} $sql = select($post_type, array("id", "name", "date", "views", "body", "writer"), array("id", $post_id)); while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { $post_id = $rows['id']; $post_name = $rows['name']; if (isset($_SESSION['userlogin'])) { $post_writer = $_SESSION['username']; } else { $post_writer = $rows['writer']; } $created = $rows['date']; $post_body = nl2br($rows['body']); $post_views = $rows['views'] + 1; } //add view add_views($post_type, $post_id); //O_O //Add Comments if (isset($_POST['addreply'])) { if (!empty($_POST['addreply_name_edit']) && !empty($_POST['addreply_body_edit'])) { $addreply_name = $_POST['addreply_name_edit']; $addreply_body = $_POST['addreply_body_edit']; if (isset($_SESSION['userlogin'])) { $addreply_writer = $_SESSION['username']; } else { $addreply_writer = $_POST['addreply_writer_edit']; } $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $comments_type = "comments_{$post_type}"; $sql = insert($comments_type, array(array("name", "body", "post_id", "writer", "date"), array($addreply_name, $addreply_body, $post_id, $addreply_writer, $date))); }
function RUN_Topic() { global $logged, $permissions; if (is_numeric($_GET['id']) and !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval(htmlspecialchars($_GET['id'])); } else { pageerror("Topic Error", "", "Sorry, but there wasn't a topic id present."); } if (!getFP(topic_parent_($id), 1)) { pageerror("Permission Error", "", "Sorry, but you don't have permissions viewing this topic."); } //do some post stuff //total replies pagination limit $ppt = mysql_query("SELECT `postpertopic` FROM `boardstatus` LIMIT 1"); $p_p_t = mysql_fetch_array($ppt); $total_limit = $p_p_t['postpertopic']; topic_pagination($id, $total_limit); $main = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' "); $tmain = mysql_fetch_array($main); $umain = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '" . $tmain['username'] . "'"); $fuser = mysql_fetch_array($umain); $isSticked = $tmain['sticky'] == 1 ? "<a href='mode.php?type=sticktopic&tid=" . $id . "'>Sticky</a>" : "<a href='mode.php?type=unsticktopic&tid=" . $id . "'>Un-Sticky</a>"; $isLocked = $tmain['closed'] == 1 ? "<a href='mode.php?type=closetopic&tid=" . $id . "'>Lock</a>" : "<a href='mode.php?type=opentopic&tid=" . $id . "'>Un-Lock</a>"; //check if user has permissions if ($permissions['admin'] == 't' || $permissions['e_topic'] == 't') { $modet = "<a href='mode.php?type=edit&post=topic&id=" . $id . "'>Edit</a> | <a href='mode.php?type=move&post=topic&id=" . $id . "'>Move Topic</a> | " . $isSticked . " | " . $isLocked; } elseif ($logged['username'] == $tmain['username'] && $permissions['e_topic'] == 't') { $modet = "<a href='mode.php?type=edit&post=topic&id=" . $id . "'>Edit</a>"; } else { $modet = ""; } echo "<br />" . run_buttons($id); $Temp = new Template(); $Temp->dir = $logged['dskin']; $Temp->file = "topic_title.tpl"; $Temp->tp(); $Temp->tr(array('TITLE' => $tmain['title'])); echo $Temp->html; //if($_GET['p'] == 1 || !isset($_GET['p']) ) // { echo ' <tr> <td colspan="2" class="small_title"><span style="float:left;"><b>Posted On:</b> ' . timezone_stamp($tmain['timestamp'], $logged['timezone']) . '</span><span style="float:right" class="small_title_link">' . $modet . '</span></td> </tr> '; //} if (!isset($_GET['p']) || empty($_GET['p']) || $_GET['p'] == 0) { $page = 1; } else { if (!is_numeric($_GET['p'])) { pageerror("Page Error", "", "Didn't specify a correct page id."); } else { $page = intval(mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['p'])); } } $limit_start = $page * $total_limit - $total_limit; //get replies $replies = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `replies` WHERE `tid` = '" . $id . "' ORDER BY `id` LIMIT {$limit_start},{$total_limit}") or die(mysql_error(__FILE__, __LINE__)); $has_replys = mysql_num_rows($replies); if ($has_replys != 0) { //check to see if there are any replies :D while ($replys = mysql_fetch_array($replies)) { //check if user has permissions if ($permissions['admin'] == 't' || $permissions['d_post'] == 't') { $modep = "<a href='mode.php?type=edit&post=reply&id=" . $replys['id'] . "&tid=" . $id . "'>Edit</a> | <a href='mode.php?type=delete&post=reply&id=" . $replys['id'] . "&tid=" . $id . "'>Delete</a>"; } elseif ($logged['username'] == $replys['username']) { $modep = "<a href='mode.php?type=edit&post=reply&id=" . $replys['id'] . "&tid=" . $id . "'>Edit</a>"; } else { $modep = ""; } $usez = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '" . $replys['username'] . "'"); $useri = mysql_fetch_array($usez); //show replies $Temp = new Template(); $Temp->dir = $logged['dskin']; $Temp->file = "topic_post.tpl"; $Temp->tp(); $Temp->tr(array('OPTIONS' => $modep, 'POSTER' => $replys['username'], 'AVY' => !empty($useri['avatar']) ? '<img width="100" height="100" src="' . $useri['avatar'] . '" alt="" /><br />' : '', 'DATE' => timezone_stamp($replys['date'], $logged['timezone']), 'GROUP' => group($useri['level']), 'UID' => $useri['id'], 'UPOST' => $useri['post'], 'POST' => nl2br(bbcode_format($replys['post'])) . "<br />__________________<br />" . ($useri['signature'] == '' ? ' ' : nl2br(bbcode_format($useri['signature']))))); echo $Temp->html; } } else { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td width='100%' class='rows' align='center'><em>There isn't any posts in this topic</em></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t"; } echo ' </table> ' . run_buttons($id) . '<br />'; topic_pagination($id, $total_limit); add_views($id); }