public function card_addmoney() { $czknum = htmlspecialchars($_POST['czknum']); $password = htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']); if (empty($czknum) or empty($password)) { _message("您尚未填写卡密信息"); } $czkdata = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_czk` where `status` = '1' AND czknum='{$czknum}' AND password='******'"); if (!$czkdata) { _message("卡号或卡密不正确"); } $czkdata = $czkdata[0]; $uid = intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE')); //查询用户信息 if ($czkdata['type'] == 1) { $members = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_member` where uid='{$uid}'"); $money = $czkdata['mianzhi'] + $members[0]['money']; $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET money='{$money}' where `uid`='{$uid}' "); } else { $members = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_member` where uid='{$uid}' and tyczk='0'"); if (empty($members)) { _message("卡密不存在或者已经参与此活动!"); die; } $money = $czkdata['mianzhi'] + $members[0]['money']; $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET money='{$money}',tyczk='1' where `uid`='{$uid}' "); } $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_czk` SET status='0' where czknum='{$czknum}' AND password='******' "); $time = time(); $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account`(uid,type,pay,content,money,time)VALUES('{$uid}','1','账户','充值卡','{$czkdata['mianzhi']}','{$time}')"); _message("充值成功!"); }
protected final function CheckAdminInfo($uid = null, $ashell = null) { $this->db = System::load_app_model('admin_model', G_ADMIN_DIR); if ($uid && $ashell) { $CheckId = _encrypt($uid, 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt($ashell, 'DECODE'); } else { $CheckId = _encrypt(_getcookie("AID"), 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ASHELL"), 'DECODE'); } if (!$CheckId || !$CheckAshell) { return false; } $info = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_admin` WHERE `uid` = '{$CheckId}'"); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit']) || isset($_POST['submit-1'])) { if ($info[mid] == '1') { _message("测试帐号无修改权限!"); } } if (!$info) { return false; } $infoshell = md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass']) . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if ($infoshell != $CheckAshell) { return false; } $this->AdminInfo = $info; return true; }
public function findpassword() { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $txtRegSN = strtoupper($_POST['txtRegSN']); if (md5($txtRegSN) != _getcookie('checkcode')) { _message("验证码错误"); } $regtype = null; if (_checkmobile($name)) { $regtype = 'mobile'; } if (_checkemail($name)) { $regtype = 'email'; } if ($regtype == null) { _message("帐号类型不正确!", null, 3); } $info = $this->DB()->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE {$regtype} = '{$name}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$info) { _message("帐号不存在"); } header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "/member/finduser/find" . $regtype . "check" . "/" . _encrypt($name)); } $title = "找回密码"; include templates("user", "findpassword"); }
public function __construct() { if (ROUTE_M == 'member' && ROUTE_C == 'user' && ROUTE_A == 'login') { return; } if (ROUTE_M == 'member' && ROUTE_C == 'user' && ROUTE_A == 'register') { return; } $uid = intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE')); $utype = _encrypt(_getcookie("utype"), 'DECODE'); $ushell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ushell"), 'DECODE'); if ($utype === NULL) { $this->HeaderLogin(); } if (!$uid) { $this->HeaderLogin(); } $this->userinfo = $this->DB()->GetOne("SELECT * from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}'"); if (!$this->userinfo) { $this->HeaderLogin(); } $shell = md5($this->userinfo['uid'] . $this->userinfo['password'] . $this->userinfo[$utype]); if ($ushell != $shell) { $this->HeaderLogin(); } }
protected final function CheckAdminInfo($uid = null, $ashell = null) { $this->db = System::load_app_model('admin_model', G_ADMIN_DIR); if ($uid && $ashell) { $CheckId = _encrypt($uid, 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt($ashell, 'DECODE'); } else { $CheckId = _encrypt(_getcookie("AID"), 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ASHELL"), 'DECODE'); } if (!$CheckId || !$CheckAshell) { return false; } $info = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_admin` WHERE `uid` = '{$CheckId}'"); if (!$info) { return false; } $infoshell = md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass']) . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if ($infoshell != $CheckAshell) { return false; } if (empty($_SESSION['token']) && $_SESSION['token'] != md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass'])) { return false; } $this->AdminInfo = $info; return true; }
