if (isset($_GET['path']) and isset($_GET['user']) and isset($_GET['status'])) { // --> begin authentication $havePermission = false; if (isset($_GET['apikey'])) { $auth = (string) $_GET['apikey']; $havePermission = $auth == $apikey; } else { $havePermission = $_SESSION["email"] == $_GET['user']; } // --> end authentication if (!$havePermission) { echo json_encode(array("result" => "permissionDenied")); } else { $path = (string) $_GET['path']; $user = (string) $_GET['user']; $status = (string) $_GET['status']; $oldStatus = getFileStatus($path, $user); setFileStatus($path, $user, $status); if ($oldStatus == "active" and $status == "deleted") { $fileSize = getFileSize($path, $user); addUserSpaceUsage($user, -$fileSize); } if ($oldStatus == "deleted" and $status == "active") { $fileSize = getFileSize($path, $user); addUserSpaceUsage($user, $fileSize); } echo json_encode(array("result" => "ok")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("result" => "missingParams")); }
require_once "files.php"; require_once "users.php"; chdir(".."); require_once "configuration.php"; /** * DESCRIPTION: This API put's a chunk in the temporary collection to be used to backup across the network * PARAMETERS: api/chunks/put.php <apikey> <fileId> <modification> <body> <number> <lat> <lon> * NOTES: The fileId is the "_id" from the files collection and the modification is the sha256. */ if (isset($_POST['apikey']) and isset($_POST['fileId']) and isset($_POST['modification']) and isset($_POST['body']) and isset($_POST['number']) and isset($_POST['lat']) and isset($_POST['lon'])) { $auth = (string) $_POST['apikey']; if ($auth != $apikey) { echo json_encode(array("result" => "permissionDenied")); } else { $fileId = (string) $_POST['fileId']; $modification = (string) $_POST['modification']; $body = (string) $_POST['body']; $number = intval($_POST['number']); $lat = floatval($_POST['lat']); $lon = floatval($_POST['lon']); putChunk($fileId, $modification, $number, $body, $lat, $lon); // Update space usage $size = strlen($body); $user = getFileUser($fileId); addUserSpaceUsage($user, $size); incrementFileSize($fileId, $size); echo json_encode(array("result" => "ok")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("result" => "missingParams")); }