예제 #1
     $percent = $block ? mbitcoinvaluetoa($earning->amount * 100 / $block->amount) : '';
     $algo = $block ? $block->algo : '';
     echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
     echo "<td width=18><img width=16 src='/images/btc.png'></td>";
     echo "<td><b>Rental</b><span style='font-size: .8em'> ({$algo})</span></td>";
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'><b>{$reward} BTC</b></td>";
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$percent}%</td>";
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$value}</td>";
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$d} ago</td>";
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>Cleared</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
 $reward = altcoinvaluetoa($earning->amount);
 $percent = mbitcoinvaluetoa($earning->amount * 100 / $block->amount);
 $value = altcoinvaluetoa($earning->amount * $earning->price * 1000);
 echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
 echo "<td width=18><img width=16 src='{$coin->image}'></td>";
 echo "<td><b>{$coin->name}</b><span style='font-size: .8em'> ({$coin->algo})</span></td>";
 echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'><b>{$reward} {$coin->symbol_show}</b></td>";
 echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$percent}%</td>";
 echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$value}</td>";
 echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>{$d} ago</td>";
 echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em'>";
 if ($earning->status == 0) {
     echo "Immature ({$block->confirmations})";
 } else {
     if ($earning->status == 1) {
         echo 'Exchange';
     } else {
         if ($earning->status == 2) {
예제 #2
    } else {
        // sort by value
        foreach ($list as $item) {
            $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $item['coinid']);
            if (!$coin) {
            $name = substr($coin->name, 0, 12);
            $confirmed = controller()->memcache->get_database_scalar("wallet_confirmed-{$user->id}-{$coin->id}", "select sum(amount) from earnings where status=1 and userid={$user->id} and coinid={$coin->id}");
            $unconfirmed = controller()->memcache->get_database_scalar("wallet_unconfirmed-{$user->id}-{$coin->id}", "select sum(amount) from earnings where status=0 and userid={$user->id} and coinid={$coin->id}");
            $total = $confirmed + $unconfirmed;
            //	$value = bitcoinvaluetoa($total * $coin->price / $refcoin->price);
            $value = bitcoinvaluetoa(yaamp_convert_amount_user($coin, $total, $user));
            $confirmed = altcoinvaluetoa($confirmed);
            $unconfirmed = altcoinvaluetoa($unconfirmed);
            $total = altcoinvaluetoa($total);
            echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
            echo "<td width=18><img width=16 src='{$coin->image}'></td>";
            echo "<td><b><a href='/site/block?id={$coin->id}' title='{$coin->version}'>{$name}</a></b><span style='font-size: .8em'> ({$coin->algo})</span></td>";
            echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'>{$unconfirmed}</td>";
            echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'>{$confirmed}</td>";
            echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'>{$total}</td>";
            echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'>{$value} {$refcoin->symbol}</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
    $d1 = microtime(true) - $t1;
    controller()->memcache->add_monitoring_function('wallet_results-1', $d1);
// $confirmed = bitcoinvaluetoa(controller()->memcache->get_database_scalar("wallet_confirmed-$user->id",
예제 #3

$coin = getdbo('db_coins', $_GET['id']);
$remote = new Bitcoin($coin->rpcuser, $coin->rpcpasswd, $coin->rpchost, $coin->rpcport);
$reserved1 = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$coin->id}");
$reserved2 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings\n\twhere status!=2 and userid in (select id from accounts where coinid={$coin->id})");
$reserved = ($reserved1 + $reserved2) * 2;
$owed = dboscalar("select sum(amount) from earnings where status!=2 and coinid={$coin->id}");
$owed_btc = $owed ? bitcoinvaluetoa($owed * $coin->price) : '';
$owed = $owed ? altcoinvaluetoa($owed) : '';
echo "cleared {$reserved1}, earnings {$reserved2}, reserved {$reserved}, balance {$coin->balance}, owed {$owed}, owned btc {$owed_btc}<br><br>";
$list = getdbolist('db_markets', "coinid={$coin->id} order by price desc");
echo "<table class='dataGrid'>";
echo "<thead class=''>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Name</th>";
echo "<th>Price</th>";
echo "<th>Price2</th>";
echo "<th>Sent</th>";
echo "<th>Traded</th>";
echo "<th>Late</th>";
echo "<th>Deposit</th>";
echo "<th>Message</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
$bestmarket = getBestMarket($coin);
foreach ($list as $market) {
    $price = bitcoinvaluetoa($market->price);
    $price2 = bitcoinvaluetoa($market->price2);
    $lowsymbol = strtolower($coin->symbol);