function pageCode($aPage = array(), $aPageCont = array(), $aCss = array(), $aJs = array(), $bAdminMode = false, $isSubActions = true) { if (!empty($aPage)) { foreach ($aPage as $sKey => $sValue) { $GLOBALS['_page'][$sKey] = $sValue; } } if (!empty($aPageCont)) { foreach ($aPageCont as $sKey => $sValue) { $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][$aPage['name_index']][$sKey] = $sValue; } } if (!empty($aCss)) { $this->addCss($aCss); } if (!empty($aJs)) { $this->addJs($aJs); } if ($isSubActions) { $aVars = array('BaseUri' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri()); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubActions($aVars, $this->_oConfig->getMainPrefix() . '_title', false); } if (!$bAdminMode) { PageCode($this); } else { PageCodeAdmin(); } }
function _page($sTitle, $sContent) { global $_page, $_page_cont; $this->addCss('main.css'); $_page['name_index'] = 0; $_page['header'] = $_page['header_text'] = $sTitle; $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = $sContent; PageCode(); exit; }
function defaultPage($sTitle, $sContent, $iPageIndex = 7) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = $iPageIndex; $_page['header'] = $sTitle ? $sTitle : $GLOBALS['site']['title']; $_page['header_text'] = $sTitle; $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $sContent; PageCode(); }
/** * Function will generate default dolphin's page; * * @param : $sPageCaption (string) - page's title; * @param : $sPageContent (string) - page's content; * @return : (text) html presentation data; */ function getPage($sPageCaption, $sPageContent) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = 0; // set module's icon; $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubIconUrl(false === strpos($this->_sPageIcon, '.') ? $this->_sPageIcon : $this->getIconUrl($this->_sPageIcon)); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubHeader($sPageCaption); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = $sPageContent; PageCode($this); exit; }
function pageCode($sTitle, $isDesignBox = true, $isWrap = true) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = $isDesignBox ? 0 : $this->_iPageIndex; $_page['header'] = $sTitle ? $sTitle : $GLOBALS['site']['title']; $_page['header_text'] = $sTitle; $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $this->pageEnd(); if ($isWrap) { $aVars = array('content' => $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code']); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $this->parseHtmlByName('default_padding', $aVars); } $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addDynamicLocation($this->_oConfig->getHomePath(), $this->_oConfig->getHomeUrl()); PageCode($GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']); }
/** * Function will generate default dolphin's page; * * @param : $sPageCaption (string) - page's title; * @param : $sPageContent (string) - page's content; * @param : $sPageIcon (string) - page's icon; * @return : (text) html presentation data; */ function getPage($sPageCaption, $sPageContent, $sPageIcon = 'facebook-small-logo.png') { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iIndex = 54; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; // set module's icon; $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubIconUrl($this->getIconUrl($sPageIcon)); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubHeader($sPageCaption); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['css_name'] = 'face_book_connect.css'; $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sPageContent; PageCode($this); }
/** * Function will generate default dolphin's page; * * @param : $sPageCaption (string) - page's title; * @param : $sPageContent (string) - page's content; * @param : $sPageIcon (string) - page's icon; * @return : (text) html presentation data; */ function getPage($sPageCaption, $sPageContent, $sPageIcon = 'facebook') { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iIndex = 55; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; // set module's icon; $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubIconUrl(false === strpos($sPageIcon, '.') ? $sPageIcon : $this->getIconUrl($sPageIcon)); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubHeader($sPageCaption); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['css_name'] = 'face_book_connect.css'; $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = DesignBoxContent($sPageCaption, $sPageContent, 11); PageCode($this); }
