     * Output the meta box.
     * @param WP_Post $post
    public static function output($post)
        wp_nonce_field('axiscomposer_save_data', 'axiscomposer_meta_nonce');
		<ul class="layout_data">

        do_action('axiscomposer_layout_data_start', $post->ID);
        // Layout
        axiscomposer_wp_select(array('id' => 'layout', 'class' => 'select side show_if_sidebar', 'label' => __('Layout Settings', 'axiscomposer'), 'options' => array('default' => __('Default Layout', 'axiscomposer'), 'fullsize' => __('No Sidebar', 'axiscomposer'), 'sidebar_left' => __('Left Sidebar', 'axiscomposer'), 'sidebar_right' => __('Right Sidebar', 'axiscomposer')), 'desc_side' => true, 'desc_tip' => false, 'desc_class' => 'side', 'description' => __('Select the specific layout for this entry.', 'axiscomposer')));
        // Sidebar
        axiscomposer_wp_select(array('id' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'select side', 'label' => __('Sidebar Settings', 'axiscomposer'), 'desc_side' => true, 'desc_tip' => false, 'desc_class' => 'side', 'description' => __('Choose a custom sidebar for this entry.', 'axiscomposer'), 'options' => ac_get_sidebars(array('default' => 'Default Sidebar'))));
        // Footer
        axiscomposer_wp_select(array('id' => 'footer', 'class' => 'select side', 'label' => __('Footer Settings', 'axiscomposer'), 'options' => array('default' => __('Default Socket and Widgets', 'axiscomposer'), 'footer_both' => __('Both Socket and Widgets', 'axiscomposer'), 'widget_only' => __('Only Widgets (No Socket)', 'axiscomposer'), 'socket_only' => __('Only Socket (No Widgets)', 'axiscomposer'), 'footer_hide' => __('Hide Socket and Widgets', 'axiscomposer')), 'desc_side' => true, 'desc_tip' => false, 'desc_class' => 'side', 'description' => __('Display the socket and footer widgets?', 'axiscomposer')));
         * @todo Display a Conditional Header Notice
         * Below Header settings are only available for layouts with a main menu placed at the top ;)
        // Header Title and Breadcrumbs
        axiscomposer_wp_select(array('id' => 'header_title_bar', 'class' => 'select side', 'label' => __('Header Title and Breadcrumb', 'axiscomposer'), 'options' => array('default' => __('Default Title and Breadcrumb', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_crumb_bar' => __('Display Title and Breadcrumb', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_title_bar' => __('Display Title (No Breadcrumb)', 'axiscomposer'), 'hidden_title_bar' => __('Hide both Title and Breadcrumb', 'axiscomposer')), 'desc_side' => true, 'desc_tip' => false, 'desc_class' => 'side', 'description' => __('Display the Title Bar with Page Title and Breadcrumb Navigation?', 'axiscomposer')));
        // Header Transparency
        axiscomposer_wp_select(array('id' => 'header_transparency', 'class' => 'select side', 'label' => __('Header Transparency and Visibility', 'axiscomposer'), 'options' => array('default' => __('No Transparency', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_transparent' => __('Transparent Header', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_transparent header_glassy' => __('Transparent & Glassy Header', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_transparent header_scroll' => __('Display Header on scroll down', 'axiscomposer'), 'header_transparent header_hidden' => __('Hide Header on this page', 'axiscomposer')), 'desc_side' => true, 'desc_tip' => false, 'desc_class' => 'side', 'description' => __('Several options to change the header transparency and visibility on this page.', 'axiscomposer')));
        do_action('axiscomposer_layout_data_end', $post->ID);
  * Editor Elements.
  * This method defines the visual appearance of an element on the Builder canvas.
 public function editor_element($params)
     // Get all active sidebars
     $sidebars = ac_get_sidebars();
     if (empty($params['args']['widget_area'])) {
         list($widget_area) = array_keys($sidebars);
         $params['args']['widget_area'] = esc_attr($widget_area);
     $params['innerHtml'] = '';
     $params['innerHtml'] .= '<i class="' . ac_format_icon($this->shortcode['icon']) . '"></i>';
     $params['innerHtml'] .= '<div class="ac-element-label">' . $this->method_title . '</div>';
     $params['innerHtml'] .= ac_select_html('axiscomposer_sidebar', array('default' => $params['args']['widget_area'], 'class' => 'ac-recalc-shortcode', 'options' => $sidebars, 'custom_attributes' => array('data-attr' => 'widget_area')));
     return (array) $params;