public function upload() { $getinfo = $this->segment_array(); //var_dump($getinfo); $title = isset($getinfo[4]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[4]) : ''; //标题 $type = isset($getinfo[5]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[5]) : ''; //上传类型 $path = isset($getinfo[6]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[6]) : ''; //上传的文件夹 $num = isset($getinfo[7]) ? intval($getinfo[7]) : 0; //上传个数 $size = isset($getinfo[8]) ? intval($getinfo[8]) : 0; //最大size大小 $frame = isset($getinfo[9]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[9]) : ''; //iframe的ID $input = isset($getinfo[10]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[10]) : ''; //父框架保存图片地址的input的id $func = isset($getinfo[11]) ? htmlspecialchars($getinfo[11]) : ''; //父框架保存图片地址的input的id $desc = $type; //类型描述 $title = urldecode($title); if (!_is_utf8($title)) { $title = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $title); } $size_str = $this->getsize($size, false); $uptype = $this->getUPtype($type, false); $check = _getcookie("AID") . '&' . _getcookie("ASHELL"); System::load_app_class("admin", G_ADMIN_DIR, "no"); $admincheck = admin::StaticCheckAdminInfo() ? 1 : 0; include $this->tpl(ROUTE_M, 'uploadify'); }
public function __construct() { header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma:no-cache"); $this->Cartlist = _getcookie('Cartlist'); $this->db = System::load_sys_class("model"); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /* if(ROUTE_A!='userphotoup' and ROUTE_A!='singphotoup'){ if(!$this->userinfo)_message("请登录",WEB_PATH."/mobile/user/login",3); } */ $this->db = System::load_sys_class('model'); //查询购物车的信息 $Mcartlist = _getcookie("Mcartlist"); $this->Mcartlist = json_decode(stripslashes($Mcartlist), true); }
function coo($id) { $code = _getcookie('CODE'); $cook = explode(",", $code); $count = count($cook) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($id == $cook[$i]) { return true; } } }
function spcook($me) { $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $uid = _encrypt(_getcookie('uid'), 'DECODE'); $member = $mysql_model->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `uid`='" . $uid . "'"); if ($me == "pic") { $img = explode(".", $member['img']); return $img[1]; } else { return $member[$me]; } }
public function cook() { $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $uid = _encrypt(_getcookie('uid'), 'DECODE'); $member = $mysql_model->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `uid`='" . $uid . "'"); if (!$member) { $lei = $this->segment(2); $funct = $this->segment(3); //echo $lei; header("location:" . WEB_PATH . "home/user/login?lei=" . $lei . "&funct=" . $funct); exit; } else { return $member; } }
public function __construct() { $this->db = System::load_sys_class("model"); $uid = intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE')); $ushell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ushell"), 'DECODE'); if (!$uid) { $this->userinfo = false; } $this->userinfo = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$uid}'"); if (!$this->userinfo) { $this->userinfo = false; } $shell = md5($this->userinfo['uid'] . $this->userinfo['password'] . $this->userinfo['mobile'] . $this->userinfo['email']); if ($ushell != $shell) { $this->userinfo = false; } }
