<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Radley * Date: 12/3/2015 * Time: 6:19 PM */ require 'connect.php'; $is_gain = $_GET['is_gain']; // bill name/type todo add me $bill_name = $_GET['bill_name']; // bill name/type todo change me from bill type $frequency = $_GET['frequency']; // how often todo SINGLE WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY $due_period = $_GET['due_period']; // how often todo enum('eom','bom') $every_x_days = $_GET['every_x_days']; // how often todo int add me $on_the_x = $_GET['on_the_x']; // how often todo int add me $amount = $_GET['amount']; // dollar amount $user_id = SignUserIn('radley', 'radley123'); echo $user_id; if (SignUserIn('radley', 'radley123') != 0) { $gain = $is_gain === true; echo $gain; $added_bill = AddBill(1, $is_gain, $bill_name, $frequency, $due_period, $every_x_days, $on_the_x, $amount); } else { }
public function updateBill($username, $userpass) { // create the connection to the DB $conn = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); // create message array to be used as JSON $message = array(); $is_there = ''; // get the users_id $user_id = SignUserIn($username, $userpass); if ($user_id != 0) { // check to see if the bill_id is null exists if (isset($this->bill_id)) { // check to see if the bill_id exists //check to see if the bill_id exists $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM UserBills WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; $result = $conn->query($sql1); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $is_there = 1; // true } else { $is_there = 0; // false } } else { $message['success'] = 'false'; $message['message'] = 'bill id was not sent!'; } //if the bill exists in the DB update it if ($is_there) { $rows_updated = 0; // keep count of updated cells $rows_not_updated = 0; // keep count of cells that did not update if (isset($this->is_gain)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET is_gain = '{$this->is_gain}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } if (isset($this->bill_name)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET bill_name = '{$this->bill_name}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } if (isset($this->frequency)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET frequency = '{$this->frequency}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } if (isset($this->due_period)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET due_period= '{$this->due_period}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } if (isset($this->every_x_days)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET every_x_days = '{$this->every_x_days}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } if (isset($this->on_the_x)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET on_the_x = '{$this->on_the_x}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated .= 1; } } if (isset($this->amount)) { $sql = "UPDATE UserBills SET amount = '{$this->amount}' WHERE bill_id = '{$this->bill_id}'"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $rows_updated += 1; } else { $rows_not_updated += 1; } } $message['success'] = 'true'; $message['message'] = 'the number of cells updated: ' . $rows_updated . '. the number of rows that failed: ' . $rows_not_updated . '.'; } else { $message['is_there'] = 'false'; } } else { $message['success'] = 'false'; $message['message'] = 'Logging in failed user id:' . $user_id . 'username: '******'userpass: ' . $userpass; } return json_encode($message); }