예제 #1
  * Includes acl_add_user, acl_remove_user, acl_has_users,
  * acl_get_id_by_name, acl_has_user, acl_get_uids
 function testNodeAclSingleUserAddRemove()
     // Add a node.
     $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page', 'promote' => 0));
     $this->assertTrue(Node::load($node1->id()), t('Page node created.'));
     acl_create_acl('test2', $node1->getTitle());
     // Check to see if grants added by node_test_node_access_records()
     // made it in.
     $acl_id = acl_get_id_by_name('test2', $node1->getTitle());
     $this->assertNotNull($acl_id, t('ACL ID was successfully found.'), $group = 'ACL');
     $records = db_query('SELECT acl_id, name FROM {acl} WHERE acl_id = :acl_id', array(':acl_id' => $acl_id))->fetchAll();
     $this->assertEqual(count($records), 1, t('ACL was succesfully created.'), $group = 'ACL');
     // Add user (can't we use the user created in setup?).
     $web_user_1 = $this->drupalCreateUser();
     acl_add_user($acl_id, $web_user_1->id());
     $records = db_query('SELECT acl_id, uid FROM {acl_user} WHERE uid = :uid', array(':uid' => $web_user_1->id()))->fetchAll();
     // Verify user is added.
     $this->assertEqual(count($records), 1, t('User was successfully added.'), $group = 'ACL');
     // Remove user.
     acl_remove_user($acl_id, $web_user_1->id());
     $records = db_query('SELECT acl_id, uid FROM {acl_user} WHERE uid = :uid', array(':uid' => $web_user_1->id()))->fetchAll();
     // Verify user is removed.
     $this->assertEqual(count($records), 0, t('User was successfully removed.'), $group = 'ACL');
  * Tests migration of ACL List.
 public function testMigration()
     // Checking `number` to `figure` migration.
     $acl_id = acl_get_id_by_name('acl_node_test', 'test_name', 123);
     $this->assertNotEqual($acl_id, FALSE);
     // One more check.
     $acl_id = acl_get_id_by_figure('acl_node_test', 5);
     $this->assertEqual($acl_id, 2);
     // Testing `acl_user` migration.
     $this->assertEqual(acl_has_user(1, 1), TRUE);
     $this->assertEqual(acl_has_user(2, 1), TRUE);
     $this->assertEqual(acl_has_user(1, 2), TRUE);
     $this->assertNotEqual(acl_has_user(2, 2), TRUE);
     // Testing first migrated node grants.
     $node = Node::load(1);
     $grants = \Drupal::entityManager()->getAccessControlHandler('node')->acquireGrants($node);
     $acl_grant_exists = FALSE;
     foreach ($grants as $grant) {
         if ($grant['realm'] == 'acl' && $grant['grant_update'] == TRUE && $grant['priority'] == 5) {
             $acl_grant_exists = TRUE;
     $this->assertEqual($acl_grant_exists, TRUE);
     // Testing second migrated node grants.
     $node = Node::load(2);
     $grants = \Drupal::entityManager()->getAccessControlHandler('node')->acquireGrants($node);
     $acl_grant_count = 0;
     foreach ($grants as $grant) {
         if ($grant['realm'] == 'acl') {
             if ($grant['grant_view'] == TRUE && $grant['grant_delete'] == TRUE && $grant['priority'] == 10) {
             if ($grant['grant_view'] == TRUE && $grant['grant_update'] == TRUE && $grant['priority'] == 8) {
     $this->assertEqual($acl_grant_count, 2);