예제 #1
                        <div class="wrap-toolbar-item">
$main_color_2 = ot_get_option('main_color_2') ? ot_get_option('main_color_2') : '#4141a0';
$mes = '<style type="text/css">.action-like a:after{ color:' . $main_color_2 . ' !important}</style>';
$mes_un = '<style type="text/css">.action-unlike a:after{ color:' . $main_color_2 . ' !important}</style>';
if (function_exists('GetWtiVotedMessage')) {
    $msg = GetWtiVotedMessage(get_the_ID());
if (!$msg) {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
                              .video-toolbar-item.like-dislike .status{display:none !important;}
							  .video-toolbar-item.like-dislike:hover .status{display:none !important;}</style>';
$ip = '';
if (function_exists('WtiGetRealIpAddress')) {
    $ip = WtiGetRealIpAddress();
$tm_vote = TmAlreadyVoted(get_the_ID(), $ip);
// get setting data
$is_logged_in = is_user_logged_in();
$login_required = get_option('wti_like_post_login_required');
if ($login_required && !$is_logged_in) {
    echo $mes;
    echo $mes_un;
} else {
    if (function_exists('HasWtiAlreadyVoted')) {
        $has_already_voted = HasWtiAlreadyVoted(get_the_ID(), $ip);
    $voting_period = get_option('wti_like_post_voting_period');
    $datetime_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    if ("once" == $voting_period && $has_already_voted) {
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
1. Download the plugin and extract it
2. Upload the directory '/wti-like-post/' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Click on 'WTI Like Post' link under Settings menu to access the admin section
global $wti_like_post_db_version, $wti_ip_address;
$wti_like_post_db_version = "1.4.3";
$wti_ip_address = WtiGetRealIpAddress();
add_action('init', 'WtiLoadPluginTextdomain');
add_action('admin_init', 'WtiLikePostPluginUpdateMessage');
 * Load the language files for this plugin
 * @param void
 * @return void
function WtiLoadPluginTextdomain()
    load_plugin_textdomain('wti-like-post', false, 'wti-like-post/lang');
 * Hook the auto update message
 * @param void
 * @return void
예제 #3
 * Get last voted date for a given post by ip
 * @param $post_id integer
 * @param $ip string
 * @return string
function GetWtiLastVotedDate($post_id, $ip = null)
    global $wpdb;
    if (null == $ip) {
        $ip = WtiGetRealIpAddress();
    $wti_has_voted = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT date_time FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post WHERE post_id = '{$post_id}' AND ip = '{$ip}'");
    return $wti_has_voted;
예제 #4
 * Get already voted message
 * @param $post_id integer
 * @param $ip string
 * @return string
function GetWtiVotedMessage($post_id, $ip = null)
    global $wpdb;
    $wti_voted_message = '';
    $voting_period = get_option('wti_like_post_voting_period');
    if (null == $ip) {
        $ip = WtiGetRealIpAddress();
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS has_voted FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post WHERE post_id = '{$post_id}' AND ip = '{$ip}'";
    if ($voting_period != 0 && $voting_period != 'once') {
        // If there is restriction on revoting with voting period, check with voting time
        $last_voted_date = GetWtiLastDate($voting_period);
        $query .= " AND date_time >= '{$last_voted_date}'";
    $wti_has_voted = $wpdb->get_var($query);
    if ($wti_has_voted > 0) {
        $wti_voted_message = get_option('wti_like_post_voted_message');
    return $wti_voted_message;
예제 #5
function WtiLikePostProcessVote()
    global $wpdb;
    // Get request data
    $post_id = (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'];
    $task = $_REQUEST['task'];
    $ip = WtiGetRealIpAddress();
    // Check for valid access
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], 'wti_like_post_vote_nonce')) {
        $error = 1;
        $msg = __('Invalid access', 'wti-like-post');
    } else {
        // Get setting data
        $is_logged_in = is_user_logged_in();
        $login_required = get_option('wti_like_post_login_required');
        $can_vote = false;
        if ($login_required && !$is_logged_in) {
            // User needs to login to vote but has not logged in
            $error = 1;
            $msg = get_option('wti_like_post_login_message');
        } else {
            $has_already_voted = HasWtiAlreadyVoted($post_id, $ip);
            $voting_period = get_option('wti_like_post_voting_period');
            $datetime_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            if ("once" == $voting_period && $has_already_voted) {
                // User can vote only once and has already voted.
                $error = 1;
                $msg = get_option('wti_like_post_voted_message');
            } elseif ('0' == $voting_period) {
                // User can vote as many times as he want
                $can_vote = true;
            } else {
                if (!$has_already_voted) {
                    // Never voted befor so can vote
                    $can_vote = true;
                } else {
                    // Get the last date when the user had voted
                    $last_voted_date = GetWtiLastVotedDate($post_id, $ip);
                    // Get the bext voted date when user can vote
                    $next_vote_date = GetWtiNextVoteDate($last_voted_date, $voting_period);
                    if ($next_vote_date > $datetime_now) {
                        $revote_duration = (strtotime($next_vote_date) - strtotime($datetime_now)) / (3600 * 24);
                        $can_vote = false;
                        $error = 1;
                        $msg = __('You can vote after', 'wti-like-post') . ' ' . ceil($revote_duration) . ' ' . __('day(s)', 'wti-like-post');
                    } else {
                        $can_vote = true;
        if ($can_vote) {
            $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
            $user_id = (int) $current_user->ID;
            if ($task == "like") {
                if ($has_already_voted) {
                    $query = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
                    $query .= "value = value + 1, ";
                    $query .= "date_time = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' ";
                    $query .= "WHERE post_id = '" . $post_id . "' AND ";
                    $query .= "ip = '{$ip}'";
                } else {
                    $query = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
                    $query .= "post_id = '" . $post_id . "', ";
                    $query .= "value = '1', ";
                    $query .= "date_time = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', ";
                    $query .= "ip = '{$ip}'";
            } else {
                if ($has_already_voted) {
                    $query = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
                    $query .= "value = value - 1, ";
                    $query .= "date_time = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' ";
                    $query .= "WHERE post_id = '" . $post_id . "' AND ";
                    $query .= "ip = '{$ip}'";
                } else {
                    $query = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
                    $query .= "post_id = '" . $post_id . "', ";
                    $query .= "value = '-1', ";
                    $query .= "date_time = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', ";
                    $query .= "ip = '{$ip}'";
            $success = $wpdb->query($query);
            if ($success) {
                $error = 0;
                $msg = get_option('wti_like_post_thank_message');
            } else {
                $error = 1;
                $msg = __('Could not process your vote.', 'wti-like-post');
        $options = get_option('wti_most_liked_posts');
        $number = $options['number'];
        $show_count = $options['show_count'];
        $wti_like_count = GetWtiLikeCount($post_id);
        $wti_unlike_count = GetWtiUnlikeCount($post_id);
    // Check for method of processing the data
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
        $result = array("msg" => $msg, "error" => $error, "like" => $wti_like_count, "unlike" => $wti_unlike_count);
        echo json_encode($result);
    } else {
        header("location:" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);