예제 #1
function SLAM_makeSearchBoxHTML($config, $db, $user, $request, $result)
    	generates the field search box
    /* register the necessary header files */
    $config->html['css'][] = 'css/search.css';
    $config->html['js'][] = 'js/search.js';
    $s = "<form name='searchForm' action='{$config->html['url']}' method='POST'>\n";
    $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($request->location, 'loc');
    $categories = array_keys($request->categories);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($category, 'cat[]');
    $s .= "<div id='searchContainer'>\n";
    /* default search action is to search all fields */
    if (empty($request->search)) {
        $search = array(0 => array('field' => '(Search all)', 'value' => '', 'mode' => 'LIKE', 'join' => ''));
    } else {
        foreach ($request->search['field'] as $i => $field) {
            $search[$i] = array('field' => $field, 'value' => $request->search['value'][$i], 'mode' => $request->search['mode'][$i], 'join' => $request->search['join'][$i]);
    /* all the possible fields to search in */
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($result->fields as $category => $structure) {
        if (empty($fields)) {
            $fields = array_keys($structure);
        } else {
            $fields = array_intersect($fields, array_keys($structure));
    $diff = array_intersect($fields, $config->values['hide_fields']);
    if (!$user->superuser) {
        $fields = array_diff($fields, $diff);
    /* prepend the "search all fields" option to the list of searchable fields */
    array_unshift($fields, '(Search all)');
    /* the possible search modes */
    $modes = array('~' => 'LIKE', '!~' => 'NOT LIKE', '>' => '>', '=' => '=', '<' => '<');
    /* the possible search joiners */
    $joins = array('' => '', 'AND' => 'AND', 'OR' => 'OR');
    $s .= "<div id='searchTerms'>\n";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($search as $terms) {
        $s .= "<div id='search_group_{$i}' class='searchClass'>\n";
        $s .= SLAM_makeMenuHTML($terms['field'], @array_combine($fields, $fields), "name='s_field[]' id='search_field_{$i}'", false);
        $s .= SLAM_makeMenuHTML($terms['mode'], $modes, "name='s_mode[]' id='search_mode_{$i}'", false);
        $s .= SLAM_makeInputHTML($terms['value'], 16, 255, "name='s_value[]' id='search_value_{$i}'");
        $s .= " " . SLAM_makeMenuHTML($terms['join'], $joins, "name='s_join[]' id='search_join_{$i}' onChange='doSearchGroup({$i},this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); return false;'");
        /* the last field should have a plus sign so as to be able to add more terms */
        $c = $i == count($search) - 1 ? '+' : '-';
        $f = $i == count($search) - 1 ? "addSearchGroup({$i})" : "removeSearchGroup({$i})";
        $s .= "<input type='button' class='searchClassButton' id='search_toggle_{$i}' onClick=\"{$f}; return false;\" value='{$c}' />\n";
        $s .= "</div>\n";
    $s .= "</div>\n";
    $s .= "<input type='submit' name='action' value='Search' />\n";
    $s .= "</div>\n";
    $s .= "</form>\n";
    return $s;
예제 #2
function SLAM_makeAssetEditHTML(&$config, $db, $user, $request, &$result)
    	Displays the edit page for the records corresponding to the first category in $result
    /* register the necessary header files */
    $config->html['css'][] = 'css/asset.css';
    $config->html['js'][] = 'js/asset.js';
    $config->html['js'][] = 'js/convert.js';
    /* register the javascript plugin stub */
    $config->html['onload'][] = 'doEditJS()';
    $s = "<form id='editRecord' action='{$config->html['url']}' method='POST'>\n";
    $category = array_shift(array_keys($request->categories));
    //the first category
    $assets = $result->assets[$category];
    $structure = $result->fields[$category];
    $editable = array();
    /* retrieve the field values, either for a new entry or for editing existing ones */
    if ($request->action == 'new') {
        $editable[] = true;
        $fields = SLAM_setAssetFields($config, $db, $user, $category, $structure, null);
        /* save the identifier to the form so we can come back to it if the user saves changes */
        $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($fields['Identifier'], 'Identifier');
        $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput('true', 'new');
    } elseif ($request->action == 'clone') {
        $editable[] = true;
        $fields = SLAM_setAssetFields($config, $db, $user, $category, $structure, $assets[0]);
        /* save the identifier to the form so we can come back to it if the user saves changes */
        $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($fields['Identifier'], 'Identifier');
