예제 #1
  * @param null $src
  * @param array $params
  * @return expController
 function __construct($src = null, $params = array())
     // setup some basic information about this class
     $this->classinfo = new ReflectionClass($this);
     $this->classname = $this->classinfo->getName();
     $this->baseclassname = substr($this->classinfo->getName(), 0, -10);
     $this->filepath = __realpath($this->classinfo->getFileName());
     // figure out which "module" we belong to and setup view path information
     $controllerpath = explode('/', $this->filepath);
     $this->module_name = $controllerpath[count($controllerpath) - 2];
     // set up the path to this module view files
     $controllerpath[count($controllerpath) - 1] = 'views';
     array_push($controllerpath, $this->baseclassname);
     $this->relative_viewpath = implode('/', array_slice($controllerpath, -3, 3));
     $this->viewpath = BASE . 'framework/modules/' . $this->relative_viewpath;
     //grab the path to the module's assets
     $controllerpath[count($controllerpath) - 1] = 'assets';
     $this->asset_path = PATH_RELATIVE . 'framework/' . implode('/', array_slice($controllerpath, -3, 3)) . "/";
     // figure out which model we're using and setup some info about it
     if (empty($this->basemodel_name)) {
         $this->basemodel_name = get_model_for_controller($this->classname);
     $modelname = $this->basemodel_name;
     if (class_exists($modelname)) {
         $this->{$modelname} = new $modelname(null, false, false);
         $this->model_table = $this->{$modelname}->tablename;
     } else {
         $this->basemodel_name = 'expRecord';
         $this->{$modelname} = new expRecord(null, false, false);
         $this->model_table = null;
     // set the location data
     $this->loc = expCore::makeLocation($this->baseclassname, $src, null);
     // get this controllers config data if there is any
     $config = new expConfig($this->loc);
     $this->config = $config->config;
     $this->params = $params;
예제 #2
  * Return size and mimetype information about an image file,
  * given its path/filename.  This is a wrapper around the
  * built-in PHP 'getimagesize' function, to make all implementations
  * work identically.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @uses function getimagesize()   Built-in PHP function
  * @PHPUnit Not Defined|Implement|Completed
  * @param bool|string $_path Full path to file to pull info from
  * @return array  $_sizeinfo      An array of Image File info
  * @return array $error message  Error message@throws void
 public static function getImageInfo($_path = false)
     $_path = __realpath($_path);
     if (!file_exists($_path)) {
         return self::IMAGE_ERR_FILENOTFOUND;
     if (!is_readable($_path)) {
         return self::IMAGE_ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
     if ($_sizeinfo = @getimagesize($_path)) {
         $_sizeinfo['is_image'] = true;
         if (!isset($_sizeinfo['mime'])) {
             // In case this implementation of getimagesize doesn't discover
             // the mime type
             $_types = array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'png' => 'image/png');
             $_fileData = pathinfo($_path);
             $_sizeinfo['mime'] = $_types[$_fileData['extension']];
     } else {
         $_sizeinfo['is_image'] = false;
     $_sizeinfo['fileSize'] = self::fileSize($_path);
     return $_sizeinfo;
예제 #3
require_once "../security.php";
echo isset($KT_Messages["Upload File"]) ? $KT_Messages["Upload File"] : "Upload File";
<link href="../styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
if ($secTest && $sessionTest) {
    if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['currentPath'] != "") {
        $the_path = __realpath($KT_PATH_VAR . "/" . urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['currentPath']), 1);
    } else {
        $the_path = __realpath($KT_PATH_VAR, 1);
    // array containing permitted mime types
