예제 #1
 } else {
     $AlbumDirName = str_replace(SERVERPATH, '', $gallery->albumdir);
     zp_error(gettext("The album couldn't be created in the 'albums' folder. This is usually a permissions problem. Try setting the permissions on the albums and cache folders to be world-writable using a shell:") . " <code>chmod 777 " . $AlbumDirName . CACHEFOLDER . "</code>, " . gettext("or use your FTP program to give everyone write permissions to those folders."));
 $error = false;
 foreach ($_FILES['files']['error'] as $key => $error) {
     if ($_FILES['files']['name'][$key] == "") {
     if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         $tmp_name = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$key];
         $name = $_FILES['files']['name'][$key];
         $soename = UTF8toFilesystem(seoFriendlyURL($name));
         if (is_valid_image($name) || is_valid_other_type($name)) {
             $uploadfile = $uploaddir . '/' . $soename;
             move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploadfile);
             @chmod($uploadfile, 0666 & CHMOD_VALUE);
             $image = newImage($album, $soename);
             if ($name != $soename) {
         } else {
             if (is_zip($name)) {
                 unzip($tmp_name, $uploaddir);
예제 #2
 * Unzips an image archive
 * @param file $file the archive
 * @param string $dir where the images go
function unzip($file, $dir)
    //check if zziplib is installed
    if (function_exists('zip_open')) {
        $zip = zip_open($file);
        if ($zip) {
            while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
                // Skip non-images in the zip file.
                $fname = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
                $soename = UTF8toFilesystem(seoFriendlyURL($fname));
                if (is_valid_image($soename) || is_valid_other_type($soename)) {
                    if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
                        $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
                        $path_file = str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir . '/' . $soename);
                        $fp = fopen($path_file, "w");
                        fwrite($fp, $buf);
                        $albumname = substr($dir, strlen(getAlbumFolder()));
                        $album = new Album(new Gallery(), $albumname);
                        $image = newImage($album, $soename);
                        if ($fname != $soename) {
    } else {
        // Use Zlib http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/index.en.php
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib-pclzip.php';
        $zip = new PclZip($file);
        if ($zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $dir, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH) == 0) {
            die("Error : " . $zip->errorInfo(true));