예제 #1
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			$sql = 'SELECT ub, name
				FROM _artists
				ORDER BY name';
			return _rowset_style($sql, 'artists');

		$name = request_var('name', '');

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _artists
			WHERE name = ?';
		if (!$a_data = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $name))) {

		$sql = 'SELECT m.user_id, m.user_email
			FROM _artists_auth a, _members m
			WHERE a.ub = ?
				AND a.user_id = m.user_id';
		$result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub']));

		$mods = w();
		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$mods[] = $row['user_id'];

		if (count($mods)) {
			foreach ($mods as $i => $each) {
				$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS total
					FROM _artists_auth
					WHERE user_id = ?';
				$total = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $each), 'total', 0);

				if ($total > 1) {

		if (count($mods)) {
			$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_auth_control = 0
				WHERE user_id IN (??)';
			$d_sql[] = sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $mods));

		$ary_sql = array(
			'DELETE FROM _artists WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_auth WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_fav WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_images WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_log WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_lyrics WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_posts WHERE post_ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_stats WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_viewers WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_voters WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_votes WHERE ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_ub = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _dl WHERE ub = ?'
		$d_sql = sql_filter($ary_sql, $a_data['ub']);

		$sql = 'SELECT topic_id
			FROM _forum_topics
			WHERE topic_ub = ?';
		if ($topics = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub']), false, 'topic_id')) {
			$d_sql[] = sql_filter('DELETE FROM _forum_posts
				WHERE topic_id IN (??)', _implode(',', $topics));

		$sql = 'SELECT id
			FROM _dl
			WHERE ub = ?';
		if ($downloads = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub']), false, 'id')) {
			$ary_sql = array(
				'DELETE FROM _dl_fav WHERE dl_id IN (??)',
				'DELETE FROM _dl_posts WHERE download_id IN (??)',
				'DELETE FROM _dl_vote WHERE ud IN (??)',
				'DELETE FROM _dl_voters WHERE ud IN (??)'
			$d_sql = array_merge($d_sql, sql_filter($ary_sql, _implode(',', $downloads)));

		if (!_rm($config['artists_path'] . $a_data['ub'])) {
			_pre('Error al eliminar directorio de artista.', true);


		// Cache
		$cache->delete('ub_list a_last_images');

예제 #2
	private function remove() {
		$v = _request(array('event' => 0));

		if (_empty($v)) {

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _events
			WHERE id = ?';
		if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $event))) {
			_pre('El evento no existe.', true);

		$e_artist = explode(nr(), $artist);
		foreach ($e_artist as $row) {
			$subdomain = get_subdomain($row);

			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _artists
				WHERE subdomain = ?';
			if ($a_row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $subdomain))) {
				$sql = 'DELETE FROM _artists_events
					WHERE a_artist = ?
						AND a_event = ?';
				sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $a_row['ub'], $event));

		return redirect(s_link('events', $row['event_alias']));
예제 #3
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (_button()) {
			$forum_id = request_var('fid', 0);
			$forum_alias = request_var('falias', '');

			$sql = 'UPDATE _forums SET forum_alias = ?
				WHERE forum_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $forum_alias, $forum_id));

			_pre($forum_id . ' > ' . $forum_alias, true);

		$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name
			FROM _forums
			ORDER BY forum_order';
		$result = sql_rowset($sql);

		foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
			if (!$i) _style('forums');

			_style('forums.row', array(
				'FORUM_ID' => $row['forum_id'],
				'FORUM_NAME' => $row['forum_name'])

예제 #4
파일: _ene.php 프로젝트: nopticon/noptc
    public function home()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
        	FROM _store
        	WHERE store_field = 4
        	ORDER BY store_value';
        $countries = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($countries as $row)
        	$sv = ucwords(_rm_acute($row['store_value']));
        	$sql = 'UPDATE _store SET store_value = ?
        		WHERE store_id = ?';
        	_sql(sql_filter($sql, $sv, $row['store_id']));
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT store_value
			FROM _store
			WHERE store_field = 4
			ORDER BY store_value';
        $countries = _rowset($sql, 'store_value');
        _pre($countries, true);
예제 #5
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$topic = request_var('topic', 0);
		$important = request_var('important', 0);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _forum_topics
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		if (!$topicdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $topic))) {

		$sql_important = ($important) ? ', topic_important = 1' : '';

