function admEnforceAccess() { if (!admCheckAccess()) { // no access. stop right now. // should print error message, but hey. let's just dump back to homepage header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); print "not logged in."; exit; } }
function view() { if (!admCheckAccess()) { exit; } // should return error code? $j = get_http_var('j'); $j = strtolower($j); $journo = db_getRow("SELECT id,ref,prettyname,oneliner,status FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $j); if (is_null($journo)) { // TODO: 404 return; } $sql = <<<EOT SELECT,,,perm.permission FROM person p INNER JOIN person_permission perm ON WHERE perm.permission='edit' AND perm.journo_id=? EOT; $users = db_getAll($sql, $journo['id']); $journo['arts'] = journo_collectArticles($journo, 5); $journo['num_arts'] = db_getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM journo_attr WHERE journo_id=?", $journo['id']); $journo['linked_users'] = $users; template($journo); }
<?php /* frontend dispatcher for various widgets, to save lots of messy little php files. * using this file means widgets don't have to care which page they're embedded on */ // sigh... stupid php include-path trainwreck... chdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); require_once '../conf/general'; require_once '../../phplib/utility.php'; require_once '../phplib/adm.php'; require_once 'missingarticle_widget.php'; require_once 'otherarticle_widget.php'; require_once 'weblink_widget.php'; require_once 'submitted_article_widget.php'; if (!admCheckAccess()) { exit; } // should return error code? header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); $widget = get_http_var('widget'); switch ($widget) { case 'missingarticle': MissingArticleWidget::dispatch(); break; case 'otherarticle': OtherArticleWidget::dispatch(); break; case WeblinkWidget::PREFIX: WeblinkWidget::dispatch(); break; case SubmittedArticleWidget::PREFIX: