function main() { global $real_uri, $vhost, $add_errmsg, $pri_err, $query_string; static $detable, $detimer; $t = time(); $tmax = access_query("dosevasivetimer", 0) or $tmax = 10; $dmax = access_query("dosevasivemaxreqs", 0) or $dmax = 5; if ($t > $detimer + $tmax) { // Clean table on timer $detable = array(); $detimer = $t; } if ($detable[$vhost . $real_uri . $query_string] >= $dmax) { // Discard request with DosEvasiveError if requested more than DosEvasiveMaxReqs in DocEvasiveTimer seconds $e = access_query("dosevasiveerror", 0) or $e = 403; $pri_err = $e; $add_errmsg = "You are not allowed to request a resource more than <b>" . (int) $dmax . "</b> times in <b>" . (int) $tmax . "</b> seconds.<br><br>"; if ($bt = access_query("dosevasiveblocktime", 0)) { if (strtolower($bt) == "perm") { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "PERM", "mod_dosevasive"); } else { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "TEMP", "mod_dosevasive", time() + $bt); } } } // Update url table $detable[$vhost . $real_uri . $query_string]++; }
function main() { global $http_uri, $docroot, $rq_file, $rq_err, $path_info; $this->uri = false; if ($this->modtype == "parser_" . trim(access_query("_parseext", "_" . strtolower($rq_file["extension"])))) { if (!($f = fopen($docroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $http_uri, NW_BSAFE_READ_OPEN))) { $rq_err = 500; } $bin = fread($f, 2048); fclose($f); if (substr($bin, 0, 20) == "LÀF") { $lnk = $this->decode_windows_visual_shortcut($bin); $this->uri = $lnk["path"]; // .$lnk["file"] } else { list($uri, $uu) = explode("\n", $bin, 2); $this->uri = trim($uri); } #-- change immediately for directories if (!strpos($this->uri, "://") && is_dir($this->uri)) { $docroot = rtrim($this->uri, "/"); $http_uri = $path_info; $rq_file = pathinfo($uri); $path_info = ""; } } }
function main() { global $conf, $pri_err, $pri_redir, $add_errmsg, $pri_redir_code; $maxload = (double) access_query("loadlimit", 0); $action = access_query("loadlimitaction", 0) or $action = "error"; $pl = @file("/proc/loadavg"); $lg = explode(" ", $pl[0]); $loadavg = (double) $lg[0]; if ($loadavg > $maxload) { switch ($action) { case "redir": $pri_redir = $this->nsv_str_replace(access_query("loadlimitredirect", 0)); $pri_redir_code = 307; break; case "error": $err = access_query("loadlimiterror", 0) or $err = 503; $pri_err = $err; $msg = access_query("loadlimiterrormessage", 0) or $msg = "Server load is too high (<b>%CUR_LOAD/%MAX_LOAD</b>), try again in a few moments."; $msg = str_replace("%CUR_LOAD", sprintf("%.1f", $loadavg), $msg); $msg = str_replace("%MAX_LOAD", sprintf("%.1f", $maxload), $msg); $add_errmsg = $msg . "<br><br>"; break; } } }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { $host = access_query("authpgsqlhost", 0); $dbuser = access_query("authpgsqluser", 0); $dbpass = access_query("authpgsqlpass", 0); $dbname = access_query("authpgsqldb", 0); $tbname = access_query("authpgsqltable", 0); $lname = access_query("authpgsqllogincolumn", 0); $pname = access_query("authpgsqlpasscolumn", 0); $ps = trim($pass); switch (strtolower(access_query("authpgsqlpasstype", 0))) { case "md5": $pstr = md5($ps); break; case "plain": default: $pstr = $ps; } if (is_callable("pg_connect")) { if ($cid = @pg_connect("host={$host} user={$dbuser} password={$dbpass} dbname={$dbname}")) { if ($q = @pg_query($cid, "SELECT * FROM {$tbname} WHERE {$lname} = '{$user}' AND {$pname} = '{$pstr}'")) { $r = pg_num_rows($q); pg_free_result($q); $auth = $r > 0; } else { techo("WARN: mod_auth_pgsql could not fetch '{$lname}' and '{$pname}' from table '{$tbname}'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } else { techo("WARN: mod_auth_pgsql could not connect to database '{$dbname}@{$host}'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } else { techo("WARN: postgresql extension not built in your PHP binary", NW_EL_WARNING); } return $auth; }
function options() { $methods = array(); foreach (access_query("methodhandler") as $m_h) { $methods[] = strtok($method, " "); } return $methods; }
function main() { global $http_action, $out_add_headers; $ml = $http_action == "HEAD" ? $GLOBALS["hlf"] : $GLOBALS["lf"]; if (is_a($ml, "static_response") && $ml->str && access_query("digestmd5", 0)) { $out_add_headers["Content-MD5"] = base64_encode(pack("H*", md5($ml->str))); } }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { foreach (access_query("authsimpleuserpass") as $asup) { $lp = explode(" ", $asup); if ($lp[0] == $user && $lp[1] == $pass) { $auth = true; break; } } return $auth; }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { $authfile = file(access_query("authnwauthfilename", 0)); $authcount = count($authfile); for ($a = 1; $a <= $authcount; $a++) { $lp = explode(":", trim($authfile[$a])); $authdata["users"][$lp[0]]["login"] = $lp[0]; $authdata["users"][$lp[0]]["des-password"] = $lp[1]; } $hash = $authdata["users"][$user]["des-password"]; $thash = crypt($pass, substr($hash, 0, 2)); return $hash === $thash; }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { $allowed = array_merge(array("anonymous"), explode(" ", implode(" ", access_query("authanonymousnames")))); $r = false; if (in_array($user, $allowed) && $this->preg_email($pass)) { if (access_query("authanonymoussmtpcheck", 0)) { $r = $this->check_email($pass); } else { $r = true; } } return $r; }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { foreach (access_query("authsvnfile") as $asvn) { $file = fopen($asvn, "r"); while (!feof($file)) { $lp = explode("=", ereg_replace(" *", "", chop(fgets($file, 4096)))); if ($lp[0] == $user && $lp[1] == $pass) { $auth = true; break; } } } return $auth; }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { if ($this->ldapless_php) { return false; } else { if ($ldsrvs = access_query("authldapserver")) { foreach ($ldsrvs as $ld_srv) { if ($ld_cid = ldap_connect($ld_srv)) { break; } } if (!