function getGroupPopedom($groupid)
     if ($groupid) {
         $arrPopedomList = $this->where('groupid=' . $groupid)->field('menuid,modelid,arraction,type')->findAll();
         foreach ($arrPopedomList as $key => $val) {
             $modelname = TS_D('SyNode')->where('id=' . $val['modelid'])->field('name')->find();
             $arraction = unserialize($val['arraction']);
             $map['id'] = array('in', $arraction);
             $actionlist = TS_D('SyNode')->where($map)->field('title,name,containaction')->findall();
             foreach ($actionlist as $k => $v) {
                 foreach (unserialize($v['containaction']) as $kk => $vv) {
                     $arr[strtoupper($vv['name'])] = true;
             if ($val['type'] == 'admin') {
                 $result['ADMIN'][strtoupper($modelname['name'])] = $arr;
             } else {
                 $result[strtoupper($modelname['name'])]['ADMIN'] = $arr;
     $r = array_change_key_case($result, CASE_UPPER);
     return $result;
  * 设置用户的积分
  * @param int $uid  用户id
  * @param int $score 积分操作数
  * @param type $type 积分种类
 public function setScore($uid, $credit, $type = null)
     $dao = TS_D('CreditSetting');
     $cache_type = $dao->getCreditType();
     $array = array('action', 'id', 'type', 'info', 'actioncn');
     foreach ($credit as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $array)) {
             if (!$this->checkScore($uid, $key, $value)) {
             $request[$key]['number'] = $value;
             $request[$key]['uid'] = intval($uid);
             $request[$key]['cTime'] = time();
     foreach ($request as $key => $map) {
         $map['type'] = $key;
         $map['action'] = $credit['action'];
         $map['info'] = $this->__paramInfo($cache_type, $credit, $map);
         $result[$key] = $this->add($map);
     foreach ($cache_type as $key => $value) {
         $old_score = $this->getScore($uid, $key);
         $this->credit[$key] = isset($old_score) ? $old_score : 0;
     $dao = TS_D('UserInfo');
     $dao->addCredit($uid, $this->credit);
     $this->credit = null;
     return $result;
 public function notify(array $type, array $data, $appid)
     $dao = TS_D('Notify');
     if ($this->mid != $data['uids']) {
         switch (true) {
             case $data['uids'] == $data['toUid'] && !empty($data['toUid']):
                 setScore($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment');
                 $notify = $dao->send($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment', $data['title_data'], $data['title_body'], $data['url']);
             case $data['uids'] != $data['toUid'] && !empty($data['toUid']):
                 setScore($this->mid, 'commented');
                 if ($data['toUid'] != $this->mid) {
                     setScore($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment');
                     $notify = $dao->send($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment', $data['title_data'], $data['title_body'], $data['url']);
                 setScore($data['uids'], 'commented');
                 $notify = $dao->send($data['uids'], $type . '_comment', $data['title_data'], $data['title_body'], $data['url']);
                 setScore($this->mid, 'comment');
                 setScore($data['uids'], 'commented');
                 $notify = $dao->send($data['uids'], $type . '_comment', $data['title_data'], $data['title_body'], $data['url']);
         return $notify;
     } else {
         if ($data['uids'] != $data['toUid'] && !empty($data['toUid'])) {
             setScore($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment');
             $notify = $dao->send($data['toUid'], 'comment_comment', $data['title_data'], $data['title_body'], $data['url']);
예제 #4
 public function __call($fun, $args)
     $fun = explode("_", $fun);
     $model = ucfirst($fun[0]);
     $method = $fun[1];
     if (TS_API::$dao->model_name != $model) {
         TS_API::$dao = TS_D($model);