public function detail() { $member = $this->userinfo; $sd_id = abs(intval($this->segment(4))); $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_id`='{$sd_id}'"); $goods = $this->db->GetOne("select sid from `@#_shoplist` where `id` = '{$shaidan['sd_shopid']}'"); $goods = $this->db->GetOne("select id,qishu,money,q_uid,maxqishu,thumb,title from `@#_shoplist` where `sid` = '{$goods['sid']}' order by `qishu` DESC"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $sdhf_syzm = _getcookie("checkcode"); $sdhf_pyzm = isset($_POST['sdhf_code']) ? strtoupper($_POST['sdhf_code']) : ''; $sdhf_id = $shaidan['sd_id']; $sdhf_userid = $member['uid']; $sdhf_content = $_POST['sdhf_content']; $sdhf_time = time(); $sdhf_username = _htmtocode(get_user_name($member)); $sdhf_img = _htmtocode($member['img']); if (empty($sdhf_content)) { _message("页面错误"); } if (empty($sdhf_pyzm)) { _message("请输入验证码"); } if ($sdhf_syzm != md5($sdhf_pyzm)) { _message("验证码不正确"); } $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shaidan_hueifu`(`sdhf_id`,`sdhf_userid`,`sdhf_content`,`sdhf_time`,`sdhf_username`,`sdhf_img`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$sdhf_id}','{$sdhf_userid}','{$sdhf_content}','{$sdhf_time}','{$sdhf_username}','{$sdhf_img}')"); $sd_ping = $shaidan['sd_ping'] + 1; $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shaidan` SET sd_ping='{$sd_ping}' where sd_id='{$shaidan['sd_id']}'"); _message("评论成功", WEB_PATH . "/go/shaidan/detail/" . $sd_id); } $shaidannew = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan` order by `sd_id` DESC limit 5"); $shaidan_hueifu = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan_hueifu` where `sdhf_id`='{$sd_id}' LIMIT 10"); foreach ($shaidan_hueifu as $k => $v) { $shaidan_hueifu[$k]['sdhf_content'] = _htmtocode($shaidan_hueifu[$k]['sdhf_content']); } if (!$shaidan) { _message("页面错误"); } $substr = substr($shaidan['sd_photolist'], 0, -1); $sd_photolist = explode(";", $substr); $title = $shaidan['sd_title'] . "_" . _cfg("web_name"); $keywords = $shaidan['sd_title']; $description = $shaidan['sd_title']; include templates("index", "detail"); }
function friends1() { $webname = $this->_cfg['web_name']; $member = $this->userinfo; $title = "我的购买中心"; $memberdj = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_member_group`"); $jingyan = $member['jingyan']; if (!empty($memberdj)) { foreach ($memberdj as $key => $val) { if ($jingyan >= $val['jingyan_start'] && $jingyan <= $val['jingyan_end']) { $member['yungoudj'] = $val['name']; } } } $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $member = $this->userinfo; $uid = _getcookie('uid'); $notinvolvednum = 0; //未参加购买的人数 $involvednum = 0; //参加预购的人数 $involvedtotal = 0; //邀请人数 //查询邀请好友信息 $invifriends = $mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_member` where `yaoqing`='{$member['uid']}' ORDER BY `time` DESC"); $involvedtotal = count($invifriends); //var_dump($invifriends); for ($i = 0; $i < count($invifriends); $i++) { $sqluid = $invifriends[$i]['uid']; $sqname = get_user_name($invifriends[$i]); $invifriends[$i]['sqlname'] = $sqname; //查询邀请好友的消费明细 $accounts[$sqluid] = $mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_member_account` where `uid`='{$sqluid}' ORDER BY `time` DESC"); //判断哪个好友有消费 if (empty($accounts[$sqluid])) { $notinvolvednum += 1; $records[$sqluid] = '未参与购买'; } else { $involvednum += 1; $records[$sqluid] = '已参与购买'; } } include templates("mobile/invite", "friends1"); }
public function __construct() { $this->mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $this->userid = intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE')); //获取当前客户的基本信息 (积分、剩余金额等) $this->userinfo = $this->mysql_model->GetOne("SELECT * from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$this->userid}'"); $curtime = time(); /* if(!$this->userid){ _message("你还未登录,无权限访问该页!",WEB_PATH."/member/user/login"); } */ //显示当前抽奖第几期 $this->ruleinfo = $this->mysql_model->GetOne("select * from `@#_egglotter_rule` where `starttime`<='{$curtime}' and `endtime`>='{$curtime}' and `startusing`=1"); $this->username = $this->userinfo['username']; $rule_id = $this->ruleinfo['rule_id']; if (!$this->ruleinfo) { _message("没有设置游戏"); } //产看当期奖品 $this->spoilinfo = $this->mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_egglotter_spoil` where `rule_id`='{$rule_id}'"); }
function wxlogin() { $user = $this->userinfo; $pro = $this->segment(4); file_put_contents('t.txt', "\n\r\r\n-----pro:" . $pro, FILE_APPEND); $this->db = System::load_sys_class('model'); $wx_set = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * from `@#_wxset` "); if (!