $sortedDomains[$key]['link'] = get_post_meta($domain->ID, 'link', true);
        $sortedDomains[$key]['order'] = get_post_meta($domain->ID, 'order', true);
    array_sort_by_column($sortedDomains, 'order');
    echo '<table id = "domain-table">';
    echo '<th colspan = 2>Domenas</th><th colspan = 3>Aprašymas</th><th>Statistika</th>';
    foreach ($sortedDomains as $domain) {
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td colspan = 2>' . $domain['post_title'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td colspan = 3> ' . $domain['post_content'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td><a href = "' . $domain['link'] . '">Linkas</a></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
예제 #2
<table class = "table table-striped" style = "text-align:left" width = 500>
    <thead><tr><th>Rank</th><th>Username</th><th>Date Joined</th><th>Current Holdings</th><th>Total Trades</th><th>Buying Power</th><th>Invested Funds</th><th>Portfolio Value</th></tr></thead>
if (isset($data) && isset($users) && isset($portfolio) && isset($totals)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
        $data[$i]["value"] = $totals[$data[$i]["id"]];
    array_sort_by_column($data, 'value');
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        printf("<td>" . $count . "</td>");
        printf("<td>" . $row["username"] . "</td>");
        printf("<td>" . $row["date"] . "</td>");
        printf("<td>" . $row["portfolioCount"] . "</td>");
        printf("<td>" . $row["historyCount"] . "</td>");
        printf("<td> \$ " . number_format($row["cash"], 2) . "</td>");
        printf("<td> \$ " . number_format($row["value"] - $row["cash"], 2) . "</td>");
        printf("<td> \$ " . number_format($row["value"], 2) . "</td>");

 public static function get_stamina_leaderboard()
     // For ease of editing later I'm not going to try to wiggle this into one query
     $users = User::all();
     $return_array = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $scores = User_score::get_scores_for_user_approved($user->id, "difficulty_score DESC", 'AND ranked_files.stamina_file = 1');
         $top_sum = 0;
         $top_score = 0;
         foreach ($scores as $score) {
             $top_score = $score->difficulty_score;
         $i = 0;
         $scores_to_use = 1;
         if ($top_score < 15) {
             $scores_to_use = 1;
         } else {
             if ($top_score < 20) {
                 $scores_to_use = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($top_score < 24) {
                     $scores_to_use = 2;
                 } else {
                     if ($top_score < 28) {
                         $scores_to_use = 2;
                     } else {
                         if ($top_score < 31) {
                             $scores_to_use = 3;
                         } else {
                             $scores_to_use = 5;
         foreach ($scores as $score) {
             $top_sum += $score->difficulty_score;
             if ($i == $scores_to_use) {
         $avg = $top_sum / $scores_to_use;
         $user_array = array("username" => $user->display_name, "profile_link" => "/profile/view/" . $user->username, "average_score" => $avg);
         if ($i == $scores_to_use && $avg != 0) {
             array_push($return_array, $user_array);
     // sort the array using an anonymous function
     array_sort_by_column($return_array, 'average_score');
     return $return_array;
예제 #4

function array_sort_by_column(&$array, $column, $direction = SORT_ASC)
    $reference_array = array();
    foreach ($array as $key => $row) {
        $reference_array[$key] = strtolower($row[$column]);
    array_multisort($reference_array, $direction, $array);
array_sort_by_column($types['type'], 'name');
array_sort_by_column($suppliers['supplier'], 'title');
if (empty($products['product'])) {
} else {
    if (!isset($products['product'][0])) {
        $temp = $products;
        $products = array();
        $products['product'][0] = $temp['product'];
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($types['type']); $x++) {
