public function index()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     if (IS_POST) {
         $id = I('', 0, 'intval');
         if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         $info = M("shoplist")->find($id);
         $postnum = I('post.num');
         if (!is_numeric($postnum)) {
         if ($postnum < 1) {
         $num = $info['num'];
         $price = $info['price'];
         $goodid = $info['goodid'];
         $parameters = $info['parameters'];
         $Exchange = D("Exchange");
         $Exchange->create_time = NOW_TIME;
         $Exchange->total = $num * $price;
         $Exchange->goodid = $goodid;
         $Exchange->status = 1;
         $Exchange->parameters = $parameters;
         addUserLog('申请换货,商品名称' . get_good_name($goodid) . '参数' . $parameters, is_login());
         $data['status'] = -4;
         $shop = M("shoplist");
         if ($shop->where("id='{$id}'")->save($data)) {
             $this->success('申请成功', U("center/index"));
         } else {
     } else {
         $id = I('', 0, 'intval');
         $msg = "Tips,提交换货单";
         $this->meta_title = '填写换货单';
         $detail = M("shoplist")->find($id);
         $this->assign('list', $detail);
         $this->assign('msg', $msg);
예제 #2
 public function index()
     // cookie自动登录
     if (!is_login() && cookie('username') && cookie('password')) {
         $username = cookie('username');
         $password = cookie('password');
         $username = safe_replace($username);
         $user = new UserApi();
         $uid = $user->login($username, $password);
         if (0 < $uid) {
             /* 登录用户 */
             $Member = D("Member");
             if ($Member->login($uid)) {
                 addUserLog('cookie登陆成功', $uid);
     if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) {
         $title = "index";
         /**首页统计代码实现 status=1**/
         $record = IpLookup("", 1, $title);
     /** 幻灯片* */
     $slide = D('slide')->get_slide();
     $this->assign('slide', $slide);
     /** 顶级栏目* */
     $tree = D('Category')->maketree();
     $this->assign('tree', $tree);
     /** 公告分类**/
     $notice = M('document')->order('id desc')->where("category_id='56'")->limit(8)->select();
     $this->assign('notice', $notice);
     /** 活动分类**/
     $activity = M('document')->order('id desc')->where("category_id='70'")->limit(8)->select();
     $this->assign('activity', $activity);
     $this->meta_title = '首页';
 public function index($cellphone = '')
     $reserve = M('reserve');
     $cellphone = I('', 0, 'intval');
     $goodid = I('post.goodid', 0, 'intval');
     $map['cellphone'] = $cellphone;
     $map['goodid'] = $goodid;
     addUserLog('预约商品,商品名称' . get_good_name($goodid), $uid);
     $info = $reserve->where($map)->find();
     if (empty($info)) {
         $data['cellphone'] = $cellphone;
         $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
         $data['status'] = 1;
         $data['goodid'] = $goodid;
         $data['title'] = get_good_name($goodid);
         $data['info'] = '预约成功!';
     } else {
         $data['status'] = -1;
         $data['info'] = '您已经预约过了!';
예제 #4
 public function index()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     $this->meta_title = '取消订单';
     if (IS_POST) {
         $id = I('', '', 'strip_tags');
         $id = safe_replace($id);
         $order = M("order");
         $status = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("status");
         $num = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("ispay");
         $shopid = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("id");
         $data = $order->where("id='{$shopid}'")->select();
         foreach ($data as $k => $val) {
             $goodid = $val['goodid'];
             $price = get_good_price($goodid);
             $cash += $val['num'] * $price;
             $num += $val['num'];
             $count += 1;
         if ($num == -1 && $status == 1 || $num == 1 && $status == -1) {
             $cancel = D("cancel");
             $cancel->create_time = NOW_TIME;
             $cancel->status = 3;
             $cancel->orderid = $id;
             $cancel->cash = $cash;
             $cancel->num = $num;
             $cancel->count = $count;
             $cancel->info = "自助取消";
             addUserLog('取消订单', $uid);
             $data = array('status' => '6', 'backinfo' => '订单已关闭');
             if ($order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->setField($data)) {
                 $this->success('申请成功,订单已取消', U("center/index"));
             } else {
         } else {
             $cancel = D("cancel");
             $cancel->time = NOW_TIME;
             $cancel->status = 1;
             $cancel->orderid = $id;
