function TS_VCSC_Timeline_CSS_Function_Section($atts) { global $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS; ob_start(); extract(shortcode_atts(array('section' => '', 'section_icon' => '', 'icon_color' => '#7c7979', 'tooltipster_offsetx' => 0, 'tooltipster_offsety' => 0, 'el_id' => '', 'el_class' => '', 'css' => ''), $atts)); $media_string = ''; $output = ''; $randomizer = mt_rand(999999, 9999999); if (!empty($el_id)) { $timeline_id = $el_id; } else { $timeline_id = 'ts-vcsc-timeline-section-' . $randomizer; } // Retrieve Timeline Post $timeline_array = array(); $category_fields = array(); $args = array('no_found_rows' => 1, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'ts_timeline', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'ASC'); $timeline_query = new WP_Query($args); if ($timeline_query->have_posts()) { foreach ($timeline_query->posts as $p) { if ($p->ID == $section) { // Retrieve Post Categories $section_categories = get_the_terms($p->ID, 'ts_timeline_category'); $array_categories = array(); if ($section_categories != false) { foreach ($section_categories as $category) { $array_categories[] = $category->name; } } $section_categories = join(",", $array_categories); // Retrieve Post Tags $sections_tags = get_the_terms($p->ID, 'ts_timeline_tags'); $array_tags = array(); if ($sections_tags != false) { foreach ($sections_tags as $tag) { $array_tags[] = $tag->name; } } $sections_tags = join(",", $array_tags); // Build Data Array $timeline_data = array('author' => $p->post_author, 'name' => $p->post_name, 'title' => $p->post_title, 'id' => $p->ID, 'categories' => $section_categories, 'tags' => $sections_tags); $timeline_array[] = $timeline_data; $array_categories = array(); $array_tags = array(); } } } wp_reset_postdata(); // Section Main Data foreach ($timeline_array as $index => $array) { $Section_Author = $timeline_array[$index]['author']; $Section_Name = $timeline_array[$index]['name']; $Section_Title = $timeline_array[$index]['title']; $Section_ID = $timeline_array[$index]['id']; $Section_Categories = $timeline_array[$index]['categories']; $Section_Tags = $timeline_array[$index]['tags']; } // Retrieve Timeline Post Meta Content $custom_fields = get_post_custom($Section_ID); $custom_fields_array = array(); foreach ($custom_fields as $field_key => $field_values) { if (!isset($field_values[0])) { continue; } if (in_array($field_key, array("_edit_lock", "_edit_last"))) { continue; } if (strpos($field_key, 'ts_vcsc_timeline_') !== false) { if ($field_key == "ts_vcsc_timeline_media_featuredimage_id") { $field_key = "ts_vcsc_timeline_media_featuredimageid"; } $field_key_split = explode("_", $field_key); $field_key_length = count($field_key_split) - 1; $custom_data = array('group' => $field_key_split[$field_key_length - 1], 'name' => 'Timeline_' . ucfirst($field_key_split[$field_key_length]), 'value' => $field_values[0]); $custom_fields_array[] = $custom_data; } } foreach ($custom_fields_array as $index => $array) { ${$custom_fields_array[$index]['name']} = $custom_fields_array[$index]['value']; } if (function_exists('vc_shortcode_custom_css_class')) { $css_class = apply_filters(VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, 'ts-timeline-css-section ' . $el_class . ' ' . vc_shortcode_custom_css_class($css, ' '), 'TS_VCSC_Timeline_CSS_Section', $atts); } else { $css_class = 'ts-timeline-css-section ' . $el_class; } if ($VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode == "true") { $vc_inline = 'true'; $vc_inline_style = ' display: block;'; } else { $vc_inline = 'false'; $vc_inline_style = ''; } if ($vc_inline == "false") { // Tooltip String if (isset($Timeline_Tooltiptext)) { if (isset($Timeline_Tooltipstyle)) { $tooltip_style = "tooltipster-" . $Timeline_Tooltipstyle; } else { $tooltip_style = "tooltipster-black"; } if (isset($Timeline_Tooltipposition)) { $tooltip_position = $Timeline_Tooltipposition; } else { $tooltip_position = 'top'; } $tooltip_content = 'data-tooltipster-html="true" data-tooltipster-title="" data-tooltipster-text="' . base64_encode($Timeline_Tooltiptext) . '" data-tooltipster-image="" data-tooltipster-position="' . $tooltip_position . '" data-tooltipster-touch="false" data-tooltipster-arrow="true" data-tooltipster-theme="' . $tooltip_style . '" data-tooltipster-animation="swing" data-tooltipster-trigger="hover" data-tooltipster-offsetx="' . $tooltipster_offsetx . '" data-tooltipster-offsety="' . $tooltipster_offsety . '"'; $tooltip_class = 'ts-has-tooltipster-tooltip'; } else { $tooltip_content = ''; $tooltip_class = ''; } // Border Radius if (isset($Timeline_Radiusborder)) { $border_radius = $Timeline_Radiusborder; } else { $border_radius = ''; } // Timeline Event if ($Timeline_Type == "event") { // Feature Media Alignment if (isset($Timeline_Featuredmediaalign)) { if ($Timeline_Featuredmediaalign == "center") { $image_alignment = "margin: 5px auto; float: none;"; } else { if ($Timeline_Featuredmediaalign == "left") { $image_alignment = "margin: 5px 0; float: left;"; } else { if ($Timeline_Featuredmediaalign == "right") { $image_alignment = "margin: 5px 0; float: right;"; } } } } else { $image_alignment = "margin: 5px auto; float: none;"; } // Feature Media Dimensions $image_dimensions = 'width: 100%; height: auto;'; $parent_dimensions = 'width: ' . $Timeline_Featuredmediawidth . '%; ' . $Timeline_Featuredmediaheight; // Lightbox Background Color if (isset($Timeline_Lightboxbacklight)) { if ($Timeline_Lightboxbacklight == "auto") { $nacho_color = ''; } else { if ($Timeline_Lightboxbacklight == "custom") { $nacho_color = 'data-color="' . $Timeline_Lightboxbacklightcolor . '"'; } else { if ($Timeline_Lightboxbacklight == "hideit") { $nacho_color = 'data-color="#000000"'; } } } } else { $nacho_color = ''; } // Adjustment for Inline Edit Mode of VC if ($VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode == "true") { $Timeline_Fullwidth = 'true'; $vcinline_active = 'true'; $vcinline_class = ''; $vcinline_slider = 'owl-carousel2-edit'; } else { $Timeline_Fullwidth = $Timeline_Fullwidth; $vcinline_active = 'false'; $vcinline_class = ''; $vcinline_slider = 'owl-carousel2'; } // Featured Media if (isset($Timeline_Featuredmedia)) { // Featured Media: Image if ($Timeline_Featuredmedia == 'image') { if (isset($Timeline_Featuredimageid)) { $media_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($Timeline_Featuredimageid, 'large'); if ($media_image != false) { $image_extension = pathinfo($media_image[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (isset($Timeline_Attributealtvalue)) { $alt_attribute = $Timeline_Attributealtvalue; } else { $alt_attribute = basename($Timeline_Featuredimage, "." . $image_extension); } if (isset($Timeline_Attributetitle)) { $media_title = $Timeline_Attributetitle; } else { if (isset($Timeline_Eventtitletext)) { $media_title = $Timeline_Eventtitletext; } else { $media_title = ''; } } if ($Timeline_Lightboxfeatured == "false") { $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-media" style="' . $parent_dimensions . '; ' . $image_alignment . '">'; $media_string .= '<img class="" src="' . $media_image[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_attribute . '" style="max-width: ' . $media_image[1] . 'px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '</div>'; } else { $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-media nchgrid-item nchgrid-tile nch-lightbox-image" style="' . $parent_dimensions . '; ' . $image_alignment . '">'; $media_string .= '<a href="' . $media_image[0] . '" class="nch-lightbox-media no-ajaxy" data-thumbnail="' . $media_image[0] . '" data-title="' . $media_title . '" rel="' . ($Timeline_Lightboxgroup == "true" ? "timelinegroup" : (isset($Timeline_Lightboxgroupname) ? $Timeline_Lightboxgroupname : "")) . '" data-share="0" data-effect="' . $Timeline_Lightboxeffect . '" data-duration="5000" ' . $nacho_color . '>'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $media_image[0] . '" alt="' . $alt_attribute . '" title="" style="max-width: ' . $media_image[1] . 'px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if ($media_title != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . $media_title . 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'">'; $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-slides">'; foreach ($featured_slider as $single_image) { $i++; $modal_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($single_image, 'full'); if ($modal_image != false) { $modal_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($single_image, 'thumb'); $image_ratio = $modal_image[1] / $modal_image[2]; $image_height = $modal_image[2] > $featured_maxheight ? $featured_maxheight : $modal_image[2]; $image_width = round($image_height * $image_ratio, 0); $image_extension = pathinfo($modal_image[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $featured_images[] = $modal_thumb[0]; if ($Timeline_Lightboxfeatured == "false") { if ($i == 0 && $vcinline_active == "true" || $vcinline_active == "false") { $media_string .= '<div id="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-image-' . $single_image . '-parent" class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-image-parent nchgrid-item nchgrid-tile nch-lightbox-image ts-timeline-css-imageslider-item ' . ($i == 0 ? "ts-timeline-css-slider-view-active" : "ts-timeline-css-slider-view-hidden") . '" data-width="' . $modal_image[1] . '" data-height="' . $modal_image[2] . '" data-ratio="' . $modal_image[1] / $modal_image[2] . '" data-order="' . $i . '" data-total="' . count($featured_slider) . '">'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $modal_image[0] . '" style="max-width: ' . $image_width . 