$ld_cid) { techo("WARN: mod_auth_ldap: unable to connect to server(s)", NW_EL_WARNING); return false; } } else { techo("WARN: mod_auth_ldap: no AuthLDAPServer specified", NW_EL_WARNING); ldap_close($ld_cid); return false; } } $ld_dn = access_query("authldapbinddn", 0); $eu = explode("@", $user); $ld_dn = str_replace("%AUTH_USER%", $user, $ld_dn); $ld_dn = str_replace("%AUTH_USER_U%", $eu[0], $ld_dn); $ld_dn = str_replace("%AUTH_USER_D%", $eu[1], $ld_dn); if ($ld_bind = ldap_bind($ld_cid, $ld_dn, $pass)) { if ($ld_filter = access_query("authldapmatchfilter", 0)) { if ($ld_q = ldap_search($ld_cid, $ld_dn, $ld_filter)) { if ($a = ldap_count_entries($ld_cid, $ld_q)) { ldap_close($ld_cid); return true; } else { ldap_close($ld_cid); return false; } } else { ldap_close($ld_cid); return false; } } else { ldap_close($ld_cid); return true; } } else { ldap_close($ld_cid); return false; } }
function main() { global $docroot, $http_uri, $out_contenttype, $rq_err, $http_resp, $out_add_headers; if ($method = access_query("metafetch", 0)) { $meta = $this->fetch($docroot . $http_uri, $method); if (file_exists($fmeta = $docroot . $http_uri . '.meta')) { foreach (file($fmeta) as $line) { $p = strpos($line, ':'); if ($h = substr($line, 0, $p)) { $meta['HTTP-EQUIV'][$h] = trim(substr($line, $p + 1)); } } } $out_add_headers = array_merge($out_add_headers, $meta['HTTP-EQUIV']); } }
function main() { global $conf, $rq_err, $mypid; if (in_array($rq_err, access_query("debugerror"))) { $fn = $conf["global"]["tempdirectory"][0] . "/nwdebug." . (int) $mypid; $s = date("Ymd-His") . " - nanoweb debug session -----------------------\n"; $s .= $this->sprint_r($GLOBALS); $s .= date("Ymd-His") . "------------------------------------------------\n\n"; if ($f = @fopen($fn, "a")) { fwrite($f, $s); fclose($f); } else { techo("WARN: mod_debug was unable to open {$fn} for writing"); } } }
function filter_func(&$lf, $args) { global $htreq_headers, $out_add_headers, $first_chunk, $chunky; if ($first_chunk) { $this->gz_method = false; foreach (array("deflate", "gzip", "compress") as $m) { if (strpos($htreq_headers["ACCEPT-ENCODING"], $m) !== false) { $this->gz_method = $m; break; } } if (!($this->gz_level = access_query("gziplevel", 0))) { $this->gz_level = 3; } $this->engaged = $this->gz_method && empty($out_add_headers["Content-Encoding"]); $this->engaged = $this->engaged && (!($chunky || nw_use_chunked_encoding() == true) || access_query("gzipenable", 0) >= 2); } if ($this->engaged) { switch ($this->gz_method) { case "deflate": $gz_content = gzdeflate($lf, $this->gz_level); break; case "compress": $gz_content = gzcompress($lf, $this->gz_level); break; case "gzip": $gz_content = gzencode($lf, $this->gz_level); //(..., FORCE_DEFLATE) ?? //(..., FORCE_DEFLATE) ?? default: } #techo("compressing " . strlen($lf) . " bytes using " . $this->gz_method . " level=".$this->gz_level); if (!$chunky || isset($this->pp->content_length)) { if (!($maxratio = access_query("gzipmaxratio", 0) / 100)) { $maxratio = 0.9; } if (!(strlen($gz_content) < strlen($lf) * $maxratio)) { return 0; } $this->content_length = strlen($gz_content); } $lf = $gz_content; $out_add_headers["Content-Encoding"] = $this->gz_method; } else { $this->content_length = $this->pp->content_length; } }
function main() { global $htreq_headers, $pri_err, $lf, $add_errmsg; $tm = localtime(time(), true); $holiday = array(5 => 1); if ($f = access_query("microsoftfree")) { foreach (explode(" ", implode(" ", $f)) as $n) { $holiday[$n] = 1; } } if ($holiday[$tm["tm_wday"]]) { if (strpos($ua = $htreq_headers["USER-AGENT"], "MSIE") && (strpos($ua, "XP") || strpos($ua, "NT")) && !strpos(strtolower($ua), "opera") && !strpos(strtolower($ua), "oregano")) { $pri_err = 403; $add_errmsg = "<b>Happy <a href=\"\">Microsoft<sup>®</sup>-Free Friday</a>!</b>\n" . "<p>In support of freedom of choice in browser software, this web site is Microsoft-Free on Fridays. Please use any browser except MSIE to access this web site today.</p>\n"; } } }
function main($args = "") { global $lf; if (empty($args)) { $args = access_query("bandwidth", 0); } if ($n = strtok(trim($args), "/")) { if (stristr($n, "K")) { $n = substr($n, 0, -1) * 1024; } $this->bandwidth = $n; $this->start = time() - 1; $this->sent = 0; $this->buf = ''; $this->pp = $lf; $lf = $this; $this->content_length = $this->pp->content_length; } }
function main() { global $conf, $pri_err, $add_errmsg; if (!access_query("referercheck", 0)) { return; } $ref = $GLOBALS["htreq_headers"]["REFERER"]; if (!$ref) { return; } if (strpos($ref, "http://" . strtolower($GLOBALS["vhost"])) === 0) { return; } foreach (access_query("refererallow") as $ref_allow) { if (strpos(strtolower($ref), strtolower($ref_allow)) === 0) { return; } } $pri_err = 403; $add_errmsg = "External links to this resource are not allowed.<br><br>Please inform the maintainer of the originating web page at <a href='{$ref}'>{$ref}</a>.<br><br>"; }
