// patient id Add($row['pubpid']); // chart number Add($row['lname']); // last name Add($row['fname']); // first name Add(substr($row['mname'], 0, 1)); // middle initial Add(""); // alias Add(Digits($row['ss'])); // ssn Add(LWDate($row['DOB'])); // dob Add(Sex($row['sex'])); // gender Add(""); // notes Add($row['street']); // address 1 Add(""); // address2 Add($row['city']); // city Add($row['state']); // state Add($row['postal_code']); // zip Add(Digits($row['phone_home'])); // home phone
</li> </ul> <ul id="ageinfo" class="appview"> <li>Date of birth: <?php echo $schol['dob']; ?> (~<?php echo YearsOld($schol['dob']); ?> years old)</li> </ul> <ul id="genderinfo" class="appview"> <li>Sex: <?php echo Sex($schol['sex']); ?> </li> </ul> <ul id="lang-job-info" class="appview"> <li>Speaks <?php echo $schol['languages']; ?> </li> <?php if (strlen($schol['occupation']) > 0) { ?> <li>Occupation: <?php echo $schol['occupation']; ?>
} ***************************************************************/ $methodid = mappedOption('contrameth', $methods[0]); } Add('CurrentMethod', $methodid); Add('Dob', xmlTime($row['DOB'])); Add('DobType', "rel"); // rel=real, est=estimated Add('Pregnancies', 0 + getTextListValue($hrow['genobshist'], 'npreg')); // number of pregnancies Add('Children', 0 + getTextListValue($hrow['genobshist'], 'nlc')); // number of living children Add('Abortions', 0 + getTextListValue($hrow['genabohist'], 'nia')); // number of induced abortions Add('Education', $education); Add('Demo5', Sex($row['sex'])); // Dump all visits for this patient at this facility. $query = "SELECT " . "encounter, date " . "FROM form_encounter WHERE " . "pid = '{$last_pid}' " . "ORDER BY encounter"; // Add('Debug', $query); // debugging $eres = sqlStatement($query); $encarray = array(); while ($erow = sqlFetchArray($eres)) { exportEncounter($last_pid, $erow['encounter'], $erow['date']); $encarray[] = $erow; } endClient($last_pid, $encarray); } // if ($last_facility >= 0) endFacility(); endFacility(); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0");
} $query = "SELECT " . "p.*, " . "i1.policy_number AS policy1, i1.group_number AS group1, i1.provider as provider1, " . "i1.subscriber_fname AS fname1, i1.subscriber_mname AS mname1, i1.subscriber_lname AS lname1, " . "i1.subscriber_street AS sstreet1, i1.subscriber_city AS scity1, i1.subscriber_state AS sstate1, " . "i1.subscriber_postal_code AS szip1, i1.subscriber_relationship AS relationship1, " . "i1.subscriber_DOB AS sdob1, i1.subscriber_ss AS sss1, i1.subscriber_phone AS sphone1, " . "i1.subscriber_sex AS ssex1, i1.subscriber_country AS scountry1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer AS semployer1, i1.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city1, i1.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip1, " . "i1.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country1, i1.copay AS copay1, " . "c1.name AS name1, c1.ins_type_code AS instype1, " . "a1.line1 AS street11, a1.line2 AS street21, a1.city AS city1, a1.state AS state1, " . "a1.zip AS zip1, a1.plus_four AS zip41, a1.country AS country1, " . "i2.policy_number AS policy2, i2.group_number AS group2, i2.provider as provider2, " . "i2.subscriber_fname AS fname2, i2.subscriber_mname AS mname2, i2.subscriber_lname AS lname2, " . "i2.subscriber_postal_code AS szip2, i2.subscriber_relationship AS relationship2, " . "i2.subscriber_DOB AS sdob2, i2.subscriber_ss AS sss2, i2.subscriber_phone AS sphone2, " . "i2.subscriber_sex AS ssex2, i2.subscriber_country AS scountry2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer AS semployer2, i2.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city2, i2.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip2, " . "i2.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country2, i2.copay AS copay2, " . "c2.name AS name2, c2.ins_type_code AS instype2, " . "a2.line1 AS street12, a2.line2 AS street22, a2.city AS city2, a2.state AS state2, " . "a2.zip AS zip2, a2.plus_four AS zip42, a2.country AS country2, " . "i3.policy_number AS policy3, i3.group_number AS group3, i3.provider as provider3, " . "i3.subscriber_fname AS fname3, i3.subscriber_mname AS mname3, i3.subscriber_lname AS lname3, " . "i3.subscriber_postal_code AS szip3, i3.subscriber_relationship AS relationship3, " . "i3.subscriber_DOB AS sdob3, i3.subscriber_ss AS sss3, i3.subscriber_phone AS sphone3, " . "i3.subscriber_sex AS ssex3, i3.subscriber_country AS scountry3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer AS semployer3, i3.subscriber_employer_street AS semployer_street3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_city AS semployer_city3, i3.subscriber_employer_state AS semployer_state3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_postal_code AS semployer_zip3, " . "i3.subscriber_employer_country AS semployer_country3, i3.copay AS copay3, " . "c3.name AS name3, c3.ins_type_code AS instype3, " . "a3.line1 AS street13, a3.line2 AS street23, a3.city AS city3, a3.state AS state3, " . "a3.zip AS zip3, a3.plus_four AS zip43, a3.country AS country3 " . "FROM patient_data AS p " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i1 ON i1.id = '" . $insrow[0]['id'] . "' " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i2 ON i2.id = '" . $insrow[1]['id'] . "' " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i3 ON i3.id = '" . $insrow[2]['id'] . "' " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c1 ON c1.id = i1.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c2 ON c2.id = i2.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_companies AS c3 ON c3.id = i3.provider " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a1 ON a1.foreign_id = c1.id " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a2 ON a2.foreign_id = c2.id " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses AS a3 ON a3.foreign_id = c3.id " . "WHERE p.pid = '{$pid}' LIMIT 1"; $row = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement($query)); $rowed = getEmployerData($pid); OpenTag("patient"); // Patient Section. // Add("pid", $pid); Add("pubpid", $row['pubpid']); Add("lname", $row['lname']); Add("fname", $row['fname']); Add("mname", $row['mname']); Add("title", $row['title']); Add("ss", Digits($row['ss'])); Add("dob", LWDate($row['DOB'])); Add("sex", Sex($row['sex'])); Add("street", $row['street']); Add("city", $row['city']); Add("state", $row['state']); Add("zip", $row['postal_code']); Add("country", $row['country_code']); Add("phone_home", Digits($row['phone_home'])); Add("phone_biz", Digits($row['phone_biz'])); Add("phone_contact", Digits($row['phone_contact'])); Add("phone_cell", Digits($row['phone_cell'])); Add("occupation", $row['occupation']); Add("status", $row['status']); Add("contact_relationship", $row['contact_relationship']); Add("referrer", $row['referrer']); Add("referrerID", $row['referrerID']); Add("email", $row['email']);