예제 #1
function resetWorld($getPage_connection3)
    if ($_SESSION["admin"] == 1) {
        if (strlen($_SESSION["action"]) >= 1) {
            if ($_SESSION["action"] == "reset_world") {
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE agreements")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE claims")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE combatlog")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE continents")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE improvementsmap")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE nations")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE offers")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE organizations")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE production")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE rankings")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE resourcesmap")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE tilesmap")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE trade")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE transport")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE unitsmap")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE users")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("TRUNCATE TABLE mapmemory")) {
                } else {
                // else
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("SELECT id FROM market ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                        $next_markets = $r_id;
                        $marketInfo1 = getMarketInfo($getPage_connection3, $next_markets);
                        setMarketInfo($getPage_connection3, $next_markets, $marketInfo1["name"], 100);
                    // while
                } else {
                // else
                // Create Admin Account, starter continent
                $new_salt = "";
                $new_username = "******";
                $new_avatar = "images/users/avatar.png";
                $allowed_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./';
                $chars_length = 63;
                for ($i = 0; $i < 51; $i++) {
                    $new_salt .= $allowed_chars[mt_rand(0, $chars_length)];
                // for
                $new_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                $new_token = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
                $new_thread = mt_rand(100, 999);
                $final_salt = '$2y$09$' . $new_salt . '$';
                $created_password = crypt("qwertyuiop" . $new_salt, $final_salt);
                addUserInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_username, $new_avatar, $new_date, $new_date, $created_password, $new_salt, $new_token, $new_thread, 1);
                $new_userid = $getPage_connection3->insert_id;
                $new_name = "Administrator";
                $new_formal = "Administrator";
                addProductionInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_userid, 100, array(0 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 2, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 2, 7 => 2), array(0 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 2, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 2, 7 => 2));
                addRankingInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_userid, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999);
                $new_routes = array(0 => 0);
                $new_worth = array(0 => 0);
                $new_offers = array(0 => 0);
                addTradeInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_userid, $new_routes, 0);
                $capitalBuilt = false;
                $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                $finalTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0);
                $availableContinent = 0;
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("SELECT id FROM continents ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                        $next_continents = $r_id;
                        $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                        $next_tiles = 1;
                        $counter1 = 0;
                        if ($stmt2 = $getPage_connection3->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                            while ($stmt2->fetch()) {
                                $next_tiles = $r_id1;
                                $tileInfoD = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection3, $next_tiles);
                                if ($tileInfoD["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoD["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoD["terrain"] != 2) {
                                    $tileInfoDWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                    $tileInfoDNorthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                    $tileInfoDNorth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                    $tileInfoDNorthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                    $tileInfoDEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                    $tileInfoDSouthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                    $tileInfoDSouth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"], $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                    $tileInfoDSouthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                    if ($tileInfoDWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorth["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouth["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 2) {
                                        $availableTiles[$counter1] = $tileInfoD["id"];
                                    // if
                                // if
                                if ($counter1 == 4) {
                                    $availableContinent = $next_continents;
                                // if
                            // while
                        } else {
                        // else
                        if ($counter1 == 4) {
                        // if
                    // while
                } else {
                    $next_continents = 0;
                // else
                // get available tiles from newly created continent if no continent is available
                if ($availableContinent < 1) {
                    $continent1 = generateContinent($getPage_connection3);
                    $next_continents = $continent1;
                    $availableContinent = $next_continents;
                    $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                    $counter1 = 0;
                    if ($stmt = $getPage_connection3->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                            $next_tiles = $r_result;
                            $tileInfoD = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection3, $next_tiles);
                            if ($tileInfoD["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoD["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoD["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoD["terrain"] != 3)) {
                                $tileInfoDWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                $tileInfoDNorthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                $tileInfoDNorth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                $tileInfoDNorthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                $tileInfoDEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                $tileInfoDSouthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                $tileInfoDSouth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"], $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                $tileInfoDSouthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                if ($tileInfoDWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorth["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouth["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 3)) {