             $cancel->cash = $cash;
             $cancel->num = $num;
             $cancel->count = $count;
             addUserLog('申请取消订单', $uid);
             $data = array('status' => '4');
             if ($order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->setField($data)) {
                 $this->success('申请成功', U("center/allorder"));
             } else {
     } else {
         $id = I('', '', 'strip_tags');
         $msg = "申请取消订单:";
         $id = safe_replace($id);
         $order = M("order");
         $detail = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->select();
         $num = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("status");
         if ($num == "1") {
             $paynum = $order->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("ispay");
             if ($paynum == "1") {
                 $info = "当前订单状态为未完成支付";
             if (!$paynum) {
                 $info = "当前订单已提交等待发货中";
         if ($num == "2") {
             $info = "当前提交的订单已发货,需审核通过后取消";
         $list = M("shoplist");
         foreach ($detail as $n => $val) {
             $detail[$n]['id'] = $list->where('orderid=\'' . $val['id'] . '\'')->select();
         $this->assign('info', $info);
         $this->assign('detaillist', $detail);
         $this->assign('id', $id);
         $this->assign('msg', $msg);
         $this->meta_title = '取消订单';
예제 #5
 public function index()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     if (IS_POST) {
         $id = I('', 0, 'intval');
         if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         $info = M("shoplist")->find($id);
         $postnum = I('post.num');
         if (!is_numeric($postnum)) {
         if ($postnum < 1) {
         $num = $info['num'];
         $price = $info['price'];
         $goodid = $info['goodid'];
         $parameters = $info['parameters'];
         if ($postnum > $num) {
         } else {
             $back = D("backlist");
             //Create方法创建的数据对象是保存在内存,并没有实际写入到数据库,直到使用add或者save   方法才会真正写入数据库
             $back->create_time = NOW_TIME;
             $back->status = 1;
             $back->goodid = $goodid;
             $back->total = $num * $price;
             $back->parameters = $parameters;
             $result = $back->add();
             addUserLog('申请退货,商品名称' . get_good_name($goodid) . '参数' . $parameters, is_login());
             $data['status'] = 4;
             $shop = M("shoplist");
             $add = $shop->where("id='{$id}'")->save($data);
             if ($add) {
                 $this->success('提交成功', U("center/index"));
             } else {
                 $this->error('申请失败', U("center/index"));
     } else {
         $this->meta_title = '提交退货单';
         $id = I('', 0, 'intval');
         if (!is_numeric($id)) {
         $msg = "Tips,提交退货单";
         $detail = M("shoplist")->find($id);
         $this->assign('list', $detail);
         $this->assign('id', $id);
         $this->assign('msg', $msg);
예제 #6
 public function wuliu()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     $id = I('get.orderid', '', 'strip_tags');
     $id = safe_replace($id);
     $this->meta_title = '订单' . $id . '物流详情';
     $typeCom = M("order")->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("tool");
     $typeNu = M("order")->where("orderid='{$id}'")->getField("toolid");
     if (isset($typeCom) && $typeNu) {
         $retData = $this->getkuaidi($typeCom, $typeNu);
         addUserLog('查询快递', is_login());
     } else {
         $retData = "";
     $this->assign('kuaidata', $retData);
예제 #7
파일: test.php 프로젝트: AlMo0/methodic.loc
             Header("Location: billing.php?do=pay&id={$bill_id}");
 if ($sub == "coupon" and $coupon and !$workWithoutAuth) {
     $coupon = GetCoupon("coupon", $coupon, '', '', '');
     if (!$coupon->id) {
         $error = $_lang[FundsErrorCoupon];
     } else {
         if (!IsCanUseCoupon($coupon->id, $_SESSION["userId"])) {
             $error = $_lang[FundsErrorCoupon];
         } else {
             @mysql_query("update users set money=money+{$coupon->value} where id='" . $_SESSION["userId"] . "'") or die("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . __LINE__ . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
             AddUsedByToCoupon($coupon->id, $_SESSION["userId"]);
             addUserLog($_SESSION['userId'], "moneyIn", $_lang[FundsTitle] . ", " . round($coupon->value * CURK, 2) . " " . CURS . ", coupon {$coupon->code}");
             $success = $_lang[FundsCouponSuccess];
 head('utf-8', $_lang[FundsTitle]);
 print "<H1 class=pagetitle>" . $_lang[FundsTitle] . "</H1><hr class=hr>";
 if ($error) {
     print "<font color=red>" . $_lang[Error] . ": {$error}</font><BR><BR>";
 if ($success) {