$user) { $code = $this->create_code(); if ($pro) { _setcookie("procode", $pro); $pu = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_activity_code` where `code`='{$pro}'"); if (empty($pu)) { $pu = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `code`='{$pro}'"); } } else { $pro = _getcookie("procode"); $pu = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_activity_code` where `code`='{$pro}'"); } $p_mobile = $pu['mobile'] ? $pu['mobile'] : ''; $this->db->Query("insert into `@#_activity_code`(`code`,`status`,`pro`) values('{$code}',0,'{$p_mobile}')"); } else { if (empty($user['code'])) { $user['code'] = $this->create_code(); $this->db->GetOne("update `@#_member` set code='{$user['code']}' where `uid`='{$user['uid']}'"); } } if (!empty($user) && !empty($pro) && $pro == $user['code']) { $mylink = ''; include templates("mobile/index", "activity_share"); die; } session_start(); $state = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $_SESSION["wxState"] = $state; $redirect_uri = urlencode("" . $wx_set['back'] . "/?mobile/user/wx_callback/" . $code . "/"); $wxurl = "" . $wx_set['appid'] . "&redirect_uri={$redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state={$state}#wechat_redirect"; header("Location: {$wxurl}"); }
static final function StaticCheckAdminInfo($uid = null, $ashell = null) { $db = System::load_app_model('admin_model', G_ADMIN_DIR); if ($uid && $ashell) { $CheckId = _encrypt($uid, 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt($ashell, 'DECODE'); } else { $CheckId = _encrypt(_getcookie("AID"), 'DECODE'); $CheckAshell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ASHELL"), 'DECODE'); } if (!$CheckId || !$CheckAshell) { return false; } $info = $db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_admin` WHERE `uid` = '{$CheckId}'"); if (!$info) { return false; } $infoshell = md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass']) . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if ($infoshell != $CheckAshell) { return false; } return $info; }
function qznum() { $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $uid = _encrypt(_getcookie('uid'), 'DECODE'); $member = $mysql_model->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `uid`='{$uid}'"); $addgroup = rtrim($member['addgroup'], ","); if ($addgroup) { $group = $mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_quanzi` where `id` in ({$addgroup})"); return count($group); } else { $group = null; return false; } }
case 'Tumblr': return 'tumbrl'; case 'Twitter': return 'twitter'; case 'Vkontakte': return 'vk'; default: return false; } }; $data['list'] = h::{'ul.cs-hybrid-auth-providers-list li'}([$L->or_sign_in_with, ['class' => 'uk-nav-header']], array_map(function ($provider) use($L, $icon_mapper) { return [h::a(h::icon($icon_mapper($provider)) . $L->{$provider}), ['data-provider' => $provider, 'class' => "cs-hybrid-auth-{$provider}"]]; }, array_keys($providers))); }); Trigger::instance()->register('System/User/registration/confirmation/after', function () { if ($referer = _getcookie('HybridAuth_referer')) { header("Refresh: 5; url={$referer}"); _setcookie('HybridAuth_referer', ''); } }); Trigger::instance()->register('System/User/del/after', function ($data) { /** * @var \cs\DB\_Abstract $cdb */ $cdb = DB::instance()->{Config::instance()->module('HybridAuth')->db('integration')}(); $cdb->q(["DELETE FROM `[prefix]users_social_integration`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '%s'", "DELETE FROM `[prefix]users_social_integration_contacts`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '%s'"], $data['id']); }); Trigger::instance()->register('System/User/get_contacts', function ($data) { $data['contacts'] = array_unique(array_merge($data['contacts'], get_user_contacts($data['id']))); }); /**
private function go_record() { if (is_array($this->scookie)) { $Cartlist = $this->scookie; } else { $Cartlist = json_decode(stripslashes(_getcookie('Cartlist')), true); } $shopids = ''; //商品ID if (is_array($Cartlist)) { foreach ($Cartlist as $key => $val) { $shopids .= intval($key) . ','; } $shopids = str_replace(',0', '', $shopids); $shopids = trim($shopids, ','); } $shoplist = array(); //商品信息 if ($shopids != NULL) { $shoplist = $this->db->GetList("SELECT * FROM `@#_shoplist` where `id` in({$shopids}) and `q_uid` is null for update", array("key" => "id")); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return '购物车内没有商品!'; } $MoenyCount = 0; $shopguoqi = 0; if (count($shoplist) >= 1) { $scookies_arr = array(); $scookies_arr['MoenyCount'] = 0; foreach ($Cartlist as $key => $val) { $key = intval($key); if (isset($shoplist[$key]) && $shoplist[$key]['shenyurenshu'] != 0) { if ($shoplist[$key]['xsjx_time'] != '0' && $shoplist[$key]['xsjx_time'] < time()) { unset($shoplist[$key]); $shopguoqi = 1; continue; } $shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci'] = $val['num'] ? $val['num'] : 1; if ($shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci'] >= $shoplist[$key]['shenyurenshu']) { $shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci'] = $shoplist[$key]['shenyurenshu']; } $MoenyCount += $shoplist[$key]['yunjiage'] * $shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci']; $shoplist[$key]['cart_xiaoji'] = substr(sprintf("%.3f", $shoplist[$key]['yunjiage'] * $shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci']), 0, -1); $shoplist[$key]['cart_shenyu'] = $shoplist[$key]['zongrenshu'] - $shoplist[$key]['canyurenshu']; $scookies_arr[$key]['shenyu'] = $shoplist[$key]['cart_shenyu']; $scookies_arr[$key]['num'] = $shoplist[$key]['cart_gorenci']; $scookies_arr[$key]['money'] = intval($shoplist[$key]['yunjiage']); $scookies_arr['MoenyCount'] += intval($shoplist[$key]['cart_xiaoji']); } else { unset($shoplist[$key]); } } if (count($shoplist) < 1) { $scookies_arr = '0'; $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); if ($shopguoqi) { return '限时揭晓过期商品不能购买!'; } else { return '购物车里没有商品!'; } } } else { $scookies_arr = '0'; $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return '购物车里商品已经卖完或已下架!'; } $this->MoenyCount = substr(sprintf("%.3f", $MoenyCount), 0, -1); /** * 最多能抵扣多少钱 **/ if ($this->fufen) { if ($this->fufen >= $this->members['score']) { $this->fufen = $this->members['score']; } $fufen = System::load_app_config("user_fufen", '', 'member'); if ($fufen['fufen_yuan']) { $this->fufen_to_money = intval($this->fufen / $fufen['fufen_yuan']); if ($this->fufen_to_money >= $this->MoenyCount) { $this->fufen_to_money = $this->MoenyCount; $this->fufen = $this->fufen_to_money * $fufen['fufen_yuan']; } } else { $this->fufen_to_money = 0; $this->fufen = 0; } } else { $this->fufen_to_money = 0; $this->fufen = 0; } //总支付价格 $this->MoenyCount = $this->MoenyCount - $this->fufen_to_money; $this->shoplist = $shoplist; $this->scookies_arr = $scookies_arr; return 'ok'; }
function get_user_arr($key = '', $where = '') { global $_cfg; if (isset($_cfg['userinfo'])) { return $_cfg['userinfo']; } if (empty($where)) { $where = 'uid,username,password,email,mobile,img'; } else { $where = 'uid,username,password,email,mobile,img,' . $where; } $db = System::load_sys_class("model"); $uid = abs(intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE'))); $ushell = _encrypt(_getcookie("ushell"), 'DECODE'); if (!$uid) { return false; } $_cfg['userinfo'] = $db->GetOne("SELECT {$where} FROM `@#_member` WHERE `uid` = '{$uid}'"); if (!$_cfg['userinfo']) { return false; } $shell = md5($_cfg['userinfo']['uid'] . $_cfg['userinfo']['password'] . $_cfg['userinfo']['mobile'] . $_cfg['userinfo']['email']); if ($ushell != $shell) { return false; } if (empty($key)) { return $_cfg['userinfo']; } elseif (isset($_cfg['userinfo']['key'])) { return $_cfg['userinfo']['key']; } else { return false; } }
public function login() { if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) { $location = WEB_PATH . '/' . ROUTE_M . '/index'; $message = array("error" => false, 'text' => $location); $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $code = strtoupper($_POST['code']); if (empty($username)) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "请输入用户名!"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } if (empty($password)) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "请输入密码!"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } if (_cfg("web_off")) { if (empty($code)) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "请输入验证码!"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } if (md5($code) != _getcookie('checkcode')) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "验证码输入错误"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } } $info = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_admin` WHERE `username` = '{$username}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$info) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "登录失败,请检查用户名或密码!"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } if ($info['userpass'] != md5($password)) { $message['error'] = true; $message['text'] = "登陆失败!"; echo json_encode($message); exit; } if (!$message['error']) { _setcookie("AID", _encrypt($info['uid'], 'ENCODE')); _setcookie("ASHELL", _encrypt(md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass']) . md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))); $_SESSION['token'] = md5($info['username'] . $info['userpass']); $this->AdminInfo = $info; $time = time(); $ip = _get_ip(); $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_admin` SET `logintime`='{$time}' WHERE (`uid`='{$info['uid']}')"); $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_admin` SET `loginip`='{$ip}' WHERE (`uid`='{$info['uid']}')"); } echo json_encode($message); exit; } else { include $this->tpl(ROUTE_M, 'user.login'); } }