function parser_open($uu_args, &$real_uri, &$rq_err, &$out_add_headers, &$out_contenttype) { global $lf, $htreq_headers, $htreq_content, $add_errmsg, $docroot; // guess final error code if (!file_exists($docroot . $real_uri)) { $rq_err = NW_METHOD_PUT_CREATED; $add_errmsg = "<b>Resource created.</b><br><br>"; } else { $rq_err = NW_METHOD_PUT_OVERWRITTEN; $add_errmsg = "<b>Resource overwritten.</b><br><br>"; } // unsupported stuff if (!empty($htreq_headers["CONTENT-RANGE"])) { $rq_err = 501; $add_errmsg = "Partially overwriting resources is not implemented. "; } else { // authentication is handled by httpd kernel if (!access_query("writeaccess", 0)) { $rq_err = 403; $add_errmsg = "Only wizards can do that. "; } else { // backup code goes here #... // try to open the file $put_there = fopen($docroot . $real_uri, NW_BSAFE_WRITE_OPEN); // if open failed if (!$put_there) { // may be we'll try ftp-method instead? #... (!is_writeable($docroot.$real_uri) && !trim($logged_user)) $rq_err = 403; $add_errmsg = "Could not open URI for write access. "; } else { fwrite($put_there, $htreq_content); fclose($put_there); } } } // replacing ourselfes with a standard error response $lf = new static_response(nw_error_page($rq_err, $add_errmsg)); }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { $host = access_query("authmysqlhost", 0); $dbuser = access_query("authmysqluser", 0); $dbpass = access_query("authmysqlpass", 0); $dbname = access_query("authmysqldb", 0); $tbname = access_query("authmysqltable", 0); $lname = access_query("authmysqllogincolumn", 0); $pname = access_query("authmysqlpasscolumn", 0); $ps = "'" . addslashes($pass) . "'"; switch (strtolower(access_query("authmysqlpasstype", 0))) { case "crypt": $pstr = "encrypt(" . $ps . ")"; break; case "md5": $pstr = "md5(" . $ps . ")"; break; case "mysql": $pstr = "password(" . $ps . ")"; break; case "plain": default: $pstr = $ps; } if ($cid = @mysql_pconnect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass)) { mysql_select_db($dbname, $cid); if ($q = @mysql_query("select 1 from " . $tbname . " where " . $lname . "='" . addslashes($user) . "' and " . $pname . "=" . $pstr)) { $r = mysql_num_rows($q); mysql_free_result($q); $auth = $r > 0; } else { techo("WARN: mod_auth_mysql could not fetch '{$lname}' and '{$pname}' from table '{$tbname}'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } else { techo("WARN: mod_auth_mysql could not connect to database '{$dbname}@{$host}'", NW_EL_WARNING); } return $auth; }
function auth($user, $pass, $args) { $r = $db_pw = false; $dsn = access_query("authanydb", 0); $col_login = access_query("authanydblogincolumn", 0) or $col_login = "******"; $col_pass = access_query("authanydbpasswordcolumn", 0) or $col_pass = "******"; $desc = parse_url($dsn); $desc["database"] = strtok($desc["path"], "/"); $table = strtok("/"); $dsn = substr($dsn, 0, strrpos($dsn, "/")); if (function_exists("newadoconnection") && ($db = NewAdoConnection($desc["scheme"])) && $db->connect($desc["host"], $desc["user"], $desc["pass"], $desc["database"])) { $user = $db->qstr($user); $SQL = "SELECT {$col_pass} FROM {$table} WHERE {$col_login}={$user}"; if ($row = $db->GetRow($SQL)) { $db_pw = $row[0]; } $db->Close(); } elseif (class_exists("DB")) { $db = DB::connect($dsn); $user = $db->quoteString($user); $SQL = "SELECT {$col_pass} FROM {$table} WHERE {$col_login}='{$user}'"; if ($row = $db->getRow($SQL)) { $db_pw = $row[0]; } } elseif (function_exists("dbx_connect") && ($db = dbx_connect($desc["scheme"], $desc["host"], $desc["database"], $desc["user"], $desc["pass"]))) { $user = dbx_escape_string($db, $user); $SQL = "SELECT {$col_pass} FROM {$table} WHERE {$col_login}='{$user}'"; if ($result = dbx_query($db, $SQL)) { $db_pw = $result->data[0][0]; } dbx_close($db); } else { techo("mod_auth_anydb: no database interface used (db auth problem?)", NW_EL_WARNING); return $r = false; } $r = strlen($db_pw) && strlen($pass) && ($db_pw == $pass or $db_pw == crypt($pass, substr($db_pw, 0, 2)) or $db_pw == md5($pass)); return $r; }
function build_response_headers() { global $HTTP_HEADERS, $rq_err, $out_contenttype, $out_add_headers, $conf, $lf; if ($out_add_headers) { foreach ($out_add_headers as $key => $val) { switch (strtoupper($key)) { case "CONTENT-TYPE": $out_contenttype = $val; break; case "LOCATION": $rq_err = 302; $add_headers .= $key . ": " . $val . "\r\n"; break; case "COOKIES": foreach ($val as $cval) { $add_headers .= "Set-Cookie: " . $cval . "\r\n"; } break; case "STATUS": $st = (int) strtok($val, " "); if ($stx = trim(strtok(""))) { $http_resp = $st . " " . $stx; } else { if ($stx = $HTTP_HEADERS[$st]) { $http_resp = $stx; } else { $http_resp = $st; } } $rq_err = $st; break; default: $add_headers .= $key . ": " . $val . "\r\n"; } } } $clf = $GLOBALS["http_action"] == "HEAD" ? $GLOBALS["hlf"] : $lf; $out_headers = HTTP_VERSION . " " . ($http_resp ? trim($http_resp) : $HTTP_HEADERS[$rq_err]) . "\r\n"; $out_headers .= "Date: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T") . "\r\n"; if ($ss = nw_server_string()) { $out_headers .= "Server: " . $ss . "\r\n"; } $out_headers .= "Content-Type: " . $out_contenttype . "\r\n"; if ($ahlist = access_query("addheader")) { foreach ($ahlist as $val) { $out_headers .= trim($val) . "\r\n"; } } if ($rq_err >= 400 && ($eh = access_query("_errorheader", "_" . $rq_err))) { $out_headers .= $eh . "\r\n"; } $out_headers .= $add_headers; if ($GLOBALS["keepalive"]) { $out_headers .= "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; $out_headers .= "Keep-Alive: timeout=" . (int) $conf["global"]["requesttimeout"][0] . ", max=" . (int) $conf["global"]["keepalive"][0] . "\r\n"; } else { $out_headers .= "Connection: close\r\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["chunked"]) { $out_headers .= "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; } else { if (is_int($clf->content_length)) { $out_headers .= "Content-Length: " . $clf->content_length . "\r\n"; } } return $out_headers; }