function pageCode($sTitle, $isDesignBox = true, $isWrap = true, $isSubActions = true) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; if (null == $this->_oMain) { $this->_oMain = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxSitesModule'); } $_page['name_index'] = $isDesignBox ? 0 : $this->_iPageIndex; $_page['header'] = $sTitle ? $sTitle : $GLOBALS['site']['title']; $_page['header_text'] = $sTitle; if ($isWrap) { $aVars = array('content' => $this->pageEnd()); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $this->parseHtmlByName('default_padding.html', $aVars); } else { $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $this->pageEnd(); } if ($isSubActions) { $aVars = array('BaseUri' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri(), 'isAllowedAdd' => $this->_oMain->isAllowedAdd() ? 1 : 0); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubActions($aVars, 'bx_sites_title', false); } PageCode($this); }
function pageCode($sTitle, $isDesignBox = true, $isWrap = true) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $GLOBALS['BxDolTemplateJs'] = array(); $GLOBALS['BxDolTemplateCss'] = array(); $this->addCss($this->_aMobileCss); $this->addJs($this->_aMobileJs); $sOutput = $this->pageEnd(); if ($isDesignBox) { $aVars = array('content' => $sOutput); $sOutput = $this->parseHtmlByName('mobile_box.html', $aVars); } if ($isWrap) { $aVars = array('content' => $sOutput); $sOutput = $this->parseHtmlByName('mobile_page_padding.html', $aVars); } $iNameIndex = 11; $_page['name_index'] = $iNameIndex; $_page['header'] = $sTitle ? $sTitle : $GLOBALS['site']['title']; $_page_cont[$iNameIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sOutput; PageCode($this); }
function pageCode($aPage = array(), $aPageCont = array(), $aCss = array(), $aJs = array(), $bAdminMode = false, $isSubActions = true) { if (!empty($aPage)) { foreach ($aPage as $sKey => $sValue) { $GLOBALS['_page'][$sKey] = $sValue; } } if (!empty($aPageCont)) { foreach ($aPageCont as $sKey => $sValue) { $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][$aPage['name_index']][$sKey] = $sValue; } } if (!empty($aCss)) { $this->addCss($aCss); } if (!empty($aJs)) { $this->addJs($aJs); } if (!$bAdminMode) { PageCode($this); } else { PageCodeAdmin(); } }
/** //MOVE THIS FUNCTION TO!!! * Displays list of links, using current template * ( module should be included) * * @param string $pageHeaderText * * @param string $listHeaderText * * @param array of CHyperLink $links - array of URLs. Array length must be equal to $linksDescriptions length * * @return bool Returns true on success and false in case of any error */ function showLinksList($pageIndex, $pageHeaderText, $listHeaderText, $links) { global $_page_cont; global $_page; if (!class_exists('CHyperLink')) { return false; } if (!is_array($links) || count($links) == 0) { return false; } $pageMainCode = ''; $_page['header_text'] = $pageHeaderText; $pageMainCode .= $listHeaderText . '<br />'; foreach ($links as $hyperLink) { if (!is_a($hyperLink, 'CHyperLink')) { return false; } $pageMainCode .= $hyperLink->GetHTMLcode() . '<br />'; } $_page_cont[$pageIndex]['page_main_code'] = '<div align="center">' . $pageMainCode . '</div>'; PageCode(); return true; }
* Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - */ require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . '/classes/' . $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Module.php'; bx_import('BxDolPageView'); $oSpy = new BxSpyModule($aModule); // ** init some needed variables ; global $_page; global $_page_cont; //-- Define activity type --//; $sActivityType = ''; if (isset($_GET['spy_type'])) { switch ($_GET['spy_type']) { case 'profiles_activity': $sActivityType = 'profiles_activity'; break; case 'content_activity': $sActivityType = 'content_activity'; break; } } $iIndex = 0; $sPageCaption = _t('_bx_spy_notifications'); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCurrentProfileID($oSpy->iMemberId); $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['css_name'] = 'spy.css'; $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oSpy->getActivityPage($oSpy->iMemberId, $sActivityType); PageCode($oSpy->_oTemplate);
function check_login($ID, $passwd, $iRole = BX_DOL_ROLE_MEMBER, $error_handle = true) { $ID = (int) $ID; if (!$ID) { if ($error_handle) { login_form(_t("_PROFILE_ERR"), $member); } return false; } switch ($iRole) { case BX_DOL_ROLE_MEMBER: $member = 0; break; case BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN: $member = 1; break; } $aProfile = getProfileInfo($ID); // If no such members if (!$aProfile) { if ($error_handle) { login_form(_t("_PROFILE_ERR"), $member); } return false; } // If password is incorrect if (strcmp($aProfile['Password'], $passwd) != 0) { if ($error_handle) { login_form(_t("_INVALID_PASSWD"), $member); } return false; } if (!