public function login() { $user = $this->userinfo; if ($user) { header("Location:" . G_WEB_PATH); exit; } else { if (!$this->segment(4)) { global $_cfg; $url = WEB_PATH . '/' . $_cfg['param_arr']['url']; $url = rtrim($url, '/'); $url .= '/' . base64_encode(trim(G_HTTP_REFERER)); if ($url != get_web_url()) { header("Location:" . $url); exit; } } } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $code = md5(strtoupper($_POST['verify'])); $logintype = ''; if ($code != _getcookie('checkcode')) { _message("验证码输入错误!"); } if (strpos($username, '@') == false) { //手机 $logintype = 'mobile'; if (!_checkmobile($username)) { _message("手机格式不正确!"); } } else { //邮箱 $logintype = 'email'; if (!_checkemail($username)) { _message("邮箱格式不正确!"); } } $member = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `{$logintype}`='{$username}' and `password`='{$password}'"); if (!$member) { _message("帐号不存在错误!"); } $check = $logintype . 'code'; if ($member[$check] != 1) { $strcode = _encrypt($member['email']); _message("帐号未认证", WEB_PATH . "/member/user/" . $logintype . "check/" . _encrypt($member[$logintype])); } if (!is_array($member)) { _message("帐号或密码错误", NULL, 3); } else { $time = time(); $user_ip = _get_ip_dizhi(); $this->db->GetOne("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `user_ip` = '{$user_ip}',`login_time` = '{$time}' where `uid` = '{$member['uid']}'"); _setcookie("uid", _encrypt($member['uid']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); _setcookie("ushell", _encrypt(md5($member['uid'] . $member['password'] . $member['mobile'] . $member['email'])), 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); } _message("登录成功", base64_decode($this->segment(4)), 2); } include templates("user", "login"); }
public function userMobile() { $name = safe_replace($_POST['username']); $pass = md5(safe_replace($_POST['password'])); $verify = md5(strtoupper($_POST['verify'])); if ($verify != _getcookie('checkcode')) { $userMobile['state'] = -1; echo json_encode($userMobile); exit; } $time = time(); $decode = 0; //邮箱验证 -1 代表未验证, 1 验证成功 都不等代表等待验证 $sql = "INSERT INTO `@#_member`(`mobile`,password,img,emailcode,mobilecode,yaoqing,time)VALUES('{$name}','{$pass}','photo/member.jpg','-1','-1','{$decode}','{$time}')"; if ($this->db->Query($sql)) { $userMobile['state'] = 0; } else { //_message("注册失败!"); $userMobile['state'] = 1; } echo json_encode($userMobile); }
public function tenpaysuccess() { $webname = $this->_cfg['web_name']; $code = _getcookie('CODE'); if (!isset($_GET['attach'])) { _messagemobile("页面错误!"); exit; } if (!$code) { _messagemobile("页面错误!"); exit; } $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $member = $this->userinfo; $total_fee = $_GET['total_fee'] / 100 + $member['money']; $attach = $_GET['attach']; $sign = $_GET['sign']; if ($pay_result < 1) { $mysql_model->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET money='" . $total_fee . "' where uid='" . $member['uid'] . "'"); $shop = explode("&", $attach); gopay($member, $shop[0], $shop[1], $shop[2]); } }
public function __construct() { $this->userid = intval(_encrypt(_getcookie("uid"), 'DECODE')); }
public function invitefriends() { $mysql_model = System::load_sys_class('model'); $member = $this->userinfo; $uid = _getcookie('uid'); $notinvolvednum = 0; //未参加购买的人数 $involvednum = 0; //参加预购的人数 $involvedtotal = 0; //邀请人数 //查询邀请好友信息 $invifriends = $mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_member` where `yaoqing`='{$member['uid']}' ORDER BY `time` DESC"); $involvedtotal = count($invifriends); //var_dump($invifriends); for ($i = 0; $i < count($invifriends); $i++) { $sqluid = $invifriends[$i]['uid']; $sqname = get_user_name($invifriends[$i]); $invifriends[$i]['sqlname'] = $sqname; //查询邀请好友的消费明细 $accounts[$sqluid] = $mysql_model->GetList("select * from `@#_member_account` where `uid`='{$sqluid}' ORDER BY `time` DESC"); //判断哪个好友有消费 if (empty($accounts[$sqluid])) { $notinvolvednum += 1; $records[$sqluid] = '未参与购买'; } else { $involvednum += 1; $records[$sqluid] = '已参与购买'; } } include templates("member", "invitefriends"); }