function main() { global $conf, $http_uri, $docroot; if (!($e = access_query("rewriteengine", 0)) || strtolower($e) == "off") { return; } $this->last = false; $this->act = 0; $this->last_rule = $this->last_cond = array(); while (($this->act = strpos($http_uri, "/", $this->act)) !== false) { // split http_uri $act_path = substr($http_uri, 0, ++$this->act); $sub_path = substr($http_uri, $this->act, 255); if (is_dir($docroot . $act_path)) { $this->rewrite($act_path, $sub_path); } else { break; } if ($this->last) { break; } } return; }
function parser_open($args, $filename, &$rq_err, &$cgi_headers) { global $conf, $os, $htreq_headers; $cgiexec = $args; if ($phpopts = access_query("cgiphpoption")) { foreach ($phpopts as $opt) { $cgiexec .= " -d " . $opt; } } $nsv = nw_server_vars(true); if ($conf["global"]["cgifilterpathinfo"][0]) { unset($nsv["PATH_INFO"]); } putenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"); foreach ($nsv as $key => $var) { putenv($key . "=" . $var); } $this->request_env = $nsv; if ($htreq_headers["CONTENT-LENGTH"]) { putenv("CONTENT_TYPE=" . $htreq_headers["CONTENT-TYPE"]); putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH=" . $htreq_headers["CONTENT-LENGTH"]); if ($this->use_proc_open) { $ds = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w")); if ($this->po = proc_open($cgiexec, $ds, $fds)) { $this->peof = false; fwrite($fds[0], $GLOBALS["htreq_content"]); fclose($fds[0]); $this->p = $fds[1]; } else { $this->peof = true; $rq_err = 500; techo("WARN: cannot proc_open() pipes to '" . $cgiexec . "'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } else { $tdn = $conf["global"]["tempdir"][0] or $tdn = $conf["global"]["tempdirectory"][0]; $tmp_filename = $tdn . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "nweb_cgi_post." . $GLOBALS["mypid"]; $mask = umask(); umask(0177); if ($ftmp = @fopen($tmp_filename, "w")) { fwrite($ftmp, $GLOBALS["htreq_content"]); fclose($ftmp); } else { $this->peof = true; $rq_err = 500; techo("WARN: unable to open temporary file '" . $tmp_filename . "' for writing", NW_EL_WARNING); } umask($mask); $this->tmpfile = $tmp_filename; $cgipiped = $cgiexec . "<" . $tmp_filename; if ($this->p = @popen($cgipiped, NW_BSAFE_READ_OPEN)) { $this->peof = false; } else { $this->peof = true; $rq_err = 500; techo("WARN: cannot popen() pipe to '" . $cgiexec . "'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } } else { if ($this->use_proc_open) { $ds = array(1 => array("pipe", "w")); if ($this->po = proc_open($cgiexec, $ds, $fds)) { $this->peof = false; $this->p = $fds[1]; } else { $this->peof = true; $rq_err = 500; techo("WARN: cannot proc_open() pipe to '" . $cgiexec . "'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } else { if ($this->p = @popen($cgiexec, NW_BSAFE_READ_OPEN)) { $this->peof = false; } else { $this->peof = true; $rq_err = 500; techo("WARN: cannot open pipe to '" . $cgiexec . "'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } } if ($this->p) { while ($lastread != "\r\n" && $lastread != "\n") { if (!($lastread = fgets($this->p, 1024))) { break; } $content .= $lastread; } } if (($p1 = strpos($content, "\r\n\r\n")) !== false || ($p1 = strpos($content, "\n\n")) !== false) { if (strpos($content, "\r\n\r\n") !== false) { $pn = 4; } else { $pn = 2; } $headers = explode("\n", trim(substr($content, 0, $p1))); $content = substr($content, $p1 + $pn); } $GLOBALS["http_resp"] = ""; $cnh = access_query("cginoheader"); foreach ($headers as $s) { if ($s = trim($s)) { if (substr($s, 0, 5) == "HTTP/") { $hd_key = "STATUS"; strtok($s, " "); } else { $hd_key = strtok($s, ":"); } $hd_val = trim(strtok("")); $hku = strtoupper($hd_key); if ($cnh) { foreach ($cnh as $nohdr) { if ($hku == strtoupper($nohdr)) { $hd_key = ""; } } } if ($hd_key) { if ($hku == "SET-COOKIE") { $cgi_headers["cookies"][] = $hd_val; } else { $cgi_headers[$hd_key] = $hd_val; } } } } }