((int) $aProfile['Role'] & $iRole)) { if ($error_handle) { login_form(_t("_INVALID_ROLE"), $member); } return false; } if ((int) $aProfile['Role'] & BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN || (int) $aProfile['Role'] & BX_DOL_ROLE_MODERATOR) { if ('on' != getParam('ext_nav_menu_enabled')) { update_date_lastnav($ID); } return true; } // if IP is banned if (2 == getParam('ipBlacklistMode') && bx_is_ip_blocked() || 'on' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_enable') && 'block' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_behaviour') && bx_is_ip_dns_blacklisted('', 'login')) { if ($error_handle) { $GLOBALS['_page']['name_index'] = 55; $GLOBALS['_page']['css_name'] = ''; $GLOBALS['_ni'] = $GLOBALS['_page']['name_index']; $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][$GLOBALS['_ni']]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, your IP been banned')); PageCode(); } return false; } // if profile is banned if (isLoggedBanned($aProfile['ID'])) { if ($error_handle) { $GLOBALS['_page']['name_index'] = 55; $GLOBALS['_page']['css_name'] = ''; $GLOBALS['_ni'] = $GLOBALS['_page']['name_index']; $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][$GLOBALS['_ni']]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_member_banned')); PageCode(); } return false; } if ('on' != getParam('ext_nav_menu_enabled')) { update_date_lastnav($ID); } return true; }
function serviceResponceProtectURL($sURL) { if (!isLogged() && bx_get('oid') && bx_get('pwd')) { // in case of request from flash, cookies are not passed, and we have to set it explicitly $_COOKIE['memberID'] = bx_get('oid'); $_COOKIE['memberPassword'] = bx_get('pwd'); check_logged(); } if (!$this->serviceIsUrlAccessable($sURL, getLoggedId())) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = -1; $_page['header'] = _t("_bx_pageac_access_denied"); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t("_bx_pageac_deny_text")); PageCode(); exit; } }
function _error($sType, $sParam1 = '', $sParam2 = '') { header('Status: 404 Not Found'); header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iIndex = 13; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['header'] = _t("_sys_request_" . $sType . "_not_found_cpt"); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t("_sys_request_" . $sType . "_not_found_cnt", htmlspecialchars_adv($sParam1), htmlspecialchars_adv($sParam2))); PageCode(); exit; }
$sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenPostsOfCategory(); break; case 'show_calendar': $sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenBlogCalendar(); break; case 'show_calendar_day': $sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenPostCalendarDay(); break; case 'home': $sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenBlogHome(); break; case 'tags': $sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenTagsPage(); break; case 'share_post': $oBlogs->ActionSharePopup($_GET['post_id']); break; default: $sRetHtml .= $oBlogs->GenBlogLists('last'); break; } return $sRetHtml; } if ($oBlogs->_iVisitorID) { $sVisitorNickname = getUsername($oBlogs->_iVisitorID); $sVisitorBlogLink = $oBlogs->genBlogLink('show_member_blog_home', array('Permalink' => $sVisitorNickname, 'Link' => $oBlogs->_iVisitorID), '', '', '', true); $aOpt = array('only_menu' => 1, 'blog_owner_link' => $sVisitorBlogLink); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubActions($aOpt, 'bx_blogs', true); } PageCode($oBlogs->_oTemplate);
function getPageCode(&$aParams) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iIndex = isset($aParams['index']) ? (int) $aParams['index'] : 0; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['js_name'] = isset($aParams['js']) ? $aParams['js'] : ''; $_page['css_name'] = isset($aParams['css']) ? $aParams['css'] : ''; $_page['extra_js'] = isset($aParams['extra_js']) ? $aParams['extra_js'] : ''; check_logged(); if (isset($aParams['content'])) { foreach ($aParams['content'] as $sKey => $sValue) { $_page_cont[$iIndex][$sKey] = $sValue; } } if (isset($aParams['title']['page'])) { $this->setPageTitle($aParams['title']['page']); } if (isset($aParams['title']['block'])) { $this->setPageMainBoxTitle($aParams['title']['block']); } if (isset($aParams['breadcrumb'])) { $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomBreadcrumbs($aParams['breadcrumb']); } PageCode($this); }
