function migrator_init(&$a) { $x = argc(); if ($x > 1) { api_login($a); switch (argv(1)) { case "version": json_return_and_die(array("status" => "OK", 'platform' => PLATFORM_NAME, 'platform_version' => RED_VERSION, 'zot_version' => ZOT_REVISION, 'db_version' => DB_UPDATE_VERSION, 'migrator_version' => MIGRATOR_VERSION)); break; case "import": if (PLATFORM_NAME == "redmatrix") { json_error_die(400, 'Bad Request', 'Cannot import to Redmatrix, only to Hubzilla.'); } switch (argv(2)) { case 'account': migrator_import_account($a); break; case 'identity': migrator_import_identity($a, argv(3)); break; case 'items': migrator_import_items($a, argv(3)); break; case 'directory': migrator_update_directory($a, argv(3)); break; default: json_error_die(404, 'Not Found', 'No such endpoint'); break; } case "export": switch (argv(2)) { case "users": export_users($a); break; case "channel_hashes": export_channel_hashes($a, argv(3)); break; case "identity": export_identity($a, argv(3)); break; case "first_post": first_post($a, argv(3)); break; case "items": export_items($a, argv(3), argv(4), argv(5)); break; default: json_error_die(404, 'Not Found', 'No such endpoint'); break; } break; default: json_error_die(404, 'Not Found', 'No such endpoint'); break; } } }
/** * Returns user info array. */ function api_get_user(&$a, $contact_id = null, $contact_xchan = null) { global $called_api; $user = null; $extra_query = ""; if (!is_null($contact_xchan)) { $user = local_channel(); $extra_query = " and abook_xchan = '" . dbesc($contact_xchan) . "' "; } else { if (!is_null($contact_id)) { $user = $contact_id; $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'user_id')) { $user = intval($_GET['user_id']); $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'screen_name')) { $user = dbesc($_GET['screen_name']); $extra_query = " AND xchan_addr like '%s@%%' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= " AND abook_channel = " . intval(api_user()); } } if (is_null($user) && argc() > count($called_api) - 1 && strstr($a->cmd, '/users')) { $argid = count($called_api); list($xx, $null) = explode(".", argv($argid)); if (is_numeric($xx)) { $user = intval($xx); $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } else { $user = dbesc($xx); $extra_query = " AND xchan_addr like '%s@%%' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= " AND abook_channel = " . intval(api_user()); } } } } if (!$user) { if (api_user() === false) { api_login($a); return False; } else { $user = local_channel(); $extra_query = " AND abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 1 "; } } logger('api_user: '******', user: '******'abook_self'])) { $usr = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval(api_user())); $profile = q("select * from profile where uid = %d and `is_default` = 1 limit 1", intval(api_user())); $item_normal = item_normal(); // count public wall messages $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tAND item_wall = 1 {$item_normal} \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($usr[0]['channel_id'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } else { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE author_xchan = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($uinfo[0]['xchan_hash'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } // count friends if ($usr) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(abook_id) as `count` FROM abook\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 0 ", intval($usr[0]['channel_id'])); $countfriends = $r[0]['count']; $countfollowers = $r[0]['count']; } $r = q("SELECT count(`id`) as `count` FROM item where item_starred = 1 and uid = %d " . item_normal(), intval($uinfo[0]['channel_id'])); $starred = $r[0]['count']; if (!intval($uinfo[0]['abook_self'])) { $countfriends = 0; $countfollowers = 0; $starred = 0; } $ret = array('id' => intval($uinfo[0]['abook_id']), 'self' => intval($uinfo[0]['abook_self']) ? 1 : 0, 'uid' => intval($uinfo[0]['abook_channel']), 'guid' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_hash'], 'name' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_name'] ? $uinfo[0]['xchan_name'] : substr($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'], 0, strpos($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'], '@')), 'screen_name' => substr($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'], 0, strpos($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'], '@')), 'location' => $usr ? $usr[0]['channel_location'] : '', 'profile_image_url' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_photo_l'], 'url' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_url'], 'contact_url' => $a->get_baseurl() . "/connections/" . $uinfo[0]['abook_id'], 'protected' => false, 