        $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput('true', 'new');
    } elseif (count($assets) > 0) {
        /* retrieve the consensus field values */
        $fields = SLAM_getAssetFields($config, $db, $user, $assets);
        foreach ($assets as $asset) {
            /* save the editable status for every asset */
            $editable[] = SLAM_getAssetAccess($user, $asset) > 1;
            /* save all of the identifiers we're to update into the form */
            $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($asset['Identifier'], 'Identifier[]');
        $editable = array_unique($editable);
        /* fields that cannot be edited for more than one asset at a time shouldn't be shown */
        if (count($assets) > 1) {
    } else {
        return SLAM_makeNoteHTML("This asset has been removed, or does not exist.", true);
    /* if there are a mix of editable and uneditable assets, provide the user a warning */
    if (count($editable) > 1) {
        $config->html['onload'][] = 'doNonEditableWarning()';
        $editable = true;
    } else {
        $editable = $editable[0];
    /* set our location */
    $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($request->location, 'loc');
    $s .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($category, 'cat');
    $s .= "<div id='assetEditContainer'>\n";
    $export = http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, $_POST));
    $f = <<<EOL
<div id='assetEditFunctions'>
jump to <a href='#End'>bottom</a> | 
<a href='#' onClick="setSwitchableTR('none'); return false">hide</a>/<a href='' onClick="setSwitchableTR(''); return false">show</a> unused 
| <a href='ext/export.php?{$export}'>export</a>/<a href='ext/print.php?{$export}'>print</a>
| <a href='#' onClick="showPopupDiv('pub/help_edit.html','helpDiv',{}); return false">help</a>

    $b = "{$f}<table id='assetEdit'>\n";
    /* go through the structure and put together each fields's html */
    foreach ($structure as $name => $scheme) {
        /* when we run across the title field, save it to the $t variable for later use */
        if ($name == $config->categories[$category]['title_field']) {
            $t = "<div id='assetEditTitle'>{$category} : {$fields[$name]}</div>\n";
        /* collapse fields that are empty */
        $collapsed = false;
        if (in_array($fields[$name], $config->values['hide_empty'])) {
            $collapsed = true;
        if ($request->action == 'new') {
            $collapsed = false;
        switch ($name) {
            case 'Identifier':
                /* identifier should not be editable if the user is not a superuser */
                $b .= SLAM_makeFieldHTML($config, $request, $fields[$name], $scheme, $user->superuser, $collapsed);
            case 'permissions':
                /* insert the permissions control panel */
                $b .= SLAM_makePermissionsHTML($config, $user, $assets);
                $b .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput(base64_encode(json_encode($fields[$name])), 'permissions');
            case 'Project':
                /* save the default projects array to the structure of the projects field */
                $scheme['values'] = $config->projects;
                $b .= SLAM_makeFieldHTML($config, $request, $fields[$name], $scheme, $editable, False);
            case 'Files':
                /* if there's a "Files" field, show a link to the file browser instead */
                $b .= "<tr>\n<td class='assetEditField'>Files :</td><td class='assetEditValue'><input type='button' class='assetFileButton' onClick=\"showFileManager('ext/files.php?i={$fields['Identifier']}'); return false\" value='Open Browser' /></td><td class='assetEditFunction'>&nbsp;</td>\n</tr>\n";
                if ($scheme['hidden'] && !$user->superuser) {
                    $b .= SLAM_makeHiddenInput($fields[$name], 'edit_' . base64_encode($scheme['name']));
                } else {
                    $b .= SLAM_makeFieldHTML($config, $request, $fields[$name], $scheme, $editable, $collapsed);
    $s .= "{$t}{$b}</table>\n";
    $s .= "<div id='assetEditActions'>\n";
    if ($editable) {
        $s .= "<input type='button' name='action' value='Cancel' onClick='javascript: history.go(-1)'/><input type='submit' name='action' value='Delete' onClick=\"javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected record?')\"/><input type='submit' name='action' value='Save' /><input type='submit' name='action' value='Save Changes' />\n";
    } else {
        $s .= "<input type='button' name='action' value='Cancel' onClick='javascript: history.go(-1)'/>\n";
    $s .= "<a name='End'>&nbsp;</a>\n";
    $s .= "</div>\n</div></form>\n";
    return $s;