<tr> <td class="c" width="30">Место</td> <td class="c">Игрок</td> <td class="c"> </td> <td class="c">Альянс</td> <td class="c">Очки</td> </tr> <?php } if ($type === "") { $type = "ressources"; } if ($who === 'ally') { RecalcAllyStats(); RecalcAllyRanks(); if ($type === "fleet") { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "ally WHERE place2 >= {$start} AND place2 < " . ($start + 99) . " ORDER BY place2;"; } else { if ($type === "research") { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "ally WHERE place3 >= {$start} AND place3 < " . ($start + 99) . " ORDER BY place3;"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "ally WHERE place1 >= {$start} AND place1 < " . ($start + 99) . " ORDER BY place1;"; } } $result = dbquery($query); $rows = dbrows($result); while ($rows--) { $ally = dbarray($result); if ($type === "fleet") { $place = $ally['place2'];
function Queue_RecalcAllyPoints_End($queue) { RecalcAllyStats(); RecalcAllyRanks(); RemoveQueue($queue['task_id']); }