     return call_user_func_array(array(TS_API::$dao, $method), $args);
  * 获得积分规则
  * @param <type> $userId 用户id
  * @param <type> $action 动作
  * @return <type>
 function getCredit($userId, $action)
     $user = TS_D('User');
     $setting = $this->where("action='{$action}'")->find();
     $userInfo = $user->where('id=' . $userId)->field('id')->find();
     if (empty($userId) || !$userInfo) {
         return 'not_user';
     if (!$setting) {
         return 'no_have_action';
     return $setting;
 public function changeCount($appname, $count, $uid = null)
     if (isset($uid)) {
         $mid = $uid;
     } else {
         $userLwDao = TS_D("User");
         $mid = $userLwDao->getLoggedInUser();
     $map['value'] = intval($count);
     $where['appname'] = $appname;
     $where['uid'] = $mid;
     $where['variable'] = 'count';
     if ($find = $this->where($where)->find()) {
         $result = $this->where($where)->save($map);
     } else {
         $map['appname'] = $appname;
         $map['variable'] = 'count';
         $map['uid'] = $mid;
         $map['name'] = $uid;
         $map['value'] = $count;
         $result = $this->add($map);
     return $result;
 function saveEmail($toEmail, $title, $content, $mid, $name = '', $type = '')
     $result = false;
     if ($toEmail) {
         $map['title'] = $title;
         $map['content'] = $content;
         $map['uid'] = $mid;
         $api_name = TS_D('User')->getInfo($mid, 'name');
         $map['userName'] = !empty($name) ? $name : $api_name['name'];
         if (is_string($toEmail) && false !== strpos($toEmail, ',')) {
             $toEmail = implode(',', $toEmail);
         false == is_array($toEmail) && ($toEmail = array($toEmail));
         foreach ($toEmail as $k => $v) {
             $map['toemail'] = $v;
             $value_map = $this->__stringToMarks($map);
             $value[] = "(" . implode(',', $value_map) . ")";
             $field = "(" . implode(',', array_keys($value_map)) . ")";
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `ts_saveemail` " . $field . " VALUES " . implode(',', $value);
         $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     return $result;
예제 #8
    foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
        if (!$vv) {
            $v[$kk] = "NULL";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>" . $v['id'] . "</td><td>" . $v['type'] . "</td><td>" . $v['type_cn'] . "</td><td>" . $v['deal'] . "</td><td>" . $v['title'] . "</td><td>" . $v['body'] . "</td><td><a href='?do=m&id=" . $v["id"] . "'>修改</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='javascript:del_Notify(" . $v["id"] . ")'>删除</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
<h3>2、已有Notify 模板举例</h3>
$NotifyDao = TS_D("Notify");
$Notifys = $NotifyDao->findAll();
foreach ($Notifys as $fkey => $Notify) {
    $Notify_template = $dao->where(array("type" => $Notify['type']))->find();
    	= title
    $Notify_title = $Notify_template["title"];
    $title_data = unserialize(stripcslashes($Notify["title"]));
    $actor = "<a href='space.php?" . $Notify["authorid"] . "'>" . $Notify["author"] . '</a>';
    $title_data["actor"] = $actor;
    foreach ($title_data as $k => $v) {
        $Notify_title = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $Notify_title);
 public function upload($attach_type = 'attach', $input_options = array())
     $upload_path = C('UPLOAD_PATH');
     $default_options = array();
     $default_options['custom_path'] = date('Ymd/H/');
     $default_options['max_size'] = '2048000';
     $default_options['allow_exts'] = 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg,bmp';
     $default_options['allow_types'] = '';
     $default_options['save_path'] = $upload_path . $default_options['custom_path'];
     $default_options['save_name'] = '';
     $default_options['save_rule'] = 'uniqid';
     $options = array_merge($default_options, $input_options);
     $upload = new UploadFile($options['max_size'], $options['allow_exts'], $options['allow_types']);