function main() { global $add_errmsg, $pri_err, $remote_ip, $remote_host, $lf; switch (access_query("acpolicy", 0)) { case "deny": $ad = $this->fmatch("allow"); $ad[0] = !$ad[0]; if ($dca = access_query("acallowclass")) { foreach ($dca as $dc) { if ($this->classfilter($dc, $ad[1])) { $ad[0] = false; break; } } } break; case "allow": default: $ad = $this->fmatch("deny"); if ($dca = access_query("acdenyclass")) { foreach ($dca as $dc) { if ($this->classfilter($dc, $ad[1])) { $ad[0] = true; break; } } } break; } if ($ad[0]) { if ($ac_class = $ad[1]) { if ($bea = access_query("acblockerrorclass")) { foreach ($bea as $be) { if (strtok($be, " ") == $ac_class) { $cl_err = strtok(""); break; } } } if ($bma = access_query("acblockmessageclass")) { foreach ($bma as $bm) { if (strtok($bm, " ") == $ac_class) { $cl_msg = strtok(""); break; } } } if ($iba = access_query("acipblockclass")) { foreach ($iba as $ib) { if (strtok($ib, " ") == $ac_class) { $cl_ibt = strtok(""); break; } } } } $pri_err = $cl_err or $pri_err = (int) access_query("acblockerror", 0) or $pri_err = 403; $amsg = $cl_msg or $amsg = access_query("acblockmessage", 0); $ibt = $cl_ibt or $ibt = access_query("acipblock", 0); if ($ibt) { if ($ac_class) { $ibs = "." . $ac_class; } else { $ibs = ""; } if (strtolower($ibt) == "perm") { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "PERM", "mod_ac" . $ibs); } else { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "TEMP", "mod_ac" . $ibs, time() + $ibt); } } if ($amsg) { $add_errmsg .= $amsg . "<br><br>"; } } }
function url(&$rq_err, &$out_contenttype, &$out_add_headers) { global $conf, $vhost; if (strpos($GLOBALS["http_uri"], "root.exe") !== false) { $wormid = "Nimda"; } else { if ($GLOBALS["query_string"][0] == "N") { $wormid = "CodeRed"; } else { if ($GLOBALS["query_string"][0] == "X") { $wormid = "CodeRed2"; } else { $wormid = "unknown"; } } } if ($bt = access_query("wormsblocktime", 0)) { // Block source IP address $bsrc = "mod_worms." . $wormid; if (strtolower($bt) == "perm") { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "PERM", $bsrc); } else { nw_block_ip_address($GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "TEMP", $bsrc, time() + $bt); } } if ($conf["global"]["wormsrun"]) { while (list($key, $cmd) = each($conf["global"]["wormsrun"])) { if ($cmd) { // Do WormsRun $cmd = str_replace("\$" . "REMOTE_IP", $GLOBALS["remote_ip"], $cmd); $cmd = str_replace("\$" . "REMOTE_HOST", $GLOBALS["remote_host"], $cmd); exec($cmd); } } } if ($conf["global"]["wormswpoptext"]) { // Do WormsWpopText while (list($key, $msgline) = each($conf["global"]["wormswpoptext"])) { $msg .= $msgline . "\n"; } $msg = str_replace("\$" . "SERVERNAME", $conf[$vhost]["servername"][0], $msg); $msg = str_replace("\$" . "SERVERADMIN", $conf[$vhost]["serveradmin"][0], $msg); if ($p = @popen("wpop " . $GLOBALS["remote_ip"], "w")) { fputs($p, $msg); pclose($p); } else { techo("mod_worms: unable to popen() wpop", NW_EL_WARNING); } } // Return 404 Not found $rq_err = 404; return ""; }
function parser_open($args, $filename, &$rq_err, &$cgi_headers) { global $conf, $add_errmsg; // Connect to FastCGI server $fcgi_server = explode(":", $args); if (!($this->sck = fsockopen($fcgi_server[0], $fcgi_server[1], $errno, $errstr, 5))) { $rq_err = 500; $tmperr = "mod_fcgi: unable to contact application server ({$errno} : {$errstr})."; $add_errmsg .= $tmperr . "<br><br>"; techo("WARN: " . $tmperr, NW_EL_WARNING); return false; } // Begin session $begin_rq_packet = chr(0) . chr(1) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0); fwrite($this->sck, $this->build_fcgi_packet(FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST, $begin_rq_packet)); // Build params $fcgi_params_packet .= $this->build_fcgi_nvpair("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "FastCGI/1.0"); $nsv = nw_server_vars(); if ($conf["global"]["fcgifilterpathinfo"][0]) { unset($nsv["PATH_INFO"]); } foreach ($nsv as $key => $var) { $fcgi_params_packet .= $this->build_fcgi_nvpair($key, $var); } if ($rq_hdrs = $GLOBALS["htreq_headers"]) { foreach ($rq_hdrs as $key => $val) { $fcgi_params_packet .= $this->build_fcgi_nvpair("HTTP_" . str_replace("-", "_", $key), $val); } } if ($GLOBALS["http_action"] == "POST" && $GLOBALS["htreq_content"]) { $fcgi_params_packet .= $this->build_fcgi_nvpair("CONTENT_TYPE", $rq_hdrs["CONTENT-TYPE"]); $fcgi_params_packet .= $this->build_fcgi_nvpair("CONTENT_LENGTH", $rq_hdrs["CONTENT-LENGTH"]); $stdin_content = $GLOBALS["htreq_content"]; } else { $stdin_content = ""; } // Send params fwrite($this->sck, $this->build_fcgi_packet(FCGI_PARAMS, $fcgi_params_packet)); fwrite($this->sck, $this->build_fcgi_packet(FCGI_PARAMS, "")); // Build and send stdin flow if ($stdin_content) { fwrite($this->sck, $this->build_fcgi_packet(FCGI_STDIN, $stdin_content)); } fwrite($this->sck, $this->build_fcgi_packet(FCGI_STDIN, "")); // Read answers from fastcgi server $content = ""; while (($p1 = strpos($content, "\r\n\r\n")) === false) { $tmpp = $this->decode_fcgi_packet($packet = fread($this->sck, 8)); $tl = $tmpp["length"] % 8; $tadd = $tl ? 8 - $tl : 0; $resp = $this->decode_fcgi_packet($packet . fread($this->sck, $tmpp["length"] + $tadd)); if ($valid_pck = $resp["type"] == FCGI_STDOUT || $resp["type"] == FCGI_STDERR) { $content .= $resp["content"]; } if ($resp["type"] == FCGI_STDERR) { techo("WARN: mod_fcgi: app server returned error : '" . $resp["content"] . "'", NW_EL_WARNING); } } if (feof($this->sck)) { $this->peof = true; } if ($p1) { $headers = explode("\n", trim(substr($content, 0, $p1))); $content = substr($content, $p1 + 4); } $GLOBALS["http_resp"] = ""; $cnh = access_query("fcginoheader"); foreach ($headers as $s) { if ($s = trim($s)) { if (substr($s, 0, 5) == "HTTP/") { $hd_key = "STATUS"; strtok($s, " "); } else { $hd_key = strtok($s, ":"); } $hd_val = trim(strtok("")); $hku = strtoupper($hd_key); if ($cnh) { foreach ($cnh as $nohdr) { if ($hku == strtoupper($nohdr)) { $hd_key = ""; } } } if ($hd_key) { if ($hku == "SET-COOKIE") { $cgi_headers["cookies"][] = $hd_val; } else { $cgi_headers[$hd_key] = $hd_val; } } } } $this->parsed_output = $content; }
