?> " style="font-variant: small-caps;" /> </fieldset> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('login').focus(); </script> <?php if (Settings::get("webmaster_email") != "") { $lien = affiche_lien_contact("contact_administrateur", "identifiant:non", "seulement_si_email"); if ($lien != "") { echo "<p>[" . $lien . "]</p>"; } } echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">Précedent"; echo " - <b>" . Settings::get("company") . "</b></a>"; ?> <br /> <br /> <?php $grr_devel_url = "http://grr.devome.com/"; echo "<br /><p class=\"small\"><a href=\"" . $grr_devel_url . "\">" . get_vocab("mrbs") . "</a> - " . get_vocab("grr_version") . affiche_version(); $email = explode('@', $grr_devel_email); $person = $email[0]; $domain = $email[1]; echo "<br />" . get_vocab("msg_login1") . "<a href=\"" . $grr_devel_url . "\">" . $grr_devel_url . "</a>"; ?> </div> </body> </html>
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $nomsql . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $nomsql . '"'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } } $fd = ''; $fd .= "#**************** BASE DE DONNEES " . $dbDb . " ****************" . "\n" . date("\\#\\ \\L\\e\\ \\:\\ d\\ m\\ Y\\ \\a\\ H\\h\\ i") . "\n"; if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $fd .= "# Serveur : " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n"; } $fd .= "# Version PHP : " . php_version() . "\n"; $fd .= "# Version mySQL : " . mysql_version() . "\n"; $fd .= "# Version GRR : " . affiche_version() . "\n"; if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $fd .= "# IP Client : " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"; } $fd .= "# Fichier SQL compatible PHPMyadmin\n#\n"; $fd .= "# ******* debut du fichier ********\n"; $j = '0'; while ($j < count($liste_tables)) { $temp = $table_prefix . $liste_tables[$j]; if ($structure) { $fd .= "#\n# Structure de la table {$temp}\n#\n"; $fd .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$temp}`;\n"; // requete de creation de la table $query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$temp}"; $resCreate = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['db_c'], $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($resCreate);
function print_header($day='',$month='',$year='',$area='',$type_session='with_session',$page='no_admin',$room='') { global $vocab, $search_str, $grrSettings, $clock_file, $desactive_VerifNomPrenomUser, $grr_script_name; global $use_prototype, $use_tooltip_js, $desactive_bandeau_sup, $id_site; if (!($desactive_VerifNomPrenomUser)) $desactive_VerifNomPrenomUser = '******'; // On vérifie que les noms et prénoms ne sont pas vides VerifNomPrenomUser($type_session); if ($type_session == "with_session") echo begin_page(get_vocab("mrbs").get_vocab("deux_points").getSettingValue("company"),"with_session"); else echo begin_page(get_vocab("mrbs").get_vocab("deux_points").getSettingValue("company"),"no_session"); // Si nous ne sommes pas dans un format imprimable if ((!isset($_GET['pview'])) or ($_GET['pview'] != 1)) { # If we dont know the right date then make it up if (!isset($day) or !isset($month) or !isset($year) or ($day == '') or ($month == '') or ($year == '')) { $date_now = mktime(); if ($date_now < getSettingValue("begin_bookings")) $date_ = getSettingValue("begin_bookings"); else if ($date_now > getSettingValue("end_bookings")) $date_ = getSettingValue("end_bookings"); else $date_ = $date_now; $day = date("d",$date_); $month = date("m",$date_); $year = date("Y",$date_); } if (!(isset($search_str))) $search_str = get_vocab("search_for"); if (empty($search_str)) $search_str = ""; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> chaine_recherche = "<?php echo $search_str; ?>"; function onsubmitForm() { if(document.pressed == 'a') { document.getElementById('day').selectedIndex=<?php $date_now = mktime();echo (date("d",$date_now)-1); ?>; document.getElementById('month').selectedIndex=<?php echo (date("m",$date_now)-1);?>; document.getElementById('year').selectedIndex=<?php echo (date("Y",$date_now)-strftime("%Y", getSettingValue("begin_bookings")));?