    $retypes[$types['type'][$x]['id']] = $types['type'][$x];
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($industries['industry']); $x++) {
    $reindustries[$industries['industry'][$x]['id']] = $industries['industry'][$x];
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($suppliers['supplier']); $x++) {
예제 #5
 $exerciseArray = explode(",", $_GET["exercises"]);
 $select_records = mysql_query("select workout_id from fitness_exercise_repetition where exercise_level_id='" . $level . "' and repetitions!=''");
 $exercisesArray = array();
 while ($getRecords = mysql_fetch_array($select_records)) {
     $workoutID = $getRecords["workout_id"];
     $checkRecord = mysql_query("select master_check from fitness_exercise_general where workout_id='" . $workoutID . "'");
     $getChecked = mysql_fetch_row($checkRecord);
     if ($getChecked[0] == 1) {
         $selectWorkouts = mysql_query("select workout_id,workout_name from fitness_exercise_general_multilang where workout_id='" . $workoutID . "' and lang_id=1");
         $getWorkout[] = mysql_fetch_array($selectWorkouts);
 foreach ($getWorkout as $workouts) {
     $exercisesArray[] = $workouts;
 $exercisesArray = array_sort_by_column($exercisesArray, "workout_name");
 foreach ($exercisesArray as $exerciseRow) {
     if (in_array($exerciseRow["workout_id"], $exerciseArray)) {
         $checked = "selected";
     } else {
         $checked = "";
     $options .= "<option value='" . $exerciseRow["workout_id"] . "' {$checked}>" . $exerciseRow["workout_name"] . "</option>";
 			$checked  = "selected";
 			$checked  = "";
예제 #6
 public static function getZipCodes($code, $distance)
     //connect to db server; select database
     require 'scripts/database.php';
     //query for coordinates of provided ZIP Code
     if (!($rs = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM zipcodes WHERE code = '{$code}'"))) {
         $GLOBALS['message'] = "Database error.";
         return false;
     } else {
         if (mysqli_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
             $GLOBALS['message'] = "No zip codes found.";
             return false;
         } else {
             //if found, set variables
             $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs);
             $lat1 = $row['latitude'];
             $lon1 = $row['longitude'];
             $d = $distance;
             $r = 3959;
             //compute max and min latitudes / longitudes for search square
             $latN = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos($d / $r) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin($d / $r) * cos(deg2rad(0))));
             $latS = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos($d / $r) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin($d / $r) * cos(deg2rad(180))));
             $lonE = rad2deg(deg2rad($lon1) + atan2(sin(deg2rad(90)) * sin($d / $r) * cos(deg2rad($lat1)), cos($d / $r) - sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($latN))));
             $lonW = rad2deg(deg2rad($lon1) + atan2(sin(deg2rad(270)) * sin($d / $r) * cos(deg2rad($lat1)), cos($d / $r) - sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($latN))));
             //find all coordinates within the search square's area
             //exclude the starting point and any empty city values
             $query = "SELECT * FROM zipcodes WHERE (latitude <= {$latN} AND latitude >= {$latS} AND longitude <= {$lonE} AND longitude >= {$lonW}) AND (latitude != {$lat1} AND longitude != {$lon1}) AND city != '' ORDER BY state, city, latitude, longitude";
             if (!($rs = $connection->query($query))) {
                 $GLOBALS['message'] = "Database error while searching for zip codes in area.";
                 return false;
             } elseif (mysqli_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
                 $GLOBALS['message'] = "No zip codes found within that distance.";
                 return false;
             } else {
                 //output all matches to array to be used to search for people in the area.