     $upload->savePath = $options['save_path'];
     $upload->autoSub = false;
     $upload->saveName = $options['save_name'];
     $upload->saveRule = $options['save_rule'];
     $upload->thumb = false;
     mkdir($upload->savePath, 0777, true);
     if (!$upload->upload()) {
         $return['status'] = false;
         $return['info'] = $upload->getErrorMsg();
         return $return;
     } else {
         $upload_info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo();
         $uid = TS_D("User")->getLoggedInUser();
         foreach ($upload_info as $u) {
             $map['attach_type'] = $attach_type;
             $map['userId'] = $uid;
             $map['uploadTime'] = time();
             $map['name'] = $u['name'];
             $map['type'] = $u['type'];
             $map['size'] = $u['size'];
             $map['extension'] = $u['extension'];
             $map['hash'] = $u['hash'];
             $map['savepath'] = $options['custom_path'];
             $map['savename'] = $u['savename'];
             //$map['savedomain']=	C('ATTACH_SAVE_DOMAIN');
             $result = $this->add($map);
             $map['id'] = $result;
             $infos[] = $map;
         if (isset($options['save_photo'])) {
             $infos = $this->save_photo($options['save_photo'], $infos);
         $return['status'] = true;
         $return['info'] = $infos;
         return $return;
 private function __feedTemplate($feeds)
     $feedTemplateDao = TS_D("FeedTemplate");
     foreach ($feeds as $fkey => $feed) {
         $feed_output[$fkey]["type"] = $feed["type"];
         $feed_output[$fkey]["id"] = $feed["id"];
         $feed_output[$fkey]["cTime"] = $feed["cTime"];
         $feed_output[$fkey]["uid"] = $feed["uid"];
         //TODO 临时数据转换
         $feed['title'] = $feed['title_data'];
         $feed['body'] = $feed['body_data'];
         $feed_template = $feedTemplateDao->where(array("type" => $feed['type']))->find();
         $feed_output[$fkey]["title"] = $this->__getTitle($feed_template['title'], $feed);
         $body_template = $feed_template["body"];
         if ($body_template) {
             $feed_output[$fkey]["body"] = $this->__getBody($body_template, $feed);
         $feed_output[$fkey]['icon'] = getAppInfo($feed['appid'], 'APP_ICON');
     return $feed_output;
 private function __sendEmail($data, $uid, $toEmail)
     $email = TS_D('SaveEmail');
     $data = $this->__paramData($data['title'], $data['body'], $data['url']);
     $title = $data['title'];
     $content = $data['body'];
     $result = $email->saveEmail($toEmail, $title, $content, $uid, $name = '', $type = '');
     return $result;
 public function getCommendUser($limit)
     $opts = TS_D('Option')->get();
     $map['commend'] = 1;
     $map['active'] = 1;
     $uid_list = array();
     $command_user = $this->where($map)->field('id')->limit('0,' . $limit)->order('rand()')->findAll();
     foreach ($command_user as $value) {
         $result[] = $value['id'];
     return $result;
 function _sendMessage($type, $aimId, $mid, $username, $data, $info, $fri_ids, $url, $result)
     if (isset($data['content'])) {
     $body_data = $data;
     if (!empty($aimId)) {
         $body_data['aimId'] = $aimId;
     $body_data['typeId'] = $type['typeId'];
     $body_data['toUid'] = $mid;
     $body_data['toUserName'] = $username;
     $body_data['info'] = $info;
     $body_data['id'] = $result;
     $title_data['id'] = $result;
     if ($type['typeId'] == 10) {
         $body_data['username'] = getUserName($data['uid']);
         $userface = getUserFace($data['uid']);
         $body_data['userface'] = str_replace(SITE_URL, '{WR}', $userface);
     $appid = TS_D('App')->getChoiceId('share');
     TS_D('Feed')->publish("share_" . $type['alias'], $title_data, $body_data, $appid);
     $notifyDao = TS_D('Notify');
     $title_data['type'] = $type['typeName'];
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = $this->_getURL($type['typeId'], $aimId, $data);
