예제 #1
		<td>2. 在页面&lt;body&gt;&lt;/body&gt;之间任意位置插入以下代码显示客服图片(固定):<br><span class="note2">&lt;script src="http://网址/WeLive安装目录/welive_image.php" language="javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span></td>
		<td>3. 系统默认安装后, 客服人员的登录密码与管理员相同, 请自行修改(只有客服登录后方可提供在线服务).</td>
		<td>4. 在客服操作面板, 按Esc键: 快速关闭当前访客小窗口.</td>
		<td>5. 在客服操作面板, 按Ctrl + Enter键: 快速提交当前访客小窗口中输入的内容.</td>
		<td>6. 在客服操作面板, 按Ctrl + 下箭头键: 快速最小化访客小窗口.</td>
		<td>7. 在客服操作面板, 按Ctrl + 上箭头键: 快速展开访客小窗口.</td>
		<td>8. 在客服操作面板, 按Ctrl + 左或右箭头键: 快速在展开的访客小窗口中切换.</td>
		<td>9. 在客服操作面板, 点击"挂起"后, 当访客点击当前客服时, 系统将检测是否有同组的, 在线且未挂起的客服, 如果有则自动转接到其他客服(挂起功能相当于忙碌自动转接功能).</td>

예제 #2
function GotoPage($gotopage, $timeout = 0)
    $gotopage = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $gotopage);
    $gotoscript = 'window.location="' . $gotopage . '";';
    $ahref = '<a href="' . $gotopage . '" onclick="javascript:clearTimeout(timerID);">';
    $refreshinfo = '';
    if ($timeout == 0) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . $gotoscript . '</script>';
    } else {
        PrintSuss('页面跳转中 ...<BR>' . $ahref . '<font class=blue>数据更新已完成! 如果页面没有跳转, 请点击这里.</font></a></font>', '操作成功');
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
		timeout = ' . $timeout * 10 . ';
		' . $refreshinfo . '
		function Refresh() {
			timerID = setTimeout("Refresh();", 100);
			if (timeout > 0)
				timeout -= 1;
				' . $gotoscript . '
예제 #3
function Step2B()
    global $dbConn;
    // Connect to database.
    list($aDBInfo, $strError) = InitDatabase();
    // Return any errors.
    if ($strError) {
        return $strError;
    // Execute the upgrade SQL script.
    if (!$_SESSION["upgrade.{$aDBInfo['type']}"]) {
        if (ExecuteSQL("./includes/upgrade.{$aDBInfo['type']}")) {
            // Mark us as having executed the SQL script.
            $_SESSION["upgrade.{$aDBInfo['type']}"] = TRUE;
        } else {
            // Couldn't execute install.sql.
            return "Could not execute <code>upgrade.{$aDBInfo['type']}</code>.<br /><b>Database says</b>: " . $dbConn->geterror();
    // Load the current configuration settings.
    $dbConn->query("SELECT content FROM configuration WHERE name='settings'");
    list($aConfig) = $dbConn->getresult();
    $aConfig = unserialize($aConfig);
    // Update settings.
    $aConfig['version'] = '0.16a';
    // Sanitize it for the database.
    $strSettings = $dbConn->sanitize(serialize($aConfig));
    $dbConn->query("DELETE FROM configuration WHERE name='settings'");
    $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO configuration(name, content) VALUES('settings', '{$strSettings}')");
    // What is the address of their forums?
    $strForums = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'setup/index.php')) . 'index.php';
    // Delete old cookies.
    $path = substr(pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME), 0, strpos(pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME), 'setup'));
    setcookie('activeuserid', '', time(), $path);
    setcookie('activepassword', '', time(), $path);
    setcookie('s', '', time(), $path);
    // Destroy the session.
    // Tell the user it was a success.

<h1>Upgrade Successful!</h1>

<p>Your forums have been successfully upgraded from V0.15a to V0.16a. <b>You should delete the <code>setup</code> directory in your forums' path before continuing, as it is now a security risk.</b></p>
<p>You can visit your upgraded forums at this address:</p>
<blockquote><a href="<?php 
    echo $strForums;
    echo htmlspecialchars("{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$strForums}");
<p>If you or your users have any problems while using your upgraded community, stop by the <a href="http://www.ovbb.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3">OvBB Project Forums</a> to seek support.</p>

예제 #4
function Step4B()
    global $dbConn;
    // Load the configuration settings.
    $CFG = $_SESSION['config'];
    // Grab the details.
    $_SESSION['username'] = trim($_REQUEST['username']);
    $_SESSION['password'] = trim($_REQUEST['password']);
    $_SESSION['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
    // Username
    if ($_SESSION['username'] == '') {
        return 'You must specify a username.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($_SESSION['username']) > $CFG['maxlen']['username']) {
            return "Usernames cannot be longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['username']} characters.";
        } else {
            $strUsername = $dbConn->sanitize($_SESSION['username']);
    // Password
    if ($_SESSION['password'] == '') {
        return 'You must specify a password.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($_SESSION['password']) > $CFG['maxlen']['password']) {
            return "Passwords cannot be longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['password']} characters.";
        } else {
            $strPassword = md5($_SESSION['password']);
    // E-mail
    if ($_SESSION['email'] == '') {
        return 'You must specify an e-mail address.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($_SESSION['email']) > $CFG['maxlen']['email']) {
            return "E-mail addresses cannot be longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['email']} characters.";
        } else {
            $strEMail = $dbConn->sanitize($_SESSION['email']);
    // Insert the administrator's member record.
    $dJoined = gmdate('Y-m-d');
    $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO citizen(username, passphrase, email, datejoined, usergroup, pmfolders) VALUES('{$strUsername}', '{$strPassword}', '{$strEMail}', '{$dJoined}', 3, 'a:0:{}')");
    // Update the stats.
    $iNewestMember = $dbConn->getinsertid('citizen');
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE stats SET content={$iNewestMember} WHERE name='newestmember'");
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE stats SET content=content+1 WHERE name='membercount'");
    // What is the address of their forums?
    $strForums = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'setup/index.php')) . 'index.php';
    // Destroy the session.
    // Tell the user it was a success.

<h1>Installation Successful!</h1>

<p>The installation of your forums was a complete success. <b>You should delete the <code>setup</code> directory in your forums' path before continuing, as it is now a security risk.</b></p>
<p>You can visit your forums at this address:</p>
<blockquote><a href="<?php 
    echo $strForums;
    echo htmlspecialchars("{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$strForums}");
<p>If you or your users have any problems while using your new community, stop by the <a href="http://www.ovbb.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3">OvBB Project Forums</a> to seek support.</p>