    $allowed_types = array("application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/octet-stream", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "application/vnd.ms-excel", "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc", "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer", "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress", "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw", "application/exe", "application/cab", "application/x-exe", "application/dos-exe", "application/pdf", "application/postscript", "application/x-pdf", "application/msword", "application/mspowerpoint", "application/msexcell", "application/rtf", "application/z", "application/x-z", "application/arj", "application/x-arj", "application/zip", "application/lzh", "application/lha", "application/x-lzh", "application/x-lha", "application/x-compress", "application/x-compressed", "application/x-lzh-archive", "application/x-zip-compressed", "application/x-gzip-compressed", "application/x-gzip", "application/x-lha", "application/x-rar", "application/x-tar", "application/stuffit", "application/x-stuffit", "application/x-sit", "application/tif", "application/x-tif", "application/tiff", "application/x-tiff", "application/tga", "application/x-tga", "application/x-targa", "application/wpg", "application/x-wpg", "application/photoshop", "application/psd", "application/ico", "application/x-ico", "application/x-msmetafile", "application/wmf", "application/x-wmf", "application/asx", "application/x-mplayer2", "zz-application/zz-winassoc-jif", "text/plain", "image/svg", "image/svg-xml", "image/svg+xml", "image/wmf", "image/x-wmf", "image/x-win-metafile", "image/ico", "image/x-icon", "image/photoshop", "image/x-photoshop", "image/psd", "image/wpg", "image/x-wpg", "image/x-wordperfect-graphics", "image/tga", "image/x-tga", "image/targa", "image/x-targa", "image/tif", "image/x-tif", "image/tiff", "image/x-tiff", "image/x-png", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/x-xbitmap", "image/gi_", "image/bmp", "image/pjpeg", "image/jpeg", "video/quicktime", "audio/basic", "audio/x-basic", "audio/asf", "audio/au", "audio/x-au", "audio/x-pn-au", "audio/aiff", "audio/x-aiff", "sound/aiff", "audio/rmf", "audio/x-rmf", "audio/x-pn-aiff", "audio/x-gsm", "audio/mid", "audio/m", "audio/midi", "audio/x-midi", "audio/vnd.qcelp", "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "audio/x-aifc", "audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3", "audio/x-wav", "audio/x-ms-wma", "audio/x-mpegurl", "audio/mpeg-url", "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio", "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "audio/x-realaudio", "audio/x-pm-realaudio-plugin", "video/quicktime", "video/x-quicktime", "video/x-ms-wmv", "video/x-ms-asf", "video/mpeg", "video/x-msvideo", "video/x-ms-wmv", "video/msvideo", "video/avi", "video/x-ms-asf-plugin", "video/x-ms-asf");
    //allowed file extensions to be uploaded
    $allowed_ext = array("bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpe", "png", "tif", "jif", "pcx", "fpx", "pcd", "pct", "tga", "wpg", "dib", "eps", "cut", "msp", "psd", "ico", "wmf", "svg", "pdf", "doc", "ppt", "pps", "xls", "rtf", "txt", "asc", "sxc", "sxw", "sxd", "sxi", "mp2", "mp3", "wav", "aiff", "aifc", "aif", "au", "mpa", "m1v", "wma", "wmv", "mid", "rmi", "au", "snd", "mpg", "mpeg", "avi", "asf", "m3u", "mp2v", "mpe", "mov", "ra", "mov", "qt", "rm", "swf", "tar", "gz", "zip", "rar", "arj", "arc", "lzh", "lha", "tgz", "z", "bz2", "msi", "sit", "cab", "exe", "dxf");
    function validate_upload($the_file, $allowed_types, $allowed_ext)
        global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $allowed_types, $allowed_ext;
        $the_file_ext = explode(".", $the_file['name']);
        $the_file_ext = $the_file_ext[count($the_file_ext) - 1];
        $iserror = "";
        if (isset($the_file['error'])) {
            if ($the_file['error'] == 0) {
                if (!in_array($the_file['type'], $allowed_types) || !in_array(strtolower($the_file_ext), $allowed_ext)) {
                    $iserror = "You cannot upload this file type:<br>&lt;" . $the_file_ext . ': ' . $the_file['type'] . "&gt;<br><a href=\"fileupload.php?currentPath=" . urlencode($HTTP_GET_VARS['currentPath']) . "&counter=" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['counter'] . "&submode=" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['submode'] . "\">Press here</a> to go back";
예제 #4
# Exponent is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with Exponent; if
# not, write to:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
# $Id: content_selector.php,v 1.7 2005/02/19 00:40:17 filetreefrog Exp $
define('SCRIPT_EXP_RELATIVE', '');
define('SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'content_selector.php');
// Initialize the Pathos Framework
include_once 'pathos.php';
/* exdoc
 * Define Content Selector constant as 1, since we are not selecting orphaned content.
