예제 #1
 function form_checkbox_label($data = '', $value = '', $label = '', $extra = '', $tooltip = '')
     return _form_common('checkbox', $data, $value, $label, $extra, $tooltip);
예제 #2
  * Returns a properly templated date input field.
  * @param string $data    Either a string with the element name, or an array of key/value pairs of all attributes.
  * @param string $value   Either a string with the value, or blank if an array is passed to the $data param.
  * @param string $label   A string with the label of the element.
  * @param string $extra   A string with any additional items to include, like Javascript.
  * @param string $tooltip A string for inline help or a tooltip icon
  * @return string A string with the formatted input element, label tag and wrapping divs.
 function form_date($data = '', $value = '', $label = '', $extra = '', $tooltip = '')
     return _form_common('date', $data, $value, $label, $extra, $tooltip);