function _getRecords_preview($schemaIn, $options)
    global $CURRENT_USER, $schema;
    // these globals are used by the functions called below
    $schema = $schemaIn;
    // get productionRecord from database if 'num' was supplied
    $previewNum = intval(@$_REQUEST['preview:num']);
    list($productionRecords, ) = getRecords(array('tableName' => @$options['tableName'], 'where' => "num = {$previewNum}", 'ignoreHidden' => true, 'ignorePublishDate' => true, 'ignoreRemoveDate' => true, 'loadPseudoFields' => false, 'loadCreatedBy' => false, 'allowSearch' => false, 'loadUploads' => false));
    $productionRecord = @$productionRecords[0];
    // security: check access
    require_once SCRIPT_DIR . "/lib/admin_functions.php";
    require_once SCRIPT_DIR . "/lib/user_functions.php";
    require_once SCRIPT_DIR . "/lib/login_functions.php";
    $CURRENT_USER = getCurrentUserFromCMS();
    // v2.51 support preview even if website membership enabled with different accounts table and separate login
    global $hasEditorAccess;
    // needed by /lib/common.php _getRecordValuesFromFormInput
    $hasEditorAccess = userSectionAccess($options['tableName']) >= 9;
    $hasAuthorAccess = userSectionAccess($options['tableName']) >= 6;
    $userOwnsRecord = !$productionRecord || $CURRENT_USER['num'] == $productionRecord['createdByUserNum'];
    // user is creating record (no num) or is owner
    if (!$CURRENT_USER) {
        die(t("You must be logged in to use this feature!"));
    if (!$hasAuthorAccess) {
        die(t("You don't have permissions to access this menu."));
    if (!$hasEditorAccess && !$userOwnsRecord) {
        die(sprintf(t("You don't have permission to access these records: %s"), $productionRecord['createdByUserNum']));
    // build up our record from form input
    $record = _getRecordValuesFromFormInput('preview:');
    // if this is an existing record, load any fields not supplied by form input
    $record['num'] = $previewNum;
    if ($productionRecord) {
        $record = array_merge($productionRecord, $record);
    } else {
        $record = _addUndefinedDefaultsToNewRecord($record, getMySqlColsAndType(mysql_escape(getTableNameWithPrefix($options['tableName']))));
    // if there was no production record available, default some fields
    if (@$schema['updatedByUserNum']) {
        $record['updatedByUserNum'] = $CURRENT_USER['num'];
    if (@$schema['updatedDate']) {
        $record['updatedDate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $filenameValue = getFilenameFieldValue($record, @$schema['_filenameFields']);
    $record['_filename'] = rtrim($filenameValue, '-');
    if (@(!$schema['_detailPage'])) {
        $record['_link'] = "javascript:alert('Set Detail Page Url for this section in: Admin > Section Editors > Viewer Urls')";
    } elseif (@$options['useSeoUrls']) {
        $record['_link'] = PREFIX_URL . @$schema['_detailPage'] . '/' . $filenameValue . $record['num'] . "/";
    } else {
        $record['_link'] = PREFIX_URL . @$schema['_detailPage'] . '?' . $filenameValue . $record['num'];
    $rows = array($record);
    // Add pseudo-fields
    if (@$options['loadPseudoFields']) {
        _getRecords_addPseudoFields($rows, $options, $schema);
    // Add uploads
    if (@$options['loadUploads']) {
        // single record sections: don't use preSaveTempId so if no record has ever been created yet make sure 'num' is set to 1
        _getRecords_addUploadFields($rows, $options, $schema, $_REQUEST['preview:preSaveTempId']);
    // Add createdBy.fields to records
    if (@$options['loadCreatedBy'] && @$schema['createdByUserNum']) {
        _getRecords_joinTable($rows, $options, 'accounts');
    // Add joinTable fields
    if (@$options['joinTable']) {
        _getRecords_joinTable($rows, $options);
    // get List Details
    $listDetails = array();
    if ($options['loadListDetails']) {
        $listDetails = _getRecords_getListDetails($options, 1, 1, $schema);
    return array($rows, $listDetails, $schema);
예제 #2
function _getColsToValuesForSQLSet($mySqlColsAndTypes, $newRecordValues, $listAllColsForInsert = false)
    global $schema, $tableName, $isSingleMenu, $SETTINGS;
    $currentDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    // set default to required Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    $colsToValues = array();
    // get form submited values
    foreach ($newRecordValues as $colName => $newValue) {
        $colsToValues[$colName] = $newValue;
    // add default values for undefined fields (FOR INSERT ONLY)
    if ($listAllColsForInsert) {
        $colsToValues = _addUndefinedDefaultsToNewRecord($colsToValues, $mySqlColsAndTypes);
    // set special field values
    if (array_key_exists('updatedDate', $mySqlColsAndTypes)) {
        $colsToValues['updatedDate'] = $currentDate;
    if (array_key_exists('updatedByUserNum', $mySqlColsAndTypes)) {
        $colsToValues['updatedByUserNum'] = $GLOBALS['CURRENT_USER']['num'];
    // hash passwords
    if ($tableName == 'accounts' && @$colsToValues['password']) {
        $colsToValues['password'] = getPasswordDigest(@$_REQUEST['password']);
    // allow admin to change createdByUserNum
    if (@$GLOBALS['hasEditorAccess'] && @$_REQUEST['createdByUserNum']) {
        $colsToValues['createdByUserNum'] = $_REQUEST['createdByUserNum'];
    ### get colsToValues string
    $colsToValuesString = '';
    foreach ($colsToValues as $colName => $value) {
        if ($colName == "num" and !$value) {
        // skip num with value of 0
        // save blank int column values as null
        $columnType = @$mySqlColsAndTypes[$colName];
        $fieldType = @$schema[$colName]['type'];
        $isIntColumn = preg_match("/^(tinyint|smallint|mediumint|int|bigint|float)/i", $columnType);
        if ($value == '' && $isIntColumn && $fieldType != 'checkbox') {
            $colsToValuesString .= "`{$colName}` = NULL, ";
        } else {
            $colsToValuesString .= "`{$colName}` = '" . mysql_escape($value) . "', ";
    $colsToValuesString = rtrim($colsToValuesString, ", ");
    return $colsToValuesString;