'friends_count' => intval($countfriends), 'created_at' => api_date($uinfo[0]['abook_created']), 'utc_offset' => "+00:00", 'time_zone' => 'UTC', 'geo_enabled' => false, 'statuses_count' => intval($countitms), 'lang' => get_app()->language, 'description' => $profile ? $profile[0]['pdesc'] : '', 'followers_count' => intval($countfollowers), 'favourites_count' => intval($starred), 'contributors_enabled' => false, 'follow_request_sent' => true, 'profile_background_color' => 'cfe8f6', 'profile_text_color' => '000000', 'profile_link_color' => 'FF8500', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_background_image_url' => '', 'profile_background_tile' => false, 'profile_use_background_image' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'following' => '', 'verified' => true); $x = api_get_status($uinfo[0]['xchan_hash']); if ($x) { $ret['status'] = $x; } // logger('api_get_user: ' . print_r($ret,true)); return $ret; }
function mt_getRecentPostTitles() { $params = func_get_args(); $result = api_login($params[1], $params[2]); if ($result) { return $result; } $post = new Post(); $post->open(); $out = array(); for ($i = 0; $post->_count > 0 && $i < $params[3]; $i++) { array_push($out, api_get_post($post, "mt")); if (!$post->shift()) { break; } } $post->close(); return $out; }
public function api($api_function = false, $params = false) { if (isset($_REQUEST['api_key']) and user_id() == 0) { api_login($_REQUEST['api_key']); } if (!defined('MW_API_CALL')) { define('MW_API_CALL', true); } $set_constants = true; $mod_class_api = false; $mod_class_api_called = false; $mod_class_api_class_exist = false; $caller_commander = false; if ($api_function == false) { $api_function_full = $this->app->url_manager->string(); $api_function_full = $this->app->format->replace_once('api_html', '', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = $this->app->format->replace_once('api/api', 'api', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = $this->app->format->replace_once('api', '', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = trim($api_function_full, '/'); //$api_function_full = substr($api_function_full, 4); } else { $api_function_full = $api_function; } if (isset($api_function_full) and $api_function_full != '') { if (ltrim($api_function_full, '/') == 'module') { $set_constants = false; } } if ($set_constants == true) { $this->app->content_manager->define_constants(); } if (defined('TEMPLATE_DIR')) { $load_template_functions = TEMPLATE_DIR . 'functions.php'; if (is_file($load_template_functions)) { include_once $load_template_functions; } } //$api_function_full = str_ireplace('api/', '', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = str_replace('..', '', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = str_replace('\\', '/', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = str_replace('//', '/', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = $this->app->database_manager->escape_string($api_function_full); if (is_string($api_function_full)) { $mod_api_class = explode('/', $api_function_full); } else { $mod_api_class = $api_function_full; } $try_class_func = array_pop($mod_api_class); // $try_class_func2 = array_pop($mod_api_class); $mod_api_class_copy = $mod_api_class; $try_class_func2 = array_pop($mod_api_class_copy); $mod_api_class2 = implode(DS, $mod_api_class_copy); $mod_api_class = implode(DS, $mod_api_class); $mod_api_class_clean = ltrim($mod_api_class, '/'); $mod_api_class_clean = ltrim($mod_api_class_clean, '\\'); $mod_api_class_clean_uc1 = ucfirst($mod_api_class_clean); $mod_api_class1 = normalize_path(modules_path() . $mod_api_class, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class_native = normalize_path(mw_includes_path() . $mod_api_class, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class_native_system = normalize_path(dirname(MW_PATH) . DS . $mod_api_class, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class_native_global_ns = normalize_path(mw_includes_path() . 'classes' . DS . $mod_api_class2, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class1_uc1 = normalize_path(modules_path() . $mod_api_class_clean_uc1, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class_native_uc1 = normalize_path(mw_includes_path() . $mod_api_class_clean_uc1, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class_native_global_ns_uc1 = normalize_path(mw_includes_path() . 