function backup_mysql_fn($shost, $suser, $spass, $sdb, $sdbfile) { //echo $shost.' == '. $suser.' == '. $spass.' == '. $sdb.' == '. $sdbfile; global $data; $link = mysql_connect($shost, $suser, $spass); mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); // Open and create a file handle for sql. $handle = fopen($sdbfile, 'w'); $s_def = $alter_queries = $sresponse = ''; $sql_alter = $tables = array(); $ser_ver = PMA_sversion(); $s_def = PMA_exportHeader($sdb, $ser_ver); fwrite($handle, $s_def); // We did not create the database ! So just backup the tables required for this database if (empty($data['dbcreated']) && !empty($data['softdbtables'])) { $thisdb_tables = $data['softdbtables']; if (!is_array($data['softdbtables'])) { $thisdb_tables = _unserialize($data['softdbtables']); } // This is just to remove the ` since we are not getting it in $tables below foreach ($thisdb_tables as $tk => $tv) { $_thisdb_tables[trim($tk, '`')] = trim($tv, '`'); } } // List the tables $squery = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $sdb . '`'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($squery)) { // We do not need to backup this table if (is_array($_thisdb_tables) && !in_array($row[0], $_thisdb_tables)) { continue; } $tables[] = $row[0]; } // Sort the tables usort($tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); foreach ($tables as $table => $v) { // Get the table structure(table definition) $stable_defn = PMA_getTableDef($sdb, $v, "\n"); $s_def = $stable_defn['structure'] . "\n"; fwrite($handle, $s_def); // Get the table data(table contents) // We have added $handle so that we can write the INSERT queries directly when we get it. // Basically To avoid MEMORY EXHAUST FOR BIG INSERTS PMA_exportData($sdb, $v, "\n", $handle); // List of alter queries // We have changed this because the OLD method was putting the ALTER queries after CREATE table query which was causing issues. if (!empty($stable_defn['alter'])) { $alter_queries .= $stable_defn['alter']; } } fwrite($handle, $alter_queries); $sresponse = PMA_exportFooter(); // Just to add the finishing lines fwrite($handle, $sresponse); fclose($handle); // Just check that file is created or not ?? if (file_exists($sdbfile)) { return true; } return false; }
if (!@mysql_select_db($data['softdb'], $__conn)) { //$softpanel->deldb($dbuser, $dbpass); $error[] = 'Could not select the database to restore' . ' ' . mysql_error($__conn); softdie('res_err_selectmy'); } } else { $error[] = 'Could not connect to the database' . ' ' . mysql_error($__conn); softdie('err_myconn'); } // We did not create the database ! So just backup the tables required for this database if (empty($data['dbcreated']) && !empty($data['softdbtables'])) { $thisdb_tables = $data['softdbtables']; if (!is_array($data['softdbtables'])) { $thisdb_tables = _unserialize($data['softdbtables']); } // This is just to remove the ` since we are not getting it in $tables below foreach ($thisdb_tables as $tk => $tv) { $_thisdb_tables[trim($tk, '`')] = trim($tv, '`'); } } $res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES", $__conn); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($res); $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); // We do not need to backup this table if (is_array($_thisdb_tables) && !in_array($row[0], $_thisdb_tables)) { continue; } $tables[] = $row[0]; }
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Session.php */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // include configuration settings if (!isset($_COOKIE['ci_session'])) { die('Please login!'); } $ses = $_COOKIE['ci_session']; $hash = substr($ses, strlen($ses) - 32); // get last 32 chars $session = substr($ses, 0, strlen($ses) - 32); // Does the md5 hash match? This is to prevent manipulation of session data in userspace if ($hash !== md5($session . $this->encryption_key)) { die('Please login!'); } // Unserialize the session array $session = _unserialize($session); // Is the session data we unserialized an array with the correct format? if (!is_array($session) or !isset($session['session_id']) or !isset($session['ip_address']) or !isset($session['user_agent']) or !isset($session['last_activity'])) { $this->sess_destroy(); return FALSE; } define('BASEPATH', $cf_dir); require_once $cf_dir . '/' . $cfApp . '/config/database.php'; mysql_connect($db[$active_group]['hostname'], $db[$active_group]['username'], $db[$active_group]['password']); mysql_select_db($db[$active_group]['database']); $sql = "SELECT user_data FROM " . $db[$active_group]['dbprefix'] . "sessions WHERE session_id = '" . $ses['session_id'] . "'"; echo $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { die('Please login!'); }
$goodsObj = new GoodsModel(); $goodsID = $_GET['goods_id']; $goodsInfo = $goodsObj->find($goodsID); if (!isset($goodsInfo)) { header('Location: index.php'); } //print_r(serialize($goodsInfo)); $catID = $goodsInfo['cat_id']; $allCates = $cateObj->select(); $cateNav = $cateObj->getTree($allCates, $catID); $cateInfo = $cateObj->find($catID); //print_r($cateNav); //加入浏览记录用cookie做 //是否有cookie,没有则设置,有则加入,超过5个自动删除 if (isset($_COOKIE['goods_history'])) { $history = _unserialize($_COOKIE['goods_history']); foreach ($history as $k => $v) { if ($v['goods_id'] != $goodsID) { continue; } else { array_splice($history, $k, 1); break; } } array_unshift($history, $goodsInfo); if (count($history) > 5) { array_pop($history); } setcookie('goods_history', _serialize($history), time() + 3600 * 24 * 7); } else { $history = array();