function main() { global $http_uri, $docroot, $conf, $vhost, $rq_err, $out_contenttype, $real_uri, $out_add_headers, $accessdir, $mime, $query_string; foreach (access_query("fbiconbytype") as $icndef) { $ic = explode(" ", $icndef); $icons[trim($ic[1])] = trim($ic[0]); } $icndef = access_query("fbicondefault", 0); if (!($icndir = access_query("fbicondirectory", 0))) { $icndir = $icndef; } if ($http_uri[strlen($http_uri) - 1] != "/") { $http_uri .= "/"; } if (access_query("filebrowser", 0)) { if (@is_readable($docroot . $http_uri)) { $dfmt = access_query("fbdateformat", 0) or $dfmt = "d-M-Y H:i:s"; $rq_err = 200; $out_contenttype = "text/html"; // Generate directory listing $hnd = opendir(realpath($docroot . $http_uri)); unset($fb_arr); unset($fsort); while ($f = readdir($hnd)) { $fi = stat($docroot . $http_uri . $f); $fi["isdir"] = is_dir($docroot . $http_uri . $f); $fi["f"] = $f; $fb_arr[$f] = $fi; if (!$fi["isdir"]) { $fb_ts += $fi[7]; $fb_tf++; } } if ($fbstmp = access_query("fbsortorder", 0)) { $fbsort = explode(" ", $fbstmp); } else { $fbsort = array("name"); } parse_str($query_string, $ptmp); if (count($ptmp)) { if ($ptmp["sort"]) { $fbsort[0] = $ptmp["sort"]; } if ($ptmp["order"]) { $fbsort[1] = $ptmp["order"]; } } switch ($fbsort[0]) { case "date": $sortidx = 9; break; case "size": $sortidx = 7; break; case "name": default: $sortidx = "f"; } $dsort = $fsort = array(); foreach ($fb_arr as $fstmp) { if (!$fstmp["isdir"]) { $fsort[$fstmp["f"]] = $fstmp[$sortidx]; } else { if ($fstmp["f"] != "..") { $dsort[$fstmp["f"]] = $fstmp[$sortidx]; } else { $has_parent = $fstmp[$sortidx]; } } } if ($fbsort[1] == "desc") { arsort($fsort); arsort($dsort); } else { asort($fsort); asort($dsort); } if ($has_parent) { $dsort = array_reverse($dsort); $dsort[".."] = $has_parent; $dsort = array_reverse($dsort); } // Do other processing if (@is_readable($wfn = $docroot . $http_uri . $conf[$vhost]["fbwelcomefile"][0])) { $wfc = implode("<br>", file($wfn)); $welcome_formated = "<br><font size=\"1\" face=\"fixedsys\">" . $wfc . "</font><br><br>"; } else { $welcome_formated = ""; } $fhdr = array(); $fhdr["dir_name"] = "/" . $real_uri; $fhdr["welcome"] = $welcome_formated; $fhdr["total_files"] = $fb_tf; $fhdr["total_files_formated"] = number_format($fb_tf); $fhdr["total_size"] = $fb_ts; $fhdr["total_size_formated"] = number_format($fb_ts); $resp = nw_apply_template(NW_TMPL_FB_HEADER, $fhdr); $dfile = access_query("fbdescfile", 0); unset($fb_desc); if (@is_readable($dfcomp = realpath($accessdir . "/" . $dfile))) { if ($descf = file($dfcomp)) { foreach ($descf as $dfline) { if (trim($dfline)) { $didx = trim(substr($dfline, 0, strpos($dfline, " "))); $desc = trim(substr($dfline, strpos($dfline, " "))); $fb_desc[$didx] = $desc; } } } } // Display each row foreach (array_keys($dsort) as $fidx) { $fi = $fb_arr[$fidx]; $f = $fi["f"]; if ($f == "..") { $dname = nw_apply_template(NW_TMPL_FB_PARENT, array()); $tmpdl = explode("/", trim($real_uri, "/")); array_pop($tmpdl); $dlink = url_to_absolute(implode("/", $tmpdl) . "/"); } else { $dname = $f; $dlink = url_to_absolute($real_uri . rawurlencode($f) . "/"); } if ((substr($f, 0, 1) != "." || $f == ".." || $conf[$vhost]["fbshowdotfiles"][0]) && $f != "." && !($f == ".." && $http_uri == "/")) { $d_row = array(); $d_row["icon"] = $icndir; $d_row["link"] = $dlink; $d_row["name"] = $dname; $d_row["date"] = date($dfmt, $fi[9]); $d_row["desc"] = $fb_desc[$f] ? $fb_desc[$f] : "-"; $resp .= nw_apply_template(NW_TMPL_FB_ROW_D, $d_row, true); } } foreach (array_keys($fsort) as $fidx) { $fi = $fb_arr[$fidx]; $f = $fi["f"]; $fp = pathinfo($f); $t = $mime[strtolower($fp["extension"])]; $icnf = $icndef; if ($icons) { foreach ($icons as $key => $val) { if (strpos($t, $key) === 0) { $icnf = $val; break; } } } if (($f[0] != "." || $f == ".." || $conf[$vhost]["fbshowdotfiles"][0]) && $f != "." && !($f == ".." && $http_uri == "/")) { $f_row = array(); $f_row["icon"] = $icnf; $f_row["link"] = url_to_absolute($real_uri . rawurlencode($f)); $f_row["name"] = $f; $f_row["date"] = date($dfmt, $fi[9]); $f_row["size"] = number_format($fi[7]); $f_row["desc"] = $fb_desc[$f] ? $fb_desc[$f] : "-"; $resp .= nw_apply_template(NW_TMPL_FB_ROW_F, $f_row, true); } } closedir($hnd); $resp .= nw_apply_template(NW_TMPL_FB_FOOTER, $fhdr); } else { $rq_err = 403; } } else { $rq_err = 404; } if ($resp) { $GLOBALS["lf"] =& new static_response($resp); } }
function parser_open($args, $filename, &$rq_err, &$cgi_headers) { global $conf, $htreq_headers; unset($this->fp); // Generate ETag value for resource $fmt = filemtime($filename); $fs = filesize($filename); $etag = "\"" . dechex(fileinode($filename)) . ":6r0x:" . dechex($fmt) . ":" . dechex($fs) . "\""; $rq_ifm = $rq_ifnm = $rq_ims = $rq_ius = true; // Test If-Match request header (cache helper) if ($hdr_inm = $htreq_headers["IF-MATCH"]) { $rq_ifm = false; $inms = explode(",", trim($hdr_inm)); foreach ($inms as $inm_tag) { $inm_tag = trim($inm_tag); if ($inm_tag == $etag || $inm_tag == "*") { $rq_err = 304; $cgi_headers["ETag"] = $etag; $rq_ifm = true; } } } // Test If-None-Match request header (cache helper) if ($hdr_inm = $htreq_headers["IF-NONE-MATCH"]) { $inms = explode(",", trim($hdr_inm)); foreach ($inms as $inm_tag) { $inm_tag = trim($inm_tag); if ($inm_tag == $etag || $inm_tag == "*") { $rq_err = 304; $cgi_headers["ETag"] = $etag; $rq_ifnm = false; } } } // Test If-Unmodified-Since request header (cache helper) if ($lmdate = $htreq_headers["IF-UNMODIFIED-SINCE"]) { $lmdate = (double) strtotime($lmdate); if ($fmt > $lmdate) { $rq_err = 304; $cgi_headers["Last-Modified"] = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $fmt); $rq_ims = false; } } // Test If-Modified-Since request header (cache helper) if ($lmdate = $htreq_headers["IF-MODIFIED-SINCE"]) { $lmdate = (double) strtotime($lmdate); if ($fmt <= $lmdate) { $rq_err = 304; $cgi_headers["Last-Modified"] = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $fmt); $rq_ius = false; } } if (!