예제 #1
//#debug exit(print_r($agents, true) . print_r($typeids, true) . "\n" . $siteid . "\n");
/*try to read the stats from remote server*/
$url = sprintf('http://affserver.globalmailer.com/getPromocodeStatXml.asp' . '?RepPass=2idf8iun234o8idsfkljsda' . '&FromDate=%s&ToDate=%s', $date, $date);
//#debug echo $url . "\n";
$retimes = 0;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
while ($xml === false) {
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
    if ($retimes == 3) {
if ($xml === false) {
    $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "IML STATS GETTING ERROR, REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "(retried " . $retimes . " times)", "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br>");
    exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data.(%s)(%d times)\n", $mailinfo, $retimes));
$i = $j = $m = 0;
foreach ($xml as $key => $value) {
    /*# debug
    	echo "promocode: " . $value->promocode . "\n";
    	echo "clicks: " . $value->clicks . "\n";
    	echo "free: " . $value->free . "\n";
    	echo "signups: " . $value->signups . "\n\n";
    if (in_array($value->promocode, array_keys($agents))) {
        //compare promocode as campaignid but not agent username
        //#debug echo $value->promocode . "," . $agents['' . $value->promocode] . ";\n"; continue;
         * try to put stats data into db
예제 #2
/*try to read stats data*/
$srclink = 'http://www.pimpmansion.com/user/view_details.php?xml=1' . '&username=aquablue@cleanchattersinc.com&password=cxriscross611' . '&campaign_id=%s&form1_submit1=Show&form1_select2=%s&form1_select3=%s&form1_select4=%s&';
$sql = sprintf('select * from view_mappings where siteid = %d', $siteid);
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $zconn->dblink) or die("Something wrong with: " . mysql_error());
$i = $j = $k = $m = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
    if (empty($row['campaignid'])) {
        echo "Warning!!! Agent " . $row['username'] . " has no campaigns!!!\n";
    $url = sprintf($srclink, $row['campaignid'], $ymd[2], $ymd[1], $ymd[0]);
    //echo $url . "\n";
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    if (!$doc->load($url)) {
        $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "HORNM STATS GETTING ERROR, REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br/><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br/>");
        exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data.(%s)\n", $mailinfo));
    $items = $doc->getElementsByTagName("item");
    $doc = null;
    $uniques = 0;
    $chargebacks = 0;
    $signups = 0;
    $sales = 0;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $uniques += getValueByName($item->childNodes, "visits");
        $chargebacks += getValueByName($item->childNodes, "refunds");
        //actually not useful any more
        $signups += getValueByName($item->childNodes, "signups");
        $sales += getValueByName($item->childNodes, "sales");
예제 #3
 * and we change and optimize the above 3 lines as the following block goes
$retimes = 0;
$toptimes = 2;
$response = file_get_contents($url);
while ($response === false) {
    $response = file_get_contents($url);
    if ($retimes == $toptimes) {
if ($response === false) {
    $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "LCD (on PDD) STATS GETTING ERROR, REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "(retried " . $retimes . " times)", "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br>");
    exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data.(%s)(%d times)\n", $mailinfo, $retimes));
//echo "var_dump\n";//for debug
//var_dump($response);//for debug
//echo "var_dump\n";//for debug
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
if ($xml === false) {
    exit(sprintf("\nFailed to parse stats data.\n"));
$i = $j = $m = $f = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $item) {
    $attr = $item->attributes();
    echo 'node id ' . $attr['id'] . " => "
    	. "date: " . $item->date 
예제 #4
    if ($rss_7 === false) {
    	exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data from %s.\n", $link));
    $rss_7 = array();
    $link = $rsssrclink . '&program=8';
    $rss_8 = fetch_rss($link);
    if ($rss_8 === false) {
        $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "CAM4 STATS GETTING ERROR (program=8), REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br>");
        echo $mailinfo . "\n";
        exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data from %s.\n", $link));
    $link = $rsssrclink . '&program=10';
    $rss_10 = fetch_rss($link);
    if ($rss_10 === false) {
        $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "CAM4 STATS GETTING ERROR (program=10), REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br>");
        echo $mailinfo . "\n";
        exit(sprintf("Failed to read stats data from %s.\n", $link));
    array_push($rss, $rss_5);
    array_push($rss, $rss_7);
    array_push($rss, $rss_8);
    array_push($rss, $rss_10);
} else {
    echo "Only 1 parameter allowed, like '2010-03-01,12:34:56'.\n";
$zconn = new zmysqlConn();
/*find out the typeids and siteid from db by "cam4" which is the abbreviation of the site*/
$typeids = array();
$siteid = null;
예제 #5
$j = $m = $n = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
    /*Try to user curl to get the data*/
    $url = sprintf('http://www.sexywivesfinder.com/stats/stats-export.php?aff=%s&d1=%d&m1=%d&y1=%d&d2=%d&m2=%d&y2=%d', $row['campaignid'], $ymd[2], $ymd[1], $ymd[0], $ymd[2], $ymd[1], $ymd[0]);
    $scrape_ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($scrape_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($scrape_ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "cleanchatters:LKMSAL91");
    curl_setopt($scrape_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $scrape = curl_exec($scrape_ch);
    //echo $row['username'] . "\n" . $scrape . "\n";
    $lines = explode("\n", $scrape);
    if (count($lines) < 2) {
        $errmsg = sprintf("It should have 2 lines at least for agent %s.\n", $row['username']);
        echo $errmsg;
        $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "SWF STATS GETTING ERROR, REPORT WITH DATE: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "<b>FROM WEB02</b><br><br>" . "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" . str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $scrape) . "<br/>" . $errmsg . "<br/>" . "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" . "<br><br/><b>--ERROR REPORT</b><br/>");
        echo $mailinfo . "\n";
    $k = explode(",", $lines[0]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($k); $i++) {
        $k[$i] = trim($k[$i]);
    $v = explode(",", $lines[1]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($v); $i++) {
        $v[$i] = trim($v[$i]);
    $stats = array_combine($k, $v);
    //echo print_r($stats, true);
     * Try to put data into db.
예제 #6
    exit("At least 1 parameter needed like '2010-05-01,12:34:56'.\n");
$threshold = 15;
if ($argc - 1 >= 2) {
    $threshold = $argv[2];
    if (!is_numeric($threshold) || $threshold < 1) {
        exit("Threshold must be an integer and bigger than 0.\n");
 * the following line will make the whole script exit if date string format is wrong
$date = __get_remote_date($argv[1], "America/New_York", -5);
$date_l = __get_remote_date($argv[1], "America/New_York", -5, "America/New_York", true);
$zconn = new zmysqlConn();
$sql = sprintf("select * from dup_stats where convert(trxtime, date) = '%s'" . " and (raws >= %d or uniques >= %d or chargebacks >= %d or signups >= %d or frauds >= %d or sales_number >= %d)" . " order by trxtime desc", $date, $threshold, $threshold, $threshold, $threshold, $threshold, $threshold);
//echo $sql . "\n"; //for debug
$rs = mysql_query($sql, $zconn->dblink) or die("Something wrong with: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($rs) != 0) {
    $lines = '';
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
            $lines .= $k . ":" . $v . " | ";
        $lines .= "\n";
    $mailinfo = __phpmail("*****@*****.**", "AWL STATS ALERTS ({$date_l}, threshold: {$threshold}, row(s): " . mysql_num_rows($rs) . ")", $lines);
    exit($mailinfo . " ({$date_l})\n");
} else {
    echo "No alerts. ({$date_l})\n";