                 $tmp = array();
                 $i = 0;
                 while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs)) {
                     $distance = round(acos(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($row['latitude'])) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($row['latitude'])) * cos(deg2rad($row['longitude']) - deg2rad($lon1))) * $r);
                     if ($d >= $distance) {
                         $tmp[$i] = $row;
                         $tmp[$i]['distance'] = $distance;
                 //now we can sort the temp array via the function at the top of the page
                 array_sort_by_column($tmp, 'distance');
                 return $tmp;
예제 #7
    // Do it
    $data = csvToArray($feed, ',');
    // Set number of elements (minus 1 because we shift off the first row)
    $count = count($data) - 1;
    //Use first row for names
    $labels = array_shift($data);
    foreach ($labels as $label) {
        $keys[] = $label;
    // Add Ids, just in case we want them later
    $keys[] = 'id';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $data[$i][] = $i;
    // Bring it all together
    for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
        $d = array_combine($keys, $data[$j]);
        $newArray[$j] = $d;
    array_sort_by_column($newArray, 'id');
    // print_r($newArray);
    // Saving file
    $json_file = '../data_' . $key . '.json';
    $fp = fopen($json_file, 'w');
    fwrite($fp, '{"feed":');
    fwrite($fp, json_encode($newArray));
    fwrite($fp, '}');
    echo "<pre>";
    echo 'Fichier <a href="' . $json_file . '">data_' . $key . '.json</a><br />';
    echo "</pre>";
예제 #8
function createJson($year = '')
    global $wpdb;
    $ribbonData = array();
    $data = array();
    $json = array();
    $blueList = array();
    $redList = array();
    $filter = " and year= " . ($year != '' ? $year : date("Y"));
    $sql = "SELECT entry_id, location, year, ribbonType, numRibbons,project_name,project_photo, post_id, maker_name " . " FROM `wp_mf_ribbons` where entry_id > 0 " . $filter . " " . " ORDER BY ribbonType ASC, numRibbons desc, entry_id";
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A) as $ribbon) {
        $entry_id = $ribbon['entry_id'];
        $link = "/mfarchives/" . $entry_id;
        $post_id = $ribbon['post_id'];
        $project_name = $ribbon['project_name'];
        $project_photo = $ribbon['project_photo'];
        $project_desc = '';
        $maker_name = $ribbon['maker_name'];
        $location = $ribbon['location'];
        $year = $ribbon['year'];
        $ribbonType = $ribbon['ribbonType'];
        $numRibbons = $ribbon['numRibbons'];
        //pull the project information - mf_ribbons data takes precedence
        if ($post_id != 0) {
            //archived record
            $makerSQL = "select post.post_content, wp_postmeta.* " . " from wp_posts post " . " right outer join wp_postmeta on " . "                     post.ID = post_id and " . "                   ((post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key like '%maker_name%') or " . "                    (post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key in('project_photo','project_name')) or " . "                    (post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key like '%project_description%')) " . "  where post.ID = {$post_id} ORDER BY `wp_postmeta`.`meta_key` DESC";
            foreach ($wpdb->get_results($makerSQL, ARRAY_A) as $projData) {
                //wpv1 project data is in the post_content field
                //cs project data is in the meta fields
                if ($projData['post_content'] != '') {
                    $jsonArray = json_decode($projData['post_content'], true);
                    //if there is an error, try to fix the json
                    if (empty($jsonArray)) {
                        $content = fixWPv1Json($projData['post_content'], $post_id);
                        $jsonArray = json_decode($content, true);
                    if (!empty($jsonArray)) {
                        if ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'presenter') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['presentation_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['presentation_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['presenter_name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                        } elseif ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'exhibit') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['project_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['project_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['maker_name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                        } elseif ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'performer') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['performer_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['performer_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                $field = $projData['meta_key'];
                $value = $projData['meta_value'];
                if ($field == 'project_photo' && $project_photo == '') {
                    if (is_numeric($value)) {
                        $project_photo = wp_get_attachment_url($value);
                    } else {
                        $project_photo = $value;
                if ($field == 'project_name' && $project_name == '') {
                    $project_name = $value;
                if (strpos($field, 'maker_name') !== false) {
                    //if maker name has field_ in it, it is not a valid maker name.
