function preview_ajax() { $cr = 0; $path_image = NULL; $display = NULL; $rho = $this->input->get('rho'); $theta = $this->input->get('theta'); $delta = $this->input->get('delta'); $color1 = $this->input->get('color_right'); $color2 = $this->input->get('color_left'); // check color input if (!preg_match('/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/', $color1)) { $color1 = NULL; } if (!preg_match('/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/', $color2)) { $color2 = NULL; } if ($rho === FALSE || $theta === FALSE || $delta === FALSE) { $cr = ERROR_MISS_PRM; } else { if ((int) $rho < 0) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { $file_info = array(); $file_cartridge = NULL; $this->load->helper('slicer'); $cr = Slicer_rendering((int) $rho, (int) $theta, (int) $delta, $path_image, $color1, $color2); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { //TODO add the possibility of making path everywhere, but not only in /var/www/tmp/ $this->load->helper('file'); $file_info = get_file_info(realpath($path_image), array('name')); $display = '/tmp/' . $file_info['name'] . '?' . time(); } } } if ($cr != ERROR_OK) { $display = $cr . " " . t(MyERRMSG($cr)); } else { if (!file_exists(realpath($path_image))) { // in the case: $cr == ERROR_OK $cr = 202; $display = 'preview image unavailable'; } } $this->output->set_status_header($cr, $cr != ERROR_OK ? $display : 'ok'); $this->output->set_content_type('txt_u'); $this->load->library('parser'); $this->parser->parse('plaintxt', array('display' => $display)); return; }
function rendering() { $cr = 0; $path_image = NULL; $display = NULL; $rho = $this->input->get('r'); $theta = $this->input->get('t'); $delta = $this->input->get('d'); $color1 = $this->input->get('c1'); $color2 = $this->input->get('c2'); // check color input if (!preg_match('/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/', $color1)) { $color1 = NULL; } if (!preg_match('/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/', $color2)) { $color2 = NULL; } // assign default value if necessary $this->load->helper('zimapi'); if ($theta === FALSE) { $theta = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_THETA; } if ($delta === FALSE) { $delta = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_DELTA; } if ($rho === FALSE) { $rho = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_RHO; } if ((int) $rho < 0) { $cr = ERROR_WRONG_PRM; } else { $file_info = array(); $file_cartridge = NULL; $this->load->helper('slicer'); $cr = Slicer_rendering((int) $rho, (int) $theta, (int) $delta, $path_image, $color1, $color2); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { //TODO add the possibility of making path everywhere, but not only in /var/www/tmp/ $this->load->helper('file'); $file_info = get_file_info(realpath($path_image), array('name')); $display = '/tmp/' . $file_info['name'] . '?' . time(); } } if ($cr != ERROR_OK) { $display = $cr . " " . t(MyERRMSG($cr)); } else { if (!file_exists(realpath($path_image))) { // in the case: $cr == ERROR_OK $cr = ERROR_INTERNAL; $display = 'preview image unavailable'; } } $this->output->set_status_header($cr, $cr != ERROR_OK ? $display : 'ok'); $this->output->set_content_type('txt_u'); $this->load->library('parser'); $this->parser->parse('plaintxt', array('display' => $display)); return; }
function PrinterStoring__generateRendering($f1, $f2) { // call error list if we want $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper(array('zimapi', 'printerstate')); $CI->load->helper('slicer'); if ($f2 !== NULL) { Slicer_addModel(array($f1['full_path'], $f2['full_path']), FALSE); } else { Slicer_addModel(array($f1['full_path']), FALSE); } $path_image = NULL; $display = NULL; $rho = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_RHO; $theta = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_DELTA; $delta = ZIMAPI_VALUE_DEFAULT_THETA; $color1 = '#FFFFFF'; $color2 = '#FF0000'; $file_info = array(); $file_cartridge = NULL; $CI->load->helper('slicer'); $cr = Slicer_rendering((int) $rho, (int) $theta, (int) $delta, $path_image, $color1, $color2); if ($cr == ERROR_OK) { $CI->load->helper('file'); $file_info = get_file_info(realpath($path_image)); $display = $file_info['server_path']; } return $display; }