                                    $availableTiles[$counter1] = $tileInfoD["id"];
                                // if
                            // if
                        // while
                    } else {
                    // else
                // if
                $sameTile = true;
                $randTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0);
                while ($sameTile === true) {
                    $randTiles[0] = mt_rand(1, count($availableTiles) - 2);
                    $randDirection = mt_rand(1, 2);
                    if ($randDirection == 1) {
                        $randTiles[1] = $randTiles[0] - 1;
                    } else {
                        if ($randDirection == 2) {
                            $randTiles[1] = $randTiles[0] + 1;
                    // else if
                    if ($randTiles[0] == $randTiles[1]) {
                        $sameTile = true;
                    } else {
                        $sameTile = false;
                    // else
                // while
                $finalTiles[0] = $availableTiles[$randTiles[0]];
                $finalTiles[1] = $availableTiles[$randTiles[1]];
                $claims = array(0 => 0);
                for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) {
                    if (isset($finalTiles[$c])) {
                        if ($finalTiles[$c] > 0) {
                            addClaimInfo($getPage_connection3, 10, $new_userid, $finalTiles[$c]);
                        // if
                    // if
                // for
                for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
                    if (isset($finalTiles[$j])) {
                        if ($finalTiles[$j] > 0) {
                            $tileInfo2 = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection3, $finalTiles[$j]);
                            setTileInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfo2["id"], $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], $tileInfo2["terrain"], $tileInfo2["resources"], $tileInfo2["improvements"], $new_userid, $tileInfo2["claims"], $tileInfo2["population"]);
                            if ($capitalBuilt === false) {
                                addImprovementInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], 1, 1, array(0 => 0), array(0 => $new_userid), "Capital City");
                                // add capital
                                addImprovementInfo($getPage_connection3, $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], 4, 1, array(0 => 0), array(0 => $new_userid), "First Farm");
                                // add farm
                                $capitalBuilt = true;
                            // if
                        // if
                    // if
                // for
                addNationInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_userid, $new_name, $availableContinent, $new_formal, "", 12, 5000, 0, 3, 2500, 5, 0, 5, 0, array(0 => 0), array(0 => 0), array(0 => 5, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 5, 4 => 2, 5 => 5, 6 => 0, 7 => 5), array(0 => 5, 1 => 5, 2 => 5, 3 => 5), 2000, 0);
                // go through y positions
                for ($y = 1; $y < 21; $y++) {
                    // go through x positions
                    for ($x = 1; $x < 21; $x++) {
                        $mapContentString = "";
                        $mapContentToken = 0;
                        for ($qw = 0; $qw < 5; $qw++) {
                            if ($qw == 0) {
                                $_SESSION["overlay"] = "terrain";
                            } else {
                                if ($qw == 1) {
                                    $_SESSION["overlay"] = "control";
                                } else {
                                    if ($qw == 2) {
                                        $_SESSION["overlay"] = "claims";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($qw == 3) {
                                            $_SESSION["overlay"] = "units";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($qw == 4) {
                                                $_SESSION["overlay"] = "nations";
                            // else if
                            $mapContent_generated = array("", 0);
                            $mapContent_generated = generateMapTile($getPage_connection3, $availableContinent, $x, $y);
                            $mapContentString = $mapContent_generated[0];
                            $mapContentToken = $mapContent_generated[1];
                            $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["controlMapContents"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                            $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"] = array(0);
                            if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "terrain") {
                                $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                            } else {
                                if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "control") {
                                    $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                    $_SESSION["controlMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                } else {
                                    if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "claims") {
                                        $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                        $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "units") {
                                            $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                            $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "nations") {
                                                $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                            } else {
                                                $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                            // else
                        // for
                    // for
                // for
                addMapMemoryInfo($getPage_connection3, $new_userid, $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"], $_SESSION["controlMapContents"], $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"], $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"], $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"], $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"]);
                $_SESSION["success_message"] = "World has been reset successfully!";
            } else {
                $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: action is not valid.";
            // else
        } else {
            $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: action is not valid.";
        // else
    } else {
        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: not valid admin.";
    // else
예제 #2
function registerUser($getPage_connection2)
    if ($_SESSION["action"] == "register") {
        if (strlen($_SESSION["register_username"]) >= 5 && strlen($_SESSION["register_username"]) <= 35) {
            if (strlen($_SESSION["register_password"]) >= 8 && strlen($_SESSION["register_password"]) <= 35 && strlen($_SESSION["register_confirm_password"]) >= 8 && strlen($_SESSION["register_confirm_password"]) <= 35) {
                if ($_SESSION["register_confirm_password"] == $_SESSION["register_password"]) {
                    $userInfoA = getUserInfoByName($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["register_username"]);
                    if ($userInfoA["id"] >= 1) {
                        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: Username is already in use.";
                    } else {
                        $new_salt = "";