function BxPmtHistoryPage($sType, &$oPayments) { parent::BxDolPageView('bx_pmt_history'); $this->_iVendorId = $sType == 'site' ? BX_PMT_ADMINISTRATOR_ID : BX_PMT_EMPTY_ID; $this->_oPayments =& $oPayments; } function getBlockCode_History() { return $this->_oPayments->getCartHistory($this->_iVendorId); } } global $_page; global $_page_cont; global $logged; $iIndex = 2; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['js_name'] = 'orders.js'; $_page['css_name'] = 'orders.css'; check_logged(); $sType = ''; if (isset($aRequest)) { $sType = process_db_input(array_shift($aRequest), BX_TAGS_STRIP); } $oPayments = new BxPmtModule($aModule); $oHistoryPage = new BxPmtHistoryPage($sType, $oPayments); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oHistoryPage->getCode(); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['more_code'] = $oPayments->getMoreWindow(); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['js_code'] = $oPayments->getExtraJs('orders'); $oPayments->_oTemplate->setPageTitle(_t('_payment_pcaption_cart_history')); PageCode($oPayments->_oTemplate);
function _onResultPage($aResult) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = isset($aResult['page_index']) ? (int) $aResult['page_index'] : 0; $_page['header'] = !empty($aResult['page_caption']) ? $aResult['page_caption'] : _t($this->_sLangsPrefix . 'pcpt_payment_result'); $_page['header_text'] = !empty($aResult['block_caption']) ? $aResult['block_caption'] : _t($this->_sLangsPrefix . 'bcpt_payment_result'); $sContent = $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('default_padding.html', array('content' => !empty($aResult['message']) ? MsgBox($aResult['message']) : '')); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = $sContent; PageCode($GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']); }
function serviceResponceProtectURL($sURL) { if (!$this->serviceIsUrlAccessable($sURL, getLoggedId())) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = -1; $_page['header'] = _t("_bx_pageac_access_denied"); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t("_bx_pageac_deny_text")); PageCode(); exit; } }
<?php /** * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - * CC-BY License - */ require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . '/classes/' . $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Module.php'; global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iId = isset($_COOKIE['memberID']) && ($GLOBALS['logged']['member'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) ? (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0; $iIndex = 57; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['css_name'] = ''; $_page['header'] = _t('_chat_page_caption'); $_page['header_text'] = _t('_chat_box_caption', $site['title']); $oChat = new BxChatModule($aModule); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oChat->getContent($iId); PageCode($oChat->_oTemplate);
$sStatus = bx_get('ActType') == 'active' ? 'active' : 'inactive'; $oAds->_oDb->setPostStatus($iAdID, $sStatus); $oAds->ActionPrintAdvertisement($iAdID); bx_import('PageView', $oAds->_aModule); $oAPV = new BxAdsPageView($oAds, $iAdID); $sRetHtml .= $oAPV->getCode(); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('BuyNow')) { $advId = (int) bx_get('IDAdv'); if ($advId > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->ActionBuyAdvertisement($advId); } } elseif (false !== bx_get('BuySendNow')) { $advId = (int) bx_get('IDAdv'); if ($advId > 0) { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->ActionBuySendMailAdvertisement($advId); } } else { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->getAdsMainPage(); } } else { $sRetHtml .= $oAds->getAdsMainPage(); } return $sRetHtml; } if ($oAds->_iVisitorID) { $aOpt = array('only_menu' => 1); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubActions($aOpt, 'bx_ads', true); } PageCode($oAds->_oTemplate);
function _onResultPage($aResult) { global $_page; global $_page_cont; $_page['name_index'] = 0; $_page['header'] = _t('_payment_pcaption_payment_result'); $_page['header_text'] = _t('_payment_bcaption_payment_result'); $_page_cont[$_page['name_index']]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox($aResult['message']); PageCode($GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']); }
$oPoll->_oTemplate->addPageKeywords($aPollInfo['poll_answers'], BX_POLL_ANS_DIVIDER); if (mb_strlen($sPageTitle) > $oPoll->sPollHomeTitleLenght) { $sPageTitle = mb_substr($sPageTitle, 0, $oPoll->sPollHomeTitleLenght) . '...'; } $sCode = $sInitPart . $oViewPoll->getCode(); } else { $oPoll->_oTemplate->displayPageNotFound(); } $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubHeader($sPageTitle); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sCode; } else { $oViewPoll = bx_instance($aModule['class_prefix'] . 'View', array($aPollSettings['action'], $aModule, $oPoll, $iPollId), $aModule); $sPageCaption = _t('_bx_poll_home'); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $sCode = $sInitPart . $oViewPoll->getCode(); } $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $sCode; break; case 'delete_poll': if ($iPollId) { $oPoll->deletePoll($iPollId); } $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oPoll->searchAll(); break; default: $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oPoll->searchAll(); } } PageCode($oPoll->_oTemplate);