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = SITE_URL . '/apps/share/index.php?s=/Index/content/id/' . $result;
     if (!empty($fri_ids)) {
         $notifyDao->send($fri_ids, "share_notice", $title_data, $body_data, $url);
     $uid = $this->_getUid($data, $type);
     if (!empty($uid) && $uid != $mid) {
         $notifyDao->send($uid, "share_notice2", $title_data, $body_data, $url);
     if ($type['typeId'] == 10) {
         $uid = $aimId;
         $notifyDao->send($uid, "share_notice3", $title_data, $body_data, $url);
 function _sendMessage($content, $type, $mid, $fri_ids, $url)
     $body_content['content'] = $this->_getcontent($content, $type, $mid);
     $appid = TS_D('App')->getChoiceId('wish');
     $notifyDao = TS_D('Notify');
     if (empty($url)) {
         $url = '{WR}/apps/wish/index.php?s=/Index/friends/uid/' . $mid;
     if (!empty($fri_ids)) {
         $notifyDao->send($fri_ids, "wish_notice", '', $body_content, $url);
 private function __paramMap($cate, $type)
     if ($cate != "all") {
         $map = "cate = '" . $cate . "'";
     } else {
         $map = "(cate = 'friend' OR cate = 'notification')";
     if ($type) {
         $map .= " AND type = '" . $type . "'";
     $mid = TS_D("User")->getLoggedInUser();
     $map .= " AND uid = " . $mid;
     return $map;
 private function filterPrivacy($value)
     if (isset($value['privacy'])) {
         $privacy = $value['privacy'];
         $home = isset($value['display']) ? $value['display'] : $value['home'];
     } else {
         $privacy = $value[0];
         $home = $value[1];
     if ($this->uid != $this->mid && (1 == $privacy && false == TS_D('Friend')->areFriends($this->uid, $this->mid))) {
         return false;
     if (1 == $this->home && 1 != $home) {
         return false;
     if ($this->uid != $this->mid && $privacy == 2) {
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #17
 * 获取用户组图标
 * $uid 用户ID
function getUserGroupIcon($uid)
    $groupId = TS_D('User')->where('id=' . $uid)->field('admin_level')->find();
    if ($uid) {
        $info = TS_D('SystemGroup')->where("id='" . $groupId['admin_level'] . "'")->find();
        if ($info['icon']) {
            return '<img src=' . __THEME__ . '/images/icon/groupicon/' . $info['icon'] . ' Alt="' . $info['showname'] . '" />';
예제 #18
    foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
        if (!$vv) {
            $v[$kk] = "NULL";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>" . $v['id'] . "</td><td>" . $v['type'] . "</td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($v['title']) . "</td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($v['body']) . "</td>" . "<td><a href='?do=m&id=" . $v["id"] . "'>修改</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='javascript:del_feed(" . $v["id"] . ")'>删除</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
<h3>2、已有Feed 模板举例</h3>
$feedDao = TS_D("Feed");
$feeds = $feedDao->findAll();
foreach ($feeds as $fkey => $feed) {
    $feed_template = $dao->where(array("type" => $feed['type']))->find();
    	= title
    $feed_title = $feed_template["title"];
    $title_data = unserialize(stripcslashes($feed["title_data"]));
    $actor = "<a href='space.php?" . $feed["uid"] . "'>" . $feed["username"] . '</a>';
    $title_data["actor"] = $actor;
    foreach ($title_data as $k => $v) {
        $feed_title = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $feed_title);
 public function getFriNum($uid = false, $gid = false)
     if ($gid) {
         $map["gid"] = $gid;
         $map["uid"] = $uid;
         $r = TS_D("Fg")->where($map)->field("count(*) as num")->find();
         return $r["num"];
     } else {
         $map["uid"] = $uid;
         $r = $this->where($map)->field("count(*) as num")->find();
         return $r["num"];
     //		$map["uid"]		 =  $uid?$uid:TS_D("User")->getLoggedInUser();
     //		$map["status"]	 =  1;
     //		if($gid) $map["gid"] = $gid;
     //		$fris_num	=	$this->where($map)->field("count(*) as count")->find();
     //		return $fris_num["count"];