예제 #1
function display_page_header($module, $document, $id, $metadata, $current_version, $options = array())
    $is_archive = $document->isArchive();
    $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
    $content_class = $module . '_content';
    $lang = $document->getCulture();
    $version = $is_archive ? $document->getVersion() : NULL;
    $slug = '';
    $prepend = _option($options, 'prepend', '');
    $separator = _option($options, 'separator', '');
    $nav_options = _option($options, 'nav_options');
    $item_type = _option($options, 'item_type', '');
    $nb_comments = _option($options, 'nb_comments');
    $creator_id = _option($options, 'creator_id');
    if (!$is_archive) {
        if ($module != 'users') {
            $slug = get_slug($document);
            $url = "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&slug={$slug}";
        } else {
            $url = "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}";
    } else {
        $url = "@document_by_id_lang_version?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&version={$version}";
    if (!empty($prepend)) {
        $prepend .= $separator;
    echo display_title($prepend . $document->get('name'), $module, true, 'default_nav', $url);
    if (!$mobile_version) {
        echo '<div id="nav_space">&nbsp;</div>';
        $tabs = tabs_list_tag($id, $lang, $document->isAvailable(), 'view', $version, $slug, $nb_comments);
        echo $tabs;
        // liens internes vers les sections repliables du document
        if ($nav_options == null) {
        } else {
            include_partial("{$module}/nav_anchor", array('section_list' => $nav_options));
        // boutons vers des fonctions annexes et de gestion du document
        include_partial("{$module}/nav", isset($creator_id) ? array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document, 'creator_id' => $creator_id) : array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document));
        if ($module != 'users') {
            echo '<div id="nav_share" class="nav_box">' . button_share() . '</div>';
    echo display_content_top('doc_content', $item_type);
    echo start_content_tag($content_class);
    if ($merged_into = $document->get('redirects_to')) {
        include_partial('documents/merged_warning', array('merged_into' => $merged_into));
    if ($is_archive) {
        include_partial('documents/versions_browser', array('id' => $id, 'document' => $document, 'metadata' => $metadata, 'current_version' => $current_version));
예제 #2
function field_coord_data_if_set($document, $name, $options = array())
    $microdata = _option($options, 'microdata', null);
    $raw_value = $document->get($name);
    if (empty($raw_value)) {
        return '';
    switch ($name) {
        case 'lat':
            $suffix = $raw_value < 0 ? '°S' : '°N';
        case 'lon':
            $suffix = $raw_value < 0 ? '°W' : '°E';
            $suffix = '';
    $value = abs($raw_value);
    $deg = floor($value);
    $minTemp = 60 * ($value - $deg);
    $min = floor($minTemp);
    $sec = floor(60 * 100 * ($minTemp - $min)) / 100;
    $value = $deg . '° ' . $min . "' " . $sec . '" ' . str_replace('°', '', $suffix);
    return _format_data($name, $value) . ($microdata ? microdata_meta($microdata, $raw_value) : '');
 * Create a form that allow to link the current document with several kinds of other docs
 * @param module current document module
 * @param id current document id
 * @param modules_list list of modules available for association
 * @param default_selected default selected module in the dropdown list
 * @param field_prefix used to prevent to have ids conflict when multiple forms
 * @param $options
 *   $hide if true, display button to hide/show the form + some text
 *   $indicator, the ID of the HTML object used to display indications on the ajax status (Loading, Success, ...)
