  * Handle the command.
  * Add a default Module route, language entries etc per Module
 public function handle()
     $module = $this->module;
     $dest = $module->getPath();
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'module_name' => studly_case($module->getSlug())];
     $src = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/module';
     try {
         if (_config('builder.landing_page', $module)) {
             /* adding routes to the module service provider class
                (currently, just for the optional landing (home) page) */
             $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'ModuleServiceProvider.php', ['routes' => $src . '/routes.php'], $data);
             /* adding sections to the module class
                (currently, just for the optional landing (home) page)*/
             $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'Module.php', ['sections' => $src . '/sections.php'], $data, true);
         /* generate sitemap for the module main stream */
         if ($stream_slug = _config('builder.sitemap.stream_slug', $module)) {
             $data['entity_name'] = studly_case(str_singular($stream_slug));
             $data['repository_name'] = str_plural($stream_slug);
             $this->files->parseDirectory("{$src}/config", "{$dest}/resources/config", $data);
         /* adding module icon */
         $this->processVariable("{$dest}/src/" . $data['module_name'] . 'Module.php', ' "' . _config('builder.icon', $module) . '"', 'protected $icon =', ';');
     } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) {
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $module = $this->module;
     $stream = $this->stream;
     $assignment = $this->assignment;
     $destination = $module->getPath();
     $entity = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/entity';
     $source = $entity . '/code/{{namespace|studly_case}}/';
     /* get the field config params from build.php */
     $fieldConfig = _getFieldConfig($module, $stream->getNamespace(), $assignment->getFieldSlug());
     /* protect module classes from being overwriten */
     $this->files->setAvoidOverwrite(_config('builder.avoid_overwrite', $module));
     /* get the template data */
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'field_slug' => $assignment->getFieldSlug(), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'module_slug' => $module->getSlug(), 'namespace' => $stream->getNamespace(), 'stream_slug' => $stream->getSlug(), 'entity_name' => studly_case(str_singular($stream->getSlug())), 'column_template' => $fieldConfig['column_template']];
     $entityDest = $destination . '/src/' . (_config('builder.group', $module) ? $data['namespace'] . '/' : '') . $data['entity_name'];
     /* get the assigned class name, i.e. TextFieldType */
     $fieldTypeClassName = _getFieldTypeClassName($assignment);
     /* (1) process the form builder class */
     if (!$fieldConfig['hide_field']) {
         $this->processFormBuilder($entityDest . '/Form/' . $data['entity_name'] . 'FormBuilder.php', $entity . '/templates/field/form/', $fieldTypeClassName, $data);
     /* (2) process the table column class */
     if (!$fieldConfig['hide_column']) {
         $this->processTableColumns($entityDest . '/Table/' . $data['entity_name'] . 'TableColumns.php', $entity . '/templates/field/table/' . ($data['column_template'] ? 'template/' : ''), $fieldTypeClassName, $data);
     /* (3) process the field language file */
     $this->processFile($destination . '/resources/lang/en/field.php', [$data['field_slug'] => $entity . '/templates/module/field.php'], $data);
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $stream = $this->stream;
     $module = $this->module;
     $entityPath = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/entity';
     $modulePath = __DIR__ . '/../../resources/stubs/module';
     $dest = $module->getPath();
     /* seed file path for this entity */
     $seedFile = "{$dest}/resources/seeders/" . strtolower(str_singular($stream->getSlug())) . ".php";
     $data = ['config' => _config('builder', $module), 'vendor' => $module->getVendor(), 'namespace' => $stream->getNamespace(), 'module_slug' => $module->getSlug(), 'stream_slug' => $stream->getSlug(), 'entity_name' => studly_case(str_singular($stream->getSlug())), 'seeder_data' => file_exists($seedFile) ? file_get_contents($seedFile) : ''];
     $moduleName = studly_case($data['module_slug']);
     /* protect module classes from being overwriten */
     $this->files->setAvoidOverwrite(_config('builder.avoid_overwrite', $module));
     /* initially, copy the entity template files to the module src folder */
     if (_config('builder.group', $module)) {
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/", "{$dest}/src", $data);
     } else {
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/{{namespace|studly_case}}/", "{$dest}/src", $data);
         $this->files->parseDirectory($entityPath . "/code/Http", "{$dest}/src/Http", $data);
     /* create an empty seeder if it does not exist */
     $this->put("{$dest}/resources/seeders/" . strtolower($data['entity_name']) . '.php', '', true);
     try {
         /* stitch the entity with the module classes */
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'ModuleServiceProvider.php', ['routes' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/routes.php', 'bindings' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/bindings.php', 'singletons' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/singletons.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'Module.php', ['sections' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/sections.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/src/{$moduleName}" . 'ModuleSeeder.php', ['seeders' => $entityPath . '/templates/module/seeding.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/section.php", [strtolower(str_plural($data['entity_name'])) => $entityPath . '/templates/module/section.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/config/permissions.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/permissions.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/stream.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/stream.php'], $data);
         $this->processFile("{$dest}/resources/lang/en/permission.php", [$data['stream_slug'] => $entityPath . '/templates/module/permission.php'], $data);
     } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) {
예제 #4
 function display($View, $Data = null, $DoNotWrap = FALSE)
     $View = 'admin/' . $View;
     _set_config('_include_before', _config('_admin_include_before'));
     _set_config('_include_after', _config('_admin_include_after'));