'classes' . DS . $mod_api_class_clean_uc1, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class2 = normalize_path(modules_path() . DS . $mod_api_class_clean . DS . $mod_api_class_clean, false) . '.php'; $mod_api_class2_uc1 = normalize_path(modules_path() . DS . $mod_api_class_clean . DS . $mod_api_class_clean, false) . '.php'; $try_class = '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $mod_api_class); if (class_exists($try_class, false)) { $caller_commander = 'class_is_already_here'; $mod_class_api_class_exist = true; } else { if (is_file($mod_api_class1)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class1; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class_native_system)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class_native_system; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class1_uc1)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class1_uc1; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class_native_global_ns_uc1)) { $try_class = str_replace('/', '\\', $mod_api_class2); $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class_native_global_ns_uc1; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class_native_global_ns)) { $try_class = str_replace('/', '\\', $mod_api_class2); $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class_native_global_ns; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class_native_uc1)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class_native_uc1; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class_native)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class_native; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class2)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class2; } elseif (is_file($mod_api_class2_uc1)) { $mod_class_api = true; include_once $mod_api_class2_uc1; } } $api_exposed = ''; // user functions $api_exposed .= 'user_login user_logout social_login_process'; // content functions $api_exposed .= 'set_language '; $api_exposed .= api_expose(true); if (is_logged()) { $api_exposed .= api_expose_user(true); } if (is_admin()) { $api_exposed .= api_expose_admin(true); } $api_exposed = explode(' ', $api_exposed); $api_exposed = array_unique($api_exposed); $api_exposed = array_trim($api_exposed); $hooks = api_bind(true); if (is_logged()) { $hooks_admin = api_bind_user(true); if (is_array($hooks_admin)) { $hooks = array_merge($hooks, $hooks_admin); } } if (is_admin()) { $hooks_admin = api_bind_admin(true); if (is_array($hooks_admin)) { $hooks = array_merge($hooks, $hooks_admin); } } if ($api_function == false) { $api_function = $this->app->url_manager->segment(1); } if (!defined('MW_API_RAW')) { if ($mod_class_api != false) { $url_segs = $this->app->url_manager->segment(-1); } } else { if (is_array($api_function)) { $url_segs = $api_function; } else { $url_segs = explode('/', $api_function); } } if (!defined('MW_API_FUNCTION_CALL')) { define('MW_API_FUNCTION_CALL', $api_function); } switch ($caller_commander) { case 'class_is_already_here': if ($params != false) { $data = $params; } elseif (!$_POST and !$_REQUEST) { $data = $this->app->url_manager->params(true); if (empty($data)) { $data = $this->app->url_manager->segment(2); } } else { //$data = $_REQUEST; $data = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); } static $loaded_classes = array(); //$try_class_n = src_ if (isset($loaded_classes[$try_class]) == false) { $res = new $try_class($data); $loaded_classes[$try_class] = $res; } else { $res = $loaded_classes[$try_class]; // } if (method_exists($res, $try_class_func) or method_exists($res, $try_class_func2)) { if (method_exists($res, $try_class_func2)) { $try_class_func = $try_class_func2; } $res = $res->{$try_class_func}($data); if (defined('MW_API_RAW')) { $mod_class_api_called = true; } return $this->_api_responce($res); } break; default: $res = false; if (isset($hooks[$api_function_full])) { $data = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $call = $hooks[$api_function_full]; if (!empty($call)) { foreach ($call as $call_item) { $res = call_user_func($call_item, $data); } } if ($res != false) { return $this->_api_responce($res); } } if ($mod_class_api == true and $mod_api_class != false) { $mod_api_class = str_replace('..', '', $mod_api_class); $try_class = str_replace('/', '\\', $mod_api_class); $try_class_full = str_replace('/', '\\', $api_function_full); $try_class_full2 = str_replace('\\', '/', $api_function_full); $mod_api_class_test = explode('/', $try_class_full2); $try_class_func_test = array_pop($mod_api_class_test); $mod_api_class_test_full = implode('/', $mod_api_class_test); $mod_api_err = false; if (!defined('MW_API_RAW')) { if (!in_array($try_class_full, $api_exposed) and !in_array($try_class_full2, $api_exposed) and !in_array($mod_api_class_test_full, $api_exposed)) { $mod_api_err = true; foreach ($api_exposed as $api_exposed_value) { if ($mod_api_err == true) { if ($api_exposed_value == $try_class_full) { $mod_api_err = false; } elseif (strtolower('\\' . $api_exposed_value) == strtolower($try_class_full)) { $mod_api_err = false; } elseif ($api_exposed_value == $try_class_full2) { $mod_api_err = false; } else { $convert_slashes = str_replace('\\', '/', $try_class_full); if ($convert_slashes == $api_exposed_value) { $mod_api_err = false; } } } } } else { $mod_api_err = false; } } if ($mod_class_api and $mod_api_err == false) { if (!class_exists($try_class, false)) { $remove = $url_segs; $last_seg = array_pop($remove); $last_prev_seg = array_pop($remove); $last_prev_seg2 = array_pop($remove); if (class_exists($last_prev_seg, false)) { $try_class = $last_prev_seg; } elseif (class_exists($last_prev_seg2, false)) { $try_class = $last_prev_seg2; } } if (!class_exists($try_class, false)) { $try_class_mw = ltrim($try_class, '/'); $try_class_mw = ltrim($try_class_mw, '\\'); $try_class = $try_class_mw; } if (class_exists($try_class, false)) { if ($params != false) { $data = $params; } elseif (!$_POST and !$_REQUEST) { $data = $this->app->url_manager->params(true); if (empty($data)) { $data = $this->app->url_manager->segment(2); } } else { $data = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); } $res = new $try_class($data); if (method_exists($res, $try_class_func) or method_exists($res, $try_class_func2)) { if (method_exists($res, $try_class_func2)) { $try_class_func = $try_class_func2; } $res = $res->{$try_class_func}($data); $mod_class_api_called = true; return $this->_api_responce($res); } } else { mw_error('The api class ' . $try_class . ' does not exist'); } } } break; } if ($api_function) { } else { $api_function = 'index'; } if ($api_function == 'module' and $mod_class_api_called == false) { $this->module(); } else { $err = false; if (!in_array($api_function, $api_exposed)) { $err = true; } if ($err == true) { foreach ($api_exposed as $api_exposed_item) { if ($api_exposed_item == $api_function) { $err = false; } } } if (isset($api_function_full)) { foreach ($api_exposed as $api_exposed_item) { if (is_string($api_exposed_item) and is_string($api_function_full)) { $api_function_full = str_replace('\\', '/', $api_function_full); $api_function_full = ltrim($api_function_full, '/'); if (strtolower($api_exposed_item) == strtolower($api_function_full)) { $err = false; } } } } if ($err == false) { if ($mod_class_api_called == false) { if (!$_POST and !$_REQUEST) { // $data = $this->app->url_manager->segment(2); $data = $this->app->url_manager->params(true); if (empty($data)) { $data = $this->app->url_manager->segment(2); } } else { //$data = $_REQUEST; $data = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); } $api_function_full_2 = explode('/', $api_function_full); unset($api_function_full_2[count($api_function_full_2) - 1]); $api_function_full_2 = implode('/', $api_function_full_2); if (function_exists($api_function)) { $res = $api_function($data); } elseif (class_exists($api_function, false)) { // $segs = $this->app->url_manager->segment(); $mmethod = array_pop($segs); $class = new $api_function($this->app); if (method_exists($class, $mmethod)) { $res = $class->{$mmethod}($data); } } else { $api_function_full_2 = str_replace(array('..', '/'), array('', '\\'), $api_function_full_2); $api_function_full_2 = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $api_function_full_2; if (class_exists($api_function_full_2, false)) { // $segs = $this->app->url_manager->segment(); $mmethod = array_pop($segs); $class = new $api_function_full_2($this->app); if (method_exists($class, $mmethod)) { $res = $class->{$mmethod}($data); } } elseif (isset($api_function_full)) { $api_function_full = str_replace('\\', '/', $api_function_full); $api_function_full1 = explode('/', $api_function_full); $mmethod = array_pop($api_function_full1); $mclass = array_pop($api_function_full1); if (class_exists($mclass, false)) { $class = new $mclass($this->app); if (method_exists($class, $mmethod)) { $res = $class->{$mmethod}($data); } } } } } if (isset($res) and isset($hooks[$api_function]) and is_array($hooks[$api_function]) and !empty($hooks[$api_function])) { foreach ($hooks[$api_function] as $hook_key => $hook_value) { if ($hook_value != false and $hook_value != null) { $hook_value($res); } } } else { //error('The api function ' . $api_function . ' does not exist', __FILE__, __LINE__); } // print $api_function; } else { $api_function = mw()->format->clean_html($api_function); $api_function = mw()->format->clean_xss($api_function); mw_error('The api function ' . $api_function . ' is not defined in the allowed functions list'); } if (isset($res)) { return $this->_api_responce($res); } return; } }
