예제 #1
 * Switcheroo! Raw XML content gets switched with HTML formatted content.
 * Save the raw XML to the post_content_formatted column
 * Save the formatted HTML to the post_content column
function anno_insert_post_data($data, $postarr)
    // This is the quick edit action, we don't want to mess around with the content.
    if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'inline-save') {
        return $data;
    $is_article_type = false;
    // Both published and drafts (before article ever saved) get caught here
    if ($postarr['post_type'] == 'article') {
        $is_article_type = true;
    // If we're a revision, we need to do one more check to ensure our parent is an article
    if ($postarr['post_type'] == 'revision') {
        if (!empty($data['post_parent']) && get_post_type($data['post_parent']) == 'article') {
            $is_article_type = true;
    if ($is_article_type) {
        // Get our XML content for the revision
        $content = stripslashes($data['post_content']);
        // Remove non-ascii gremlins
        $content = preg_replace('/(\\xa0|\\xc2)/', '', $content);
        $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\r\n", "\n"), '', $content);
        // Set XML as backup content. Filter markup and strip out tags not on whitelist.
        $xml = anno_validate_xml_content_on_save($content);
        $data['post_content_filtered'] = addslashes($xml);
        // Set formatted HTML as the_content
        $data['post_content'] = addslashes(anno_xml_to_html($xml));
    return $data;
예제 #2
파일: tinymce.php 프로젝트: dregula/Annotum
 * Switcheroo! Raw XML content gets switched with HTML formatted content.
 * Save the raw XML to the post_content_formatted column
 * Save the formatted HTML to the post_content column
function anno_insert_post_data($data, $postarr)
    // This is the quick edit action, we don't want to mess around with the content.
    if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'inline-save') {
        return $data;
    if ($postarr['post_type'] == 'article' || defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE && get_post_type($postarr['post_parent']) == 'article') {
        // Get our XML content for the revision
        $content = stripslashes($data['post_content']);
        // Remove non-ascii gremlins
        $content = preg_replace('/(\\xc2\\xa0)/', ' ', $content);
        $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\r\n", "\n"), '', $content);
        // Set XML as backup content. Filter markup and strip out tags not on whitelist.
        $xml = anno_validate_xml_content_on_save($content);
        $data['post_content_filtered'] = addslashes($xml);
        // Set formatted HTML as the_content
        $data['post_content'] = addslashes(anno_xml_to_html($xml));
        $data['post_excerpt'] = addslashes(anno_validate_xml_content_on_save(stripslashes($data['post_excerpt'])));
    return $data;
예제 #3
function anno_process_xml_content($content)
    if (get_post_type() == 'article') {
        remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
        $post = get_post();
        $content = anno_xml_to_html($post->post_content_filtered);
    return $content;