예제 #1
파일: ga_tk.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
    $list[$i]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
    $list[$i]['bo_table'] = $row['bo_table'];
    $list[$i]['name'] = $name;
    $list[$i]['comment'] = $comment;
    $list[$i]['is_lock'] = $is_lock;
    $list[$i]['href'] = './board.php?bo_table=' . $row['bo_table'] . '&wr_id=' . $row2['wr_id'] . $comment_link;
    $list[$i]['wr_datetime'] = $wr_datetime;
    $list[$i]['datetime'] = $datetime;
    $list[$i]['datetime2'] = $datetime2;
    $list[$i]['gr_subject'] = $row['gr_subject'];
    $list[$i]['bo_subject'] = G5_IS_MOBILE && $row['bo_mobile_subject'] ? $row['bo_mobile_subject'] : $row['bo_subject'];
    $list[$i]['wr_subject'] = $row2['wr_subject'];
$write_pages = get_paging(G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'], $page, $total_page, "?gr_id={$gr_id}&view={$view}&mb_id={$mb_id}&page=");
$write_page_rows = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'];
$list_page = "?gr_id={$gr_id}&view={$view}&mb_id={$mb_id}&page=";
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('new_mobile') : apms_skin_set('new');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=new';
include_once $skin_path . '/new.skin.php';
include_once './_tail.php';

예제 #2
파일: group.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) {
    include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php';
$group_skin = $group['as_' . MOBILE_ . 'main'];
if (!$group_skin) {
    alert('그룹메인을 지원하지 않는 보드그룹입니다.', G5_URL);
$is_main = true;
if ($group['as_multi']) {
    $is_index = true;
$page_name = $group['gr_subject'];
$g5['title'] = $group['gr_subject'];
include_once './_head.php';
include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/latest.lib.php';
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('group_mobile', $gr_id) : apms_skin_set('group', $gr_id);
$group_skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH . '/group/' . $group_skin;
$group_skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL . '/group/' . $group_skin;
$skin_path = $group_skin_path;
$skin_url = $group_skin_url;
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin)) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=group&gr_id=' . $gr_id;
if (is_file($group_skin_path . '/group.skin.php')) {
    include_once $group_skin_path . '/group.skin.php';
} else {
    echo '<p class="text-center text-muted"><br><br>' . $group_skin . ' 그룹스킨이 존재하지 않습니다.<br><br></p>';
include_once './_tail.php';
예제 #3
파일: password.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
            $action = './password_check.php';
            $return_url = './board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table;
    case 'sc':
        // 비밀번호 창에서 로그인 하는 경우 관리자 또는 자신의 글이면 바로 글보기로 감
        if ($is_admin || $member['mb_id'] == $write['mb_id'] && $write['mb_id']) {
            goto_url('./board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&amp;wr_id=' . $wr_id);
        } else {
            $action = './password_check.php';
            $return_url = './board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&amp;wr_id=' . $wr_id;
        alert('w 값이 제대로 넘어오지 않았습니다.');
include_once './_head.php';
$skin_path = $member_skin_path;
$skin_url = $member_skin_url;
/* 비밀글의 제목을 가져옴 지운아빠 2013-01-29 */
$sql = " select wr_subject from {$write_table}\n                      where wr_num = '{$write['wr_num']}'\n                      and wr_reply = ''\n                      and wr_is_comment = 0 ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
$g5['title'] = get_text($row['wr_subject']);
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('member_mobile') : apms_skin_set('member');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=member';
include_once $skin_path . '/password.skin.php';
include_once './_tail.php';
예제 #4
파일: tag.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
            $idx = '';
            $result = sql_query(" select * from {$g5['apms_tag']} where cnt > 0 order by year(lastdate) desc, month(lastdate) desc, cnt desc, type, idx, tag limit {$start_row}, {$trow} ");
            for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
                $row['date'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime($row['lastdate'])));
                $list[$i] = $row;
                $list[$i]['href'] = './tag.php?q=' . urlencode($row['tag']);
                $list[$i]['is_sp'] = $idx != $row['date'] ? true : false;
                $idx = $row['date'];
    $list_cnt = count($list);
    $write_page_rows = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'];
    $list_page = $sort ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?sort=' . $sort . '&amp;page=' : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?page=';
    $skin_file = $skin_path . '/tag.skin.php';
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('tag_mobile') : apms_skin_set('tag');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=tag';
if (is_file($skin_file)) {
    include $skin_file;
} else {
    echo '<p>' . str_replace(G5_PATH . '/', '', $skin_file) . '이 존재하지 않습니다.</p>';
if ($is_admin == 'super') {
    echo '<br><p align="center"><a href="./tag.php?opt=cnt">태그 리카운트 실행</a></p>' . PHP_EOL;
include_once G5_PATH . '/tail.php';
예제 #5
파일: qahead.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
if (chk_multiple_admin($member['mb_id'], $qaconfig['qa_1'])) {
    $is_admin = 'super';
// Page ID
$pid = $pid ? $pid : 'secret';
$at = apms_page_thema($pid);
if (!defined('THEMA_PATH')) {
    include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/apms.thema.lib.php';
$qa_skin_path = get_skin_path('qa', G5_IS_MOBILE ? $qaconfig['qa_mobile_skin'] : $qaconfig['qa_skin']);
$qa_skin_url = get_skin_url('qa', G5_IS_MOBILE ? $qaconfig['qa_mobile_skin'] : $qaconfig['qa_skin']);
if (G5_IS_MOBILE) {
    // 모바일의 경우 설정을 따르지 않는다.