/** * Returns user info array. */ function api_get_user(&$a, $contact_id = Null, $type = "json") { global $called_api; $user = null; $extra_query = ""; $url = ""; $nick = ""; logger("api_get_user: Fetching user data for user " . $contact_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Searching for contact URL if (!is_null($contact_id) and intval($contact_id) == 0) { $user = dbesc(normalise_link($contact_id)); $url = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nurl` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } // Searching for unique contact id if (!is_null($contact_id) and intval($contact_id) != 0) { $user = dbesc(api_unique_id_to_url($contact_id)); if ($user == "") { die(api_error($a, $type, t("User not found."))); } $url = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nurl` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'user_id')) { $user = dbesc(api_unique_id_to_url($_GET['user_id'])); if ($user == "") { die(api_error($a, $type, t("User not found."))); } $url = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nurl` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'screen_name')) { $user = dbesc($_GET['screen_name']); $nick = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nick` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } if (is_null($user) and $a->argc > count($called_api) - 1 and count($called_api) > 0) { $argid = count($called_api); list($user, $null) = explode(".", $a->argv[$argid]); if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = dbesc(api_unique_id_to_url($user)); if ($user == "") { return false; } $url = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nurl` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } else { $user = dbesc($user); $nick = $user; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nick` = '%s' "; if (api_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(api_user()); } } } logger("api_get_user: user " . $user, LOGGER_DEBUG); if (!$user) { if (api_user() === false) { api_login($a); return False; } else { $user = $_SESSION['uid']; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 1 "; } } logger('api_user: '******', user: '******'t found, fetch it from the unique contacts if (count($uinfo) == 0) { $r = array(); if ($url != "") { $r = q("SELECT * FROM unique_contacts WHERE url='%s' LIMIT 1", $url); } elseif ($nick != "") { $r = q("SELECT * FROM unique_contacts WHERE nick='%s' LIMIT 1", $nick); } if ($r) { // If no nick where given, extract it from the address if ($r[0]['nick'] == "" or $r[0]['name'] == $r[0]['nick']) { $r[0]['nick'] = api_get_nick($r[0]["url"]); } $ret = array('id' => $r[0]["id"], 'id_str' => (string) $r[0]["id"], 'name' => $r[0]["name"], 'screen_name' => $r[0]['nick'] ? $r[0]['nick'] : $r[0]['name'], 'location' => NULL, 'description' => NULL, 'url' => $r[0]["url"], 'protected' => false, 'followers_count' => 0, 'friends_count' => 0, 'listed_count' => 0, 'created_at' => api_date(0), 'favourites_count' => 0, 'utc_offset' => 0, 'time_zone' => 'UTC', 'geo_enabled' => false, 'verified' => false, 'statuses_count' => 0, 'lang' => '', 'contributors_enabled' => false, 'is_translator' => false, 'is_translation_enabled' => false, 'profile_image_url' => $r[0]["avatar"], 'profile_image_url_https' => $r[0]["avatar"], 'following' => false, 'follow_request_sent' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'statusnet_blocking' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'statusnet_profile_url' => $r[0]["url"], 'uid' => 0, 'cid' => 0, 'self' => 0, 'network' => ''); return $ret; } else { die(api_error($a, $type, t("User not found."))); } } if ($uinfo[0]['self']) { $usr = q("select * from user where uid = %d limit 1", intval(api_user())); $profile = q("select * from profile where uid = %d and `is-default` = 1 limit 1", intval(api_user())); //AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", // count public wall messages $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `type`='wall'", intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } else { //AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `contact-id` = %d", intval($uinfo[0]['id'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } // count friends $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d AND `rel` IN ( %d, %d )\n\t\t\t\tAND `self`=0 AND `blocked`=0 AND `pending`=0 AND `hidden`=0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); $countfriends = $r[0]['count']; $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d AND `rel` IN ( %d, %d )\n\t\t\t\tAND `self`=0 AND `blocked`=0 AND `pending`=0 AND `hidden`=0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); $countfollowers = $r[0]['count']; $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM item where starred = 1 and uid = %d and deleted = 0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])); $starred = $r[0]['count']; if (!