		$sql = 'UPDATE _forum_topics
			SET topic_color = ?, topic_announce = 1' . $sql_important . '
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, 'E1CB39', $topic));

		return _pre('El tema <strong>' . $topicdata['topic_title'] . '</strong> ha sido anunciado.', true);
예제 #6
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$topic_id = request_var('topic_id', 0);

		if (!$topic_id) {

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _forum_topics
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		if (!$data = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id))) {

		$title = ucfirst(strtolower($data['topic_title']));

		$sql = 'UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_title = ?
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $title, $topic_id));

		return _pre($data['topic_title'] . ' > ' . $title, true);
예제 #7
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;


		$emoticon_path = $config['assets_path'] . 'emoticon/';
		$process = 0;

		$fp = @opendir($emoticon_path);
		while ($file = @readdir($fp)) {
			if (preg_match('#([a-z0-9]+)\.(gif|png)#is', $file, $part)) {
				$insert = array(
					'code' => ':' . $part[1] . ':',
					'smile_url' => $part[0]
				sql_insert('smilies', $insert);



		return _pre($process . ' emoticons.');
예제 #8
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$password = request_var('password', '');

		$username = get_username_base($username);

		$sql = 'SELECT user_id, username
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_password = ?
			WHERE user_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, HashPassword($password), $userdata['user_id']));

		return _pre('La contrase&ntilde;a de ' . $userdata['username'] . ' fue actualizada.', true);
예제 #9
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			$sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name
				FROM _forums
				ORDER BY forum_order ASC';
			$result = sql_rowset($sql);

			foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
				if (!$i) _style('forums');

				_style('forums.row', array(
					'FORUM_ID' => $row['forum_id'],
					'FORUM_NAME' => $row['forum_name'])

			return false;

		$list = request_var('listContainer', array(0));

		$orderid = 10;
		foreach ($list as $catid) {
			$sql = 'UPDATE _forums SET forum_order = ?
				WHERE forum_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $orderid, $catid));

			$orderid += 10;

		_pre('Update.', true);
예제 #10
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username = request_var('username', '');
		if (empty($username)) {

		$username = get_username_base($username);

		$sql = 'SELECT user_id
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$sql = 'DELETE FROM _members_unread
			WHERE user_id = ?
				AND element <> ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $row['user_id'], 16));

		return _pre('Deleted', true);
예제 #11
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$username = get_username_base($username);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$ary_sql = array(
			'DELETE FROM _members WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _banlist WHERE ban_userid = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_group WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_iplog WHERE log_user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_ref_invite WHERE invite_uid = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_unread WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _poll_voters WHERE vote_user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_auth WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_viewers WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _artists_voters WHERE user_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _dl_voters WHERE user_id = ?',

			'UPDATE _members_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _news_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _artists_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _dl_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _events_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _forum_posts SET poster_id = 1 WHERE poster_id = ?',
			'UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_poster = 1 WHERE topic_poster = ?'

		$sql = w();
		foreach ($ary_sql as $row) {
			$sql[] = sql_filter($row, $userdata['user_id']);

		$ary_sql = array(
			'DELETE FROM _members_ban WHERE user_id = ? OR banned_user = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_friends WHERE user_id = ? OR buddy_id = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_ref_assoc WHERE ref_uid = ? OR ref_orig = ?',
			'DELETE FROM _members_viewers WHERE viewer_id = ? OR user_id = ?',

		foreach ($ary_sql as $row) {
			$sql[] = sql_filter($row, $userdata['user_id'], $userdata['user_id']);


		return _pre('El registro de <strong>' . $userdata['username'] . '</strong> fue eliminado.', true);
예제 #12
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		$submit2 = _button('submit2');

		if (_button() || $submit2) {
			$news_id = request_var('news_id', 0);

			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _news
				WHERE news_id = ?';
			if (!$news_data = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $news_id))) {

			if ($submit2) {
				$post_subject = request_var('post_subject', '');
				$post_desc = request_var('post_desc', '', true);
				$post_message = request_var('post_text', '', true);

				if (empty($post_desc) || empty($post_message)) {
					_pre('Campos requeridos.', true);

				$comments = new _comments();

				$post_message = $comments->prepare($post_message);
				$post_desc = $comments->prepare($post_desc);