     _set_config('template_root_folder', _config('admin_template_root_folder'));
     _set_config('class_as_root', FALSE);
     return parent::display($View, $Data, $DoNotWrap);
예제 #5
 private function _load_views($views, $data)
     $views = is_array($views) ? $views : array($views);
     foreach ($views as $view) {
         if (strlen($view) == 0) {
         $this->load->view(_config('template_root_folder') . $view, $data);
  * Dispaches two jobs, 'ModifyModule' and 'SeedModule' *question of configuration
  * @param  ModuleWasInstalled  $event
  * @return void
 public function handle(ModuleWasInstalled $event)
     $module = $event->getModule();
     if (count(_getNamespaces($module)) > 0) {
         $this->dispatch(new ModifyModule($module));
         if (_config('builder.seed', $module)) {
             $this->dispatch(new SeedModule($module));
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire(AddonManager $addons)
     list($vendor, $type, $slug, $path) = _resolveAddonNamespace($this->argument('namespace'), $this->option('shared'));
     /* Get the template name if provided by the user */
     if (!($template = $this->argument('template'))) {
         /* otherwise, construct an index for a potential template based on the addon type  */
         $index = "templates.{$type}" . ($type !== 'theme' ? "" : ($this->option('admin') ? '.0' : '.1'));
         /* if the template option is provided, create a template project, not the actual addon */
         $template = _config("config." . ($this->option('template') ? "default-template" : $index));
     if ($template && $this->download($template, $this->option('force'))) {
         $context = $this->getTemplateContext($template, ['vendor' => $vendor, 'slug' => $slug, 'type' => $type], true, $this->option('defaults'));
         $this->dispatch(new ScaffoldTemplate($vendor, $type, $slug, $this->getBuilderPath($template), $path, $context));
         $this->info("Builder has successfully created a {$type} addon from '{$template}' at:");
     } else {
         /* When things go wrong - which happens sometimes - fallback to Pyro make:addon */
         $this->ignoreJobs = false;
  * Compile options into an associative array definition
  * @param  array $options, a stream or assignment options
  * @param  boolean $wrap, wrap the compiled options into a slug entry
  * @return string, an associative array, stringfied!
 protected function compileOptions($options, $wrap = true)
     $definition = '';
     $slug = $options['slug'];
     // Filter-out all false values (untruths) & the slug if $wrap flag is true
     // And finally the type option (only used for fields)
     $options = array_filter($options, function ($v, $k) use($wrap) {
         return $k !== 'type' && !($wrap && $k === 'slug') && !empty($v);
     $i = 0;
     $s = count($options);
     foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
         $definition .= "\n\t\t\t\t" . str_pad(($wrap ? "\t\t" : "") . "'{$option}'", _config('config.padding')) . "=> {$value}" . (++$i !== $s ? "," : "");
     return $wrap ? "\n\t\t\t\t" . str_pad("{$slug}", _config('config.padding') + 2) . (!empty($definition) ? "=> [{$definition}\n\t\t\t\t]" : "") : $definition;
 function _getFieldConfig($module, $namespace_slug, $field_slug)
     $namespaces = _config('builder.namespaces', $module);
     $namespace = array_get($namespaces, $namespace_slug, []);
     $field = array_get($namespace, $field_slug, []);
     return ['hide_column' => array_get($field, 'hide_column', false), 'hide_field' => array_get($field, 'hide_field', false), 'column_template' => array_get($field, 'column_template', null)];
예제 #10
 * Get the specified configuration value.
 * @param  string  $key
 * @param  mixed   $default
 * @return mixed
function config($key, $default = null)
    $configs = _config();
    return array_get($configs, $key, $default);
예제 #11
  * Download a Builder template from the registery,.
  * @param string $template, the selected template
  * @param bool   $force,    force download if the template already exists
  * @return bool (true = success)
 protected function download($template, $force = false)
     $dist = $this->getBuilderPath();
     $path = "{$dist}/{$template}";
     if (!$this->files->exists($path) || $force) {
         $bar = $this->createProgressIndicator();
         $src = _render(_config('config.archive'), ['registry' => $this->registry, 'template' => $template]);
         /* get a temp folder to download the template zip to */
         $tmp = $this->getBuilderPath(_config('config.tmp'));
         try {
             /* download the template zip file, show progress, uncompress and remove */
             $bar->start(" Downloading '{$template}' ... ");
             $this->files->put($tmp, file_get_contents($src, false, stream_context_create([], ['notification' => function ($notification_code) use($bar) {
                 if (in_array($notification_code, [STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS])) {
             $this->files->moveDirectory("{$path}-master", $path, true);
             $bar->finish(" Download '{$template}' was successful                               ");
         } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->output->note("Builder template '{$template}' already exists. \nUse --force option to get a fresh copy.");
     return true;
예제 #12
				<div class="panel-body">
					<form role="form" class="form-horizontal">
							<div class="form-group has-feedback has-feedback-left">
								<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-offset-1">
				    				<i class="form-control-feedback glyphicon glyphicon-user"></i>
				    				<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Login ou E-mail" />
							<div class="form-group has-feedback has-feedback-left">
								<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-offset-1">
				    				<i class="form-control-feedback glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></i>
				    				<input type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Senha" />
							<div class="form-group">
								<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-offset-1">
									<button class="btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block" onclick="<?php 
예제 #13
  * Get the console command options.
  * @return array
 protected function getOptions()
     return [['force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Indicates whether to force a fresh download of the '" . _config('config.default-module') . "'."], ['shared', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Indicates if the addon should be created in shared addons.'], ['migration', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Indicates if a fields migration should be created.']];