 *   $removed_id, the ID of the HTML object to hide
 *   $suggest_near_docs, for suggesting docs based on geolocalization
 *   $suggest_friends, for suggesting people you go out with most
 * FIXME js code is quite messy, would be great to move most of it into separate js file
function c2c_form_add_multi_module($module, $id, $modules_list, $default_selected, $options)
    // optional values
    $field_prefix = _option($options, 'field_prefix', 'list_associated_docs');
    $hide = _option($options, 'hide', true);
    $indicator = _option($options, 'indicator', 'indicator');
    $removed_id = _option($options, 'removed_id');
    $suggest_near_docs = _option($options, 'suggest_near_docs', false);
    $suggest_friends = _option($options, 'suggest_friends', false);
    $conf = sfConfig::get('app_modules_list');
    $modules_list = array_intersect($conf, $modules_list);
    $modules_list_i18n = array_map('__', $modules_list);
    // modules for which lookig for neighboors has some sense
    $near_docs_modules_list = array_intersect($conf, array('huts', 'parkings', 'sites', 'summits', 'routes'));
    $near_docs_module_ids_list = array_keys($near_docs_modules_list);
    // for site-site, parking-parking or summit-summit associations, be explicit about association direction
    if (in_array($module, array('sites', 'parkings', 'summits'))) {
        $modules_list_i18n[array_search($module, $modules_list)] = __('sub-' . $module);
    // dropdown for choosing the type of docs to link
    $select_modules = select_tag('dropdown_modules', options_with_classes_for_select($modules_list_i18n, array($default_selected), array(), 'picto picto_'), array('class' => 'picto picto_' . $default_selected));
    $picto_add = $hide ? '' : picto_tag('picto_add', in_array('users', $modules_list) ? __('Link an existing user or document') : __('Link an existing document')) . ' ';
    $out = $picto_add . $select_modules;
    // js code fro autocompletion
    $js = "\$('#dropdown_modules').change(function() {" . "var \$this = \$(this), value = \$this.val(), indicator = \$('#{$indicator}').show();" . "\$this.attr('class', 'picto picto_' + value);" . "\$.get('" . url_for("/{$module}/getautocomplete") . "', 'module_id=' + value + '&field_prefix={$field_prefix}" . ($suggest_near_docs ? "' + (['" . implode("','", $near_docs_module_ids_list) . "'].indexOf(value) > -1 ?\n              '&extra_params=" . urlencode("lat=" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . "&lon=" . $suggest_near_docs['lon']) . "' : '')" : '\'') . ")" . ".always(function() { indicator.hide(); })" . ".done(function(data) { \$('#{$field_prefix}_form').html(data);";
    if ($suggest_near_docs || $suggest_friends) {
        $suggest_exclude = _option($options, 'suggest_exclude', []);
        // additional code for suggesting documents in the neighborhood or friends when relevant
        $js = "function getSuggestions() {" . "var input = \$('#{$field_prefix}_form').find('input[autocomplete=off]')," . "module = input.attr('name').replace('_name', '')," . "exclude = " . json_encode($suggest_exclude) . "," . "suggestions_div = \$('.autocomplete-suggestions').empty();" . "if (['" . implode("','", $near_docs_modules_list) . "'].indexOf(module) > -1 || module == 'users') {" . "var params = (module == 'users') ? { id: \$('#name_to_use').attr('data-user-id') } :" . "{ lat:" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . ", lon:" . $suggest_near_docs['lon'] . " };" . "if (input.not('[data-suggest-no-exclude]') && exclude[module] && exclude[module].length) {" . "params['exclude'] = exclude[module].join(',');" . "}" . "\$.getJSON('/'+module+'/suggest', params)" . ".done(function(data) {" . "if (data.length) suggestions_div.append('" . __('Suggestions: ') . "');" . "\$.each(data, function(index, obj) {" . "suggestions_div.append(\$('<a href=\"'+obj.url+'\">'+obj.name+'</a>').click(function(e) {" . "if (e.which !== 1) return;" . "e.preventDefault();" . "\$('#{$field_prefix}_form input[type=text]').triggerHandler('forceselect.autocomplete'," . "\$('<span id='+obj.id+'>'+obj.name+'</span>'));" . "}), ' &nbsp;');" . "});" . "});" . "}" . "}" . "\$('#{$field_prefix}_form_association a').one('click', getSuggestions);" . $js;
        $js .= "getSuggestions();";