$uinfo[0]['self']) { $countfriends = 0; $countfollowers = 0; $starred = 0; } // Add a nick if it isn't present there if ($uinfo[0]['nick'] == "" or $uinfo[0]['name'] == $uinfo[0]['nick']) { $uinfo[0]['nick'] = api_get_nick($uinfo[0]["url"]); } // Fetching unique id $r = q("SELECT id FROM unique_contacts WHERE url='%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($uinfo[0]['url']))); // If not there, then add it if (count($r) == 0) { q("INSERT INTO unique_contacts (url, name, nick, avatar) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", dbesc(normalise_link($uinfo[0]['url'])), dbesc($uinfo[0]['name']), dbesc($uinfo[0]['nick']), dbesc($uinfo[0]['micro'])); $r = q("SELECT id FROM unique_contacts WHERE url='%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($uinfo[0]['url']))); } $network_name = network_to_name($uinfo[0]['network'], $uinfo[0]['url']); $ret = array('id' => intval($r[0]['id']), 'id_str' => (string) intval($r[0]['id']), 'name' => $uinfo[0]['name'] ? $uinfo[0]['name'] : $uinfo[0]['nick'], 'screen_name' => $uinfo[0]['nick'] ? $uinfo[0]['nick'] : $uinfo[0]['name'], 'location' => $usr ? $usr[0]['default-location'] : $network_name, 'description' => $profile ? $profile[0]['pdesc'] : NULL, 'profile_image_url' => $uinfo[0]['micro'], 'profile_image_url_https' => $uinfo[0]['micro'], 'url' => $uinfo[0]['url'], 'protected' => false, 'followers_count' => intval($countfollowers), 'friends_count' => intval($countfriends), 'created_at' => api_date($uinfo[0]['created']), 'favourites_count' => intval($starred), 'utc_offset' => "0", 'time_zone' => 'UTC', 'statuses_count' => intval($countitms), 'following' => $uinfo[0]['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER or $uinfo[0]['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND, 'verified' => true, 'statusnet_blocking' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'statusnet_profile_url' => $a->get_baseurl() . "/contacts/" . $uinfo[0]['cid'], 'uid' => intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), 'cid' => intval($uinfo[0]['cid']), 'self' => $uinfo[0]['self'], 'network' => $uinfo[0]['network']); return $ret; }
/** * Returns user info array. */ function api_get_user(&$a, $contact_id = Null) { global $called_api; $user = null; $extra_query = ""; if (!is_null($contact_id)) { $user = $contact_id; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`id` = %d "; } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'user_id')) { $user = intval($_GET['user_id']); $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`id` = %d "; } if (is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'screen_name')) { $user = dbesc($_GET['screen_name']); $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nick` = '%s' "; if (local_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(local_user()); } } if (is_null($user) && $a->argc > count($called_api) - 1) { $argid = count($called_api); list($user, $null) = explode(".", $a->argv[$argid]); if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = intval($user); $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`id` = %d "; } else { $user = dbesc($user); $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`nick` = '%s' "; if (local_user() !== false) { $extra_query .= "AND `contact`.`uid`=" . intval(local_user()); } } } if (!$user) { if (local_user() === false) { api_login($a); return False; } else { $user = $_SESSION['uid']; $extra_query = "AND `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 1 "; } } logger('api_user: '******' ', $user); // user info $uinfo = q("SELECT *, `contact`.`id` as `cid` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1\n\t\t\t\t{$extra_query}", $user); if (count($uinfo) == 0) { return False; } if ($uinfo[0]['self']) { $usr = q("select * from user where uid = %d limit 1", intval(local_user())); $profile = q("select * from profile where uid = %d and `is-default` = 1 limit 1", intval(local_user())); // count public wall messages $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `type`='wall' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } else { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `contact-id` = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($uinfo[0]['id'])); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } // count friends $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d AND `rel` IN ( %d, %d )\n\t\t\t\tAND `self`=0 AND `blocked`=0 AND `pending`=0 AND `hidden`=0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); $countfriends = $r[0]['count']; $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `contact`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d AND `rel` IN ( %d, %d )\n\t\t\t\tAND `self`=0 AND `blocked`=0 AND `pending`=0 AND `hidden`=0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), intval(CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); $countfollowers = $r[0]['count']; $r = q("SELECT count(`id`) as `count` FROM item where starred = 1 and uid = %d and deleted = 0", intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])); $starred = $r[0]['count']; if (!