				$sql = 'UPDATE _news SET post_subject = ?, post_desc = ?, post_text = ?
					WHERE news_id = ?';
				sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $post_subject, $post_desc, $post_message, $news_id));

				redirect(s_link('news', $news_id));

			if (_button()) {
				_style('edit', array(
					'ID' => $news_data['news_id'],
					'SUBJECT' => $news_data['post_subject'],
					'DESC' => $news_data['post_desc'],
					'TEXT' => $news_data['post_text'])

		if (!_button()) {

예제 #13
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username1 = request_var('username1', '');
		$username2 = request_var('username2', '');
		if (empty($username1) || empty($username2)) {

		$username_base1 = get_username_base($username1);
		$username_base2 = get_username_base($username2);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username_base1))) {
			_pre('El usuario no existe.', true);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if ($void = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username_base2))) {
			_pre('El usuario ya existe.', true);

		$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET username = ?, username_base = ?
			WHERE user_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $username2, $username_base2, $userdata['user_id']));

		$emailer = new emailer();

		$emailer->use_template('username_change', $config['default_lang']);

			'USERNAME' => $userdata['username'],
			'NEW_USERNAME' => $username2,
			'U_USERNAME' => s_link('m', $username_base2))

		redirect(s_link('m', $username_base2));

예제 #14
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$msg_id = request_var('msg_id', 0);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members_posts
			WHERE post_id = ?';
		if (!$d = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $msg_id))) {

		$sql = 'DELETE FROM _members_posts
			WHERE post_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $msg_id));

		$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET userpage_posts = userpage_posts - 1
			WHERE user_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $d['userpage_id']));

		if (_button('user')) {
			$sql = 'SELECT ban_id
				FROM _banlist
				WHERE ban_userid = ?';
			if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $d['poster_id']))) {
				sql_insert('banlist', array('ban_userid' => $d['poster_id']));

		if (_button('ip')) {
			$sql = 'SELECT ban_id
				FROM _banlist
				WHERE ban_ip = ?';
			if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $d['post_ip']))) {
				$sql_insert = array(
					'ban_ip' => $d['post_ip']
				sql_insert('banlist', $sql_insert);

		return _pre($d, true);
예제 #15
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$userid = request_var('uid', 0);
		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$email = request_var('email', '');
		if (empty($username) && empty($email) && !$userid) {

		if (!empty($email)) {
			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _members
				WHERE user_email = ?';
			$sql = sql_filter($sql, $email);
		} else if ($userid) {
			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _members
				WHERE user_id = ?';
			$sql = sql_filter($sql, $userid);
		} else {
			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _members
				WHERE username_base = ?';
			$sql = sql_filter($sql, get_username_base($username));

		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow($sql)) {

		foreach ($userdata as $k => $void) {
			if (preg_match('#\d+#is', $k)) {

		return _pre($userdata, true);
예제 #16
파일: _dev.php 프로젝트: nopticon/npt
    protected function _migrate_home()
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE user_id > 1
			ORDER BY user_id';
        $members = sql_rowset($sql);
        foreach ($members as $row) {
            foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                if (is_null($v)) {
                    $row->{$k} = '';
            $sql_insert = array('bio_type' => $row->user_type, 'bio_level' => $row->user_level, 'bio_active' => $row->user_active, 'bio_alias' => $row->username_base, 'bio_name' => $row->username, 'bio_first' => '', 'bio_last' => '', 'bio_key' => $row->user_password, 'bio_address' => $row->user_email, 'bio_gender' => $row->user_gender, 'bio_birth' => $row->user_birthday, 'bio_birthlast' => $row->user_birthday_last, 'bio_regip' => $row->user_regip, 'bio_regdate' => $row->user_regdate, 'bio_session_time' => $row->user_session_time, 'bio_lastpage' => $row->user_lastpage, 'bio_timezone' => $row->user_timezone, 'bio_dst' => $row->user_dst, 'bio_dateformat' => $row->user_dateformat, 'bio_lang' => $row->user_lang, 'bio_country' => $row->user_country, 'bio_avatar' => $row->user_avatar, 'bio_actkey' => '', 'bio_recovery' => '', 'bio_fails' => $row->user_login_tries);
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO _bio' . sql_build('INSERT', $sql_insert);
        return _pre('OK.', true);
예제 #17
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache, $comments;

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members_unread
			WHERE element = ?
			GROUP BY item';
		$result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, UH_T));

		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$sql2 = 'SELECT topic_id
				FROM _forum_topics
				WHERE topic_id = ?';
			if (!sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $row['item']), 'topic_id', 0)) {
				$user->delete_all_unread(UH_T, $row['item']);