                    if (strpos($value, 'field_') === false && $maker_name == '') {
                        $maker_name = $value;
                if ($field == 'project_description' && $project_desc == '') {
                    $project_desc = $value;
        } else {
            //non archived record
            $link = "/maker/entry/" . $entry_id;
            $maker_first_name = $maker_last_name = '';
            //check if this is a GF entry
            $leadSQL = "SELECT  wp_rg_lead_detail.field_number,wp_rg_lead_detail.value,wp_rg_lead_detail_long.value as long_value  " . " FROM wp_rg_lead_detail " . " left outer join wp_rg_lead_detail_long ON " . "     wp_rg_lead_detail.id = wp_rg_lead_detail_long.lead_detail_id " . " WHERE wp_rg_lead_detail.lead_id = " . $entry_id . " order by lead_id, field_number";
            foreach ($wpdb->get_results($leadSQL, ARRAY_A) as $projData) {
                switch ($projData['field_number']) {
                    case '22':
                        $project_photo = $projData['value'];
                    case '151':
                        $project_name = $projData['value'];
                    case '16':
                        if ($projData['long_value'] != NULL) {
                            $project_desc = $projData['long_value'];
                        } else {
                            $project_desc = $projData['value'];
                    case '160.3':
                        $maker_first_name = $projData['value'];
                    case '160.6':
                        $maker_last_name = $projData['value'];
                $maker_name = $maker_first_name . ' ' . $maker_last_name;
        //do not add to ribbon array if $project_name, $project_photo and $project_desc are blank
        if ($project_name == '' && $project_photo == '' && $project_desc == '') {
        } else {
            //build ribbon data array
            $currCount = isset($ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count']) ? $ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count'] : 0;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count'] = (int) $currCount + (int) $numRibbons;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['fairedata'][] = array('year' => $year, 'faire' => $location, 'ribbonType' => $ribbonType == 0 ? 'blue' : 'red');
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_name'] = $project_name;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_photo'] = $project_photo;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_desc'] = $project_desc;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['maker_name'] = $maker_name;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['link'] = $link;
    foreach ($ribbonData as $entry_id => $data) {
        $blueCount = isset($data['ribbon'][0]['count']) ? $data['ribbon'][0]['count'] : 0;
        $redCount = isset($data['ribbon'][1]['count']) ? $data['ribbon'][1]['count'] : 0;
        $project_photo = $data['project_photo'];
        $project_photo = legacy_get_fit_remote_image_url($project_photo, 285, 270, 0);
        $jsondata = array('entryID' => $entry_id, "blueCount" => $blueCount, "redCount" => $redCount, "project_name" => html_entity_decode($data['project_name']), "project_photo" => $project_photo, "maker_name" => $data['maker_name'], "link" => $data['link'], "project_description" => html_entity_decode($data['project_desc']), "faireData" => array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $data['fairedata']))));
        $json[] = $jsondata;
        if ($blueCount > 0) {
            $blueList[$blueCount]['winners'][] = $jsondata;
            $blueList[$blueCount]['numRibbons'] = $blueCount;
        if ($redCount > 0) {
            $redList[$redCount]['winners'][] = $jsondata;
            $redList[$redCount]['numRibbons'] = $redCount;
    //blue list is an array of data
    //$blueList[number of blue ribbons]= array('numRibbons'=>number of blue ribbons
    //                                         'winners' =>ribbon data
    //                                         )
    //sort blue list and red list, within each group, alphabetically