'px; max-height: ' . $image_height . 'px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if (isset($titles_array[$i]) && $titles_array[$i] != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . strip_tags($titles_array[$i]) . '</div>'; } $media_string .= '</div>'; } } else { if ($i == $nachoLength && $vcinline_active == "false") { $media_string .= '<div id="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-image-' . $single_image . 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'" data-share="0" data-autoplay="0" data-duration="5000" data-thumbsize="100" data-thumbs="bottom" ' . $nacho_color . '>'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $modal_image[0] . '" style="max-width: ' . $image_width . 'px; max-height: ' . $image_height . 'px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if (isset($titles_array[$i]) && $titles_array[$i] != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . strip_tags($titles_array[$i]) . '</div>'; } $media_string .= '</a>'; $media_string .= '</div>'; } else { if ($i == 0 && $vcinline_active == "true" || $vcinline_active == "false") { $media_string .= '<div id="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-image-' . $single_image . '-parent" class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-image-parent nchgrid-item nchgrid-tile nch-lightbox-image ts-timeline-css-imageslider-item ' . ($i == 0 ? "ts-timeline-css-slider-view-active" : "ts-timeline-css-slider-view-hidden") . '" data-width="' . $modal_image[1] . '" data-height="' . $modal_image[2] . '" data-ratio="' . $modal_image[1] / $modal_image[2] . '" data-order="' . $i . '" data-total="' . count($featured_slider) . '">'; $media_string .= '<a id="' . $timeline_id . '-' . $single_image . '" href="' . $modal_image[0] . '" data-thumbnail="' . $modal_image[0] . '" data-title="' . (isset($titles_array[$i]) && $titles_array[$i] != '' ? strip_tags($titles_array[$i]) : '') . '" class="nch-lightbox-media no-ajaxy ts-hover-image ' . $timeline_id . '-slider-image" rel="' . ($Timeline_Lightboxgroup == "true" ? "timelinegroup" : (isset($Timeline_Lightboxgroupname) ? $Timeline_Lightboxgroupname : "")) . '" data-effect="' . $Timeline_Lightboxeffect . '" ' . $nacho_color . '>'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $modal_image[0] . '" style="max-width: ' . $image_width . 'px; max-height: ' . $image_height . 'px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if (isset($titles_array[$i]) && $titles_array[$i] != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . strip_tags($titles_array[$i]) . '</div>'; } $media_string .= '</a>'; $media_string .= '</div>'; } } } } } $media_string .= '</div>'; $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-navigation">'; $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-dotholder">'; $i = -1; foreach ($featured_slider as $single_image) { $i++; $media_string .= '<div class="ts-timeline-css-imageslider-dot ' . ($i == 0 ? "ts-timeline-css-imageslider-dotactive" : "") . ' ts-has-tooltipster-tooltip" data-order="' . $i . '" data-image="' . (isset($featured_images[$i]) ? $featured_images[$i] : "") . '" data-tooltipster-html="false" data-tooltipster-title="" data-tooltipster-text="" data-tooltipster-image="' . (isset($featured_images[$i]) ? $featured_images[$i] : "") . 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'; ' . $image_alignment . '">'; $media_string .= '<a href="' . $featured_youtube_url . '" class="nch-lightbox-media no-ajaxy" data-thumbnail="' . $media_image . '" data-title="' . $media_title . '" data-related="' . $video_related . '" data-videoplay="' . $video_autoplay . '" data-type="youtube" rel="' . ($Timeline_Lightboxgroup == "true" ? "timelinegroup" : (isset($Timeline_Lightboxgroupname) ? $Timeline_Lightboxgroupname : "")) . '" data-share="0" data-effect="' . (isset($Timeline_Lightboxeffect) ? $Timeline_Lightboxeffect : 'random') . '" data-duration="5000" ' . $nacho_color . '>'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $media_image . '" title="" style="display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if ($media_title != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . $media_title . 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'">'; $media_string .