예제 #1
function display_week()
    global $vars;
    $heading_html = tag('tr');
    $heading_html->add(tag('th', __p('Week', 'W')));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $d = ($i + day_of_week_start()) % 7;
        $heading_html->add(tag('th', day_name($d)));
    if (!isset($vars['week']) || !isset($vars['year'])) {
        soft_error(__('Invalid date.'));
    $week_of_year = intval($vars['week']);
    $year = intval($vars['year']);
    $day_of_year = 1 + ($week_of_year - 1) * 7 - day_of_week(1, 1, $year);
    $from_stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $day_of_year, $year);
    $start_month = date("n", $from_stamp);
    $start_year = date("Y", $from_stamp);
    $last_day = $day_of_year + 6;
    $to_stamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, 1, $last_day, $year);
    $end_month = date("n", $to_stamp);
    $end_year = date("Y", $to_stamp);
    $heading = month_name($start_month) . " {$start_year}";
    if ($end_month != $start_month) {
        $heading .= " - " . month_name($end_month) . " {$end_year}";
    return tag('', tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-view"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-head"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-title"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-author"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-category"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-time"'), '')), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-body"'), '')), tag('table', attributes('class="phpc-main phpc-calendar"'), tag('caption', $heading), tag('colgroup', tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-week"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"'))), tag('thead', $heading_html), create_week($week_of_year, $from_stamp, $to_stamp, $year)));
 public function test__p()
     __p("<br />\n");
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     $this->assertEquals("<br />\n", $output);
예제 #3
 function parsePreviewString($product, $width = 300, $height = 300)
     $path_to_original = $this->getOriginalPaths($product['Product']['id']);
     $s = null;
     $p_options = array('src' => $product['Product']['image'], 'id' => $product['Product']['id'], 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'square' => 3);
     $s['id'] = $product['Product']['id'];
     $s['title'] = $product['Product']['title'];
     $s['company'] = $product['Product']['company'];
     $s['src'] = !empty($path_to_original[0]) && !is_null($product['Product']['image']) ? __p($p_options) : '/img/default_avatar.jpg.big.jpg';
     $s['keys'] = '';
     foreach ($product['Serial'] as $tmpserial) {
         $s['keys'] .= $tmpserial['key'] . ',';
     $out = rtrim($s['id'] . DR . $s['src'] . DR . $s['title'] . DR . $s['company'] . DR . rtrim($s['keys'], ','), DR);
     return $out;
예제 #4
function display_month()
    global $month, $year, $phpc_home_url, $phpcid;
    $heading_html = tag('tr');
    $heading_html->add(tag('th', __p('Week', 'W')));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $d = ($i + day_of_week_start()) % 7;
        $heading_html->add(tag('th', day_name($d)));
    $months = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
        $m = month_name($i);
        $months["{$phpc_home_url}?action=display_month&amp;phpcid={$phpcid}&amp;month={$i}&amp;year={$year}"] = $m;
    $years = array();
    for ($i = $year - 5; $i <= $year + 5; $i++) {
        $years["{$phpc_home_url}?action=display_month&amp;phpcid={$phpcid}&amp;month={$month}&amp;year={$i}"] = $i;
    return tag('', tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-view"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-head"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-title"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-author"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-category"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-time"'), '')), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-body"'), '')), tag('table', attributes('class="phpc-main phpc-calendar"'), tag('caption', create_dropdown_list(month_name($month), $months), create_dropdown_list($year, $years)), tag('colgroup', tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-week"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"'))), tag('thead', $heading_html), create_month($month, $year)));
예제 #5
파일: browse.php 프로젝트: caseyi/BLIS
             echo ' onclick="browseNav(' . ($bnav - 1) * $perPage . ',' . $view . ')">' . number_format($bnav) . '</a>';
     echo '</span>';
     if ($currentPage < $totalPages) {
         echo '<a id="nextNav" onclick="browseNav(' . $currentPage * $perPage . ',' . $view . ')">' . __("Next") . '</a>';
         echo '<a id="lastNav" onclick="browseNav(' . ($totalPages - 1) * $perPage . ',' . $view . ')">' . __("Last") . '</a>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
 } else {
     echo '<table class="browsenav">';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td class="options">';
     printf(__p("Your query returned %d result.", "Your query returned %d results.", $totalRows), $totalRows);
     echo " " . sprintf(__("(%.4f seconds)"), $queryTime);
     if ($totalRows > $displayLimit) {
         echo ' (' . sprintf(__("Note: To avoid crashing your browser, only the first %d results have been displayed"), $displayLimit) . '.)';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