 * @node General
define('CONTENT_SELECTOR', 1);
// Include the Selector script, which does all of the real work.
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/selector.php';
예제 #5
        return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value);
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
    $_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep($_COOKIE);
// pathos.php (the file that includes this file the most) will define this for its own purposes
// but for other scripts that want to bootstrap minimally, we will need it, so only define it
// if it isn't already defined.
if (!function_exists('__realpath')) {
    function __realpath($path)
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path));
        if ($path[1] == ':') {
            // We can't just check for C:/, because windows users may have the IIS webroot on X: or F:, etc.
            $path = substr($path, 2);
        return $path;
// Process user-defined constants in overrides.php
// THIS CANNOT USE __realpath like the others, since this file could be
// symlinked through the multi-site manager
include_once 'overrides.php';
// Auto-detect whatever variables the user hasn't overridden in overrides.php
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/pathos_variables.php';
// Process PHP-wrapper settings (ini_sets and setting detectors)
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/pathos_setup.php';
// Initialize the Compatibility Layer
include BASE . 'compat.php';
    define('PATHOS', EXPONENT);
if (!defined('PATH_RELATIVE')) {
    if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
         * PATH_RELATIVE Constant
         * The PATH_RELATIVE constant is the web path to the Exponent directory,
         * from the web root.  It is related to the BASE constant, but different.
        define('PATH_RELATIVE', str_replace(__realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), '', BASE));
    } else {
        // FIXME: PATH_RELATIVE definition will break in certain parts when the server does not offer the Document_root.
        // FIXME: Notable, it breaks in the installer.
        // This triggers on IIS, which has no DOCUMENT_ROOT.
        define('PATH_RELATIVE', __realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '/'));
if (!defined('HOSTNAME')) {
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        define('HOSTNAME', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    } else {
        if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
            define('HOSTNAME', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (!defined('URL_BASE')) {
     * URL_BASE Constant
예제 #7
include_once dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/pathos.php';
pathos_lang_loadDictionary('standard', 'dbrecover');
// If we made it here, the user has enabled the Database Recovery Script manually.
// Save the old user data, in case current user is actually logged in.
$oldu = $user;
// Temproarily elevate the current user to admin status, to
// allow them to install tables.
$user->is_admin = 1;
$user->is_acting_admin = 1;
// The $loc variable would normally be created by the Pathos framework
// when running the action we are about to include.  Here, we synthetically
// create the location, so that the action doesn't freak out.
$loc = pathos_core_makeLocation('administrationmodule');
// Simulate running the Install Tables action.
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/modules/administrationmodule/actions/installtables.php';
// In case something is screwed up in the database, we need to
// create some records.
// Create the default administrative account (username:admin, password:admin)
// if there are no users in the user table.
if ($db->tableIsEmpty('user')) {
    $user = null;
    $user->username = '******';
    $user->password = md5('admin');
    $user->is_admin = 1;
    // This wont work for other users subsystems
    $db->insertObject($user, 'user');
// If no modules have been activated, we will not be able to activate any modules
// through the Administration Control Panel, usually because we won't
예제 #8
# $Id: pathos.php,v 1.18 2005/04/26 04:44:07 filetreefrog Exp $
function __realpath($path)
    $path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path));
    if ($path[1] == ':') {
        // We can't just check for C:/, because windows users may have the IIS webroot on X: or F:, etc.
        $path = substr($path, 2);
    return $path;
// Bootstrap, which will clean the _POST, _GET and _REQUEST arrays, and include
// necessary setup files (pathos_setup.php, pathos_variables.php) as well as initialize
// the compatibility layer.