    $js .= "});});";
    $out .= javascript_queue($js);
    // form start
    $out .= c2c_form_remote_add_element("{$module}/addAssociation?main_id={$id}", $field_prefix, $indicator, $removed_id);
    // default form content
    $auto_complete_options = array('field_prefix' => $field_prefix);
    if ($suggest_near_docs && in_array($modules_list[$default_selected], $near_docs_modules_list)) {
        $auto_complete_options['extra_params'] = "lat=" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . "&lon=" . $suggest_near_docs['lon'];
    $out .= '<div id="' . $field_prefix . '_form' . '" class="ac_form">' . input_hidden_tag('document_id', '0', array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_id')) . input_hidden_tag('document_module', $modules_list[$default_selected], array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_module')) . c2c_auto_complete($modules_list[$default_selected], $field_prefix . '_document_id', $auto_complete_options) . '</div></form><div class="autocomplete-suggestions"></div>';
    // this is where the linked docs will be displayed after ajax
    $out = '<div class="doc_add">' . $out . '</div>';
    if ($hide) {
        $picto_add_rm = '<span class="assoc_img picto_add" title="' . __('show form') . '"></span>' . '<span class="assoc_img picto_rm" title="' . __('hide form') . '"></span>';
        $picto_add_rm = link_to_function($picto_add_rm, "C2C.toggleForm('{$field_prefix}_form')");
        $title = '<div id="_association_tool" class="section_subtitle extra" data-tooltip>' . (in_array('users', $modules_list) ? __('Link an existing user or document') : __('Link an existing document')) . __('&nbsp;:') . '</div> ';
        $pictos = ' ';
        foreach ($modules_list as $module) {
            $pictos .= picto_tag('picto_' . $module, __($module));
        $pictos = link_to_function($pictos, "C2C.toggleForm('{$field_prefix}_form')");
        $pictos = '<div class="short_data">' . $pictos . '</div>';
        $out = '<div class="one_kind_association empty_content">' . '<div class="association_tool hide" id="' . $field_prefix . '_form_association">' . $picto_add_rm . $title . $pictos . '<ul id="' . $field_prefix . '"><li style="display:none"></li></ul>' . $out . '</div></div>';
    return $out;
예제 #4
 public static function createHierarchy($docs, $linked_docs, $options = array())
     $type = _option($options, 'type');
     $sort_field = _option($options, 'sort_field');
     $show_sub_docs = _option($options, 'show_sub_docs', true);
     $current_doc_id = _option($options, 'current_doc_id', 0);
     if (!count($docs)) {
         return $docs;
     // internal order between docs of same level
     $order = null;
     if (empty($sort_field)) {
         switch ($type) {
             case 'ss':
                 $sort_field = 'elevation';
                 $order = SORT_DESC;
             case 'pp':
                 $sort_field = 'elevation';
                 $order = SORT_ASC;
                 $sort_field = 'name';
     // add relation information to 1-hop docs
     foreach ($docs as $id => $doc) {
         $doc['parent_relation'] = array();
         foreach ($linked_docs as $doc2) {
             if (isset($doc2['parent_relation'][$doc['id']])) {
                 $docs[$id]['parent_relation'][$doc2['id']] = $doc2['parent_relation'][$doc['id']] == 'parent' ? 'child' : 'parent';
     $all_docs = array_merge($docs, $linked_docs);
     // Mark original document
     foreach ($all_docs as $key => $doc) {
         if ($doc['id'] == $current_doc_id) {
             $all_docs[$key]['is_doc'] = true;
     // if documents from different hierarchical levels are linked, we might have duplicates at that point
     // we should remove them
     $ids = $keys = array();
     foreach ($all_docs as $key => $doc) {
         $pos = array_search($doc['id'], $ids);
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $all_docs[$keys[$pos]]['parent_relation'] = isset($all_docs[$keys[$pos]]['parent_relation']) ? $all_docs[$keys[$pos]]['parent_relation'] + $doc['parent_relation'] : $doc['parent_relation'];
         } else {
             $ids[] = $doc['id'];
             $keys[] = $key;
     // get all docs that don't have parents and put them in the output list with level 1