($rq_ifm && $rq_ifnm && $rq_ims && $rq_ius)) { $this->peof = true; return false; } // Cache helpers end $this->rng_from = 0; $this->content_length = $this->rng_to = $fs; $cgi_headers["Last-Modified"] = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $fmt); $cgi_headers["ETag"] = $etag; $cgi_headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes"; if ($rngt = trim($htreq_headers["IF-RANGE"])) { $process_range = $rngt == $etag; } else { $process_range = true; } if ($process_range && ($rhdr = $htreq_headers["RANGE"])) { // Client asked HTTP Resume if (!access_query("staticdisablepartial", 0)) { $tmparr = explode("=", $rhdr); if (strtolower(trim($tmparr[0])) == "bytes") { $rngarr = explode("-", $tmparr[1]); if ($rngarr[0] === "") { // Range: bytes=-### if ($rngarr[1] > $fs) { $rng_from = "*"; } else { $rng_from = $fs - $rngarr[1]; $rng_to = $fs - 1; } } else { if ($rngarr[1] == "") { // Range: bytes=###- if ($rngarr[0] > $fs) { $rng_from = "*"; } else { $rng_from = $rngarr[0]; $rng_to = $fs - 1; } } else { // Range: bytes=###-### if ($rngarr[0] > $fs || $rngarr[1] > $fs || $rngarr[0] > $rngarr[1]) { $rng_from = "*"; } else { $rng_from = $rngarr[0]; $rng_to = $rngarr[1]; } } } } else { // Ranges unit not supported $rng_from = "*"; } if ($rng_from === "*") { // Send all content with 416 $rq_err = 416; $cgi_headers["Content-Range"] = "*"; } else { // Send partial content $rq_err = 206; $this->rng_from = $rng_from; $this->rng_to = $rng_to; $this->content_length = $rng_to - $rng_from + 1; $cgi_headers["Content-Range"] = "bytes " . $rng_from . "-" . $rng_to . "/" . $fs; } } else { // Partial content has been disabled in conf $rq_err = 416; $cgi_headers["Content-Range"] = "*"; } } if ($this->fp = @fopen($filename, NW_BSAFE_READ_OPEN)) { if ($this->rng_from) { fseek($this->fp, $rng_from); $this->cur_ptr = $rng_from; } else { $this->cur_ptr = 0; } $this->peof = false; // Return a static_response if possible if ($this->content_length <= $conf["global"]["staticbuffersize"][0]) { $content = fread($this->fp, $this->content_length); $this->parser_close(); return new static_response($content); } } else { $rq_err = 404; $this->peof = true; } }
function main() { global $http_uri, $rq_file, $conf, $docroot, $htreq_headers, $mime, $mime_enc, $out_add_headers, $pri_err; if (access_query("reflectrewriting", 0)) { global $real_uri; } // quick skip $enabled = strtolower(trim(access_query("multiviews", 0))); if ($enabled === "0" || $enabled == "off" || file_exists($docroot . $http_uri) && !is_dir($docroot . $http_uri)) { return; } // determine file name to be worked on $file = $http_uri; if ($last_slash = strrpos($file, "/")) { $act_path = substr($file, 0, $last_slash + 1); $file = substr($file, $last_slash + 1); } if ($file) { $allowed_filenames = array($file); } else { $allowed_filenames = explode(" ", access_query("directoryindex", 0)); } // find files with same basename and different extensions $alternative_files = array(); $dir = opendir($docroot . $act_path); while ($filename = readdir($dir)) { foreach ($allowed_filenames as $filebn) { if (!$filebn) { continue; } $filebn .= "."; if (substr($filename, 0, strlen($filebn)) == $filebn) { $alternative_files[] = $filename; } } } closedir($dir); if (empty($alternative_files)) { return 2; } // quick skip2 #print_r($alternative_files); // fetch priorities $qualities = array_merge(array("php" => 0.75, "shtml" => 0.72, "html" => 0.71, "xhtml" => 0.7, "png" => 0.33, "jpeg" => 0.32, "gif" => 0.31), $this->parseQualities(implode(", ", access_query("otherpriority")), 1.3, 1.1), $this->parseQualities(@$htreq_headers["ACCEPT-FEATURES"], 1.15, 1), $this->parseQualities(strtr(access_query("languagepriority", 0), " ", ","), 0.8, 1.2), $this->parseQualities(@$htreq_headers["ACCEPT-LANGUAGE"], 1, 1.03), $this->parseQualities(@$htreq_headers["ACCEPT"], 1, 1.02), $this->parseQualities(strpos(@$htreq_headers["ACCEPT-ENCODING"], "gzip") !== false ? "gz" : "", 1.5, 1)); // other algorithm flags $accept_all = strpos(@$htreq_headers["ACCEPT"], "*/*") !== false; $http10 = $GLOBALS['http_version'] < "1.1"; $agent_negotiate = strpos($htreq_headers["NEGOTIATE"], "vlist") !== false || strpos($htreq_headers["NEGOTIATE"], "trans") !== false; // will contain variants and their attributes $alternates = array(); // go thru filename extensions, and sum qualities foreach ($alternative_files as $filename) { $q_mime = -1; $q_enc = $q_lang = $q_features = $q_else = +1; $file_extensions = array_slice(explode('.', $filename), 1); foreach ($file_extensions as $ext) { $ext_q = $qualities[$ext]; if (empty($ext_q) && $ext_q !