                        $new_username = $_SESSION["register_username"];
                        $new_avatar = "images/users/avatar.png";
                        $allowed_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./';
                        $chars_length = 63;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < 51; $i++) {
                            $new_salt .= $allowed_chars[mt_rand(0, $chars_length)];
                        // for
                        $new_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                        $new_token = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
                        $new_thread = mt_rand(100, 999);
                        $final_salt = '$2y$09$' . $new_salt . '$';
                        $created_password = crypt($_SESSION["register_password"] . $new_salt, $final_salt);
                        addUserInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_username, $new_avatar, $new_date, $new_date, $created_password, $new_salt, $new_token, $new_thread, 0);
                        $new_userid = $getPage_connection2->insert_id;
                        $new_name = $_SESSION["register_nation"];
                        $new_formal = $_SESSION["register_formal"];
                        addProductionInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_userid, 100, array(0 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 2, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 2, 7 => 2), array(0 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 2, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 2, 7 => 2));
                        addRankingInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_userid, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999);
                        $new_routes = array(0 => 0);
                        $new_worth = array(0 => 0);
                        $new_offers = array(0 => 0);
                        addTradeInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_userid, $new_routes, 0);
                        $capitalBuilt = false;
                        $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                        $finalTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0);
                        $availableContinent = 0;
                        if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM continents ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                            while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                                $next_continents = $r_id;
                                $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                                $counter1 = 0;
                                if ($stmt2 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                                    while ($stmt2->fetch()) {
                                        $next_tiles = $r_id1;
                                        $tileInfoD = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $next_tiles);
                                        if ($tileInfoD["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoD["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoD["terrain"] != 2) {
                                            $tileInfoDWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                            $tileInfoDNorthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                            $tileInfoDNorth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                            $tileInfoDNorthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                            $tileInfoDEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                            $tileInfoDSouthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                            $tileInfoDSouth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"], $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                            $tileInfoDSouthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                            if ($tileInfoDWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorth["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDNorthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthEast["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouth["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 2 || $tileInfoDSouthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthWest["owner"] == 0 && $tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 2) {
                                                $availableTiles[$counter1] = $tileInfoD["id"];
                                            // if
                                        // if
                                        if ($counter1 == 4) {
                                            $availableContinent = $next_continents;
                                        // if
                                    // while
                                } else {
                                // else
                                if ($counter1 == 4) {
                                // if
                            // while
                        } else {
                        // else
                        // get available tiles from newly created continent if no continent is available
                        if ($availableContinent < 1) {
                            $continent1 = generateContinent($getPage_connection2);
                            $next_continents = $continent1;
                            $availableContinent = $next_continents;
                            $availableTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0);
                            $next_tiles = 1;
                            $counter1 = 0;
                            if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM tilesmap ORDER BY id ASC")) {
                                while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                                    $next_tiles = $r_id;
                                    $tileInfoD = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $next_tiles);
                                    if ($tileInfoD["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoD["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoD["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoD["terrain"] != 3)) {
                                        $tileInfoDWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                        $tileInfoDNorthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                        $tileInfoDNorth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                        $tileInfoDNorthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] - 1);
                                        $tileInfoDEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"]);
                                        $tileInfoDSouthEast = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] + 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                        $tileInfoDSouth = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"], $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                        $tileInfoDSouthWest = getTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfoD["continent"], $tileInfoD["xpos"] - 1, $tileInfoD["ypos"] + 1);
                                        if ($tileInfoDWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDWest["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorthWest["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorth["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorth["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDNorthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDNorthEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDNorthEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouthEast["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthEast["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouthEast["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouth["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouth["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouth["terrain"] != 3) || $tileInfoDSouthWest["continent"] == $next_continents && $tileInfoDSouthWest["owner"] == 0 && ($tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 2 && $tileInfoDSouthWest["terrain"] != 3)) {