    include_once './_head.php';
    echo conv_content($qaconfig['qa_mobile_content_head'], 1);
} else {
    if ($qaconfig['qa_include_head']) {
        @(include $qaconfig['qa_include_head']);
    } else {
        include './_head.php';
    echo conv_content($qaconfig['qa_content_head'], 1);
$skin_path = $qa_skin_path;
$skin_url = $qa_skin_url;
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('qa_mobile') : apms_skin_set('qa');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=qa';
예제 #6
파일: skin.setup.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
            //PC는 모바일값
            $data = sql_fetch(" select * from {$g5['apms_data']} where type = '30' and data_q = '{$skin}_mobile' {$sql_group} ");
            if ($data['id']) {
                sql_query(" update {$g5['apms_data']} set data_set = '{$wset}' where type = '30' and data_q = '{$skin}_mobile' {$sql_group} ");
            } else {
                sql_query(" insert {$g5['apms_data']} set type = '30', data_q = '{$skin}_mobile', data_set = '{$wset}' {$ins_group} ");
    $goto_url = './skin.setup.php?skin=' . urlencode($skin);
    if ($gr_id) {
        $goto_url .= '&amp;gr_id=' . $gr_id;
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set($skin . '_mobile', $gr_id) : apms_skin_set($skin, $gr_id);
$g5['title'] = $title . ' 스킨설정';
include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php';
<div id="sch_skin_frm" class="new_win bsp_new_win">
echo $g5['title'];
	<form id="fsetup" name="fsetup" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save">
	<input type="hidden" name="skin" value="<?php 
echo $skin;
	<input type="hidden" name="gr_id" value="<?php 
예제 #7
$g5['title'] = '현재접속자';
include_once './_head.php';
$skin_path = $connect_skin_path;
$skin_url = $connect_skin_url;
$list = array();
$sql_find = $config['as_admin'] ? "and find_in_set(a.mb_id, '{$config['as_admin']}')=0" : "";
$sql = " select a.mb_id, b.mb_nick, b.mb_name, b.mb_email, b.mb_homepage, b.mb_open, b.mb_point, b.as_level, a.lo_ip, a.lo_location, a.lo_url\n            from {$g5['login_table']} a left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n            where a.mb_id <> '{$config['cf_admin']}' {$sql_find}\n            order by a.mb_id desc, a.lo_datetime desc ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $row['lo_url'] = get_text($row['lo_url']);
    $list[$i] = $row;
    if ($row['mb_id']) {
        $list[$i]['name'] = apms_sideview($row['mb_id'], cut_str($row['mb_nick'], $config['cf_cut_name']), $row['mb_email'], $row['mb_homepage'], $row['as_level']);
    } else {
        if ($is_admin) {
            $list[$i]['name'] = $row['lo_ip'];
        } else {
            $list[$i]['name'] = preg_replace("/([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)/", G5_IP_DISPLAY, $row['lo_ip']);
    $list[$i]['num'] = sprintf('%03d', $i + 1);
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('connect_mobile') : apms_skin_set('connect');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=connect';
include_once $skin_path . '/current_connect.skin.php';
include_once './_tail.php';
예제 #8
파일: search.php 프로젝트: peb317/gbamn
        $from_record = 0;
    $write_pages = get_paging(G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'], $page, $total_page, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $search_query . '&amp;gr_id=' . $gr_id . '&amp;srows=' . $srows . '&amp;onetable=' . $onetable . '&amp;page=');
    $write_page_rows = G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'];
    $list_page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $search_query . '&amp;gr_id=' . $gr_id . '&amp;srows=' . $srows . '&amp;onetable=' . $onetable . '&amp;page=';
$group_option = '';
$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from {$g5['group_table']} order by gr_id ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $group_option .= "<option value=\"" . $row['gr_id'] . "\"" . get_selected($_GET['gr_id'], $row['gr_id']) . ">" . $row['gr_subject'] . "</option>";
$group_select = '<label for="gr_id" class="sound_only">게시판 그룹선택</label><select name="gr_id" id="gr_id" class="select"><option value="">전체 분류';
$group_select .= $group_option;
$group_select .= '</select>';
if (!$sfl) {
    $sfl = 'wr_subject';
if (!$sop) {
    $sop = 'or';
// 스킨설정
$wset = G5_IS_MOBILE ? apms_skin_set('search_mobile') : apms_skin_set('search');
$setup_href = '';
if (is_file($skin_path . '/setup.skin.php') && ($is_demo || $is_admin == 'super')) {
    $setup_href = './skin.setup.php?skin=search';
include_once $skin_path . '/search.skin.php';
include_once './_tail.php';