/** * Error pages processing * * @param null|string|string[] $custom_text Custom error text instead of text like "404 Not Found", * or array with two elements: [error, error_description] * @param bool $json Force JSON return format */ function error($custom_text = null, $json = false) { static $error_showed = false; if ($error_showed) { return; } $error_showed = true; if (!defined('ERROR_CODE')) { error_code(500); } if (defined('API') && !API && ERROR_CODE == 403 && _getcookie('sign_out')) { header('Location: ' . Config::instance()->base_url(), true, 302); $this->Content = ''; exit; } interface_off(); $error = code_header(ERROR_CODE); if (is_array($custom_text)) { $error = $custom_text[0]; $error_description = $custom_text[1]; } else { $error_description = $custom_text ?: $error; } if (defined('API') && API || $json) { if ($json) { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', true); interface_off(); } $this->json(['error' => $error, 'error_description' => $error_description]); } else { ob_start(); if (!_include_once(THEMES . "/{$this->theme}/error.html", false) && !_include_once(THEMES . "/{$this->theme}/error.php", false)) { echo "<!doctype html>\n" . h::title(code_header($error)) . ($error_description ?: $error); } $this->Content = ob_get_clean(); } $this->__finish(); exit; }
/** * @package CleverStyle CMS * @subpackage System module * @category modules * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ namespace cs; $Config = Config::instance(); $L = Language::instance(); $Page = Page::instance(); $User = User::instance(); if (_getcookie('restore_password_confirm')) { _setcookie('restore_password_confirm', ''); $Page->title($L->restore_password_success_title); $Page->success($L->restore_password_success); return; } elseif (!$User->guest()) { $Page->title($L->you_are_already_registered_title); $Page->warning($L->you_are_already_registered); return; } elseif (!isset($Config->route[2])) { $Page->title($L->invalid_confirmation_code); $Page->warning($L->invalid_confirmation_code); return; } $result = $User->restore_password_confirmation($Config->route[2]); if ($result === false) {
public function singleupdate() { _message("不可编辑!"); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { System::load_sys_class('upload', 'sys', 'no'); if ($_POST['title'] == null) { _message("标题不能为空"); } if ($_POST['content'] == null) { _message("内容不能为空"); } $sd_id = $_POST['sd_id']; $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_id`='{$sd_id}'"); $pic = null; $thumbs = null; if (isset($_POST['fileurl_tmp'])) { if ($shaidan['sd_photolist'] == null) { $img = $_POST['fileurl_tmp']; $num = count($img); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $pic .= trim($img[$i]) . ";"; } $src = trim($img[0]); $size = getimagesize(G_UPLOAD_PATH . "/" . $src); $width = 220; $height = $size[1] * ($width / $size[0]); $thumbs = tubimg($src, $width, $height); } else { $img = $_POST['fileurl_tmp']; $num = count($img); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $pic .= $img[$i] . ";"; } } } if ($thumbs != null) { $sd_thumbs = $thumbs; } else { $sd_thumbs = $shaidan['sd_thumbs']; } $uid = $this->userinfo; $sd_userid = $uid['uid']; $sd_shopid = $shaidan['sd_shopid']; $sd_title = $_POST['title']; $sd_content = $_POST['content']; $sd_photolist = $pic . $shaidan['sd_photolist']; $sd_time = time(); $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shaidan` SET\n\t\t\t`sd_userid`='{$sd_userid}',\n\t\t\t`sd_shopid`='{$sd_shopid}',\n\t\t\t`sd_title`='{$sd_title}',\n\t\t\t`sd_thumbs`='{$sd_thumbs}',\n\t\t\t`sd_content`='{$sd_content}',\n\t\t\t`sd_photolist`='{$sd_photolist}',\n\t\t\t`sd_time`='{$sd_time}' where sd_id='{$sd_id}'"); _message("晒单修改成功", WEB_PATH . "/mobile/home/singlelist"); } $member = $this->userinfo; $title = "修改晒单"; $uid = _getcookie('uid'); $ushell = _getcookie('ushell'); $sd_id = intval($this->segment(4)); if ($sd_id > 0) { $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_id`='{$sd_id}'"); include templates("mobile", "singleupdate"); } else { _message("页面错误"); } }