    array_sort_by_column($blueList, 'numRibbons', SORT_DESC);
    foreach ($blueList as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value['winners'])) {
            array_sort_by_column($value['winners'], 'project_name');
        foreach ($value['winners'] as $winnerKey => $winner) {
            foreach ($winner['faireData'] as $fdKey => $faireData) {
                if ($faireData['ribbonType'] == 'red') {
        $blueList[$key]['winners'] = $value['winners'];
    array_sort_by_column($redList, 'numRibbons', SORT_DESC);
    foreach ($redList as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value['winners'])) {
            array_sort_by_column($value['winners'], 'project_name');
        foreach ($value['winners'] as $winnerKey => $winner) {
            foreach ($winner['faireData'] as $fdKey => $faireData) {
                if ($faireData['ribbonType'] == 'blue') {
        $redList[$key]['winners'] = $value['winners'];
    $return['json'] = $json;
    $return['blueList'] = $blueList;
    $return['redList'] = $redList;
    return json_encode($return);
예제 #9
function get_rank($category, $start = false, $qty = false)
    //$athletes = new data("athletes","filter:category='$category' and active='1'",false);
    //SELECT * FROM ".DBIntrd::$table." WHERE ".$filter
    if ($category == "all") {
        $athletes = new data("athletes", "custom:\n\t\t\tSELECT athletes.name,athletes.id,athletes.category,athletes.gender FROM athletes WHERE active=1\n\t\t\t", false);
    } else {
        $athletes = new data("athletes", "custom:\n\t\t\tSELECT athletes.name,athletes.id,athletes.category,athletes.gender FROM athletes WHERE active=1 and category='{$category}'\n\t\t\t", false);
    $total = count((array) $athletes);
    if ($start > $total) {
        $start = 0;
    //echo $start;
    /*$count_flash = new data("attempts","custom:
    		SELECT athlete,count(ascent) FROM attempts WHERE ascent=1 GROUP BY athlete 
    	$count_tops = new data("attempts","custom:
    			SELECT athlete,count(ascent) FROM attempts WHERE ascent=0 GROUP BY athlete 
    foreach ($athletes as $key => $athlete) {
        $athlete_name = $athlete->name;
        $athlete_id = $athlete->id;
        $athlete_cat = $athlete->category;
        $score[$athlete_name]["id"] = $athlete_id;
        $score[$athlete_name]["category"] = $athlete_cat;
        $score[$athlete_name]["gender"] = $athlete->gender;
        $attempts = new data("attempts", "filter:athlete='{$athlete_name}' and ascent=0", false);
        $score[$athlete_name]["attempts"] = count((array) $attempts);
        $ascents = new data("attempts", "filter:athlete='{$athlete_name}' and ascent=1", false);
        $score[$athlete_name]["tops"] = count((array) $ascents);
        $sum = 0;
        foreach ($ascents as $ascent) {
            $value = get_boulder($ascent->sector, $ascent->boulder)["value_top"];
            $sum = $sum + $value;
        $score[$athlete_name]["tops_sum"] = $sum;
        $flashs = new data("attempts", "filter:athlete='{$athlete_name}' and ascent=2", false);
        $score[$athlete_name]["flashs"] = count((array) $flashs);
        $sum = 0;
        foreach ($flashs as $flash) {
            $value = get_boulder($flash->sector, $flash->boulder)["value_flash"];
            $sum = $sum + $value;
        $score[$athlete_name]["flashs_sum"] = $sum;
        $score[$athlete_name]["total"] = $score[$athlete_name]["flashs_sum"] + $score[$athlete_name]["tops_sum"];
    array_sort_by_column($score, "total", SORT_DESC);
    $score = array_slice($score, $start, $qty);
    return $score;
예제 #10
while ($row5 = mysql_fetch_array($sel_5)) {
    array_push($news_array, $row5);
while ($row6 = mysql_fetch_array($sel_6)) {
    array_push($news_array, $row6);
function array_sort_by_column(&$arr, $col, $dir = SORT_ASC)
    $sort_col = array();
    foreach ($arr as $key => $row) {
        $sort_col[$key] = $row[$col];
    array_multisort($sort_col, $dir, $arr);
array_sort_by_column($news_array, "sorting");
//project update comment code start
if (isset($_POST['submitProjectUpdateComment']) && $_SESSION['userId'] != '') {
