$direccion = $_POST['dire']; $rfc = $_POST['rfc']; $neo_User = new Usuario($tipo, $nombre, $passw, $email, $tipo_numero, $telefono, $direccion, $rfc); $soncof = $Base->addElement($neo_User); return $soncof; } function login(){ $nombre = $_POST['nombre']; $passw = $_POST['pass']; if(($nombre !="") && ($passw != "")){ } } if(($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == ("http://localhost/PoloCase/Form.html")){ if(Register($myBase)){ header('Location: Succerfull.html'); } }else{ if(Register2($myBase)){ header('Location: SuccerfullAdm.php'); } } ?>
function smf_openID_return() { global $smcFunc, $user_info, $user_profile, $sourcedir, $modSettings, $context, $sc, $user_settings; // Is OpenID even enabled? if (empty($modSettings['enableOpenID'])) { fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); } if (!isset($_GET['openid_mode'])) { fatal_lang_error('openid_return_no_mode', false); } // @todo Check for error status! if ($_GET['openid_mode'] != 'id_res') { fatal_lang_error('openid_not_resolved'); } // SMF has this annoying habit of removing the + from the base64 encoding. So lets put them back. foreach (array('openid_assoc_handle', 'openid_invalidate_handle', 'openid_sig', 'sf') as $key) { if (isset($_GET[$key])) { $_GET[$key] = str_replace(' ', '+', $_GET[$key]); } } // Did they tell us to remove any associations? if (!empty($_GET['openid_invalidate_handle'])) { smf_openid_removeAssociation($_GET['openid_invalidate_handle']); } $server_info = smf_openid_getServerInfo($_GET['openid_identity']); // Get the association data. $assoc = smf_openID_getAssociation($server_info['server'], $_GET['openid_assoc_handle'], true); if ($assoc === null) { fatal_lang_error('openid_no_assoc'); } $secret = base64_decode($assoc['secret']); $signed = explode(',', $_GET['openid_signed']); $verify_str = ''; foreach ($signed as $sign) { $verify_str .= $sign . ':' . strtr($_GET['openid_' . str_replace('.', '_', $sign)], array('&' => '&')) . "\n"; } $verify_str = base64_encode(sha1_hmac($verify_str, $secret)); if ($verify_str != $_GET['openid_sig']) { fatal_lang_error('openid_sig_invalid', 'critical'); } if (!isset($_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['t']])) { fatal_lang_error('openid_load_data'); } $openid_uri = $_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['t']]['openid_uri']; $modSettings['cookieTime'] = $_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['t']]['cookieTime']; if (empty($openid_uri)) { fatal_lang_error('openid_load_data'); } // Any save fields to restore? $context['openid_save_fields'] = isset($_GET['sf']) ? unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['sf'])) : array(); // Is there a user with this OpenID_uri? $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT passwd, id_member, id_group, lngfile, is_activated, email_address, additional_groups, member_name, password_salt, openid_uri FROM {db_prefix}members WHERE openid_uri = {string:openid_uri}', array('openid_uri' => $openid_uri)); $member_found = $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($result); if (!$member_found && isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'change_uri' && !empty($_SESSION['new_openid_uri']) && $_SESSION['new_openid_uri'] == $openid_uri) { // Update the member. updateMemberData($user_settings['id_member'], array('openid_uri' => $openid_uri)); unset($_SESSION['new_openid_uri']); $_SESSION['openid'] = array('verified' => true, 'openid_uri' => $openid_uri); // Send them back to profile. redirectexit('action=profile;area=authentication;updated'); } elseif (!$member_found) { // Store the received openid info for the user when returned to the registration page. $_SESSION['openid'] = array('verified' => true, 'openid_uri' => $openid_uri); if (isset($_GET['openid_sreg_nickname'])) { $_SESSION['openid']['nickname'] = $_GET['openid_sreg_nickname']; } if (isset($_GET['openid_sreg_email'])) { $_SESSION['openid']['email'] = $_GET['openid_sreg_email']; } if (isset($_GET['openid_sreg_dob'])) { $_SESSION['openid']['dob'] = $_GET['openid_sreg_dob']; } if (isset($_GET['openid_sreg_gender'])) { $_SESSION['openid']['gender'] = $_GET['openid_sreg_gender']; } // Were we just verifying the registration state? if (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'register2') { require_once $sourcedir . '/Register.php'; return Register2(true); } else { redirectexit('action=register'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['sa']) && $_GET['sa'] == 'revalidate' && $user_settings['openid_uri'] == $openid_uri) { $_SESSION['openid_revalidate_time'] = time(); // Restore the get data. require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'; $_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['t']]['get']['openid_restore_post'] = $_GET['t']; $query_string = construct_query_string($_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['t']]['get']); redirectexit($query_string); } else { $user_settings = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); $user_settings['passwd'] = sha1(strtolower($user_settings['member_name']) . $secret); $user_settings['password_salt'] = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 4); updateMemberData($user_settings['id_member'], array('passwd' => $user_settings['passwd'], 'password_salt' => $user_settings['password_salt'])); // Cleanup on Aisle 5. $_SESSION['openid'] = array('verified' => true, 'openid_uri' => $openid_uri); require_once $sourcedir . '/LogInOut.php'; if (!checkActivation()) { return; } DoLogin(); } }
