<?php //============================================================================ // (c) 2009-2010, Eolya - All Rights Reserved. // This source code is the property of Eolya. // The license applying to this source code is available at : // http://www.crawl-anywhere.com/licenses/ //============================================================================ require_once "../../../init_gpc.inc.php"; require_once "../../../init.inc.php"; $action = POSTGET("action"); if ($action == "dropboxlinkstep1") { $callback = $config->get("dropbox.callbackurl"); $url = $config->get("crawlerws.rooturl"); $url .= "/?action=" . $action; $url .= "&callback=" . $callback; $xmlstr = readurl($url); try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); } catch (Exception $e) { $cLog->log("Error - sources_dropbox.ajax;inc.php - action = " . $action . " - invalid xml - " . $url . " - " . $xmlstr); } if ($xml->errno == '0') { $arr = array('status' => 'success', 'info_url' => (string) $xml->info_url, 'timestamp' => (string) $xml->timestamp); } else { $arr = array('status' => 'error'); } echo json_encode($arr); exit; } if ($action == "dropboxlinkstep2") {
if ($debug) { print "</br>" . $debug_msg; } exit; } $ret = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><result>"; $ret .= "<status>ok</status>"; $ret .= "<id>" . $id . "</id></result>"; echo $ret; exit; } //TODO: V4 if ($action == "delete_account") { $id = POSTGET("account_id"); $full_delete = false; if (POSTGET("full") == "1") { $full_delete = true; } $debug_msg = ""; $db = db_connect($config, "", "", ""); if ($db) { $stmt = new db_stmt_update("accounts"); $stmt->addColumnValue("deleted", "1"); $stmt->addColumnValue("deletedtime", "", NOW); $stmt->setWhereClause("id = '" . $id . "'"); $s = $stmt->getStatement(); $rs = $db->Execute($s); if (!$rs) { $ret = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><result>"; $ret .= "<status>ko</status></result>"; echo $ret;
<?php require_once "../init_gpc.inc.php"; require_once "../init.inc.php"; require_once "themes/theme.class.inc.php"; require_once "themes/" . $theme_name . "/theme_" . $theme_name . ".class.inc.php"; $theme = new Theme($config, $user, $id_account_current, $db); $uid = POSTGET("uid"); $oauth_token = POSTGET("oauth_token"); $not_approved = POSTGET("not_approved"); echo $theme->generateHtmlStart(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // onLoad $(document).ready(function(){ <?php if ($not_approved == 'true') { ?> $( '#token_uid', window.opener.document ).val('not_approved'); $( '#status_dropbox_step1_status', window.opener.document).html("<img src='images/error_12.png'> <span class='help'>Access to Dropbox was denied !</span>"); <?php } else { ?> $( '#token_uid', window.opener.document ).val('<?php echo $uid; ?> '); $( '#dropbox_continue', window.opener.document ).removeAttr("disabled");