예제 #1
function XMLRPCblockAllocation($imageid, $start, $end, $requestcount, $usergroupid, $ignoreprivileges = 0)
    global $user, $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers;
    if (!in_array($user['id'], $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 34, 'errormsg' => 'access denied for managing block allocations');
    $ownerid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
    $name = "API:{$start}";
    $managementnodes = getManagementNodes('future');
    if (empty($managementnodes)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 12, 'errormsg' => 'could not allocate a management node to handle block allocation');
    $mnid = array_rand($managementnodes);
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockRequest " . "(name, " . "imageid, " . "numMachines, " . "groupid, " . "repeating, " . "ownerid, " . "admingroupid, " . "managementnodeid, " . "expireTime) " . "VALUES " . "('{$name}', " . "{$imageid}, " . "{$requestcount}, " . "{$usergroupid}, " . "'list', " . "{$ownerid}, " . "0, " . "{$mnid}, " . "'{$end}')";
    doQuery($query, 101);
    $brid = dbLastInsertID();
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockTimes " . "(blockRequestid, " . "start, " . "end) " . "VALUES " . "({$brid}, " . "'{$start}', " . "'{$end}')";
    doQuery($query, 101);
    $btid = dbLastInsertID();
    $return = XMLRPCprocessBlockTime($btid, $ignoreprivileges);
    $return['blockTimesid'] = $btid;
    return $return;
예제 #2
function XMLRPCblockAllocation($imageid, $start, $end, $numMachines, $usergroupid, $ignoreprivileges = 0)
    global $user, $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers;
    if (!in_array($user['id'], $xmlrpcBlockAPIUsers)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 34, 'errormsg' => 'access denied for managing block allocations');
    # valid $imageid
    $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"));
    $resources["image"] = removeNoCheckout($resources["image"]);
    if (!array_key_exists($imageid, $resources['image'])) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 3, 'errormsg' => "access denied to {$imageid}");
    # validate $start and $end
    $dtreg = '([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})';
    $startts = datetimeToUnix($start);
    $endts = datetimeToUnix($end);
    $maxend = datetimeToUnix("2038-01-01 00:00:00");
    if (!preg_match("/^{$dtreg}\$/", $start) || $startts < 0 || $startts > $maxend) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 4, 'errormsg' => "received invalid input for start");
    if (!preg_match("/^{$dtreg}\$/", $end) || $endts < 0 || $endts > $maxend) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 36, 'errormsg' => "received invalid input for end");
    # validate $numMachines
    if (!is_numeric($numMachines) || $numMachines < MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES || $numMachines > MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 64, 'errormsg' => 'The submitted number of seats must be between ' . MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES . ' and ' . MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES . '.');
    # validate $usergroupid
    $groups = getUserGroups();
    if (!array_key_exists($usergroupid, $groups)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 67, 'errormsg' => 'Submitted user group does not exist');
    # validate ignoreprivileges
    if (!is_numeric($ignoreprivileges) || $ignoreprivileges < 0 || $ignoreprivileges > 1) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 86, 'errormsg' => 'ignoreprivileges must be 0 or 1');
    $ownerid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
    $name = "API:{$start}";
    $managementnodes = getManagementNodes('future');
    if (empty($managementnodes)) {
        return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 12, 'errormsg' => 'could not allocate a management node to handle block allocation');
    $mnid = array_rand($managementnodes);
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockRequest " . "(name, " . "imageid, " . "numMachines, " . "groupid, " . "repeating, " . "ownerid, " . "managementnodeid, " . "expireTime, " . "status) " . "VALUES " . "('{$name}', " . "{$imageid}, " . "{$numMachines}, " . "{$usergroupid}, " . "'list', " . "{$ownerid}, " . "{$mnid}, " . "'{$end}', " . "'accepted')";
    doQuery($query, 101);
    $brid = dbLastInsertID();
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockTimes " . "(blockRequestid, " . "start, " . "end) " . "VALUES " . "({$brid}, " . "'{$start}', " . "'{$end}')";
    doQuery($query, 101);
    $btid = dbLastInsertID();
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockWebDate " . "(blockRequestid, " . "start, " . "end, " . "days) " . "VALUES " . "({$brid}, " . "'{$start}', " . "'{$end}', " . "0)";
    $sh = date('g', $startts);
    $smi = date('i', $startts);
    $sme = date('a', $startts);
    $eh = date('g', $startts);
    $emi = date('i', $startts);
    $eme = date('a', $startts);
    $query = "INSERT INTO blockWebTime " . "(blockRequestid, " . "starthour, " . "startminute, " . "startmeridian, " . "endhour, " . "endminute, " . "endmeridian, " . "`order`) " . "VALUES " . "({$brid}, " . "{$sh}," . "{$smi}," . "'{$sme}'," . "{$eh}," . "{$emi}," . "'{$eme}'," . "0)";
    $return = XMLRPCprocessBlockTime($btid, $ignoreprivileges);
    $return['blockTimesid'] = $btid;
    return $return;