$uinfo[0]['self']) { $countfriends = 0; $countfollowers = 0; $starred = 0; } $ret = array('self' => intval($uinfo[0]['self']), 'uid' => intval($uinfo[0]['uid']), 'id' => intval($uinfo[0]['cid']), 'name' => $uinfo[0]['name'], 'screen_name' => $uinfo[0]['nick'] ? $uinfo[0]['nick'] : $uinfo[0]['name'], 'location' => $usr ? $usr[0]['default-location'] : '', 'profile_image_url' => $uinfo[0]['micro'], 'url' => $uinfo[0]['url'], 'contact_url' => $a->get_baseurl() . "/contacts/" . $uinfo[0]['cid'], 'protected' => false, 'friends_count' => intval($countfriends), 'created_at' => api_date($uinfo[0]['name-date']), 'utc_offset' => "+00:00", 'time_zone' => 'UTC', 'geo_enabled' => false, 'statuses_count' => intval($countitms), 'lang' => 'en', 'description' => $profile ? $profile[0]['pdesc'] : '', 'followers_count' => intval($countfollowers), 'favourites_count' => intval($starred), 'contributors_enabled' => false, 'follow_request_sent' => true, 'profile_background_color' => 'cfe8f6', 'profile_text_color' => '000000', 'profile_link_color' => 'FF8500', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_background_image_url' => '', 'profile_background_tile' => false, 'profile_use_background_image' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'following' => '', 'verified' => true, 'status' => array()); return $ret; }
$page_security = 'SA_API'; include_once API_ROOT . "/"; include_once API_ROOT . "/vendor/autoload.php"; \Slim\Slim::registerAutoloader(); include_once API_ROOT . "/util.php"; include_once FA_ROOT . "/includes/"; include_once FA_ROOT . "/includes/"; // echo "sales quote => ".ST_SALESQUOTE; // echo "sales order => ".ST_SALESORDER; // echo "sales invoice => ".ST_SALESINVOICE; // echo "cust delivery => ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY; // echo "cust credit => ".ST_CUSTCREDIT; $rest = new \Slim\Slim(array('log.enabled' => true, 'mode' => 'debug', 'debug' => true)); $rest->setName('SASYS'); // API Login Hook api_login(); $req = $rest->request(); define("RESULTS_PER_PAGE", 2); // API Routes // ------------------------------- Items ------------------------------- // Get Items $rest->get('/inventory/', function () use($rest) { global $req; include_once API_ROOT . "/"; $page = $req->get("page"); if ($page == null) { inventory_all(); } else { // If page = 1 the value will be 0, if page = 2 the value will be 1, ... $from = --$page * RESULTS_PER_PAGE; inventory_all($from);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); session_start(); require_once __DIR__ . "/../app/util/api.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../templates/head.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../templates/body.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../config/luminate.php"; if (isset($_POST["survey_id"])) { $id = $_POST["survey_id"]; $_SESSION["survey_id"] = $id; } else { print "No ID"; die; } $url = ""; $param = array("response_format" => "json", "api_key" => api_key(), "v" => "1.0", "method" => "getSingleSignOnToken", "login_name" => api_login(), "login_password" => api_pass()); $res = sendAPI($url, $param, true); if (isset($res->getSingleSignOnTokenResponse->token)) { $token = $res->getSingleSignOnTokenResponse->token; $_SESSION["sso_token"] = $token; } else { var_dump($res); die; } $url = ""; $param = array("response_format" => "json", "api_key" => api_key(), "v" => "1.0", "sso_auth_token" => $token, "method" => "getSurvey", "survey_id" => $id); $res = sendAPI($url, $param); if (isset($res->getSurveyResponse->survey->surveyQuestions)) { $Qs = $res->getSurveyResponse->survey->surveyQuestions; } else { die;
$command = request_var('cmd', ''); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $root = $dom->createElement('community'); $root->setAttribute('system', 'phpbb3'); $root->setAttribute('base', $board_url); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); #header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); switch ($command) { case 'readtopic': api_read_topic($topicid); break; case 'userinfo': api_get_userinfo($userid); break; case 'login': api_login(request_var('username', '', true), request_var('password', '', true)); break; case 'authenticate': api_authenticate(); break; case 'verify': api_verify($_GET['username'], request_var('authcookie', '')); break; case 'exists': api_exists($_GET['username']); break; case 'get_cookie': api_js_getcookie(); break; case 'verify_cookie': api_verify_cookie(request_var('authcookie', ''), request_var('site', ''), request_var('sitecookie', ''));