예제 #1
//  in the terms of the Vseobecna zverejnovacia licencia GNU) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
//  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 or visit http://www.gnu.sk/ for Vseobecna zverejnovacia licencia GNU
//odstraníme nebezpeèné znaky
$zaco = SubStr($zacof, 0, 1500);
//bereme pouze 1500 znakù
$zaco = Trim($zaco);
//odstraníme mezery ze zaèátku a konce øetìzce
$zaco = HTMLSpecialChars($zaco);
//odstraníme nebezpeèné znaky
$zaco = Str_Replace("\r\n", " <BR> ", $zaco);
//nahradíme konce øádkù na tagy <BR>
$zacof = WordWrap($zaco, 90, "\n", 1);
//rozdìlíme dlouhá slova
$kedyf = Date("Y-m-d");
@($tsi = time());
include "./config.php";
$kolkof = Str_Replace(",", ".", $kolkof);
$kolkof = abs($kolkof);
$add = MySQL_Query("INSERT INTO uniletim_services VALUES ('', '{$ktof}', '{$komuf}', '{$kedyf}', '{$zacof}', '{$kolkof}', '{$tsi}', '{$lgr}')") or die($query_error1);
//vložíme zprávu
$ads = MySQL_Query("select * from uniletim_services where ser_time like '{$tsi}' AND ul_group = '{$sess['4']}'") or die($query_error2);
$adk = mysql_fetch_row($ads);
$result = _PAYMENT_SCSFL;
//zavøeme databázi
header("Location: ./platby.php?pres=pl");
예제 #2
            $measureCount = $measureCount + $mpp;
    //*****Add Closing Page - Start*****
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 45);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "Report Note");
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
// $pdf->Cell(0.3);
$pdf->Write(0.2, WordWrap("This report was generated by the Neighborhood Compass, an application created by the City of Durham. To learn more about the Compass visit compass.durhamnc.gov. \n\nGeneral inquiries about the Compass and making it work for the Durham community should contact John Killeen at 919.560.1647 or john.killeen@durhamnc.gov.\n\nInquiries related to the Compass web application and its functionality should contact Tyler Waring at 919.560.4122 or tyler.waring@durhamnc.gov\n", 100));
//*****Add Closing Page - Stop*****
// /************************************************************
// Variable Report
// ************************************************************/
function createMeasure($x, $y, $theLayer, $themeasure, $npadata, $theFeature)
    global $pdf, $json, $bgdata, $targetLayer, $featureUniverse;
    //, $substrYear, $yearSuffix;
    // // //this block wordwraps
    // $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,45);
    // $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
    // $pdf->Ln(5);
    // $pdf->Cell(0.3);$pdf->Write(0.2,WordWrap("themeasure = ".$npadata[$themeasure.$theDate], 75));
    // //value and title
    $pdf->SetTextColor(10, 0, 128);
예제 #3
$Table[] = array('Идентификатор', SPrintF('#%u', $UserID));
$Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Date/Extended', $User['RegisterDate']);
if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Table[] = array('Дата регистрации', $Comp);
$Table[] = array('Имя', $User['Name']);
$Sign = WordWrap($User['Sign'], 100, "\n");
$Table[] = array('Подпись', new Tag('PRE', array('class' => 'Standard'), $Sign ? $Sign : '-'));
$Table[] = 'Контактная информация';
$Table[] = array('Электронный адрес', $User['Email']);
if ($User['EmailConfirmed'] > 0) {
    $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Date/Extended', $User['EmailConfirmed']);
    if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
if ($success) {
    if (strlen($yahoo->logged_user)) {
<h2 style="text-align: center">The user '<?php 
        echo $yahoo->logged_user;
' has logged in Yahoo successfully.</h2>
        if (isset($parameters['Data'])) {
<h2 style="text-align: center">The address book was exported to CSV format.</h2>
            echo HtmlSpecialChars(WordWrap($parameters['Data'], 75, "\n", 1));
    } else {
<h2 style="text-align: center">The Yahoo user '<?php 
        echo $yahoo->user;
' login attempt failed.</h2>
예제 #5
        $DOM = new DOM();
        $Links =& Links();
        # Коллекция ссылок
        $Links['DOM'] =& $DOM;
        if (Is_Error($DOM->Load('Window'))) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        $DOM->AddText('Title', 'Результат выполнения задачи');
        $Actions = Preg_Split("(\n\r|\n)", $Result);
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Actions); $i++) {
            $Actions[$i] = WordWrap(HtmlSpecialChars($Actions[$i]), 120, "\n", TRUE);
        $DOM->AddChild('Into', new Tag('PRE', array('class' => 'Script'), Implode("\n", $Actions)));
        if (Is_Error($DOM->Build(FALSE))) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        return array('Status' => 'Ok', 'DOM' => $DOM->Object);
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
     $r_title = '';
     $error = _SELECT_TEXT;
     $chtext = $text;
     $chcena = $cena;
 } else {
     // extract unsecure characters
     $cena = HTMLSpecialChars($cena);
     $text = SubStr($text, 0, 1500);
     // limit 1500 znakov
     $text = Trim($text);
     // trim spaces on start and end
     $text = HTMLSpecialChars($text);
     // extract unsecure characters
     $text = Str_Replace("\r\n", " <BR> ", $text);
     // relpace ends whit tag <BR>
     $text = WordWrap($text, 90, "\n", 1);
     // break long words
     // crete anchors
     $text = EregI_Replace("(http://[^ ]+\\.[^ ]+)", " <a href=\\1>\\1</a>", $text);
     $text = EregI_Replace("[^/](www\\.[^ ]+\\.[^ ]+)", " <a href=http://\\1>\\1</a>", $text);
     // povolí tyto tagy - <b> <u> <i>, možnost pøidat další
     $tag = array("b", "u", "i");
     for ($y = 0; $y < Count($tag); $y++) {
         $text = EregI_Replace("<" . $tag[$y] . ">", "<" . $tag[$y] . ">", $text);
         $text = EregI_Replace("</" . $tag[$y] . ">", "</" . $tag[$y] . ">", $text);
     $time = time();
     // timestamp
     $platnost = Date("Y-m-d", Time() + $platn * 24 * 3600);
     $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uniletim_subsections WHERE sub_id = '{$pri}' AND ul_group = '{$sess['4']}'");
예제 #7
$Lines = Max(10, $Lines);
$Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Logs = SPrintF('%s/logs', $Tmp);
$Command = SPrintF('tail -n %u %s/%s', $Lines, $Logs, $Log);
if ($Search) {
    $Command .= SPrintF(' | grep %s', EscapeShellArg($Search));
$Command .= ' 2>&1';
Exec($Command, $Result);
Array_UnShift($Result, SPrintF("%s\n", $Command));
if ($IsWrap) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Result); $i++) {
        $Result[$i] = WordWrap($Result[$i], 100, "\n", TRUE);
return Implode("\n", $Result);