= '<a href="' . $featured_youtube_url . '" class="nch-lightbox-media no-ajaxy" data-thumbnail="' . $media_image . '" data-title="' . $media_title . '" data-related="' . $video_related . '" data-videoplay="' . $video_autoplay . '" data-type="youtube" rel="' . ($Timeline_Lightboxgroup == "true" ? "timelinegroup" : (isset($Timeline_Lightboxgroupname) ? $Timeline_Lightboxgroupname : "")) . '" data-share="0" data-effect="' . (isset($Timeline_Lightboxeffect) ? $Timeline_Lightboxeffect : 'random') . '" data-duration="5000" ' . $nacho_color . '>'; $media_string .= '<img src="' . $media_image . '" title="" style="display: block; ' . $image_dimensions . '">'; $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption"></div>'; if ($media_title != '') { $media_string .= '<div class="nchgrid-caption-text">' . $media_title . 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""; //$trianglify_stringx[] = "#" . substr($value, (strrpos($value, '#') ? strrpos($value, '#') : -1) + 1) . ""; $trianglyfy_position = TS_VCSC_STRRPOS_String($value, '#', 0); $trianglify_stringx[] = "#" . substr($value, ($trianglyfy_position != false ? $trianglyfy_position : -1) + 1) . ""; } $trianglify_stringx = implode(",", $trianglify_stringx); } else { $trianglify_stringx = $trianglify_predefined[$trianglify_colorsx]; } } // Vertical Pattern if ($trianglify_colorsy == "match_x") { $trianglify_stringy = $trianglify_stringx; } else { if ($trianglify_colorsy == "random") { //$trianglify_random = rand(0, count($trianglify_predefined) - 1); //$trianglify_allkeys = array_keys($trianglify_predefined)[$trianglify_random]; //$trianglify_stringy = $trianglify_predefined[$trianglify_allkeys]; $trianglify_stringy = $trianglify_predefined[array_rand($trianglify_predefined)]; } else { if ($trianglify_colorsy == "custom") { $trianglify_array = explode(";", $trianglify_generatory); $trianglify_array = TS_VCSC_GetContentsBetween($trianglify_array[0], 'color-stop(', ')'); $trianglify_stringy = array(); $trianglyfy_position = 0; foreach ($trianglify_array as $key => $value) { //$trianglify_stringy[] = "#" . substr($value, (strrpos($value, '#') ? : -1) + 1) . ""; //$trianglify_stringy[] = "#" . substr($value, (strrpos($value, '#') ? strrpos($value, '#') : -1) + 1) . ""; $trianglyfy_position = TS_VCSC_STRRPOS_String($value, '#', 0); $trianglify_stringy[] = "#" . substr($value, ($trianglyfy_position != false ? $trianglyfy_position : -1) + 1) . ""; } $trianglify_stringy = implode(",", $trianglify_stringy); } else { $trianglify_stringy = $trianglify_predefined[$trianglify_colorsy]; } } } if ($raster_use == "true" && $raster_type != '') { $raster_content = '<div class="ts-background-raster" style="background-image: url(' . $raster_type . ');"></div>'; } else { $raster_content = ''; } if ($overlay_use == "true" && $overlay_color != '') { $overlay_content = '<div class="ts-background-overlay" style="background: ' . $overlay_color . ';"></div>'; } else { $overlay_content = ''; } if ($frontend == "true") { $output .= '<div id="' . $background_id . '" class="ts-pageback-trianglify-edit ' . $css_class . ' ' . $el_class . 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"border: none; margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0;" : "") . ' ' . $title_margin . '">' . $title_text . '</h3>'; } if (!empty($icon) && $icon != "transparent" || !empty($content)) { $output .= '<div style="width: 100%; display: block; float: left; position: relative; padding-bottom: 15px; ' . (empty($content) && !empty($icon) ? "height: 60px;" : "") . '">'; if (!empty($icon) && $icon != "transparent") { $output .= '<div class="ts-timeline-icon ts-timeline-icon-half" style="' . (empty($content) ? "display: inline-block; width: 100%; left: 0;" : "") . '"><i class="' . $icon . '" style="color: ' . $icon_color . ';"></i></div>'; } if (!empty($content)) { $output .= '<div class="ts-timeline-text-wrap-inner" style="' . (empty($icon) ? "width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0;" : "") . '">'; if (function_exists('wpb_js_remove_wpautop')) { $output .= '<div class="ts-timeline-text" style="">' . wpb_js_remove_wpautop(do_shortcode($content), true) . 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// Check for Frontend Editor Mode if ($VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode == "true") { $frontend_edit = 'true'; } else { $frontend_edit = 'false'; } // Check if Extended Row Options Utilized if ($ts_row_bg_effects != "" || !empty($animation_view) || $ts_equalize_columns == 'true') { $extended_effects = "true"; } else { $extended_effects = "false"; } if ($VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_LoadFrontEndWaypoints == "true" && $extended_effects == "true") { if (wp_script_is('waypoints', $list = 'registered')) { wp_enqueue_script('waypoints'); } else { wp_enqueue_script('ts-extend-waypoints'); } } if ($VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_LoadFrontEndForcable == "false" && $extended_effects == "true") { wp_enqueue_style('ts-extend-animations'); wp_enqueue_style('ts-visual-composer-extend-front'); wp_enqueue_script('ts-visual-composer-extend-front'); } $output = ""; $randomizer = mt_rand(999999, 9999999); // Check for Row Padding/Margin Offsets if ($TS_VCSC_RowOffsetSettings == 0) { $row_offsetsallow = 'data-offsetsallow="false"'; 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'" data-column-stack="' . $ts_equalize_stack . '"'; $column_equalize_class = 'ts-columns-equalize-enabled'; } else { $column_equalize_string = 'data-column-equalize="false"'; $column_equalize_class = 'ts-columns-equalize-disabled'; } // Row Toggle Settings $row_toggle_limits = $TS_VCSC_RowToggleLimits; $large_default = 'true'; $large_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Large Devices']; $medium_default = 'true'; $medium_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Medium Devices']; $small_default = 'true'; $small_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Small Devices']; $extra_default = 'true'; $extra_limit = 0; if (($large_default != $show_large || $medium_default != $show_medium || $small_default != $show_small || $extra_default != $show_extra) && $frontend_edit == "false") { $row_toggle_trigger = 'true'; $row_toggle_class = $column_equalize_class . ' ts-composium-row-background ts-device-visibility'; $row_toggle_string = $column_equalize_string . ' data-width-current="" data-width-break="' . get_option('ts_vcsc_extend_settings_additionsRowEffectsBreak', '600') . '" data-showremove="' . $show_remove . '" data-largeshow="' . $show_large . '" data-largelimit="' . $large_limit . '" data-mediumshow="' . $show_medium . '" data-mediumlimit="' . $medium_limit . '" data-smallshow="' . $show_small . '" data-smalllimit="' . $small_limit . '" data-extrashow="' . $show_extra . '" data-extralimit="' . $extra_limit . '"'; } else { $row_toggle_trigger = 'false'; $row_toggle_class = $column_equalize_class . ' ts-composium-row-background'; $row_toggle_string = $column_equalize_string . ' data-width-current="" data-width-break="' . get_option('ts_vcsc_extend_settings_additionsRowEffectsBreak', '600') . '"'; } // Ken Burns Effect if ($ts_row_kenburns_animation != 'null') { if ($ts_row_kenburns_animation == 'random') { $kenburns_effects = array('centerZoom', 'centerZoomFadeOut', 'centerZoomFadeIn', 'kenburns', 'kenburnsLeft', 'kenburnsRight', 'kenburnsUp', 'kenburnsUpLeft', 'kenburnsUpRight', 'kenburnsDown', 'kenburnsDownLeft', 'kenburnsDownRight'); $kenburns_animation = 'ts-css-animation-' . $kenburns_effects[array_rand($kenburns_effects, 1)]; } else { $kenburns_animation = 'ts-css-animation-' . $ts_row_kenburns_animation; } $kenburns_string = 'data-kenburns-set="true" data-kenburns-animation="' . $kenburns_animation . '"'; } else { $kenburns_animation = ''; $kenburns_string = 'data-kenburns-set="false"'; } // No Background Effect if ($row_toggle_trigger == "true") { if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "") { $output .= '<div id="' . $row_toggle_class . '-' . $randomizer . '" class="' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . 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" " . $row_offsetsallow . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_standard . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "'>"; if ($ts_row_kenburns_animation != 'null') { $output .= '<div class="ts-background-kenburns-wrapper"><div class="ts-background-kenburns-parent"><div class="ts-background-kenburns-image ' . $kenburns_animation . '"></div></div></div>'; } $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } // Fixed Background Image if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "fixed") { $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); if ($ts_row_bg_position == "custom") { $ts_row_bg_position = $ts_row_bg_position_custom; } $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='ts-background-fixed ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " " . $row_offsetsallow . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_standard . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . 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'</div></div>'; $svg_enabled = 'true'; } else { $svg_top_content = ''; } if ($svg_bottom_on == "true") { $svg_bottom_content = '<div id="ts-background-separator-bottom-' . $randomizer . '" class="ts-background-separator-container" style="height: ' . $svg_bottom_height . 'px; top: auto; bottom: ' . $svg_bottom_position . 'px; z-index: ' . (1 + $ts_row_zindex) . ';"><div class="ts-background-separator-wrap ts-background-separator-bottom' . ($svg_bottom_flip == "true" ? "-flip" : "") . '" data-random="' . $randomizer . '" data-height="' . $svg_bottom_height . '" data-position="bottom" style="height: ' . $svg_bottom_height . 