// This was moved into its own file from this file so that 'lighter' scripts could bootstrap.
require_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/pathos_bootstrap.php';
// Load the site configuration (without initializing the config subsystem)
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/config/load.php';
// After config config setup:
// Put session stuff first.
$user = null;
// Initialize the Sessions Subsystem
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sessions.php';
// Initializes the session.  This will populate the $user variable
if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = '';
// Create a REQUEST_URI for people who don't have one.
// FIXME: Move this code (and other similar platform stuff) into a platform compat layer.
예제 #9
require_once 'security.php';
<link href="styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
if ($secTest && $sessionTest) {
    $path_var = urldecode($KT_PATH_VAR);
    $current_path = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["currentPath"]) ? urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS["currentPath"]) : "";
    $current_file = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["currentFile"]) ? urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS["currentFile"]) : "";
    $dir = $path_var . "/" . $current_path;
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
        $directory = opendir(__realpath($dir, 1));
    } else {
        $directory = false;
    $arra = explode("/", $current_path);
    $sz = sizeof($arra);
    $TDS = 5;
	var activFileObject = null;
	var activObject = null;
	var currentFilePath = '<?php 
    echo $current_path;
	function divDoubleClickFile(o) {
예제 #10
function __realpath($path)
    $path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path));
    if ($path[1] == ':') {
        // We can't just check for C:/, because windows users may have the IIS webroot on X: or F:, etc.
        $path = substr($path, 2);
    return $path;
// Bootstrap, which will clean the _POST, _GET and _REQUEST arrays, and include
// necessary setup files (exponent_setup.php, exponent_variables.php) as well as initialize
// the compatibility layer.
// This was moved into its own file from this file so that 'lighter' scripts could bootstrap.
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/exponent_bootstrap.php';
// After config config setup:
// Put session stuff first.
$user = null;
// Initialize the Sessions Subsystem
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sessions.php';
// Initializes the session.  This will populate the $user variable
if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
    $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = '';
// Create a REQUEST_URI for people who don't have one.
// FIXME: Move this code (and other similar platform stuff) into a platform compat layer.
if (isset($_REQUEST['section'])) {
        return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value);
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
    $_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep($_COOKIE);
// exponent.php (the file that includes this file the most) will define this for its own purposes
// but for other scripts that want to bootstrap minimally, we will need it, so only define it
// if it isn't already defined.
if (!function_exists('__realpath')) {
    function __realpath($path)
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path));
        if ($path[1] == ':') {
            // We can't just check for C:/, because windows users may have the IIS webroot on X: or F:, etc.
            $path = substr($path, 2);
        return $path;
// Process user-defined constants in overrides.php
// THIS CANNOT USE __realpath like the others, since this file could be
// symlinked through the multi-site manager
include_once 'overrides.php';
// Auto-detect whatever variables the user hasn't overridden in overrides.php
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/exponent_variables.php';
// Process PHP-wrapper settings (ini_sets and setting detectors)
include_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/exponent_setup.php';
// Initialize the Compatibility Layer
include BASE . 'compat.php';
예제 #12
     * @return string
    function __realpath($path)
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path));
        if ($path[1] == ':') {
            // We can't just check for C:/, because windows users may have the IIS webroot on X: or F:, etc.
            $path = substr($path, 2);
        return $path;
// Process user-defined constants first in overrides.php (if it exists)
include_once 'overrides.php';
// load constants for paths and other environment  not overridden in overrides.php
require_once dirname(__realpath(__FILE__)) . '/exponent_constants.php';
// load the code version
require_once BASE . 'exponent_version.php';
 * EXPONENT Constant
 * The EXPONENT Constant signals to other parts of the system that they are operating within the confines
 * of the Exponent v2 Framework.  (Module actions check this -- if it is not defined, they must abort).
// load the constants from the global config, theme config, and then default config settings
require_once BASE . 'framework/core/subsystems/expSettings.php';
// we don't have our autoloader loaded yet
// Process PHP-wrapper settings (ini_sets and settings, and autoloader)
require_once BASE . 'exponent_php_setup.php';