     foreach ($all_docs as $id => $doc) {
         if (!isset($doc['parent_relation']) || array_search('parent', $doc['parent_relation']) === false) {
             $doc['level'] = 1;
             $output[] = $doc;
     $output = c2cTools::sortArray($output, $sort_field, null, $order);
     // for each level 1 doc, get corresponding children and insert them into the list
     // repeat the same process for level 2 docs
     for ($level = 2; $level <= 3; $level++) {
         $offset = 1;
         foreach ($output as $pos => $sorted_doc) {
             // only go through level 2 docs on second run
             if ($level == 3 && $sorted_doc['level'] !== 2) {
             $sub_docs = array();
             foreach ($all_docs as $id => $doc) {
                 if (array_key_exists($sorted_doc['id'], $doc['parent_relation'])) {
                     $doc['level'] = $level;
                     $sub_docs[] = $doc;
             if (count($sub_docs)) {
                 $sub_docs = c2cTools::sortArray($sub_docs, $sort_field, null, $order);
                 array_splice($output, $pos + $offset, 0, $sub_docs);
                 $offset = $offset + count($sub_docs);
     if (!$show_sub_docs) {
         // we don't want to display extra docs that are not parent from directly linked docs
         // as this would be useless information in some cases (for example, if I have a route linked to zermatt
         // I don't want to have the sub-parkings of zermatt listed in the route document)
         // we simply go from deepest level and remove leaves which are not dorectly linked
         for ($level = 3; $level > 0; $level--) {
             $temp = null;
             foreach (array_reverse($output, true) as $key => $doc) {
                 if ($doc['level'] === $level && !isset($doc['directly_linked']) && (!isset($temp) || $temp['level'] <= $level)) {
                 $temp = $doc;
     return $output;
예제 #5
function field_value_selector($name, $conf, $options)
    $blank = _option($options, 'blank', false);
    $keepfirst = _option($options, 'keepfirst', true);
    $multiple = _option($options, 'multiple', false);
    $size = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? _option($options, 'msize', 1) : _option($options, 'size', 0);
    $filled_options = _option($options, 'filled_options', true);
    $exclude = _option($options, 'exclude', null);
    $values = array_map('__', sfConfig::get($conf));
    if ($exclude) {
        $exclude = is_array($exclude) ? $exclude : array($exclude);
        foreach ($exclude as $value) {
    if (!$keepfirst) {
    if ($filled_options) {
        $values[' '] = __('filled in');
        $values['_'] = __('nonwell informed');
    $option_tags = options_for_select($values, '', array('include_blank' => $blank));
    if ($multiple) {
        $select_param = array('multiple' => true);
        if ($size == 0) {
            $size = count($values);
            if ($filled_options) {
                $size -= 2;
        $select_param['size'] = $size;
    } else {
        $select_param = array();
    return select_tag($name, $option_tags, $select_param);
예제 #6
function bbcode_textarea_tag($object, $fieldname, $options = null)
    $method = _convert_fieldname_to_method($fieldname);
    // we don't want no_img options to be forwarded to textarea function
    // moreover we need to define default rows and cols values for xhtml strict
    // even if they are overriden by css
    $bbcode_options = $options;
    if (isset($options['no_img'])) {
    if (isset($options['abstract'])) {
    if (isset($options['route_line'])) {
    $options['rows'] = '4';
    $options['cols'] = '20';
    $value = $object->get($fieldname);
    $height = _option($options, 'class', 'smalltext');
    if (!empty($value)) {
        switch ($height) {
            case 'smalltext':
                $height_new = 'mediumtext';
            case 'mediumtext':
                $height_new = 'medlargetext';
            case 'medlargetext':
                $height_new = 'largetext';
                $height_new = $height;
        $height = $height_new;
    $options['class'] = $height;
    return bbcode_toolbar_tag($object, $fieldname, $bbcode_options) . object_textarea_tag($object, $method, $options);