    $updatecomment_time = time();
    $con->insert("INSERT INTO `projectupdatecomment` (`updatecommentId`, `userId`, `projectId`, `updatenumber`, `updateComment`, `updateCommentTime`) VALUES \n\t\t\t\t\t(NULL, '" . $_SESSION['userId'] . "', '" . $project . "', '" . $updatenumber . "', '" . sanitize_string($projectupdate_comment) . "', '{$updatecomment_time}')");
    		$artical="<html><head><style>.body{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; }</style></head>";
    		$artical.="<body><strong>Hello ".$sel_pro_user['name'].", </strong><br />";
    		$artical.="<br />Thank you for creating your profile on ".DISPLAYSITENAME.".com.<br /><br />";
    		$artical.="<table><tr><td colspan='2'><strong>Account Information</strong></td></tr>";
    		$artical.="<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><strong>User Id : </strong></td><td>".$user_comment."</td></tr>";
    		$artical.="<tr><td><strong>Password : </strong></td><td>".$sel_pro_user['name']."</td></tr>";
예제 #11
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $mobileId = $row['mobileId'];
    $latitude = $row['latitude'];
    $longitude = $row['longitude'];
    $distance = likit_google_map_distance($custLat, $custLong, $latitude, $longitude);
    $arr_distance[$i]['customerId'] = $customerId;
    $arr_distance[$i]['mobileId'] = $mobileId;
    $arr_distance[$i]['distance'] = $distance;
    $arr_distance[$i]['custLat'] = $custLat;
    $arr_distance[$i]['custLong'] = $custLong;
    $arr_distance[$i]['latitude'] = $latitude;
    $arr_distance[$i]['longitude'] = $longitude;
array_sort_by_column($arr_distance, 'distance');
//echo pre($arr_distance[0]);
$cust_latitude = $custLat;
$cust_longitude = $custLong;
$car1_lat = $arr_distance[0]['latitude'];
$car1_long = $arr_distance[0]['longitude'];
$car1_mobile = $arr_distance[0]['mobileId'];
$car2_lat = $arr_distance[1]['latitude'];
$car2_long = $arr_distance[1]['longitude'];
$car2_mobile = $arr_distance[1]['mobileId'];
$car3_lat = $arr_distance[2]['latitude'];
$car3_long = $arr_distance[2]['longitude'];
$car3_mobile = $arr_distance[2]['mobileId'];
예제 #12
function jg_front_end_leaderboard($atts)
    if (session_id() == '' || !isset($_SESSION)) {
        // session isn't started
    global $current_user;
    global $wp_roles;
    global $wpdb;
    global $error;
    global $js_shortcode_on_front;
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirectPaid' => 0, 'display' => true, 'template' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', 'limit' => 0), $atts));
    //get all pages
    $teams = array();
    $wpjg_generalSettings = get_option('jg_general_settings');
    include_once JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lib/JustGivingClient.php';
    $client = new JustGivingClient($wpjg_generalSettings['ApiLocation'], $wpjg_generalSettings['ApiKey'], $wpjg_generalSettings['ApiVersion'], $wpjg_generalSettings['TestUsername'], $wpjg_generalSettings['TestValidPassword']);
    // get teams for pages
    $teams = get_transient('justgiving_teams');
    if (DEBUG) {
        $teams = NULL;
    $players = 0;
    if (!$teams) {
        $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}jgteams WHERE `teamshortname`<>'';");
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $res = $client->Team->Get($result->teamshortname);
            $vars = array();
            if ($res) {
                $vars = array_merge(get_object_vars($res), get_object_vars($result));
                $vars['numMembers'] = count($res->teamMembers);
                $players += count($res->teamMembers);
            } else {
                $vars = array_merge(get_object_vars($result));
            $teams[$res->id] = $vars;
    } else {
        foreach ($teams as $team) {
            $players += $team['numMembers'];
    if (!DEBUG && (!isset($_GET['id']) || intval($_GET['id']) == 0)) {
        set_transient('justgiving_teams', $teams, 60 * 10);
        // 1/2 day storage
    include_once JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lib/functions.php';
    $teams = unstrip_array($teams);