function method_sign_in() { global $db_prefix, $context, $user_profile, $modSettings, $register, $sourcedir, $user_info, $boardurl, $txt; require_once $sourcedir . '/Register.php'; require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'; require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'; $token = $context['mob_request']['params'][0][0]; $code = $context['mob_request']['params'][1][0]; $email = isset($context['mob_request']['params'][2][0]) ? base64_decode($context['mob_request']['params'][2][0]) : ''; $username = isset($context['mob_request']['params'][3][0]) ? base64_decode($context['mob_request']['params'][3][0]) : ''; $password = isset($context['mob_request']['params'][4][0]) ? base64_decode($context['mob_request']['params'][4][0]) : ''; // verify tapatalk token and code first $ttid = TapatalkSsoVerification($token, $code); if (empty($ttid)) { get_error('Tapatalk authorization verify failed, please login with your username and password.'); } $tapatalk_id_email = $ttid->email; $result_status = true; $register = false; $result_text = ''; if (!$ttid->result || empty($tapatalk_id_email)) { get_error($ttid->result_text ? $ttid->result_text : 'Tapatalk authorization verify failed, please login with your username and password'); } // sign in with email or register an account $login_id = emailExists($tapatalk_id_email); if (empty($login_id)) { if (empty($username)) { get_error('Invalid Parameters', 2); } else { if (isReservedName($username, 0, true, false)) { get_error($txt[473], 1); } else { if (empty($password)) { $password = tt_generatePassword(); } $_POST['user'] = $username; $_POST['email'] = $tapatalk_id_email; $_POST['passwrd1'] = $password; $_POST['passwrd2'] = $password; $_POST['regagree'] = 'on'; $_POST['regSubmit'] = 'Register'; $_POST['skip_coppa'] = 1; $_SESSION['old_url'] = $boardurl; $modSettings['disable_visual_verification'] = 1; $modSettings['recaptcha_enabled'] = 0; $modSettings['recaptcha_enable'] = 0; $modSettings['captchaenable'] = 0; // compatibility with old CAPTCHA Mod $modSettings['anti_spam_ver_enable'] = false; if ($modSettings['registration_method'] == 1) { $modSettings['registration_method'] = 0; } $login_id = Register2(); $register = true; $result_status = $modSettings['registration_method'] == 2 ? false : true; $result_text = $modSettings['registration_method'] == 2 ? $txt['approval_after_registration'] : ''; if (empty($login_id)) { get_error('Register failed'); } } } } // do login if ($login_id) { $request = db_query("\n SELECT passwd, ID_MEMBER AS id_member, is_activated, ID_GROUP AS id_group, emailAddress AS email_address, additionalGroups AS additional_groups, memberName AS member_name,\n passwordSalt AS password_salt, ID_POST_GROUP\n FROM {$db_prefix}members\n WHERE ID_MEMBER = '{$login_id}'\n ", __FILE__, __LINE__); $user = mysql_fetch_assoc($request); if ($user['is_activated'] == 3 && !$register) { fatal_lang_error('still_awaiting_approval'); } // Set the login cookie setLoginCookie(60 * $modSettings['cookieTime'], $login_id, sha1($user['passwd'] . $user['password_salt'])); loadMemberData($user['id_member'], false, 'profile'); $user_info = $user_profile[$user['id_member']]; $user_info['is_guest'] = false; $user_info['is_admin'] = $user['id_group'] == 1 || in_array(1, explode(',', $user['additional_groups'])); $user_info['id'] = $user['id_member']; if (empty($user_info['additionalGroups'])) { $user_info['groups'] = array($user_info['ID_GROUP'], $user_info['ID_POST_GROUP']); } else { $user_info['groups'] = array_merge(array($user_info['ID_GROUP'], $user_info['ID_POST_GROUP']), explode(',', $user_info['additionalGroups'])); } $user_info['groups'] = array_unique(array_map('intval', $user_info['groups'])); // Banned? is_not_banned(true); // Don't stick the language or theme after this point. unset($_SESSION['language']); unset($_SESSION['ID_THEME']); // You've logged in, haven't you? updateMemberData($user_info['id'], array('lastLogin' => time(), 'memberIP' => '\'' . $user_info['ip'] . '\'', 'memberIP2' => '\'' . $_SERVER['BAN_CHECK_IP'] . '\'')); // Get rid of the online entry for that old guest.... db_query("\n DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_online\n WHERE session = 'ip{$user_info['ip']}'\n LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); $_SESSION['log_time'] = 0; loadPermissions(); update_push(); // We got this far? return a positive response.... outputRPCLogin($result_status, $result_text); } else { get_error('Sign In Failed'); } }