>; var p=location.pathname; if(!p.match("day.php") && !p.match("week.php") && !p.match("week_all.php") && !p.match("month.php") && !p.match("month_all.php") && !p.match("month_all2.php") && !p.match("year.php")) document.getElementById('myform').action ="day.php"; } if(document.pressed == 'd') document.getElementById('myform').action ="day.php"; if(document.pressed == 'w') <?php echo " document.getElementById('myform').action = \""; if ($room=="") echo "week_all.php"; else echo "week.php"; echo "\";\n"; ?> if(document.pressed == 'm') <?php echo " document.getElementById('myform').action = \""; if ($room=="") { if (isset($_SESSION['type_month_all'])) {echo $_SESSION['type_month_all'].".php";} else {echo "month_all.php";} } else echo "month.php"; echo "\";\n"; ?> return true; } </script> <?php if (!(isset($desactive_bandeau_sup) and ($desactive_bandeau_sup==1) and ($type_session != 'with_session'))) { // On fabrique une date valide pour la réservation si ce n'est pas le cas $date_ = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); if ($date_ < getSettingValue("begin_bookings")) $date_ = getSettingValue("begin_bookings"); else if ($date_ > getSettingValue("end_bookings")) $date_ = getSettingValue("end_bookings"); $day = date("d",$date_); $month = date("m",$date_); $year = date("Y",$date_); ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td class="border_banner"> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <?php $nom_picture = "./images/".getSettingValue("logo"); if ((getSettingValue("logo")!='') and (@file_exists($nom_picture))) echo "<td class=\"banner\"><img src=\"".$nom_picture."\" class=\"image\" alt=\"logo\" /></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"banner\">\n"; echo " <a href=\"".page_accueil('yes')."day=$day&year=$year&month=$month\">".get_vocab("welcome")."</a>"; echo " - <b>".getSettingValue("company")."</b>"; if ($type_session == 'no_session') { if ((getSettingValue('sso_statut') == 'cas_visiteur') or (getSettingValue('sso_statut') == 'cas_utilisateur')) { echo "<br /> <a href='index.php?force_authentification=y'>".get_vocab("authentification")."</a>"; // echo "<br /> <small><i><a href='login.php?url=".rawurlencode(str_replace('&','&',get_request_uri()))."'>".get_vocab("connect_local")."</a></i></small>"; // corrige un bug dans le calcul de la page d'accueil après connexion. echo "<br /> <small><i><a href='login.php'>".get_vocab("connect_local")."</a></i></small>"; } else { // echo "<br /> <a href='login.php?url=".rawurlencode(str_replace('&','&',get_request_uri()))."'>".get_vocab("connect")."</a>"; // corrige un bug dans le calcul de la page d'accueil après connexion. echo "<br /> <a href='login.php'>".get_vocab("connect")."</a>"; } } else { echo "<br /> <b>".get_vocab("welcome_to").grr_htmlSpecialChars($_SESSION['prenom'])." ".grr_htmlSpecialChars($_SESSION['nom'])."</b>"; echo "<br /> <a href=\"my_account.php?day=".$day."&year=".$year."&month=".$month."\">".get_vocab("manage_my_account")."</a>"; //if ($type_session == "with_session") { $parametres_url = ''; $_SESSION['chemin_retour'] = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) and ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '')) { // Il y a des paramètres à passer $parametres_url = grr_htmlSpecialChars($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])."&"; $_SESSION['chemin_retour'] = traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?". $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } echo " - <a href=\"".traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?".$parametres_url."default_language=fr\"><img src=\"img_grr/fr_dp.png\" alt=\"France\" title=\"france\" width=\"20\" height=\"13\" class=\"image\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"".traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?".$parametres_url."default_language=de\"><img src=\"img_grr/de_dp.png\" alt=\"Deutch\" title=\"deutch\" width=\"20\" height=\"13\" class=\"image\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"".traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?".$parametres_url."default_language=en\"><img src=\"img_grr/en_dp.png\" alt=\"English\" title=\"English\" width=\"20\" height=\"13\" class=\"image\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"".traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?".$parametres_url."default_language=it\"><img src=\"img_grr/it_dp.png\" alt=\"Italiano\" title=\"Italiano\" width=\"20\" height=\"13\" class=\"image\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"".traite_grr_url($grr_script_name)."?".$parametres_url."default_language=es\"><img src=\"img_grr/es_dp.png\" alt=\"Spanish\" title=\"Spanish\" width=\"20\" height=\"13\" class=\"image\" /></a>\n"; //} $disconnect_link = false; if (!((getSettingValue("cacher_lien_deconnecter")=='y') and (isset($_SESSION['est_authentifie_sso'])))) { // on n'affiche pas le lien logout dans le cas d'un utilisateur LCS connecté. $disconnect_link = true; if (getSettingValue("authentification_obli") == 1) { echo "<br /> <a href=\"./logout.php?auto=0\" >".get_vocab('disconnect')."</a>"; } else { echo "<br /> <a href=\"./logout.php?auto=0&redirect_page_accueil=yes\" >".get_vocab('disconnect')."</a>"; } } if ((getSettingValue("Url_portail_sso")!='') and (isset($_SESSION['est_authentifie_sso']))) { if ($disconnect_link) echo " - "; else echo "<br /> "; echo('<a href="'.getSettingValue("Url_portail_sso").'">'.get_vocab("Portail_accueil").'</a>'); } // Cas d'une authentification LASSO if ((getSettingValue('sso_statut') == 'lasso_visiteur') or (getSettingValue('sso_statut') == 'lasso_utilisateur')) { echo "<br /> "; if ($_SESSION['lasso_nameid'] == NULL) echo "<a href=\"lasso/federate.php\">".get_vocab('lasso_federate_this_account')."</a>"; else echo "<a href=\"lasso/defederate.php\">".get_vocab('lasso_defederate_this_account')."</a>"; } } ?> </td> <?php if (((isset($area)) and ($area > 0)) or ((isset($room)) and ($room > 0))) // si aucune ressource ni domaine ne sont définis, on affiche pas la colonne de sélection du jour $affiche_col_date = TRUE; else $affiche_col_date = FALSE; if (($page=="no_admin") and ($affiche_col_date)) { ?> <td class="banner" align="center"> <form id="myform" action="" method="get" onsubmit="return onsubmitForm();"><div> <?php genDateSelector("", $day, $month, $year,""); if ((isset($area)) and ($area > 0)) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"area_\" name=\"area\" value=\"$area\" />"; if ((isset($room)) and ($room > 0)) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"room_\" name=\"room\" value=\"$room\" />"; ?> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo get_vocab("gototoday") ?>" onclick="document.pressed='a'" /> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo get_vocab("allday") ?>" onclick="document.pressed='d'" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo get_vocab("week") ?>" onclick="document.pressed='w'" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo get_vocab("month") ?>" onclick="document.pressed='m'" /> </div></form> </td> <?php } if ($type_session == "with_session") { if ((authGetUserLevel(getUserName(),-1,'area') >= 4) or (authGetUserLevel(getUserName(),-1,'user') == 1)) { echo "<td class=\"banner\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<a href='admin_accueil.php?day=$day&month=$month&year=$year'>".get_vocab("admin")."</a>\n"; if(authGetUserLevel(getUserName(),-1,'area') >= 6) { echo "<br />\n<form action=\"admin_save_mysql.php\" method=\"get\"><div>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"flag_connect\" value=\"yes\" />\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"".get_vocab("submit_backup")."\" /></div>\n </form>"; how_many_connected(); } echo "\n</td>"; } } ?> <td class="banner" align="center"> <?php if (@file_exists($clock_file)) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"; echo "<!--\n"; echo "new LiveClock();\n"; echo "//-->"; echo "</script><br />"; } echo grr_help("","")."<br />"; if (verif_access_search(getUserName())) { echo "<a href=\"report.php\">".get_vocab("report")."</a><br />"; } echo "<span class=\"small\">".affiche_version()."</span> - "; if ($type_session == "with_session") { if ($_SESSION['statut'] == 'administrateur') { echo affiche_lien_contact("contact_support","identifiant:non","seulement_si_email"); } else { echo affiche_lien_contact("contact_administrateur","identifiant:non","seulement_si_email"); } } else { echo affiche_lien_contact("contact_administrateur","identifiant:non","seulement_si_email"); } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } if (isset($use_prototype)) echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"./include/prototype-\"></script>"; if (isset($use_tooltip_js)) echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"./include/tooltip.js\"></script>"; echo getSettingValue('message_accueil'); } }