    require_once JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lib/Smarty.class.php';
    $smarty = new Smarty();
    $smarty->template_dir = JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/smarty/templates/';
    $smarty->compile_dir = JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/smarty/templates_c/';
    $smarty->config_dir = JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/smarty/configs/';
    $smarty->cache_dir = JG_PLUGIN_DIR . '/smarty/cache/';
    if ($orderby != '') {
        if ($order == 'asc') {
            array_sort_by_column($teams, $orderby, SORT_ASC);
        } else {
            array_sort_by_column($teams, $orderby, SORT_DESC);
    if ($limit != 0) {
        $teams = array_slice($teams, 0, $limit);
    $selteam = array();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['selteam']) && $_REQUEST['selteam']) {
        foreach ($teams as $team) {
            if ($team['teamshortname'] == $_REQUEST['selteam']) {
                $selteam = $team;
    if (isset($selteam['dateCreated'])) {
        $smarty->assign('sel', $selteam);
    $smarty->assign('teams', $teams);
    $smarty->assign('pluginurl', JG_PLUGIN_URL);
    $smarty->assign('templateurl', get_template_directory_uri());
    $smarty->assign('players', $players);
    $smarty->assign('settings', $wpjg_generalSettings);
    if ($template != '') {
    } else {
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;
예제 #13
파일: index1.php 프로젝트: tynawood/rm
                } else {
                    //output all matches to screen
                    echo "<table class=\"bordered\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
                    echo "<tr><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>ZIP Code</th><th>Latitude</th><th>Longitude</th><th>Miles, Point A To B</th></tr>\n";
                    $tmp = array();
                    $i = 0;
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
                        $distance = round(acos(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($row['latitude'])) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($row['latitude'])) * cos(deg2rad($row['longitude']) - deg2rad($lon1))) * $r);
                        if ($d >= $distance) {
                            $tmp[$i] = $row;
                            $tmp[$i]['distance'] = $distance;
                    //now we can sort the temp array via the function at the top of the page
                    array_sort_by_column($tmp, 'distance');
                    foreach ($tmp as $data) {
                        echo "<tr><td>{$data['city']}</td><td>{$data['state']}</td><td>{$data['zip_code']}</td><td>{$data['latitude']}</td><td>{$data['longitude']}</td><td>{$data['distance']}</td></tr>\n";
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
                    echo "</table>\n<br />\n";
        <p><a href="http://www.dougv.com/blog/2009/03/27/getting-all-zip-codes-in-a-given-radius-from-a-known-point-zip-code-via-php-and-mysql/">Getting All ZIP Codes In A Given Radius From A Known Point / ZIP Code Via PHP And MySQL</a></p>
예제 #14
function array_sort_by_column(&$arr, $col, $dir = SORT_DESC)
    $sort_col = array();
    foreach ($arr as $key => $row) {
        $sort_col[$key] = $row[$col];
    array_multisort($sort_col, $dir, $arr);
$links = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($html->find('tr.gai,tr.tum') as $a) {
    $i = $i + 1;
    $linkname = $a->children(1)->children(1)->getAttribute('innertext');
    $leechers = strip_tags($a->last_child()->children(0));
    $leechers = preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i", "", $leechers);
    // removing nbsp and other html trash
    $url = 'http://www.rutor.org' . $a->children(1)->children(1)->href;
    // print $url.PHP_EOL;
    $links[$i]['leechers'] = $leechers;
    $links[$i]['name'] = $linkname;
    $links[$i]['url'] = $url;
    // print($i.' >> '. $leechers.' >> '. $linkname .PHP_EOL);
array_sort_by_column($links, 'leechers');
// Sort this shit!
for ($i = 0; $i < $results; $i++) {
    if (strlen($links[$i]['name']) > 5) {
        // А вдруг, зачем нам это недоразумение.
