예제 #1
 * The main function of the hook.
 * Expects the following arguments:
 *   - $argv[1] - The path of the configuration file, xgit-config.php.
 *   - $argv[2] - The name of the ref being stored.
 *   - $argv[3] - The old object name stored in the ref.
 *   - $argv[4] - The new objectname to be stored in the ref.
 * @param argc
 *   The number of arguments on the command line.
 * @param argv
 *   Array of the arguments.
function xgit_init($argc, $argv)
    $this_file = array_shift($argv);
    // argv[0]
    if ($argc != 5) {
        xgit_help($this_file, STDERR);
    $config_file = array_shift($argv);
    // argv[1]
    $ref = array_shift($argv);
    // argv[2]
    $old_obj = array_shift($argv);
    // argv[3]
    $new_obj = array_shift($argv);
    // argv[4]
    // Load the configuration file and bootstrap Drupal.
    if (!file_exists($config_file)) {
        fwrite(STDERR, t('Error: failed to load configuration file.') . "\n");
    include_once $config_file;
    global $xgit;
    // Admins and other privileged users don't need to go through any checks.
    if (!in_array($xgit['uid'], $xgit['allowed_users'])) {
        // Do a full Drupal bootstrap.
        $ref_type = xgit_ref_type($ref);
        if ($ref_type === FALSE) {
            fwrite(STDERR, "Given reference '{$ref}' is invalid.\n\n");
        try {
            _xgit_assert_type(array($new_obj => array('commit', 'tag', 'empty'), $old_obj => array('commit', 'tag', 'empty')));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            fwrite(STDERR, $e->getMessage());
        // Debugging help
        if ($GLOBALS['xgit_debug']) {
            $commits = xgit_get_commits($old_obj, $new_obj);
            $commits = implode(' ', $commits);
            fwrite(STDERR, 'DEBUG COMMITS:' . $commits . "\n");
        $label = xgit_label_for($ref, $old_obj, $new_obj);
        foreach (xgit_get_commits($old_obj, $new_obj) as $commit) {
            $access = xgit_check_commit_access($commit, $label);
            // Fail and print out error messages if commit access has been denied.
            if (!$access) {
                fwrite(STDERR, implode("\n\n", versioncontrol_get_access_errors()) . "\n\n");
    // Everything succeeded. Allow operation to complete.
예제 #2
 * Gets either an array of branches which are "fully contained by" the given
 * commit or those branches which are not contained by the given commit. This is
 * useful for figuring out which commits are not already contained by a
 * different branch, since
 *   git rev-list <commit> --not <unmerged_branches>
 * will return the commits which are parents of $commit and are not reachable
 * from any other branch. This list can then be used to figure out which commits
 * are introduced by a newly created branch.
 * @param $commit
 *   The commit for which to find the merged branches.
 * @param $merged
 *   Whether to get merged or unmerged branches. If TRUE, returns the merged
 *   branches; FALSE gets the unmerged branches.
 * @param $include_remote
 *   Whether or not to include remote tracking branches in the search. Is FALSE
 *   by default.
function _xgit_get_merged_branches($commit, $merged = TRUE, $include_remote = FALSE)
    global $xgit;
    _xgit_assert_type(array($commit => 'commit'));
    if (!isset($xgit['objects'][$commit]['unmerged'])) {
        $remote_spec = $include_remote ? '-a' : '';
        $merged_spec = $merged ? '--merged' : '--no-merged';
        $command = 'git --git-dir="%s" branch %s --no-color %s %s';
        $command = sprintf($command, $xgit['git_dir'], $remote_spec, $merged_spec, escapeshellarg($commit));
        $result = shell_exec($command);
        $branches = preg_split("/\n/", $result, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        // There is a chance that $result may contain a '*' if there is a HEAD and it
        // is included in the output.
        $branches = preg_replace('/^([\\* ] )?/', '', $branches);
        $xgit['objects'][$commit]['unmerged'] = $branches;
    return $xgit['objects'][$commit]['unmerged'];