== 0) { if ($accept_all) { $ext_q = 0.1; } else { $ext_q = 0.001; } } if (@$mime[$ext]) { $alternates[$filename]["type"] = $mime[$ext]; $q_mime += $ext_q + ($q_mime < 0 ? +1 : +0); } elseif (@$mime_enc[$ext]) { $alternates[$filename]["encoding"] = $mime_enc[$ext]; $q_enc *= $ext_q; } elseif (strlen($ext) == 2) { $alternates[$filename]["language"] = $ext; $q_lang = $ext_q; } else { $q_else *= 0.9; } if ($feature = $this->negotiate_features[$ext]) { $alternates[$filename]["feature"] .= " {$feature};+1.2-0.9"; $q_features *= $qualities[$feature] ? 1.2 : 0.9; $q_else /= 0.9; } } if ($q_mime < 0) { $q_mime = 0.005; } $alternates[$filename]["q"] = $q_mime * $q_enc * $q_lang * $q_features * $q_else; } // sort uasort($alternates, 'mod_multiviews_uarsort_by_q'); #print_r($alternates); // return selected variant list($file) = array_keys($alternates); $real_uri = $http_uri = $act_path . $file; $rq_file = pathinfo($http_uri); // fallback output $out_add_headers["TCN"] = "adhoc"; $out_add_headers["Vary"] = "negotiate"; // server-driven negotiation if (!$agent_negotiation) { $out_add_headers["Content-Location"] = $file; if (!$http10) { $out_add_headers["TCN"] = "choice"; } $out_add_headers["Vary"] = "negotiate, accept, accept-language, accept-features"; foreach ($mime_enc as $ext => $encoding) { // report file's encoding if (strpos($file, ".{$ext}")) { $out_add_headers["Content-Encoding"] = $encoding; $GLOBALS["out_encoded"] = true; } } } else { $out_add_headers["TCN"] = "list"; $GLOBALS["pri_err"] = $http10 ? 200 : 300; // HTTP 300 Choose Yourself $GLOBALS["out_contenttype"] = "text/html"; $GLOBALS["add_errmsg"] = "The document you requested exists in different variants, and your browser gives you the opportunity to select one of them (or just does not support transparent content negotiation):<BR><UL>"; foreach ($alternative_files as $f => $q) { $GLOBALS["add_errmsg"] .= '<LI><A HREF="' . url_to_absolute($act_path . $f) . '">' . $f . '</A></LI>'; } $GLOBALS["add_errmsg"] .= "</UL>"; if ($http10) { $out_add_headers["Refresh"] = "10; URL=" . url_to_absolute($http_uri); } } // add alternates-header $ah = " "; foreach ($alternates as $filename => $a) { $qstr = substr($a["q"], 0, 5); if (strpos($qstr, ".") === false) { $qstr .= "."; } while (strlen($qstr) < 5) { $qstr .= "0"; } $ah .= '{ "' . $filename . '" ' . $qstr; unset($a["q"]); foreach ($a as $desc => $value) { $ah .= ' {' . $desc . ' ' . $value . '}'; } $ah .= " },\n\t"; } $ah .= "proxy-rvsa=1.0"; $out_add_headers["Alternates"] = $ah; if ($GLOBALS['path_info']) { // may help(?) $out_add_headers["Content-Base"] = "/" . ($act_path ? "{$act_path}/" : ""); } if ($http10) { $out_add_headers["Vary"] = "*"; } if (is_dir($docroot . $http_uri) && !is_file($docroot . $http_uri . "/index.html") || strpos($file, ".var") !== false) { // very rare error / 506 Variant Also Negotiates $GLOBALS["pri_err"] = 506; } }
function main() { global $pfilters, $lf, $out_contenttype, $chunky, $keepalive, $http_version; $used_filters = array(); $chunky = !isset($lf->content_length) || $lf->content_length == NW_PLF_MAGIC; $hbn = basename($GLOBALS["http_uri"]); $hbnext = array_flip(explode(".", $hbn)); // assign filters if (access_query("filterenable", 0)) { foreach (access_query("filter") as $filter_rule) { // split rule into: [ mime/ext _ filter _ fargs ] list($mimematch, $filter_rule) = explode(" ", ltrim($filter_rule), 2); @(list($fname, $fargs) = explode(" ", ltrim($filter_rule), 2)); $fargs = trim($fargs); // check for missing mime match if (empty($fname) || empty($pfilters[strtolower($fname)])) { if (strpos($mimematch, "/") === false && strpos($mimematch, "|") === false && strpos($mimematch, "*") === false && strpos($mimematch, ".") === false) { $fargs = $fname . " " . $fargs; $fname = $mimematch; $mimematch = "*/*"; } } // is filter available $fname = strtolower($fname); if (empty($pfilters[$fname])) { techo("filter '{$fname}' not available", NW_EL_ERROR); continue; } // match mime / extension @(list($mime, $uu) = explode(";", $out_contenttype, 2)); $mime = trim($mime); $no_match = true; foreach (explode("|", $mimematch) as $match) { $ext = ltrim($match, "."); if ($match == $mime || $match == "*/*" || $match == "*" || strpos($match, '*') !== false && strpos($mime, rtrim($match, "*")) !== false || $hbn == $match || isset($hbnext[$ext])) { $no_match = false; break; } } if ($no_match) { continue; } // most filters _may_ be used once only if (@$used_filters[$fname]++ && !($pfilters[$fname][1] & NW_PFILTER_MORE)) { continue; } // convert to parser object (this should have been done already in the core) if (!is_object($lf)) { $lf = new static_response($lf); } // real-static or parsed/chunked $fflags = $pfilters[$fname][1]; if (NW_PFILTER_IMMEDIATE & $fflags || NW_PFILTER_STATIC & $fflags && is_a($lf, "static_response")) { // filter content on the fly / immediate $GLOBALS["first_chunk"] = true; $pfilters[$fname][0]->filter_func($lf->str, $fargs); $lf->content_length = strlen($lf->str); techo("filter '{$fname}' run on static \$lf content", NW_EL_DEBUG); } elseif (($fflags & NW_PFILTER_ALL) >= NW_PFILTER_PARSED) { if ($chunky && !($fflags & NW_PFILTER_CHUNKY)) { continue; } // create wrapper around current $lf $newf = $pfilters[$fname][0]; $newf->pp = $lf; $newf->args = $fargs; $newf->fflags = $fflags; $newf->content_length = $lf->content_length; $lf = $newf; unset($newf); techo("filter object '{$fname}' wrapped around current \$lf object", NW_EL_DEBUG); } } } #foreach(filter_rule) core_modules_hook("after_pfilters"); }