#default; } else { # No query - display online current (default). $statusQuery = ""; $current_check = "checked=\"checked\""; } #Concatenate POST query strings: $totalQuery = $startQuery . $searchQuery . $statusQuery . $endQuery; } #build result array from totalQuery and store in session $get_records = $totalQuery; $check_get_records = mysql_query($get_records); $result = $check_get_records; $_SESSION['gdb_query'] = $searchQuery; #Only display Archive or Restore buttons when at least one GDB exists or NONE exist/Archive Directory exists, respectively, and no LOCK is in place. $aa_exists = archiveall_directory($ArchiveAll_Dir); // is there an Archive directory in correct place? $GDBQuery = "SELECT * from Genomes.xGDB_Log"; $lockQuery = "SELECT * from Genomes.xGDB_Log where Status='Locked'"; $get_GDB = $GDBQuery; $check_get_GDB = mysql_query($get_GDB); $GDB_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_get_GDB); $get_lock = $lockQuery; $check_get_lock = mysql_query($get_lock); $lock_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_get_lock); $display_if_db = $GDB_num_rows == 0 ? 'display_off' : ($lock_num_rows == 0 ? '' : 'display_off'); // show or hide "Archive All" $display_if_nodb = $GDB_num_rows == 0 && $aa_exists == "Yes" ? '' : 'display_off'; //show or hide "Restore All" $display_if_nolock = $lock_num_rows == 0 ? '' : 'display_off'; //buttons to display only if not locked
if ($get_result == 'dropped' && $Status == 'Development') { $alert = ' Database dropped '; } if ($get_result == 'validated' && $Status == 'Development') { $alert = ' Validated Inputs '; } ############ Check for presence of key directories ############# #these are checked in conf_functions.inc.php. $i_exists = input_directory($Input_Data_Path, $inputDir); # updated 1-28-16 $o_exists = output_directory($DBid, $dataDir); # updated 1-28-16 $g_exists = gdb_directory($DBid, $dataDir); $a_exists = archive_directory($DBid, $dataDir); # updated 1-28-16; archive exists for this GDB $aa_exists = archiveall_directory($dataDir); # updated 1-28-16 ################# If DB already exists, build links and get sequence count from EST, cDNA, GSEG, yrGATE tables######## $GDB_exists = ""; //default no genome database if ($g_exists == "Yes" && mysql_select_db("{$DBid}")) { #xGDB MySQL database exists. $GDB_exists = "Yes"; $homepage_link = $Status == "Current" ? "<a style=\"margin-left: -22px\" title=\"View/Edit this record\" href=\"/XGDB/phplib/index.php?GDB={$DBid}\"><img alt=\"home\" src=\"/XGDB/images/DNA.png\" /></a>" : ""; ######### Read Pipeline Error file and format ########## $pipeline_errors = read_pipeline_progress($DBid, $dataDir, "Pipeline_error.log", "F"); // $pipeline_errors_formatted = read_pipeline_progress($DBid, $dataDir, "Pipeline_error.log", "T"); // $clear_button = file_exists("/xGDBvm/data/{$DBid}/logs/Pipeline_error.log") ? "\n<form method=\"post\" action=\"/XGDB/conf/errors_exec.php\" class=\"styled topmargin1\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"clear\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$id}\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"valid\" value=\"{$valid_post}\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect\" value=\"view\" />\n<span class=\"\">\n <input style=\"width:200px\" id=\"clear_errors\" class=\" submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Clear Errors\" onclick=\"return confirm('Really clear this file's contents?')\" />\n</span>\n</form>\n" : ""; # don't show error div if none exist or this is being restored from an archive.