     print "{$success} " . round($coupon->value * CURK, 2) . " " . CURS . "<BR><BR>";
 print "<form method=post>";
 print "<input type=hidden name=do value=addfunds>";
 print "<input type=hidden name=sub value=pay>";
예제 #8
 public function auto_express($uid)
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     if (empty($uid)) {
         $uid = is_login();
     if (1 == C('AUTO_SEND')) {
         $Express = M("Express");
         $map['status'] = 1;
         $map['uid'] = $uid;
         $list = M("order")->where($map)->select();
         $condition['status'] = 1;
         $data = $Express->where($condition)->order('id desc')->select();
         if ($list && !$data) {
             addUserLog('快递单号库存不足,请尽快补充', $uid);
         if ($list) {
             foreach ($list as $n => $v) {
                 $data['status'] = 2;
                 $condition2['status'] = 1;
                 $id = $v['id'];
                 $orderid = $v['orderid'];
                 $info = $Express->where($condition2)->order('id desc')->limit(1)->find();
                 if ($info) {
                     $data['express'] = $info['title'];
                     $data['express_code'] = $info['code'];
                     $data['send_name'] = C('SHOPNAME');
                     $data['send_contact'] = C('CONTACT');
                     $data['send_address'] = C('ADDRESS');
                     $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
                     M("Express")->where("id='{$info['id']}'")->setField('status', 2);
                     addUserLog('自动发货成功,订单号' . $orderid, $uid);
예제 #9
 public function login($username = "", $password = "", $verify = "")
     if (IS_POST) {
         $username = safe_replace($username);
         /* 检测验证码 */
         /* 调用UC登录接口登录 */
         $user = new UserApi();
         $uid = $user->login($username, $password);
         if (0 < $uid) {
             if (I('post.remember')) {
                 cookie('username', $username, 2592000);
                 // 指定cookie保存30天时间
                 cookie('password', $password, 2592000);
                 // 指定cookie保存30天时间
                 addUserLog('保存cookie自动登录', $uid);
             /* 登录用户 */
             $Member = D("Member");
             if ($Member->login($uid)) {
                 if ($_POST['email']) {
                     $msg = "注册成功!";
                 } else {
                     $msg = "登陆成功!";
                 $this->success($msg, U('index/index'));
             } else {
         } else {
             switch ($uid) {
                 case -1:
                     $error = "用户不存在或被禁用!";
                 case -2:
                     $error = "密码错误!";
                     $error = "未知错误!";
                     // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用)
     } else {
         $this->meta_title = '会员登录';
예제 #10
 public function build()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error("您还没有登陆", U("User/login"));
     $address = M("address");
     // 实例化address对象
     $id = I('');
     // 用intval过滤$_POST['id']
     $id = safe_replace($id);
     $uid = D("member")->uid();
     $province = I('post.province');
     $province = safe_replace($province);
     $city = I('');
     $city = safe_replace($city);
     $area = I('post.area');
     $area = safe_replace($area);
     $data['province'] = $province;
     if ($province == $city) {
         $data['city'] = '';
     } else {
         $data['city'] = $city;
     if ($area == $city) {
         $data['area'] = '';
     } else {
         $data['area'] = $area;
     $data['address'] = safe_replace(I('post.posi'));
     $data['cellphone'] = safe_replace(I('post.pho'));
     $data['realname'] = safe_replace(I('post.rel'));
     if ($_POST["msg"] == "yes") {
         if ($address->where("uid='{$uid}' and status='1'")->getField("id")) {
             $address->where("uid='{$uid}' and status='1'")->save($data);
             $addressid = $address->where("uid='{$uid}' and status='1'")->getField("id");
             addUserLog('修改默认地址', $uid);
         } else {
             $data['status'] = 1;
             $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
             $data['orderid'] = $id;
             $data['uid'] = $uid;
             $addressid = $address->add($data);
             addUserLog('新增默认地址', $uid);
         $data['addressid'] = $addressid;
         $data['value'] = "default";
         // 返回新增标识
         $data['msg'] = 'yes';
     } else {
         $data['status'] = 0;
         $data['time'] = NOW_TIME;
         $data['orderid'] = $id;
         $addressid = $address->add($data);
         // 根据条件保存修改的数据
         addUserLog('新增非默认地址', $uid);
         $data['addressid'] = $addressid;
         $data['msg'] = 'no';