 echo '<div class="grid">';
 if (isset($primaryKeys) && count($primaryKeys)) {
     echo '<div class="emptyvoid" style="width: 30px">&nbsp;</div>';
 echo '<div class="gridheader';
 if (!isset($queryTable)) {
     echo ' nosort';
예제 #6
 function recentList($imgs, $max, $w, $h, $album = false)
     $o = '<ol class="snap-thumbs">';
     if ($album) {
         $row = 3;
     } else {
         $row = 4;
     $i = $total = 1;
     foreach ($imgs as $img) {
         $o .= '<li class="loadme' . ($i == $row ? ' end' : '') . '">';
         $o .= '<span class="preview-me" onclick="Preview.bury();location.href=\'' . $this->Html->url("/albums/edit/{$img['Image']['aid']}/content/{$img['Image']['id']}") . '\'"><span>';
         if (isNotImg($img['Image']['src'])) {
             $o .= $this->getVidThumb($img['Image']['src'], $img['Image']['lg_preview'], $img['Image']['aid'], 250, 250, 0, 70, 1);
         } else {
             $arr = unserialize($img['Image']['anchor']);
             if (empty($arr)) {
                 $x = $y = 50;
             } else {
                 $x = $arr['x'];
                 $y = $arr['y'];
             $o .= __p(array('src' => $img['Image']['src'], 'album_id' => $img['Image']['aid'], 'width' => 250, 'height' => 250, 'square' => 0, 'anchor_x' => $x, 'anchor_y' => $y));
         $o .= '||' . $img['Image']['src'] . '||' . $this->_date(__('%m/%d/%Y', true), $img['Image']['created_on']) . '||';
         if ($album) {
             $o .= '_';
         } else {
             $o .= $img['Album']['name'];
         $o .= '||';
         if (isNotImg($img['Image']['src'])) {
             $o .= $this->getVidThumb($img['Image']['src'], $img['Image']['lg_preview'], $img['Image']['aid'], 90, 70, 1, 70, 1, true);
         } else {
             $o .= __p(array('src' => $img['Image']['src'], 'album_id' => $img['Image']['aid'], 'width' => 90, 'height' => 70, 'anchor_x' => $x, 'anchor_y' => $y));
         $o .= '</span>';
         if ($img['Image']['is_video']) {
             $o .= $this->Html->image('vid_overlay.png', array('width' => 32, 'height' => 32, 'class' => 'video-overlay', 'alt' => 'icon'));
         $o .= '</span></li>';
         if ($i < $row) {
         } else {
             $i = 1;
     if ($total <= $max) {
         for ($j = $total; $j <= $max; $j++) {
             $o .= '<li class="empty' . ($i == $row ? ' end' : '') . '"></li>';
             $i < $row ? $i++ : ($i = 1);
     $o .= '</ol>';
     return $o;
예제 #7
<meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript" />
<div id="contact">
	<div id="formarea">
		<form method="post" action="form.php" name="contactform">
			<div class="inputbox">
예제 #8
 function user($id, $users, $size = array())
     if (is_null($id)) {
         $id = $users['king'];
     $data = array();
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $user_id = $id['id'];
         $u = $users[$user_id];
         if (isset($id['count'])) {
             $count = $id['count'];
         } else {
             $count = $u['image_count'];
     } else {
         if ($id == 0) {
             return '';
         } else {
             $user_id = $id;
             $u = $users[$user_id];
             $count = $u['image_count'];
     $externals = unserialize($u['externals']);
     $ex_str = '';
     if (!empty($externals)) {
         $data['externals'] = array();
         foreach ($externals as $a) {
             $data['externals'][] = array('name' => $a['name'], 'url' => $a['url']);
     $originals = glob(AVATARS . DS . $user_id . DS . 'original.*');
     $size_str = '';
     if (!empty($size) && count($originals) != 0) {
         $data['photos'] = array();
         foreach ($size as $s) {
             $s = explode(',', $s);
             $data['photos'][$s[0]] = array();
             $arr = unserialize($u['anchor']);
             if (empty($arr)) {
                 $x = $y = 50;
             } else {
                 $x = $arr['x'];
                 $y = $arr['y'];
             list($w, $h) = computeSize($originals[0], $s[1], $s[2], $s[3]);
             $data['photos'][$s[0]]['url'] = __p(array('src' => basename($originals[0]), 'album_id' => "avatar-{$user_id}", 'width' => $s[1], 'height' => $s[2], 'square' => $s[3], 'quality' => $s[4], 'sharpening' => $s[5], 'anchor_x' => $x, 'anchor_y' => $y));
             $data['photos'][$s[0]]['width'] = $w;
             $data['photos'][$s[0]]['height'] = $h;
     $data['id'] = $user_id;
     $data['username'] = $u['usr'];
     $data['first'] = $u['first_name'];
     $data['last'] = $u['last_name'];
     $data['display_name'] = $u['display_name'];
     $data['profile'] = $u['profile'];
     $data['content_count'] = $count;
     return $data;
예제 #9
 function avatar_focal($id)
     $this->User->id = $id;
     $this->User->saveField('anchor', serialize($this->data));
     if (CUR_USER_ID == $id) {
         $u = $this->User->find(aa('id', $id));
         $this->Session->write('User', $u['User']);
     $avs = glob(AVATARS . DS . $id . DS . 'original.*');
     $t = filemtime($avs[0]);
     $url = __p(array('src' => basename($avs[0]), 'album_id' => "avatar-{$id}", 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'anchor_x' => $this->data['x'], 'anchor_y' => $this->data['y']));
     die('<img src="' . $url . '" />');
    $message = "";
    if (!isset($statements)) {
        $message .= __("Either the file could not be read or it was empty") . "<br />";
    } else {
        if ($format == "SQL") {