function displayMsg($s, $bTranslate = false) { $sTitle = $bTranslate ? _t($s) : $s; $GLOBALS['_page'] = array('name_index' => 0, 'header' => $sTitle, 'header_text' => $sTitle); $GLOBALS['_page_cont'][0]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox($sTitle); PageCode(); exit; }
/*************************************************************************** * Dolphin Smart Community Builder * ----------------- * begin : Mon Mar 23 2006 * copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group * website : * This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder * * Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. * * * Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin, * see license.txt file; if not, write to ***************************************************************************/ require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . '/classes/' . $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Module.php'; global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iId = isset($_COOKIE['memberID']) && ($GLOBALS['logged']['member'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) ? (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'] : 0; $iIndex = 57; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $_page['css_name'] = 'main.css'; $_page['header'] = _t('_board_page_caption'); $_page['header_text'] = _t('_board_box_caption', $site['title']); $oBoard = new BxBoardModule($aModule); $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oBoard->getContent($iId, $aRequest[0]); PageCode($oBoard->_oTemplate);
function login_form($text = "", $member = 0, $bbAjaxMode = false) { global $site; global $_page_cont; global $_page; global $admin_dir; global $logged; global $dir_dir; global $dir; global $tmpl; global $l, $d; switch ($member) { case 0: $mem = _t("_Member"); $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join.php"; $forgot_page = "{$site['url']}forgot.php"; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/login_form.html"; break; case 1: $mem = 'Admin'; $table = 'Admins'; $login_page = "{$site['url_admin']}index.php"; $join_page = ''; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}{$admin_dir}/login_form.html"; break; case 2: $mem = "Affiliate"; $table = 'aff'; $login_page = "{$site['url_aff']}index.php"; $join_page = ''; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}{$admin_dir}/login_form.html"; break; case 3: $mem = "Moderator"; $table = 'moderators'; $login_page = "{$site['url']}moderators/index.php"; $join_page = ''; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}{$admin_dir}/login_form.html"; break; } $_page['header'] = "{$site['title']} " . _t("_Member Login"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Member Login"); // If path is divided with \\ (Windows) then use \\ instead of / $script_filename = strlen($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (strstr($script_filename, '/')) { $arr1 = split("/", $script_filename); $s1 = $arr1[count($arr1) - 2]; } elseif (strstr($script_filename, '\\\\')) { $arr1 = split("\\\\", $script_filename); $s1 = $arr1[count($arr1) - 3]; } if ($bbAjaxMode && $member == 0) { $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/login_form_ajax.html"; } elseif ($bbAjaxMode && $member == 1) { $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/base/login_form_ajax_a.html"; } $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = PageCompLoginForm($text, $member, $mem, $table, $login_page, $join_page, $forgot_page, $template); if ($bbAjaxMode == true && $member == 1) { print TopCodeAdmin(); print '<link href="' . $site['url_admin'] . 'styles/login_form_ajax.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'; print '<div style="border:0px solid #666;width:350px;margin:250px auto 0px;">'; print $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code']; print '</div>'; print BottomCode(); exit; } if ($bbAjaxMode) { // if ($member == 1) { // print TopCodeAdmin(); // print '<link href="'.$site['url_admin'].'styles/login_form_ajax.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'; // } print '<div style="border:0px solid #666;width:350px;margin:250px auto 0px;">'; print $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code']; print '</div>'; // if ($member == 1) { // print BottomCode(); // } exit; } if ($s1 != $admin_dir && $s1 != "aff" && $s1 != $dir_dir && $s1 != "events" && $s1 != "moderators") { $_page['name_index'] = 0; PageCode(); exit; } else { require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . ''; $_page['header'] = "{$site['title']} {$mem} Login"; TopCodeAdmin(); echo $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code']; if (strlen($text)) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> addEvent( window, 'load', function(){ alert( '<?php echo $text; ?> ' ); } ); </script> <?php } BottomCode(); } }