'px;">' . TS_VCSC_GetRowSeparator($svg_bottom_style, $svg_bottom_color1, $svg_bottom_color2, $svg_bottom_height) . '</div></div>'; $svg_enabled = 'true'; } else { $svg_bottom_content = ''; } // Row Toggle Settings $row_toggle_limits = $TS_VCSC_RowToggleLimits; $large_default = 'true'; $large_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Large Devices']; $medium_default = 'true'; $medium_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Medium Devices']; $small_default = 'true'; $small_limit = $row_toggle_limits['Small Devices']; $extra_default = 'true'; $extra_limit = 0; if (($large_default != $show_large || $medium_default != $show_medium || $small_default != $show_small || $extra_default != $show_extra) && $frontend_edit == "false") { $row_toggle_trigger = 'true'; $row_toggle_class = 'ts-composium-row-background ts-device-visibility'; $row_toggle_string = 'data-width-current="" data-width-break="' . get_option('ts_vcsc_extend_settings_additionsRowEffectsBreak', '600') . '" data-showremove="' . $show_remove . '" data-largeshow="' . $show_large . '" data-largelimit="' . $large_limit . '" data-mediumshow="' . $show_medium . '" data-mediumlimit="' . $medium_limit . '" data-smallshow="' . $show_small . '" data-smalllimit="' . $small_limit . '" data-extrashow="' . $show_extra . '" data-extralimit="' . $extra_limit . '"'; } else { $row_toggle_trigger = 'false'; $row_toggle_class = 'ts-composium-row-background'; $row_toggle_string = 'data-width-current="" data-width-break="' . get_option('ts_vcsc_extend_settings_additionsRowEffectsBreak', '600') . '"'; } // No Background Effect if ($row_toggle_trigger == "true") { if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "") { $output .= '<div id="' . $row_toggle_class . '-' . $randomizer . '" class="' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . '></div>'; } } // Simple Background Image if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "image") { $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); if ($ts_row_bg_position == "custom") { $ts_row_bg_position = $ts_row_bg_position_custom; } $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='ts-background-image ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_standard . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "'>"; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } // Fixed Background Image if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "fixed") { $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); if ($ts_row_bg_position == "custom") { $ts_row_bg_position = $ts_row_bg_position_custom; } $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='ts-background-fixed ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_standard . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "'>"; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } // Parallax Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "parallax") { $parallaxClass = $ts_row_parallax_type == "none" ? "" : "ts-background-parallax"; $parallaxClass = in_array($ts_row_parallax_type, array("none", "fixed", "up", "down", "left", "right", "ts-background-parallax")) ? $parallaxClass : ""; if ($ts_row_parallax_type == "up" || $ts_row_parallax_type == "down") { $ts_row_bg_alignment = $ts_row_bg_alignment_v; } else { if ($ts_row_parallax_type == "left" || $ts_row_parallax_type == "right") { $ts_row_bg_alignment = $ts_row_bg_alignment_h; } } if (!empty($parallaxClass)) { $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); $ts_row_parallax_speed = round($ts_row_parallax_speed / 100, 2); $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='" . esc_attr($parallaxClass) . " ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-disabled='false' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_parallax . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-alignment='" . $ts_row_bg_alignment . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-direction='" . esc_attr($ts_row_parallax_type) . "' data-momentum='" . esc_attr((double) $ts_row_parallax_speed * -1) . "' data-mobile-enabled='" . esc_attr($enable_mobile) . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "'>"; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } } // AutoMove Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "automove") { $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); if ($ts_row_automove_align == "horizontal") { $ts_row_automove_path = $ts_row_automove_path_h; } else { if ($ts_row_automove_align == "vertical") { $ts_row_automove_path = $ts_row_automove_path_v; } } $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='ts-background-automove ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_standard . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='repeat 0 0' data-scroll='" . $ts_row_automove_scroll . "' data-alignment='" . $ts_row_automove_align . "' data-direction='" . $ts_row_automove_path . "' data-speed='" . $ts_row_automove_speed . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "'>"; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } // Movement Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "movement") { wp_enqueue_script('ts-extend-parallaxify'); $ts_row_bg_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ts_row_bg_image, $ts_row_bg_source); $ts_row_movement_data = ' data-allowx="' . $ts_row_movement_x_allow . '" data-movex="' . $ts_row_movement_x_ratio . '" data-allowy="' . $ts_row_movement_y_allow . '" data-movey="' . $ts_row_movement_y_ratio . '" data-allowcontent="' . $ts_row_movement_content . '"'; $output .= "<div id='ts-background-main-" . $randomizer . "' class='ts-background-movement ts-background " . $row_toggle_class . " " . $blur_class . "' " . $row_toggle_string . " data-svgshape='" . $svg_enabled . "' data-random='" . $randomizer . "' data-image-width='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[1] . "' data-image-height='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[2] . "' data-type='" . $ts_row_bg_effects . "' data-inline='" . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . "' data-disabled='false' data-height='" . $ts_row_min_height . "' data-screen='" . $ts_row_screen_height . "' data-offset='" . $ts_row_screen_offset . "' data-blur='" . $blur_factor . "' data-index='" . $ts_row_zindex . "' data-marginleft='" . $margin_left . "' data-marginright='" . $margin_right . "' data-paddingtop='" . $padding_top . "' data-paddingbottom='" . $padding_bottom . "' data-image='" . $ts_row_bg_image_url[0] . "' data-size='" . $ts_row_bg_size_parallax . "' data-position='" . esc_attr($ts_row_bg_position) . "' data-repeat='" . $ts_row_bg_repeat . "' data-mobile-enabled='" . esc_attr($enable_mobile) . "' data-break-parents='" . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . "' " . $ts_row_movement_data . ">"; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= "</div>"; } // Selfhosted Video Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "video") { wp_enqueue_style('ts-font-mediaplayer'); wp_enqueue_style('ts-extend-wallpaper'); wp_enqueue_script('ts-extend-wallpaper'); if (!empty($video_image)) { $video_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($video_image, 'full'); $video_image_url = $video_image_url[0]; } else { $video_image_url = ""; } $output .= '<div id="ts-background-main-' . $randomizer . '" class="ts-background-video ts-background ' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . ' data-svgshape="' . $svg_enabled . '" data-random="' . $randomizer . '" data-type="' . $ts_row_bg_effects . '" data-inline="' . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . '" data-height="' . $ts_row_min_height . '" data-screen="' . $ts_row_screen_height . '" data-offset="' . $ts_row_screen_offset . '" data-blur="' . $blur_factor . '" data-index="' . $ts_row_zindex . '" data-marginleft="' . $margin_left . '" data-marginright="' . $margin_right . '" data-paddingtop="' . $padding_top . '" data-paddingbottom="' . $padding_bottom . '" data-raster="' . ($ts_row_raster_use == "true" && $ts_row_raster_type != '' ? $ts_row_raster_type : "") . '" data-overlay="' . ($ts_row_overlay_use == "true" && $ts_row_overlay_color != '' ? $ts_row_overlay_color : "") . '" data-mp4="' . $video_mp4 . '" data-ogv="' . $video_ogv . '" data-webm="' . $video_webm . '" data-image="' . $video_image_url . '" data-controls="' . $video_controls . '" data-start="' . $video_start . '" data-stop="' . $video_stop . '" data-hover="' . $video_hover . '" data-loop="' . $video_loop . '" data-remove="' . $video_remove . '" data-mute="' . $video_mute . '" data-break-parents="' . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . '">'; $output .= '<div class="ts-background-video-holder" style=""></div>'; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= '</div>'; } // Youtube Video Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "youtube") { if (preg_match('~((http|https|ftp|ftps)://|www.)(.+?)~', $video_youtube)) { $video_youtube = $video_youtube; } else { $video_youtube = '' . $video_youtube; } if (!empty($video_background)) { $video_background = wp_get_attachment_image_src($video_background, 'full'); $video_background = $video_background[0]; } else { $video_background = TS_VCSC_VideoImage_Youtube($video_youtube); } wp_enqueue_script('ts-extend-ytplayer'); wp_enqueue_style('ts-extend-ytplayer'); $output .