            $message .= sprintf(__p("%d statement was executed from the file", "%d statements were executed from the file", $insertCount), $insertCount) . ".<br />";
        } else {
            if ($format == "CSV") {
                if (isset($insertCount) && $insertCount > 0) {
                    $message .= sprintf(__p("%d row was inserted into the database from the file", "%d rows were inserted into the database from the file", $insertCount), $insertCount) . ".<br />";
                if (isset($skipCount) && $skipCount > 0) {
                    $message .= sprintf(__p("%d row had to be skipped because the number of values was incorrect", "%d rows had to be skipped because the number of values was incorrect", $skipCount), $skipCount) . ".<br />";
    if (isset($dbErrors)) {
        $message .= __("The following errors were reported") . ":<br />";
        foreach ($dbErrors as $merr) {
            $message .= " - " . $merr . "<br />";

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" version="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" xml:lang="en">
예제 #11
 function avatar_uri($id, $width = 50, $height = 50, $square = 1)
     $path = PRODUCTIMAGES . DS . $id . DS . 'original.*';
     $options = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'square' => $square);
     if ($id != 'tmp') {
         $this->_use_preview($id, true);
     } else {
     $files = glob($path);
     if (!empty($files[0])) {
         //&$this->log($files[0], LOG_DEBUG);
         $src = basename($files[0]);
         $tmp_options = compact(array('src', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'square'));
         $src_tmp = __p($tmp_options);
         extract($this->_previewOptions(300, 300));
         $prv_options = compact(array('src', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'square'));
         $src_prv = __p($prv_options);
         $value = array('src_tmp' => $src_tmp, 'src_prv' => $src_prv);
     } else {
         $value = array('src_tmp' => 'nofile');
     $this->render(SIMPLE_JSON, 'ajax');
예제 #12
$selectvalues = $mailform->getSelectValues('interesting_items');
$selectedvalues = $mailform->getValue('interesting_items');
if (!$selectedvalues) {
    $selectedvalues = [];
foreach ($selectvalues as $key => &$value) {
							<label><input type="checkbox" name="interesting_items[]" value="<?php 
" <?php 
    __pchecked(in_array($key, $selectedvalues));
</label><br />
							<input type="radio" name="time" value="1" <?php 
__pchecked($mailform->isSelectedValue('time', '1', true));
 /><span><label for="timeno"><?php 
echo $mailform->getSelectValue('time', '1');
예제 #13
function create_display_table($heading, $contents)
    $heading_html = tag('tr', attrs('class="ui-widget-header"'));
    $heading_html->add(tag('th', __p('Week', 'W')));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $d = ($i + day_of_week_start()) % 7;
        $heading_html->add(tag('th', day_name($d)));
    return tag('div', tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-view"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-head"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-title"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-author"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-category"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-time"'), '')), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-body"'), '')), tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-sub-title phpc-month-title ui-widget-content"'), $heading), tag('table', attrs('class="phpc-month-view"'), tag('colgroup', tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-week"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"'))), tag('thead', $heading_html), tag('tbody', $contents)));
예제 #14
  * @see __p()
 public function __p(\Twig_Environment $env, $context, $message, $domain = null)
     return \__p($context, $message, $domain);
예제 #15
<div id="content">
	<div id="formarea">
		<form method="post" action="form.php" name="contactform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
if ($mailform->isError()) {
			<div class="errorbox">
    $errors = $mailform->getErrorMessages();
    foreach ($errors as $message) {
        __p("\t\t\t\t\t<li>" . $message . "</li>");
			<div class="inputbox">
						<td><div><input type="text" name="username" value="<?php 
예제 #16
 public function uri($width = 550, $height = 550, $square = 2)
     $json = array();
     if ($this->Auth->user('id')) {
         $user_id = $uid = $this->Auth->user('id');
         if (!empty($this->data)) {
             foreach ($this->data as $data) {
                 $id = $data['id'];
                 $path = PHOTOS . DS . $uid . DS . $id . DS . 'lg' . DS . '*.*';
                 $files = glob($path);
                 if (!empty($files[0])) {
                     $fn = basename($files[0]);
                     $options = compact(array('uid', 'id', 'fn', 'width', 'height', 'square'));
                     if ($square == 4) {
                         $src = p($options);
                     } else {
                         $src = __p($options);
                     $return = array($id => array('src' => $src));
                     $json[] = $return;
     } else {
         $json = array('flash' => '<strong style="color:red">No valid user</strong>');
         $this->response->header("WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate");
     $this->set('_serialize', $json);