        echo $links[$i]['leechers'] . ' ' . mb_strimwidth($links[$i]['name'], 0, 50, "") . PHP_EOL;
예제 #15
 private static function get_regional_inheritance($generations, $region)
     // returns 2 arrays: 'current' and 'inherited' // v6.49 // v6.53
     $custom_array = array('current' => array(), 'inherited' => array());
     foreach ($generations as $aboveness => $generation) {
         // v3.84
         $c_or_i = $aboveness == 0 ? 'current' : 'inherited';
         // v6.66
         $custom_values = get_post_custom($generation);
         foreach ($custom_values as $cv_key => $cv_value) {
             $cv_key_array = explode('-', $cv_key);
             if ($cv_key_array[0] == $region) {
                 $qstring = qscode($cv_value[0]);
                 // qscode makes it into a querystring
                 $c = count($cv_key_array);
                 if ($c == 3) {
                     // an order is specified
                     $rank = $cv_key_array[1];
                     // eg: "2"
                 } else {
                     $rank = "0";
                 $custom_array[$c_or_i][] = array('widget_type' => $cv_key_array[$c - 1], 'qstring' => $qstring, 'rank' => $rank, 'aboveness' => $aboveness);
                 // v6.66
             } elseif ($cv_key == $region . "_cancel" && $cv_value[0] == '1') {
                 // whether current or inherited: this has to be the only entry for this level
                 $custom_array[$c_or_i][] = array('widget_type' => 'cancel', 'qstring' => '', 'rank' => '0', 'aboveness' => $aboveness);
         // foreach ($custom_values
         if (count($custom_array['inherited']) > 0) {
             // v4.12 we only need the nearest inheritance
             // jumps out of foreach  ($generations
     // foreach ($generations
     array_sort_by_column($custom_array['current'], 'rank');
     array_sort_by_column($custom_array['inherited'], 'rank');
     return $custom_array;
예제 #16
파일: class.grd.php 프로젝트: gblok/rsc
 private function col($row, $data)
     $sort_order = array_flip($this->set['cols']);
     foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
         $v['val'] = $v[0];
         //            unset($v[0]);
         $v['order'] = $sort_order[$k];
         $cols[$k] = $v;
         switch ($v['type']) {
             case 'lnk':
                 $cols[$k]['href'] = self::set_lnk($v['href'], $data);
         if (isset($v['custom'])) {
             $cols[$k]['custom'] = self::set_custom($v['custom'], $data);
     array_sort_by_column($cols, 'order');
     return $cols;
예제 #17
function poolsTable($pools)
    // class="success" error warning info
    $poolID = 0;
    $table = "";
    array_sort_by_column($pools, 'Priority');
    foreach ($pools as $pool) {
        if ($pool['Status'] != "Alive") {
            $rowclass = 'error';
        } else {
            $rowclass = 'success';
        $poolURL = explode(":", str_replace("/", "", $pool['URL']));
        $table = $table . "\n    <tr class='" . $rowclass . "'>\n\t<td>";
        if ($poolID != 0) {
            $table = $table . "<form name='spool' action='/' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='url' value='" . $pool['URL'] . "' /><input type='image' src='/img/up.png' name='image'></form>";
        $table = $table . "\n    <td class='text-left'>" . $poolURL[1] . "</td>\n    <td class='text-left ellipsis'>" . $pool['User'] . "</td>\n    <td class='text-left'>" . $pool['Status'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['Priority'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['Getworks'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['Accepted'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['Rejected'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['Discarded'] . "</td>\n    <td>" . date('H:i:s', $pool['LastShareTime']) . "</td>        \n    <td>" . $pool['Diff1Shares'] . "</td>       \n    <td>" . round($pool['DifficultyAccepted']) . "&nbsp;[" . (!$pool['Diff1Shares'] == 0 ? round($pool['DifficultyAccepted'] / $pool['Diff1Shares'] * 100) : 0) . "%]</td>\n    <td>" . round($pool['DifficultyRejected']) . "&nbsp;[" . (!$pool['Diff1Shares'] == 0 ? round($pool['DifficultyRejected'] / $pool['Diff1Shares'] * 100) : 0) . "%]</td>\n    <td>" . round($pool['LastShareDifficulty'], 0) . "</td>\n    <td>" . $pool['BestShare'] . "</td>\n    </tr>";
    return $table;