                                            $availableTiles[$counter1] = $tileInfoD["id"];
                                        // if
                                    // if
                                // while
                            } else {
                            // else
                        // if
                        $sameTile = true;
                        $randTiles = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0);
                        while ($sameTile === true) {
                            $randTiles[0] = mt_rand(1, count($availableTiles) - 2);
                            $randDirection = mt_rand(1, 2);
                            if ($randDirection == 1) {
                                $randTiles[1] = $randTiles[0] - 1;
                            } else {
                                if ($randDirection == 2) {
                                    $randTiles[1] = $randTiles[0] + 1;
                            // else if
                            if ($randTiles[0] == $randTiles[1]) {
                                $sameTile = true;
                            } else {
                                $sameTile = false;
                            // else
                        // while
                        $finalTiles[0] = $availableTiles[$randTiles[0]];
                        $finalTiles[1] = $availableTiles[$randTiles[1]];
                        $claims = array(0 => 0);
                        for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) {
                            if (isset($finalTiles[$c])) {
                                if ($finalTiles[$c] > 0) {
                                    addClaimInfo($getPage_connection2, 10, $new_userid, $finalTiles[$c]);
                                // if
                            // if
                        // for
                        for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
                            if (isset($finalTiles[$j])) {
                                if ($finalTiles[$j] > 0) {
                                    $tileInfo2 = getTileInfoByID($getPage_connection2, $finalTiles[$j]);
                                    setTileInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfo2["id"], $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], $tileInfo2["terrain"], $tileInfo2["resources"], $tileInfo2["improvements"], $new_userid, $tileInfo2["claims"], $tileInfo2["population"]);
                                    if ($capitalBuilt === false) {
                                        addImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], 1, 1, array(0 => 0), array(0 => $new_userid), "Capital City");
                                        // add capital
                                        addImprovementInfo($getPage_connection2, $tileInfo2["continent"], $tileInfo2["xpos"], $tileInfo2["ypos"], 4, 1, array(0 => 0), array(0 => $new_userid), "First Farm");
                                        // add farm
                                        $capitalBuilt = true;
                                    // if
                                // if
                            // if
                        // for
                        addNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_userid, $new_name, $availableContinent, $new_formal, "", 12, 5000, 0, 3, 2500, 5, 0, 5, 0, array(0 => 0), array(0 => 0), array(0 => 5, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 5, 4 => 2, 5 => 5, 6 => 0, 7 => 5), array(0 => 5, 1 => 5, 2 => 5, 3 => 5), 2000, 0);
                        // go through y positions
                        for ($y = 1; $y < 21; $y++) {
                            // go through x positions
                            for ($x = 1; $x < 21; $x++) {
                                $mapContentString = "";
                                $mapContentToken = 0;
                                for ($qw = 0; $qw < 5; $qw++) {
                                    if ($qw == 0) {
                                        $_SESSION["overlay"] = "terrain";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($qw == 1) {
                                            $_SESSION["overlay"] = "control";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($qw == 2) {
                                                $_SESSION["overlay"] = "claims";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($qw == 3) {
                                                    $_SESSION["overlay"] = "units";
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($qw == 4) {
                                                        $_SESSION["overlay"] = "nations";
                                    // else if
                                    $mapContent_generated = array("", 0);
                                    $mapContent_generated = generateMapTile($getPage_connection2, $availableContinent, $x, $y);
                                    $mapContentString = $mapContent_generated[0];
                                    $mapContentToken = $mapContent_generated[1];
                                    $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["controlMapContents"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"] = array(0);
                                    $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"] = array(0);
                                    if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "terrain") {
                                        $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                        $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "control") {
                                            $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                            $_SESSION["controlMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "claims") {
                                                $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "units") {
                                                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($_SESSION["overlay"] == "nations") {
                                                        $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                        $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"][$y][$x] = $mapContentToken;
                                                        $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"][$y][$x] = $mapContentString;
                                    // else
                                // for
                            // for
                        // for
                        addMapMemoryInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_userid, $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"], $_SESSION["controlMapContents"], $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"], $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"], $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"], $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"], $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"]);
                        $_SESSION["success_message"] = "User has been registered successfully!";
                    // else
                } else {
                    $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: Passwords are not matching, double check your password fields.";
                // else
            } else {
                $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: Password must be 8-35 characters.";
            // else
        } else {
            $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: Username must be 8-35 characters.";
        // else
    } else {
        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: registration is invalid.";
    // else