		_pre('Deleted', true);

예제 #18
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$username = get_username_base($username);

		$sql = 'SELECT user_id, username
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_send_mass = 0
			WHERE user_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $userdata['user_id']));

		return _pre('El usuario ' . $userdata['username'] . ' no recibira email masivo.');
예제 #19
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$username = get_username_base($username);

		$sql = 'SELECT user_id, username
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_sig = ?
			WHERE user_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, '', $userdata['user_id']));

		return _pre('La firma de ' . $userdata['username'] . ' ha sido borrada.', true);
예제 #20
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$topic = request_var('topic', 0);
		$title = request_var('title', '');

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _forum_topics
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		if (!$topicdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $topic))) {

		$sql = 'UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_title = ?
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $title, $topic));

		return _pre('El titulo del tema <strong>' . $topicdata['topic_title'] . '</strong> ha sido cambiado por <strong>' . $title . '</strong>.', true);
예제 #21
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		$auth = array(16 => 'radio', 17 => 'mod');

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members_unread
			WHERE element = 8
			ORDER BY user_id, element, item';
		$result = sql_rowset($sql);

		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$delete = false;

			$t = search_topic($row['item']);
			if ($t !== false) {
				if (in_array($t['forum_id'], array(16, 17))) {
					$a = $user->is($auth[$t['forum_id']], $row['user_id']);
					if (!$a) {
						$delete = true;
			} else {
				$delete = true;

			if ($delete) {
				$sql = 'DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM _members_unread
					WHERE user_id = ?
						AND element = 8
						AND item = ?';
				sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $row['user_id'], $row['item']));

		return _pre('Finished.', true);
예제 #22
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$topic = request_var('topic', 0);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _forum_topics
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		if (!$topicdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $topic))) {

		$sql = 'UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_locked = ?
			WHERE topic_id = ?';
		sql_query(sql_filter($sql, !$topicdata['topic_locked'], $topic));

		_pre('El tema <strong>' . $topicdata['topic_title'] . '</strong> ha sido ' . (($topicdata['topic_locked']) ? 'abierto' : 'cerrado'), true);

예제 #23
파일: emails.php 프로젝트: nopticon/rockr
		$subdomain = get_username_base($row['vote_option_text']);
		echo '<h1>' . ucwords($subdomain) . '</h1><br /><blockquote>';
		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _artists
			WHERE subdomain = ?';
		$row3 = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $subdomain));
		$sql = 'SELECT m.username, m.user_email
			FROM _artists_auth a, _members m
			WHERE a.ub = ' . (int) $row3['ub'] . '
				AND a.user_id = m.user_id
			ORDER BY username';
		$result4 = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $row3['ub']));
		$ii = 0;
		foreach ($result4 as $row4) {
			echo (($ii) ? ', ' : '') . $row4['username'] . ' &lt;' . $row4['user_email'] . '&gt;';
		echo '</blockquote>';
	echo '</blockquote>';

_pre('', true);

예제 #24
파일: p255.php 프로젝트: nopticon/rockr
	foreach ($fix as $fixrow) {
		$fixpart = explode(':', $fixrow);

		if ($part[1] == $fixpart[0]) {
			$_new = $part[0] . '@' . $fixpart[1];

			$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_email = ?
				WHERE user_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $_new, $row['user_id']));

			$part[1] = $fixpart[1];

	if (!isset($groups[$part[1]])) {
		$groups[$part[1]] = 0;

	switch ($part[1]) {
		case 'rockrepublik.net':
		case 'rockrepublik.com':
			$rk[$part[1]][] = $row['username'] . ' '  . $row['user_email'] . ' ' . $row['user_public_email'];


예제 #25
파일: _email.php 프로젝트: nopticon/jade
	protected function _cdate_home() {
		return _pre(date('j F Y H:i:s', time()), true);
예제 #26
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _team
				ORDER BY team_name';
			$result = sql_rowset($sql);

			foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
				if (!$i) _style('team');

				_style('team.row', array(
					'TEAM_ID' => $row['team_id'],
					'TEAM_NAME' => $row['team_name'])

			return false;

		$team = request_var('team', 0);
		$username = request_var('username', '');
		$username = get_username_base($username);
		$realname = request_var('realname', '');
		$ismod = request_var('ismod', 0);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _team
			WHERE team_id = ?';
		if (!$teamd = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $team))) {

		$sql = 'SELECT user_id, username
			FROM _members
			WHERE username_base = ?';
		if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $username))) {