/** * Check profile existing, membership/acl, profile status and privacy. * If some of visibility options are not allowed then appropritate page is shown and exit called. * @param $iViewedId viewed member id * @param $iViewerId viewer member id * @return nothing */ function bx_check_profile_visibility($iViewedId, $iViewerId = 0, $bReturn = false) { global $logged, $site, $_page, $_page_cont, $p_arr; // check if profile exists if (!$iViewedId) { if ($bReturn) { return false; } $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->displayPageNotFound(); exit; } // check if viewer can view profile $bPerform = $iViewedId == $iViewerId ? FALSE : TRUE; $check_res = checkAction($iViewerId, ACTION_ID_VIEW_PROFILES, $bPerform, $iViewedId); if ($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && !$logged['admin'] && !$logged['moderator'] && $iViewerId != $iViewedId) { if ($bReturn) { return false; } $_page['header'] = "{$site['title']} " . _t("_Member Profile"); $_page['header_text'] = "{$site['title']} " . _t("_Member Profile"); $_page['name_index'] = 0; $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE]); PageCode(); exit; } bx_import('BxBaseProfileView'); $oProfile = new BxBaseProfileGenerator($iViewedId); $p_arr = $oProfile->_aProfile; // check if viewed member is active if (!($p_arr['ID'] && ($logged['admin'] || $logged['moderator'] || $oProfile->owner || $p_arr['Status'] == 'Active'))) { if ($bReturn) { return false; } header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->displayMsg(_t("_Profile NA")); exit; } // check privacy if (!$logged['admin'] && !$logged['moderator'] && $iViewerId != $iViewedId) { $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy('Profiles', 'ID', 'ID'); if (!$oPrivacy->check('view', $iViewedId, $iViewerId)) { if ($bReturn) { return false; } bx_import('BxDolProfilePrivatePageView'); $oProfilePrivateView = new BxDolProfilePrivatePageView($oProfile, $site, $dir); $_page['name_index'] = 7; $_page_cont[7]['page_main_code'] = $oProfilePrivateView->getCode(); PageCode(); exit; } } if ($bReturn) { return true; } }
$_page['extra_js'] = $oTemplConfig->sTinyMceEditorCompactJS; // --------------- page components $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $arrMember = getProfileInfo($memberID); //db_arr( "SELECT `Status` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID`=$memberID" ); if ($arrMember['Status'] == 'Active') { $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oGroups->PCCreateForm($memberID); } else { $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = _t('_You must be active member to create groups'); } break; //forms of editing //forms of editing case 'add_category': break; //non safe functions //non safe functions case 'create_blog': break; default: $_page['header'] = _t("_Groups Home"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Groups categories"); $_page['name_index'] = 74; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; list($sCategories, $sAllNewGroups) = $oGroups->GenIndexPageOfGroups(); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $sCategories; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_top_groups'] = $sAllNewGroups; break; } PageCode();
/*************************************************************************** * Dolphin Smart Community Builder * ----------------- * begin : Mon Mar 23 2006 * copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group * website : * This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder * * Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. * * * Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin, * see license.txt file; if not, write to ***************************************************************************/ require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES . $aModule['path'] . '/classes/' . $aModule['class_prefix'] . 'Module.php'; $oSimpleMessenger = new BxSimpleMessengerModule($aModule); // ** init some needed variables ; global $_page; global $_page_cont; $iIndex = 2; $_page['name_index'] = $iIndex; $sPageCaption = _t('_simple_messenger_privacy_settings_caption'); $_page['header'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageCaption; $_page['css_name'] = 'main.css'; $_page_cont[$iIndex]['page_main_code'] = $oSimpleMessenger->getPrivacyPage(); PageCode($oSimpleMessenger->_oTemplate);