= '<div id="ts-background-main-' . $randomizer . '" class="ts-background-youtube ts-background ' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . ' data-svgshape="' . $svg_enabled . '" data-random="' . $randomizer . '" data-type="' . $ts_row_bg_effects . '" data-inline="' . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . '" data-height="' . $ts_row_min_height . '" data-screen="' . $ts_row_screen_height . '" data-offset="' . $ts_row_screen_offset . '" data-blur="' . $blur_factor . '" data-index="' . $ts_row_zindex . '" data-marginleft="' . $margin_left . '" data-marginright="' . $margin_right . '" data-paddingtop="' . $padding_top . '" data-paddingbottom="' . $padding_bottom . '" data-image="' . $video_background . '" data-video="' . $video_youtube . '" data-controls="' . $video_controls . '" data-start="' . $video_start . '" data-stop="' . $video_stop . '" data-hover="' . $video_hover . '" data-raster="' . $video_raster . '" data-mute="' . $video_mute . '" data-loop="' . $video_loop . '" data-remove="' . $video_remove . '" data-break-parents="' . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . '">'; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $overlay_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= '</div>'; } // Vimeo Video Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "vimeo") { } // Single Color Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "single") { $output .= '<div id="ts-background-main-' . $randomizer . '" class="ts-background-single ts-background ' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . ' style="display: none; background-color: ' . $single_color . ';" data-svgshape="' . $svg_enabled . '" data-random="' . $randomizer . '" data-type="' . $ts_row_bg_effects . '" data-inline="' . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . '" data-color="' . $single_color . '" data-height="' . $ts_row_min_height . '" data-screen="' . $ts_row_screen_height . '" data-offset="' . $ts_row_screen_offset . '" data-blur="' . $blur_factor . '" data-index="' . $ts_row_zindex . '" data-marginleft="' . $margin_left . '" data-marginright="' . $margin_right . '" data-paddingtop="' . $padding_top . '" data-paddingbottom="' . $padding_bottom . '" data-break-parents="' . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . '">'; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= '</div>'; } // Gradient Background if ($ts_row_bg_effects == "gradient") { if ($gradiant_advanced == 'false') { $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: ' . $gradient_color_start . ''; $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(' . $gradient_angle . 'deg, ' . $gradient_color_start . ' ' . $gradient_start_offset . '%, ' . $gradient_color_end . ' ' . $gradient_end_offset . '%)'; $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(' . $gradient_angle . 'deg, ' . $gradient_color_start . ' ' . $gradient_start_offset . '%, ' . $gradient_color_end . ' ' . $gradient_end_offset . '%)'; $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: -o-linear-gradient(' . $gradient_angle . 'deg, ' . $gradient_color_start . ' ' . $gradient_start_offset . '%, ' . $gradient_color_end . ' ' . $gradient_end_offset . '%)'; $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(' . $gradient_angle . 'deg, ' . $gradient_color_start . ' ' . $gradient_start_offset . '%, ' . $gradient_color_end . ' ' . $gradient_end_offset . '%)'; $gradient_css_attr[] = 'background: linear-gradient(' . $gradient_angle . 'deg, ' . $gradient_color_start . ' ' . $gradient_start_offset . '%, ' . $gradient_color_end . ' ' . $gradient_end_offset . '%)'; $gradient_css_attr = implode('; ', $gradient_css_attr); } else { $gradient_css_attr = $gradient_generator; } $output .= '<div id="ts-background-main-' . $randomizer . '" class="ts-background-gradient ts-background ' . $row_toggle_class . '" ' . $row_toggle_string . ' style="display: none; ' . $gradient_css_attr . '" data-svgshape="' . $svg_enabled . '" data-random="' . $randomizer . '" data-type="' . $ts_row_bg_effects . '" data-inline="' . $VISUAL_COMPOSER_EXTENSIONS->TS_VCSC_VCFrontEditMode . '" data-height="' . $ts_row_min_height . '" data-screen="' . $ts_row_screen_height . '" data-offset="' . $ts_row_screen_offset . '" data-blur="' . $blur_factor . '" data-index="' . $ts_row_zindex . '" data-marginleft="' . $margin_left . '" data-marginright="' . $margin_right . '" data-paddingtop="' . $padding_top . '" data-paddingbottom="' . $padding_bottom . '" data-break-parents="' . esc_attr($ts_row_break_parents) . '">'; $output .= $svg_top_content; $output .= $raster_content; $output .= $svg_bottom_content; $output .= '</div>'; } if ($frontend_edit == "false") { echo $output; } $myvariable = ob_get_clean(); return $myvariable; }