		$insert = true;

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _team_members
			WHERE team_id = ?
				AND member_id = ?';
		if ($row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $team, $userdata['user_id']))) {
			if ($ismod && !$row['member_mod']) {
				$sql = 'UPDATE _team_members SET member_mod = 1
					WHERE team_id = ?
						AND member_id = ?';
				sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $team, $userdata['user_id']));

			$insert = false;

		if ($insert)
			$insert = array(
				'team_id' => $team,
				'member_id' => $userdata['user_id'],
				'real_name' => $realname,
				'member_mod' => $ismod
			sql_insert('team_members', $insert);

		$cache->delete('team team_all team_members team_mod team_radio team_colab');

		return _pre('El usuario <strong>' . $userdata['username'] . '</strong> fue agregado al grupo <strong>' . $teamd['team_name'] . '</strong>.', true);
예제 #27
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		$user_id = request_var('uid', 0);

		if (_button() || $user_id)
			$username = request_var('username', '');
			$user_email = request_var('user_email', '');

			if ($user_id) {
				$sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _members
					WHERE user_id = ';
				$sql = sql_filter($sql, $user_id);
			} else if (!empty($username)) {
				$username = get_username_base($username);

				$sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _members
					WHERE username_base = ?';
				$sql = sql_filter($sql, $username);
			} else {
				$sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM _members
					WHERE user_email = ?';
				$sql = sql_filter($sql, $user_email);

			if (!$userdata = sql_fieldrow($sql)) {

			$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];

			$sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_type = ?
				WHERE user_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, USER_NORMAL, $user_id));

			$sql = 'DELETE FROM _crypt_confirm WHERE crypt_code = ?
					AND crypt_userid = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $code, $user_id));

			$emailer = new emailer();


				'USERNAME' => $userdata['username'])

			_pre('La cuenta de <strong>' . $userdata['username'] . '</strong> ha sido activada.', true);

		$sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE user_type = 1
			ORDER BY username';
		$result = sql_rowset($sql);

		foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
			if (!$i) _style('list');

			_style('list.row', array(
				'LINK' => s_link($this->name, $row['user_id']),
				'USERNAME' => $row['username'],
				'EMAIL' => $row['user_email'],
				'DATE' => $row['user_regdate'],
				'IP' => $row['user_regip'])

예제 #28
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache, $upload, $comments;

		if (_button()) {
			$cat_id = request_var('cat_id', 0);
			$post_subject = request_var('post_subject', '');
			$post_desc = request_var('post_desc', '', true);
			$post_message = request_var('post_text', '', true);

			if (empty($post_desc) || empty($post_message)) {
				_pre('Campos requeridos.', true);

			$post_message = $comments->prepare($post_message);
			$post_desc = $comments->prepare($post_desc);
			$news_alias = friendly($post_subject);

			$sql_insert = array(
				'news_fbid' => '',
				'cat_id' => $cat_id,
				'news_active' => 1,
				'news_alias' => $news_alias,
				'post_reply' => 0,
				'post_type' => 0,
				'poster_id' => $user->d('id'),
				'post_subject' => $post_subject,
				'post_text' => $post_message,
				'post_desc' => $post_desc,
				'post_views' => 0,
				'post_replies' => 0,
				'post_time' => time(),
				'post_ip' => $user->ip,
				'image' => 0
			$sql = 'INSERT _news' . sql_build('INSERT', $sql_insert);
			$news_id = sql_query_nextid($sql);

			// Upload news thumbnail

			$send = $upload->process($config['news_path'], 'thumbnail');

			if (count($this->error)) {
				$error = array_merge($error, $this->error);

			if ($send !== false) {
				foreach ($send as $row) {
					$resize = $upload->resize($row, $config['news_path'], $config['news_path'], $news_id, array(100, 100), false, false, true);
					if ($resize === false) {

			redirect(s_link('news', $news_alias));

		$sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name
			FROM _news_cat
			ORDER BY cat_order';
		$news_cat = sql_rowset($sql);

		foreach ($news_cat as $i => $row) {
			if (!$i) _style('cat');

			_style('cat.row', array(
				'CAT_ID' => $row['cat_id'],
				'CAT_NAME' => $row['cat_name'])

예제 #29
파일: _home.php 프로젝트: nopticon/mag
    public function home()
        global $core, $bio;
        $page = 15;
        $today = _htimestamp('md');
        _pre($bio->v('is_bio'), true);
        // Friends birthday
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            $sql = "SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM _bio\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE bio_id IN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT fan_of\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM _bio_fans\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fan_assoc = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_active = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_birth LIKE '%??'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY bio_name";
            $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1, $today));
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name, bio_avatar, bio_avatar_up\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM _bio\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE bio_level = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND bio_birth LIKE '%??'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY bio_name";
            $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, $today));
        foreach ($birthday as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('birthday.row', array('A' => _a($row), 'NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'AVATAR' => _avatar($row)));
        // Board topics
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_alias, t.topic_title, h.highlight_class
				FROM _board_topics t
				INNER JOIN _board_forums f ON f.forum_id = t.topic_forum
				LEFT JOIN _board_highlight h ON t.topic_highlight = h.highlight_id
				RIGHT JOIN _board_disallow d ON t.topic_id = d.disallow_topic AND d.disallow_bio = ?
				WHERE t.topic_show = ?
				ORDER BY t.topic_shine DESC, t.topic_time DESC
				LIMIT ??';
            $topics = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1, 10));
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_alias, t.topic_title, h.highlight_class
				FROM _board_topics t
				INNER JOIN _board_forums f ON f.forum_id = t.topic_forum
				LEFT JOIN _board_highlight h ON t.topic_highlight = h.highlight_id
				WHERE t.topic_show = ?
				ORDER BY t.topic_shine DESC, t.topic_time DESC
				LIMIT ??';
            $topics = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, 10));
        foreach ($topics as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('board_topics.row', _vs(array('ID' => $row['topic_id'], 'TITLE' => $row['topic_title'], 'CLASS' => $row['highlight_class']), 'TOPIC'));
        if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
            // Messages
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _bio_messages
				INNER JOIN _bio ON message_from = bio_id
				INNER JOIN _bio_messages_type ON message_type = type_id
				WHERE message_to = ?
					AND message_active = ?
				ORDER BY message_time DESC';
            $messages = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1));
            foreach ($messages as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('messages.row', array('U_MESSAGE' => _link(), '' => ''));
            // Friend requests
            $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_alias, b.bio_name
				FROM _bio_friends
				INNER JOIN _bio ON friend_assoc = bio_id
				WHERE friend_bio = ?
					AND friend_pending = ?
				ORDER BY friend_time DESC';
            $requests = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), 1));
            foreach ($requests as $i => $row) {
                if (!$i) {
                _style('friend_request.row', array('U_APPROVE' => _link('home', array('x1' => 'friend', 'x2' => 'approve', 'a' => $row['bio_alias'])), 'U_DENY' => _link('home', array('x1' => 'friend', 'x2' => 'deny', 'a' => $row['bio_alias'])), 'A' => _a($row), 'BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name']));
        // Banners
예제 #30
	public function _home() {
		global $config, $user, $cache;

		if (!_button()) {
			return false;

		$orig = request_var('orig', '');
		$repl = request_var('repl', '');
		$total_1 = $total_2 = $total_3 = 0;

		$sql = "SELECT *
			FROM _forum_posts
			WHERE post_text LIKE '%??%'
			ORDER BY post_id";
		$result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $orig));

		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$row['post_text'] = str_replace($orig, $repl, $row['post_text']);

			$sql = 'UPDATE _forum_posts SET post_text = ?
				WHERE post_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $row['post_text'], $row['post_id']));



		$sql = "SELECT *
			FROM _artists_posts
			WHERE post_text LIKE '%??%'
			ORDER BY post_id";
		$result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $orig));

		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$row['post_text'] = str_replace($orig, $repl, $row['post_text']);

			$sql = 'UPDATE _artists_posts SET post_text = ?
				WHERE post_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $row['post_text'], $row['post_id']));



		$sql = "SELECT *
			FROM _members_posts
			WHERE post_text LIKE '%??%'
			ORDER BY post_id";
		$result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $orig));

		foreach ($result as $row) {
			$row['post_text'] = str_replace($orig, $repl, $row['post_text']);

			$sql = 'UPDATE _members_posts SET post_text = ?
				WHERE post_id = ?';
			sql_query(sql_filter($sql,$row['post_text'], $row['post_id']));


		return _pre('La frase <strong>' . $orig . '</strong> fue reemplazada por <strong>' . $repl . '</strong> en ' . $total_1 . ' f, ' . $total_2 . ' a, ' . $total_3 . ' m.', true);